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Integration of Smoking Cessation with Lung Cancer Screening: A Survey of Best Practices in the EU

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Jan P Van Meerbeeck

Variation of the Anti-Inflammatory Effect from Indomethacin on Acute and Chronic Inflammation Models

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Ma Adelina Jiménez-Arellanes

Pure Compounds and Organic Extracts from Mexican Medicinal Plants as a Source of Antimycobacterial or Antitubercular Agentes: Update Review

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Ma Adelina Jiménez-Arellanes

Effect of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Meal Based Diet on Performance of Broiler Chickens during Finishing Phase

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Domitila Njoki

Clinical and Histopathological Mismatch: A Case Report of Acral Fibromyxoma

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Monica Mishra

A Rare Case Report of Necrotizing Fungal Inflammation in a Case of Ganglion Cyst: A Clinical and Microscopic Mismatch

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Mishra Monica

Microscopic Needles in a Painful Elbow Swelling -A Case Report of Atypical Gout

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Monica Mishra

Health-Oriented Approach in Orthodontic Treatment of Adults Patient: Clinical Case

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Ivan Solop

Estimation Method of Suitable Initial Planting Density

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Zhongsheng Guo

Spatial Analytics Techniques: Concepts and Importance

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Karim Ennouri

A Systematic Review of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Associated with Sedentary Behavior in the Occupational Domain

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Abdulsalam Yakasai

Integration of Hec-Ras Hydraulic Model and Geographic Information System for Flood Vulnerability Modelling of Ogbese Catchment in Akure-North, Nigeria

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Surv Falade O Oluwole

Exploring the Phenomenon of Sadfishing among College Students

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Abdulsalam M Yakasai

Copper Chaperone for SOD1 (CCS) Transcript in Whole Blood: A Potential Indicator of Copper Deficiency in Sheep (Ovis Aries

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Jyotirmoy Ghosh

Clinical Features of Long Surviving Patients during Treatment for Multiple Myeloma

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Adele Delli Paoli

Salivary Calprotectin is a Marker for Periodontitis, Osteoporosis or Chronic Inflammation of Brain, Joints, Liver or Skin

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Donatini Bruno

Silent Epidemic: Chronic Kidney Disease Prevalence and Trends in Himachal Pradesh, India

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Randhir Singh Ranta

Stage-Dependent Release of Plasmodium Falciparum Homolog of T-Cell Immunomodulatory Protein and Association of Plasma Levels with Suppression of Macrophage-Inflammatory Protein-1 Chemokine Production in Infected Individuals

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The Aetiology of Ill Health among Urban Slum Communities in Nigeria: A Systematic Review

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Oluwasayo Olatunde

Morphological and Functional Characteristics of the Azores Fighting Cattle -A Review

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Fernando Moreira da Silva

Outcomes of Ablations Performed from the Coronary Venous System for Childhood Arrhythmias Using an Electroanatomic Mapping Method

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Şevket BALLI

Post-Thymectomy Onset of Morvan Syndrome in a Patient with Preexisting Isaac’s Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review

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Nithisha Thatikonda

Sodium Metabisulfite as a Food Additive: Mechanisms of Action and Health Implications

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N Malathi

Prophetic Appraisal of Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network Methods for Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane over Ni/MgO Catalyst

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A Retrospective Case Review and Risk Factor Analysis of Venous Thromboem bolism Patients in High-Altitude Areas

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Sun Xue

In Utero Exposure to Steroids and Neonatal Adrenal Insufficiency: A Retrospective Study

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Khubaib Ahmed

Real-Time Management of Erectile Dysfunction with Pde5 Inhibitors in Italy: Results of the Opti.M.E.D. Survey

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Giovanni Liguori

The Effect of Acupuncture Cupping Bubbling Therapy in the Treatment of Breast Cancer

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Yi-Ru Liu

Analysis of Curative Effect of TTT Combined with PRP Treatment Technique in Limb Salvage of DFU

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Assessing Physician Awareness of Ionizing Radiation Doses from Chest CT Scans during COVID-19 in Sanandaj Educational Centers

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Negar Abdi

A Study Discovered the Role of Carbon Dioxide in the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disorders

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Abdelrazak Mansour Ali

Impact of IDP® on Enhancing Immune Response to the Influenza Vaccine: A Dou ble-Blind, Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Pilot Study

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Rachel Page

Prevalence and Factors Associated with Anaemia among Zambian Women Aged 15-49 Years Old: Data Analysis of the 2018 Zambia Demographic and Health Surveys

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Given Chipili

Numerous Extra-Articular Rheumatoid Synovitis Cyst Formations in Ipsilateral Forearm and Hand - A Case Report

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Jike Lu

Impact of Socioeconomic Determinants on Cost of Care and Quality of Life in Parkinson's disease

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Michael Mounié

The Effects of Subtle Scent of 1, 8-Cineole and (-)-Bornyl acetate on Mood, Cognition, and Behavior in the Elderly

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Seiko Goto

Review of Heat Transfer Performance and Application Research of Primary Surface Heat Exchangers

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MA Gen

Chlorophyllum Molybdites Poisoning in Singapore

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Kristopher Kow

Multiparametric Analysis of the Skin Barrier of C57BL/6J Hairy and SKH1 Hairless Mice

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Franciska Erdő

Assessment of Sanitation and Hygiene Compliance and Identified Risk Factors Associated with Occupational Hazards in Some Veterinary Clinics and Hospitals in Ibadan

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Fasanmi Olubunmi

A Case Report of Vitreous and Subretinal Hemorrhage Causing Central Scotoma Monitored Via a Vision App

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Daniel Uribe

Forensic Genealogy: A Powerful Investigation Tool for Resolving the Cold Cases

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Shahid Muhammad Cholistani

Valaciclovir and/or Coriolus Versicolor Decreases the Risk of Transformation of Asymptomatic Monoclonal Gammapathies into Proliferative Disorders

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Donatini Bruno

The Opinions of Medical Faculty Students on the Levels of Genetic Knowledge

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Bilgin Kıray Vural

Effect of Exposure to Ethanol and Malnutrition on Oxidative Stress in Pregnant Rats and Adult Offspring Exposed in Utero

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Eduardo Festozo Vicente

Assessing the Impact of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.), Prosopis Pods (Prosopis Juliflora), and Soybean (Glycine Max)-Based Diets on Bee Performance and Nutritional Value

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Haron Juma Masai

The Enhancement Performance of Bio Solar Cells by using Gold Nanoparticles

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Rasul Ajeian

Biological Evidence for Crime Investigation

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Hariom Rajput

Temporal Analysis of No2 in Atmosphere of Delhi and its Effect on Ambient Air Quality: A Review from 2020 to 2023

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Manas Kumar Jha

How a British Virologist Blocked the Recognition That HIV Was the Cause of Aids While His Collaborator Delayed the Introduction of HIV Screening for Financial Gains

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Abraham Karpas

Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Hookworm and Anemia among Preg nant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Dabat Primary Hospital and Debark General Hospital, Northern Ethiopia

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Gebre Ayanaw Alula

Late Replantation of Avulsed Permanent Incisor: A Case Report

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Keila Lais Carrera da Hora

Sociology of Drug Addiction and Drug Induced Behaviour

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Pintu Majumdar

Diurnal and Nocturnal Regulation of Intraocular Pressure and Aqueous Humor Outflow Facility in Mice

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Sam Yacoub

Designing Preventive Care Bundles for Pediatric Primary Care Dental Clinics

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William J Riley

A Review: Role of X-rays, CT-scan, and Photographic Analysis for the Identification of Traumatic Injuries on Skeletal Remains in Forensic Anthropology

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Muhammad Shahid Cholistani

Uncommon Presentation of Giant Gluteal Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report

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Fatima Zahrae Benchekroun

An Unusual Presentation of Giant Pilomatricoma and Diagnostic Challenges: A Case Report

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Fatima Zahrae Benchekroun

Ceftobiprole Medocaril

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Ahlam Ayyad

Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Patients With Hematological Malignancies Significantly Worsens Long-Term Mortality and Morbidity. Results of An 8-year Retrospective Cohort With Long-Term Follow-Up

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Klouche Kada

The Other Side of Stalking and Biological Damage: An Analysis of Judicial Stalking and False Victimization Syndrome

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Mariangela Boccardi

Enhancing Educational Inclusivity for Autistic Children: The Imperative of Indi vidualization and Personalization in AI Tools

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Peter Adeniyi Alaba

Influence of Pulsed Current Parameters on the Structure Formation of Amorp hous Co-W Alloys and their Thermal Stability

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Tytarenko Valentina

Phytochemical Constituents in Essential Oil of Cymbopogon Citratus and Explor ing the Potential of Antifungal Activity for Management of Phytopathogenic Fungi

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AK Shukla

Intravascular Lithotripsy in Stent Failure in Calcified Vessel in Acute MI Setting

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Punish Sadana

Machine Learning in Neurocritical Care – Overview, Pitfalls, and Potential Solutions

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Alok Dabi

The Effect of Music on Decreasing of Adaptation Difficulty in Alzheimer’s Patients: Randomized Controlled Study

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Münevver KIYAK

Empowering Incarcerated Individuals: Solution-Focused Therapy for Reducing Tobacco Smoking Dependency Behaviour among Correctional Inmates in Oyo State, Nigeria

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Omopo Oluwaseun Emmanuel

Normative Anthropometric Analysis of Linear Body Dimensions: A Prospective Approach to the Design of Negroid Anatomical Models

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MA Amadi

Erectile Dysfunction and Associated Factors among Adult Diabetic Patients in Jimma Medical Center, Southwest, Ethiopia, 2023:Cross-Sectional Study Design

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Redwan Shifa

Normative Value of Linear Craniofacial Parameters in Ijaws Resident in Port Har court

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MA Amadi

The Mucocutaneous Junction at the Lip and a Comparison with other Junction Sites: A Mini-Review

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Kitamura Kei

Effects of a Dietary Supplement Containing Salacia Extract, Citrus Bioflavonoids, and Trivalent Chromium on Markers of Glucose Control and Quality of Life: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study

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Kimberly Biedermann

Identification of Apposite Antagonists of Pro-Survival Bcl-2 from Morus alba in the Fight against Human Malignancies: An In Silico Approach

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Emmanuel Sunday Omirin

Theoretical Studies of the Electronic and Thermoelectric Properties of PrIn3 and NdIn3 in Cubic Phase

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WU Rahman

Factors Affecting Time to Return to a Normal Level of Hba1c Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Hawassa, Ethiopia

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Melisew W Wuchew

Bioequivalence Study of a Newly Developed Ibuprofen Arginine 600 Mg Tablet Formulation versus Ibuprofen Arginine 600 Mg Granules in Healthy Volunteers

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Chiara Leuratti

A New Type of Anesthesia for Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair: 3 Cases Report

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Feng Jiang

Recent Advances of Phytochemicals and Their Applications for Antiviral Therapy

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Ajoy Kanti Mondal

Prediction of the Soil-Water Distribution Coefficient from Theoretical Derived Molecular Descriptors

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Mohammad Hossein Fatemi

Investigation of the Characteristics and Performance of Compatibilized PLA/P CL Blends and Their Nanocomposites with Nanocalcium Carbonate

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Mohammadmahdi Negaresh

Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity and Associated Factors among School Aged Children in Bonga Town, Southwest Ethiopia, 2023

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Sintayehu Bezabih Bekele

Mimicking Occlusal Anatomy Using Innovative Stamp Technique: Case Series

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Roj Raj

Analyzing Power of Eyewear for Individual Identification

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Saraswath Ruchita Sharma

Assessment of Health and Hygiene Parameters in Educational Institutions: A Case Study of District Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir

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Sajad Hussain

Clinical and Paraclinical Profile of Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis in Burkina Faso

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Djingri Labodi Lompo

Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing the Utility of Video Physical Exam dur ing ED to Inpatient Handoff for Patients with Bronchiolitis Admitted on High Flow Nasal Cannula

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Gabriela Ocampo

Related Factors of Mother-To-Child HIV Transmission: A Prospective Study in an Giang Province

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Quang Hien Tran

Factors Associated with Non-and Incomplete Vaccination Among Children Aged 12-23 Months in Gindhir Rural District, Southeast Ethiopia: A Multinomial Analysis

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Geremew Tsegaye Mulugeta

A Case Report on Pleomorphic Adenoma of Hard Palate

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Joseph Nisha

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Smartphone Apps for Melanoma Detection: A Comprehensive Review

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Toktam Zoughi

Baseline Study of Cassava Seed Business among Youths in Anambra State, Nigeria: A Gender Situation Analysis

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Udemezue JC

Enhancing the Esthetic of Metallic Removable Partial Denture Using Axial Attachment: A Case Report

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Sana Bekri

Fertility Desire and Associated Factors among Women on Anti-Retroviral Therapy in the Lideta Sub-City Health Centers

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Abebe Massreshaw

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Tunisian Dentists regarding the Use of Herbal Medicine in Endodontic Practice: A Cross-Sectional Study

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Mayada Jemâa

Cytological Effect of Viral Infection Associated with Yellow Streak Symptoms on Agave Tequilana

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R De La Torre-Almaraz

Perceptions of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Care by Providers at a Tertiary Care Center in the United States

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Cassidy Boomsma

Exploring the Efficiency and Feasibility of Tin/Al2O3 /p-Si MIS Devices: A Critical Review and Analysis

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Slah Hlali

Sézary Syndrome: A Documented Case at Yalgado Ouédraogo University Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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Koulidiati Jérôme

Unlocking Neurodegeneration: Scaffold-Derived Blockers of MAO-B and AChE Inspired by Bryophyllum pinnatum: A Structural Exploration

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Olugbogi Ezekiel Abiola

Dosing Time-Dependency of the Arthritis-Inhibiting Effect of Tofacitinib in Mice

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Hideto To

Screening of Visual Pathway in Patients Suffering from Guillain Barre by Visual Evoked Potential

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Seyed Mohammad Masoud Shushtarian

A Brief Report on the Safety and Efficacy of Gentian Violet for Infant Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (OPC) and Maternal Nipple Candidiasis

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Frank J Nice

Nutritional Value and Chemical Composition of Selected Fodders; Feed Intervention in Smallholder Dairy Farms in Kenya

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Caleb Wanyiri Oktoto

Effect of Selected Fodder Intervention on Milk Yield in Friesian Dairy Cows in Selected Counties in Kenya

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Caleb Wanyiri Oktoto

Why Hydrogen Peroxide-Producing Proteins are Not Suitable Targets for Drug Development

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Vehary Sakanyan

Isotretinoin May Decrease the Risk of Periodontitis and the Risk of CMV-Or of HPV-Infection

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Donatini Bruno

Phytotherapy: A Complementary Approach in Endodontic Management

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Mayada Jemâa

Treatment of Intrabony Defects with Enamel Matrix Derivative Proteins Using Minimally Invasive Surgical Approaches to Papilla Preservation: A Systematic Review with Metanalysis

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Eduardode Farias Barbosa

Replacement of Missing Teeth: Comparing Factors That Motivate Male Denture Wearers with their Female Counterpart among Selected Group of Nigerian

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Henshaw Imasuen

Innovative Method for Treating Diabetes: Cancer Medicines Show Great Possibility in Treating Type-1 Diabetes

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Biofilm and Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Multi Drug Resistant Bacterial Uropathogens: A Challenge to Antibiotic Therapy in Nepal

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Shreejeet Shrestha

Maintenance Hemodialysis Exacerbate Aluminum and Arsenic Toxicity in Chronic Kidney Disease Patient

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Abdorrahim Absalan

Bioactivity of Plant Extracts Against Fusarium Oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersici Sacc.) Causing Wilt Disease of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L) in the Southern Guinea Savannah, Nigeria

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Gwa VI

The Mastitis Carcinomatosa vs. Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma with Osteoclastic Giant Cell Reaction: A Case Report

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Nabanita Banerjee

Artificial Intelligence in the Criminal Justice

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Aditya Kumar

Unveiling Natures Arsenal: Harnessing Entada africana's Methanol Bark Extract to Combat Malarial infection Through Heme Polymerase Inhibition

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Olusola AO

Approach to and Management of a Adynamic Bone Disease in Hemodialysis Patients-A Review

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Shobhana Nayak-Rao

Type1 Heavy-Tailed Mixture Cure Rate Survival Model Based on a Variant of T-X Family of Distribution as Baseline

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Ligeiaziba sylva

Assessment of Lebanese Private Schools’ Preparedness for Medical Emergencies, with a Focus on School Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study

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Marianne Moussallem

Sound-Sensitive Molecules

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Jan Myjkowski

Omicron SARS-CoV-2: The Newest Variant

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Mohamed I Husseiny

A Case of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Associated with Wolf Parkison White Syndrome

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Alioune Tabane

Journey of a Beginner for Transradial Approach of Coronary Angiography; First One Year Personal Experience

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Saha Bishnu Pada

Marsupialization Technique in Sublingual Ranula Treatment: Clinical Case Report

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Rangel Teles Freire

Characterizations of Cu2FeSnSe4 Thin Films Synthesized from Nanoparticles Powder

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Louardi Yandjah

The role of homologous serum eye drops in the management of scleral melting after proton beam therapy, a case report

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Miriam Gallo Afflitto

Prevalence and Determinants of Stunting and Wasting Among Under-Five-Aged Children in North Gondar Zone, Northern Ethiopia

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Gebre Ayanaw Alula

Determinants of Informal Recycling Behavior among Urban Dwellers in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

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Menuka Karki

Ecological Risk Assessment of Desalination Plants Discharges on the Marine Environment Red Sea, Egypt

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Eman MFM Abd-El Halium

Comprehensive Study of Various Chemical Samples in Forensic Toxicology: Focus on Urine Sample

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Aditya Kumar

Entomological Observations on a Decomposing Pig (Sus scrofa) in Nebraska: Late Spring to Early Summer

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Leon Higley

Transboundary Water Pollution in Ghana: Addressing the Environmental Footprint of Illegal Mining through Legal and Policy Solutions

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Dunee Donatus

Leveraging Electronic Medical Records for Legal Compliance and Improved Reimbursement Efficiency

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Nisar Faria

Sigmoid Vaginoplasty in Patient with Complete Androgen Insensitivity: Technique and Outcomes

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On the Self-Organization of Dielectric Barrier Discharges

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VV Parashchuk

In-vitro Regeneration in Maize (Zea Mays L.) from Mature Embryo

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Obara Justus Anyieni

Pulmonary Congestion Dynamics According to Inter-Dialytic Intervals in Hemodialysis

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Kaysi Saleh

Haosmc Growth on Various Sustainable Nano/Micropatterned Surface Topographies Utilising Reusable Surface Templatin

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Acar Yasemin

Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma, an Updated Review

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Abi Chakra Nour

The Efficiency and Safety of a Resveratrol and Alpha Lipoic Acid Combination in the Prevention of Gestational Diabetes Related Complications: A Retrospective Clinical Trial

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Rossana G Iannitti

Idol from within

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Lev Tsitolovsky

Complex Decongestive Therapy and Additional Physiotherapy in Male Breast Cancer: A Case-Report

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Eidenberger Margit

Immunity to Anaplasma marginale and Recent Advances in Vaccine Development

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Leticia Santos Pimentel

The Sensory Attributes Potentiating Effect of Mid-Infrared Rays on Moringa Leaf

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Formulation and Evaluation of Clindamycin Peel-Off Gel Face Mask against Acne Vulgaris

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Maharjan Sajan

The Development of a Classification System for the Treatment of Scoliosis by the Side Shift Approach

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Betts Tony

Theory of Mind Understanding and Socioeconomic Status

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Nazilla Shojaeian

Value of Sugarcane Stalks in the Diet of Small Ruminants: Comparison of Protein Enrichment with Saccharomyces cerevisiae Produced By Solid-State Fermentation versus Protein Supplementation with Soybean Mea

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Harry Archimède

Urinary Stone and its Associated Factors in Northern Ethiopia

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Hailay Abrha

Using Motivational Interviewing in Drug Management: The Determinants, Progression, and Outcome

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Ayankola Ayantunde

The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Growth Performance, Rumen Fermentation, and Rumen Microbiota Structure of Yaks: An Analysis Using the Supplemented 2.5kg Concentrate Level as an Example

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Shen Di

Case of the Algerian Oasis after its Invasion by Modern Irrigation Techniques; Example of the Oasis of Beni Ounif in Southwest Algeria

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Rezzoug C

The cause of Alzheimer's Disease & Relative Dementias is Brain Information Processing Impairments

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Emanuel Diamant

Horizontal Natural Product Transfer: The Origin of the Widespread Alkaloidal Contaminations of Herbal Products

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Dirk Selmar

Monodora Myristica Protects Against Oxidative Stress in the Drosophila Melanogaster Model of Lead-Induced Neurotoxicity

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Chinna N Orish

Mobile Based Cognitive Retraining In Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Single Case Study

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Paul Amala

Linear Support Vector Machine Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Control System Architecture for Transtibial Osteomyoplastic Amputees

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Garikayi Talon

Diagnosis and Treatment of Atypical Thoracic Outlet Syndrome*

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Tingxiu Cheng

Protected Viticulture for Sustainable Grape Production to Cope with the Adverse Effects of Climate Change

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Hussain Bushra

Effect of “BEAUTYCOFFEE” on Body Weight A Pilot Study in Patients with Obesity

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Hamoud Shadi

Examine Vaping Behavior, Perception and Experience of E-cigarette Smokers in Bangladesh: A Cross Sectional Study During Covid 19

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Sifat E Rabbi

Sugarcane Agro-Industrial Health and Safety with Particular Focus on Sudan: A Systematic Literature Review

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Abdelmotalab Fadlelmola Kheiralla

Imaging in Children with Febrile Urinary Tract Infections

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Boris Ajdinovic

Radiological Assessment of Rock Samples from Asir mountain in Abha and Al-Baha region, Saudi Arabia

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Fares soad

Effects of High-Intensity Circuit Training on Body Composition and Selected Cardiovascular Parameters in Overweight and Obese Children Aged 9-12

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Gątarski Michał

Vibration of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Resting on Elastic Foundation with Magnetic and Thermal Effects under the Influence of Casimir Force

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Yinusa Ahmed

Transgenic Expression of Sugarcane Mosaic Virus VPg in Maize Inbred Line CML444 Confers Resistance to Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease

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Obara Justus

Assessment of Knowledge and Practice of Mothers Towards Iycf and Uptake of Integrated Nutrition Intervention Package in Rwanda

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Habineza Marc

Assessment of Nutritional Support and its Correlation with Outcome of Critically Ill Children

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Nagwan Y Saleh

Quantum Quench Dynamics in DNA Molecules at Finite Temperatures

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Singha Roy Subhamoy

Trends and Day-of-the-Week Effects Decomposition in the Mean and Dispersion in the Number of Subjects Testing Positive for COVID-19 in the UK in 2020

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Abdelmajid Djennad

Comparative Assessment of De Novo Genome Assemblers for Generating Eukaryotic Primary Genome Assembly from Short Reads

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Santhosh Ameya

A Single-Center Experience in Alport Syndrome

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Saritaş Hazen

Acetylated Bovine Whey Supplement Superseded the Hepatoprotective Action of NAC Drug in Iron Overloaded Rats

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Nassar Ahmed

Accidental Ammonia Gas Leakage in a Cold Storage : A Case Report

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A Review of the Effects of Intensive Poultry Production on the Environment and Human Health

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Asif Raihan

Which Blood Group is More Anemic: Five Years of Retrospective Experience

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akidağı zeynep

Outcomes Following Debridement, Antibiotics, and Implant Retention with the Exchange of Modular Components in Hip Periprosthetic Joint Infections

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Motomi Ishibe

Mathematical Analysis on the Design of Heliostat Field

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Bin Zhao

Explorations of the Combined Effects of Surface Energy, Initial Stress and Nonlocality on the Dynamic Behaviour of Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid Resting on Elastic Foundations in a Thermo-Magnetic Environment

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Sobamowo Gbeminiyi

Evolutionary Analysis of the TLR Genes in Ten Fishes

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Cui Qinghua

Socio-Economic and Health Status of Rag Pickers in the Dump Site of Mekelle City, Northern Ethiopia

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Mulu Gebreslassie

Smoking and Male Infertility ׃ A comprehensive Review

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Hameed Mahrukh

Antibodies Anti-Proteins of Larrea Divaricata Cav. Present Opsonic Capacity on Candida Albicans Atcc 36801 and Neutralize its Cytotoxic and Immunoevasive Properties

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Andrea Celeste Isaguirre

Spinal Muscular Atrophy-Type1, Unraveling the tapestry from highly inbred region of North India

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Bhat Gh Rasool

Food Habits and Factors Affecting Food Intake Among College Students in Kuwait

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Alkandari Sharifa

Temporomandibular Disorders: Assessment of the Knowledge and Current Practices of Senegalese Dentists

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Lecor Papa Abdou

Assessment of Changes in Clinical Management of Cervical Cancer Patients in Light of New Staging Criteria

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Prakash Ujwala

Anthropometric Data of Nigerian Agro Equipment Operators

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Bin Zhao

Comparison of Physicochemical and Binding Properties of Novicel™ Microcrystalline Cellulose and Avicel® PH 101 in Direct Compression of Ascorbic Acid Tablets

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Angupale Jimmy Ronald

Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence in Veterinary Medicine of Small Species

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Francisco Jimenez Trejo

Recurrent Ophthalmic Eczema Herpeticum with Hyper Immunoglobulin E Syndrome in A 4 Years-Old Boy

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Stefan Bittmann

Radiographic Outcomes of FDBA Block Graft for Maxillary Ridge Augmentation: A Case Report

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s anusha

The Challenge of Rapid Data Collection and Health Promotion: A Quick and Easy Approach

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Glenn Laverack

Bioequivalence Studies of Two Formulations of Rivaroxaban 10 Mg Coated Tablets under Fasting Conditions and 20 Mg Coated Tablets Under Fed and Fast Conditions And its Pharmacokinetic Comparison In Healthy Subjects

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Carlos Eduardo Sverdloff

Case Report: Pyoderma Gangrenosum in IBD Treated with Tofacitinib

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Ravi Shankar Bagepally

7,8-Dihydroxyflavone Affects Cellular Behavior of PC12 Cells

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Stefan Wiese

Feed Intake and in Vivo Digestibility of Dominant Forage of Natural Pasture Supplemented with Acacia albida Leaves in Arab Ewes

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Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis after Ceftriaxone Exposure: A Case Report and Literature Review

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Habes Yousef Mahmoud Nimer

A Case Report of Rapidly Progressing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in 31 Year Old Patient with Sympathovagal Imbalance

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Taha Alam

Dento-Supported Impressions in Fixed Prosthesis: Study by Cap Survey of Burkinabe Dental Surgeons

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Tackling Aggravated Climatic Civil and Meteorological Aviation Weather Challenges Through Technology Transmission (Tacmwc

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Kumar Gupta Dr. Harish

The Impact of Exploring Chromosome Philadelphia like on the Prognosis of Children and Teenager ALL

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Chaimae El Mahdaoui

Dosimetric Comparison between Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy versus Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Treatment Plans for Breast Cancer

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Rahman Mahfuzur

Awareness towards Dental and Oral Health among Parents of Children Undergoing Anti-Cancer Treatment

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Halperson Elinor

The Therapeutic Use of Low Intensity Laser in Temporomandibular Disorders: Literature Review

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Gonsalves Thaina

Effect of Pesticides on Human Health

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Dubey Atul Kumar

Radiomics, PET-PSMA and Machine Learning for Intraprostatic Cancer Diagnosis

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Freitas DMO

Impacts of Poverty and Artisanal Mining on Municipal Water Utilities; the Case of Kpapi River in Minna, Nigeria

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Dukiya Jaiye

Association of ACE I/D rs4646994 and ACE2 rs2285666 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Bangladeshi People

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Islam Mohammad Riazul

Carbon Nanocomposites Deposition under Laser Breakdown from Liquid Toluene

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II Rakov

Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression Among Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh

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Nahid Mizan

A Retrospective Study in DUE and ATC/DDD Evaluation of Antibiotics in Specific Departments of a Tertiary Care Hospital

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KV Surya Teja

Efficacy of Standardized Ginger Extract in Subjects with Occasional Constipation: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel, Placebo-Controlled Study

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Thomas Jestin

Central Obesity, Physical Activity, Basal Metabolism, and Body Composition in Adults: A Systematic Review

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Israel Ríos-Castillo

Activated Charcoal and Derivate Materials in Drugs and Biopharmaceutical Purification: Impurity Aspects

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A Literature Review for Improving the Solubility of Poorly Water-Soluble Drug

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Nijhu Rajia sultana

Study to Find Clinical Characteristics of ABPA in Patients of Severe Bronchial Asthma and Its Relation with Serum Ige Level at Teriary Care Center North India

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Anand Kumar

Effect of ultrasound on bond strength and penetration of resin and ionomeric cements used for fiberglass post cementation

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Honório Heitor Marques

A Bioequivalence Study of Two Formulations of Lacosamide

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Zava Dario

Comparative Assessment of Chest X-ray Interpretations by AI Model and Radiologist Vs Pulmonologist in Predicting the Clinical Status of Covid-19 Pneumonia Patients

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Albastaki Usama

Fat Accumulation on the Stomach and Its Effects on Sleep

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Masni Alsaeed

Successfully Treatment of Dental Fluorosis using the Simple Technique of Enamel Microabrasion

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Wided Glii

Immunoprophylaxis against Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections

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M Bosheva

Review on Transdermal Drug Delivery System-Focus on Innovative 2 Transdermal Dosage Forms

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Bhoge Durga

Being in the Grip of Bulimia: New Evidence on how Bulimia Relates to Addictive Behavior

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Michelle Sovinsky

Unfolded Protein Response in Cereals, A Dynamic Signaling Pathway Involved in Response to Environmental Stresses

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Increasing CD8+ T Cells and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines is associated with Hypersensitivity Reactions in People Living with HIV-1 under Antiretroviral Treatment

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Akadiri Yessoufou

Improving Existing Waste Management Practices: Comparing the Effectiveness of Recycling Systems Between a Private International School and a Public School

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Katie Chu

Incessant Supraventricular Tachycardia in a Newborn Treated with Combined Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy

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Eyup Aslan

Evaluation of a Theory-Based Behavior Change Intervention to Increase HIV Self-Testing Uptake and Linkage to HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment Among Hard-to-Reach Populations in Northern Tanzania

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Njau B

Modified Montage-Type Bronchoplasty with Complete Pulmonary Preservation

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Yoshio Tsunezuka

Histomorphological Features of Sarcoidosis - 4 Year Study in a Tertiary Care Center, South Kerala

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Lakshmi K

Advance Indexed Model Analysis of Heavy Metals Pollution of River Ureje, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria

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Tope B Ibigbami

Advanced Oxidation Plasma Air Purification to Mitigate Hospital and Restroom Odor Issues

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Dr. Manisha Kedare

Studying the Infrared Spectroscopy and Structural Properties of Compounds Fluoride that Blotched by in

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Ahmad Khoudro

Electronic Devices (Wcr) and Covid-19 Vaccine Adr: Myocarditys and Pericarditis - Epidemiology and Physiology of an Interesting Phenomena Hypotesys of Work

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Luisetto M

Superficial CD34-Positive Fibroblastic Tumor: First Case Report from Latin-America and Review of the Literature

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Juan Ramírez Moreno

A Selected Case of Achalasia Treated with Botulinum Toxin Case Presentation

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Zaim Gashi

Does Body Mass Index Influence the Onset and Prognosis of Colorectal Cancer?

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Maria Sofia

CCR5 Promoter SNP Genotype in HIV Seropositive Infants on Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda: Association with Virological Failure

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Immaculate Nankya

The Effect of the Morphology Optimization of Precursor with Different Nickel Content on the Performance of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials

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Qiangqiang Tan

Review on MALDI TOF MS: Modern Disease Diagnosis Approaches in Microbiology and its Mechanism

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Abdi Ahmed Umer

Beyond Mosquito Vectors: A Typical Transmission Routes of Dengue Virus

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Jintao Li

Adherence to Antiretroviral Medication and Factors Affecting it Among HIV-- Positive Patients Receiving it at Adama General Hospital

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Takele Achalu Dengela

Citrus Jabara Juice Diminishes Allergic Airway Inflammation in an Ovalbumin (OVA)-Induced Murine Asthma Model

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Yasushi Ohno

Evaluation of Different High Tunnel Protection Methods for Quality Banana Production in Bangladesh

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Choudhury Shormin

A Rare Case of Vaginal Endometrioma

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Brinderjeet Kaur

Right Atrial Myxoma with Critical Triple Vessel Disease: A Case Report

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Kumar Narendra

Mathematical Modeling of Pathological Processes in Alzherimer’s Disease

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Krupska Aldona

Multivariate Multiple Regression Models Based on Principal Component Factor Scores to Predict Bodyweight from Morphometric Traits in a Population of Indigenous Sheep in Ethiopia.

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Kebede Kefelegn

A Case Report of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction With Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: an Economical and Beneficial Investigative Algorithm

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Yan Li

Treatment of pulp and paper mill effluent by the coagulation-flocculation process

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Saidi Neila

Bioequivalence Study of Two 80 Mg Valsartan Tablets Formulations in Healthy Chinese Subjects Under Fasting and Fed Condition

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Bismuth Mass Fraction Determination in Thin Films by an ICP-AES Validated Method and Uncertainty Estimation

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Atef Atyaoui

Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Louse Infestation and Associated Factors, Among Prisoners of Jimma Town Prison South Western Ethiopia

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Achalu Takele

Determination method of manganese peroxidase during straw degradation

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Yang Hongpeng

Genetic Relatedness and Characterization of O25b-B2-ST131, in Stool Isolates of Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin-Resistant Escherichia Coli Strains in Healthy Children under 10 Years of Age

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MOhabati Mobarez Ashraf

Denture Barcoding - The Clever Way

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Grover Chhavi

Effectiveness of a Brief Diabetes Risk Assessment Instrument for Detecting Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Among High-Risk Ethnic Communities in West Africa

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Alaofe Halimatou

GMP-Compliant Production of a Fluorescent Antibody for in vivo Molecular Endoscopy in a Phase I/IIa Clinical Study in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients

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Klösel Ilona

Simvastatin Manifold Emulsion Preparation and Evaluation: 32 Factorial Design ApproachArticle

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Dilip A Patil

Stroke Mimics: Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Suggestive Clinical Manifestations of Ischemic Stroke

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Francesca Rossi

Antiradical and Antibacterial Activities of The Ethanolic Extract of Terminalia Avicennioides Guill. and Perr. (Combretaceae) from Chad

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Effectiveness of a Community-based Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program to the Elderly Recovered from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19

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Choi Ching Man

High levels of anxiety in pregnant women, major neglect in the pandemic Covid- 19

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Safoura Taheri

Clinico - Etiological and Hematological Profile of Severe Anemia in Pediatric Population Aged 1-13 Years at A Tertiary Care Cent

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Foram A Patel

Falsely Low HbA1c Unmasking a Latent HbE Defec

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Multiple intracerebral hemorrhagic lesions complicating minimal cranioencephalic trauma in a child with severe hemophilia A, trisomy 21 and sickle cell trait carrier: a case report

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TOURE Sokhna

Telemedicine: the future of Humanitarian health sector

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Lodi Chiara

Evaluation of tacrolimus blood concentration variability after oral, sublingual and enteral route administration, in adult transplant recipients hospitalized in a critical care unit

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Montoro-Ronsano José-Bruno

Supercapsular Percutaneously-Assisted Approach Versus Conventional Posterolateral Approach for Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study

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Fengping Gan

A rare case of levofloxacin-induced fatal hypoglycemia in a non-diabetic patient with the review of literature

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Panchal Dr. Yash

The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Treatment of Insomnia

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Singh Ankul

Taking medicine in the right way: Most important but most neglected

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Abdul Kader Mohiuddin

Penicillin-Streptomycin Induces Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Differentiation into Cardiomyocytes through MAPK signal pathway

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Feng Su

The Use of Silver Nanoparticles Prepared by The Green Method to Reduce The Concentration of Nickel in Water

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Allehyani saud

Erythodermic Psoriasis Succesfully Treated with Guselkumab

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Turkmen Meltem

Effects of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on haematological parameters, immunity, gut microbiota profile and metabolites in weaned Ningxiang piglets

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Yin Jia

A review on the role of acemannan in the Aloe -based nanostructures

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Yadeta Adamu Tizazu

Anti-Infectives do not Impact Treatment Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: a Single Center Retrospective Analysis

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Garrovillo Krystal

Ground Water Quality Assessment of Lalgudi Block, Tiruchirappalli District by Using Gis

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C. Jenefa

Prenatal Diagnosis of Hydranencephaly in a Newborn of Psychic Mother with Olanzapine and Paroxetine Exposure During The Pregnancy

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Hamouda Hechmi Ben

Climate Change: Effects and Adaptation Strategies Among Orange Fleshed Sweet potato (ofsp) Farmers in Anambra East and West Local Government in Anambra State, Nigeria

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joseph udemezue

Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery Systems-An Overview

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Ige Dr, Pradyumna

Ergonomics improvement in a dairy manufacturing plant comparing a voice feedback system that replaced a wireless handheld system

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Goomas David

Short-Term Usage Time and Rate of CPAP Predict Long-Term CPAP Adherence in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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Kazuto Takada

Chemicals Disinfections and Their Effects on The Dimensional Stability of Alginate: Systematic Review

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N Thioune

Analysis of Factors Affecting Fertilizer Applications by Yam Farmers in Edo State, Nigeria

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Udemezue JC

The Management of Wetlands in Ghana as a Compliance to the Ramsar Convention

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Dunee Donatus

Robotic Assisted Vs Traditional Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy Peri-Operative Outcomes: A Comparative Single Operator Study

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Gerard Bray

Permeable Rective Barrier Using Bottom Ash and Clay for The Removal of Contaminants Presesent in Leachate

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V Rajagopalan

Antioxidant and Anti-Apoptotic Effects of Jojoba Seed Extracts on Hepg2 Cells: In Vitro Strategy Against Hyperglycemia and Hyperinsulinemia

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Sahla Belhadj

Application of Urea and Wood Ash on Soil Nutrient Composition, Growth and Yield of Okra Under Degraded Humid Tropical Alfisol of Southwestern Nigeria

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Adeyemo AJ

Red Blood Cell Concentration Parameters and Gliflozins

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Angel de las NLM

Minimization of Agricultural Waste through Energy Recovery. Evaluation of the Production of Green Biofuels Using Theoretical Models

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Luz M. Gallego Fernandez

Zoning and Modeling of Noise Pollution of Mashhad Police Highway by Statistical Technique, GIS Software and TNM2.5 Model

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Farid Gholamreza Fahimi

Does the Etiology of Bronchiectasis Change Over the Years, One Central Experience

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Ozdemir O

Economic Prospects in the Production of Bee Venom and Bee Venom Products from the Aspect of Application in Medical and Cosmetological Therapies

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Zareski R

Evaluation of larvicidal action of leaf and seed of Argemone mexicana against the Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)

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Arya H

The Pattern and Outcome of Acute Poisoning at Toxicology Center in St. Peter Specialized Hospital

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Abseno M

Application of a Low-Cost Material for Uranium Removal: Experimental Variables and Study of Concomitants

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Babay PA

The Enforcement of Water Pollution Legislation in Pakistan

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Idrees M

Comparison of Water Availability and Water Management between Turkey and Ethiopia

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Yunus PM

Piriformospora indica: in Relation with Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake Mitigate the Effect of Drought and Heavy metal Ions in Plants

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Batoo A

Screening of Carica Papaya x Vasconcellea Cauliflora Hybrids for Resistance to Papaya Ring Spot Virus (PRSV)

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Jayavalli R

Bilateral Palatal Necrotizing Sialometaplasia in Patient with Prurigo Nodularis: A Case Report

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Costello Liam

Trend of HIV/AIDS Reported Cases in Morocco Between 1986 and 2019: A Time Series Analysis

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khoudri ibtissam

Application of Vegetable Oil Based Machining Fluids in Green Manufacturing Processes, A Review

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khosrozadeh Behnam

Machine Learning Prediction of Response towards Anti-VEGF Injections in Patients with DME: Prediction of Post-Injection CST

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Evaluation of The Viability and Phenotipe of Adipose Derived Cells Harvested Using Different Harvesting and Processing Procedures: A Pilot Study

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Gennai Alessandro

Isolated Temporal Bone’s Paget Disease: A Case Report

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Assessment of Antioxidant and Antineoplastic Activities Blumea Lacera (Burn. F) Leaves

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Leptin Receptor Gene Variant Rs1137101 and Ghrelin Gene Variant Rs696217 are Associated with Body Mass Index in Brazilian Population: A Case-Control Study

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Pinhel Marcela

Investigation of Neuroprotective Effects of Ripasudil in Mechanic Optic Nerve Injury Model

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Ekicier Acar Selcan

Identification of Novel De-Novo 12q14 -12q22 Gene Mutations and MTHFR C677T Gene Polymorphism Increase Genetic Susceptibility in Hirschsprung Disease - A Rare Case Report

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Saxena Ajit K

Association of Viruses with Aplastic Anemia: A Case Control Study

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Jain Dr. Amita

Detection of Early Blight Using K-Means Clustering

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Asefa Semere

Forensic Applications of Raman Spectroscopy a Review

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Desai Sushama

Level of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Ekiti State

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Aduloju Tolulope

Assessment of Bacteriological Quality of Raw Bulk Milk of Camel, Cow and Goat from Local Markets in Yabello District, Borana Zone, Oromia Regional State

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Sulyman Temesgen

A Review: State of Plastic Pollution in Nigeria and Measure to Tackle Them

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Stanley Ihenetu

Pseudotumor Cerebri Associated with Enteric Fever in a Child: A Case Report

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Incecik Faruk

Percutaneous Pigtail Catheters for Management of Neonatal Pneumothorax: A Better Alternative to Chest Tube Thoracostomy

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Vora Shrenik

Malignant Scalp Tumors: Retrospective Analysis of 1000 Patients.

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corradino bartolo

Effect of Familial Environment on Handwritings

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Sharma Vinny

Comparative Performance of Compacted Clay Liner (CCL) and Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL)

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Relation between Osteocalcin and Metabolic Profils in Overweight Men: Comparison of Aerobic and Resistance Trainings

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Rostamizadeh Mehdi

Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor Improves Glycemic Control in Pediatric Patients with Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes

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Shi Melody

Prevalence of Significant Ocular Surface Symptoms and Its Relation to Polypharmacy Among In-Patients in A General Internal Medicine Department

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Jonsdottir Freyja

Isolation of Microorganisms Associated with Palm Oil Contaminated Soil


Temperature Variation on Sulphur Removal from Laterite Nickel Leaching Residue and Iron Extraction

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Munawaroh Mona

Distribution of Dengue Virus Serotypes during the COVID 19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka

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Abeynayake Janaki

Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography Procedure for the Determination of Isavuconazole in Human Plasma

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Narawade Sharwari

Novel Antibiotics for Bloodstream Infections in HSCT

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Mei Wu

Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds in Patients with Colonic Polyps

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Bruno Donatini

The Combined Effect of 2,4-Epibrassinolide and Chilling Stress on Tomato Cultivars Differing in Maturity

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Deryabin Alexander

Medial Meniscus Dislocation: One Case Report and Literature Review

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On Features and Measures of Psychological Wellbeing

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Vogel Carl

An Innovative Look at Buckling of Cracked Ghraphene Nano Sheets Using Novel Extended Molecular Mechanics Method

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Rash-Ahmadi Samrand

Evaluation of Characterization Results of Ru, Sb And V_Doped Sno2 Coatings Deposited by Using Produced and Commercial Targets

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Anli ST

German Dentists’ Knowledge About How to Proceed in Cases of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect

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Fox Sebastian

Evaluation of Weather Conditions as Well as NO2 and PM 2.5 Levels in the Urban Areas of South Brazil in Different Seasons

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Gamaro Giovana

Biomarkers of Microbial Dysbiosis as Causative Agent of Acute Diarrhea in Dogs

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Hassenin Amira

Radiation Dose to Oesophagus in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy: A Retrospective Study

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Socio-Demographic, Clinical Characteristics and Blood Lipid profiles of Type 1 Diabetic Patients Followed in Regional Hospitals in The Northern Zone of Cameroon

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Aurélie Solange Agume Ntso

Evaluation of System Usability Scale as A Marker of Non-Human Computer Interface’s Usability: A Sanitizer Container-Based Study

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Factors Influencing Adherence to Hydroxyurea Treatment Among Children with Sickle Cell Disease at the Mother and Child Center of the Chantal Biya Foundation

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Ndoumba Mintya Annick

Factors Associated with Junk Food Consumption Affecting Saudi University Female Students

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Heba Althubaiti

Evaluation of the Parodontal Health of Schoolchildren from Widou in Ferlo (Senegal)

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DIENG Amadou

A Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis Presenting with A Brain Mass

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Hamideh Moradi Shahrbabak

Carbon-Dioxide Emissions Due to Fossil Fuels Consumption

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Alikishiyev Ali

Ethnobotanical Study of ARTEMISIA IFRANENSIS J. DIDIER in Timahdite Region (Central Middle Atlas of Morocco)

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Elazzouzi Hanane

Gangliocytic Paraganglioma of the Appendix; A Rare Case Report and Review

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Dr Saria Saeed

Clodronate : A Potential DMOAD in Osteoarthtitis

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Luigi Molfetta

Knowledge, Attitude, Acceptance and Utilization of the Female Condom Among Population in Brazzaville

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An Unexpected Diagnosis of Plasmacytoma of The Thyroid: A Case Report and Review of The Literature

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Alfano Marie Sophie

Detection of a Rheumatic Factor (RF,) Anti- Cyclic Citrullinated Peptides (Anti CCP) Antibodies and C- Reactive Protein (CRP) in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Does Pre-Workout Supplement Consumption Affect Enamel Microhardness?

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Demographic and Socioeconomic Influence on Antenatal Care Utilization Among Pregnant Women in Wa Municipality of The Upper West Region of Ghana

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Angko William

A Diagnostic Dilemma of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: The Duct Cut-off Sign

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Odumah Oyinem

Removal of Heavy Metals from Groundwater by Hydrous Ferric Oxide-Modified Peanut Shell

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Desouky ahmed

Immunological Analysis of Active Tuberculosis Infection in Children and Adolescents

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Vladimirsky Mikhail

Arduino Use in Education Systems to Monitor the Noise in Schools Classrooms in Qatar

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EL-MORHIT Mohammed

Mattress Coil Spring Fatigue and Support: A Potential Association with Spine Stiffness and Pain

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Jacobson Bert

Hierarchical Analysis of The Factors Associated with the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables: Cohort of Universities of Minas Gerais, Brazil (Cume Project)

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Carlos Cândido Ana Paula

Pharmacodynamic Equivalence of Ovine Enoxaparin to Porcine Enoxaparin (Lovenox®) In Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized, Open-Label, 2-Way Cross-Over, Single Dose Study

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Setiawati Arini

Optical Depth Measurement of Self-Reversed Line Emitted from In-Homogenous Plasma in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

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Trabelsi Jalloul

Distribution and Importance of Citrus Leaf and Fruit Spot Disease (Pseudocercospora Angolnesis) in North-Western Ethiopia

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Ejigu Mandefro

Maximal Distance of Splatters and Droplets Projections Produced by Dental Air and Water-Cooled Instruments Around a Dental Chair in an Open-Plan Area

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JEANNIN Christophe

Therapy-related Myeloid Neoplasms after Pediatric Solid Cancer in a Single Reference Cancer Center in Brazil

Trindade Schramm Marcia

Pollutant Emissions of Vehicle Tyres and Pavement in Real Driving Conditions

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Forensic Examination of Heroin and Its Cutting Agents

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Clinical Impact of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy to Chronic Calculous Cholecy-stitis: A Retrospective Study

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Milaim Kosumi

Surgical Management of Asymptomatic Hyperparathyroidism: Long-Term Follow-Up

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Ministrini Silvia

SARS-CoV-2 Pneumonia in A Preterm New born Treated Successfully by Dexamethasone

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Farghaly Mohsen

Case Report: De novo Ocular Myasthenia Gravis after the mRNA Vaccine for SARS-COV2

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Martinez Maruri Emilio

A Web-Based Nutrition Education Study in Alabama Black-Belt Counties During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Tumwebaze Joel

E. Coli Bacteria and Its Transcription Regulation

Bhattacharya Pranab Kumar

Selection of Disease Modifying Treatment (DMT) Relates to Patient’s DecisionMaking Competence in MS

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Hoffmann Janina

An Unusual Lesion on The Palate: A Rare Case Report

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The Present Scenario of Lathyrisum Regarding Public Health in 2021

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Mishra Vijaya Nath

Hypoglycemic Potential of Ziziphus spina-christi Fruit on Alloxan induced Hyperglycemic Rats

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Aliyu Nuru Khadija

The Presence of Minority HIV Drug Resistance Variants in The Protease and Gag Regions Confers Poor Response to Therapy Among Subtype A And D Patients

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Nankya Immaculate

A Rare Case of Albrights Hereditary Osteodystrophy presenting as Recurrent Hypocalcemic Tetany

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Gomes RR

A Retrospective Analysis of 25 cases of Addisons Disease Caused by Adrenal Tuberculosis in Tibet and Review of Related Literature

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Yang LH

Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Patients with Closed Pancreatic Injuries

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Shakirov Babur

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis (RPGN): A New Persuasion

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Gomes RR

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy with Classic Radiological Signs: A Case Report and Literature Review

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Gomes RR

2D Analysis of Piezoelectric Layer Over a Rotating Micro-elongated Thermoelastic Medium with DPL Model

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Othman MIA

A Java Software for Randomized Phase II Clinical Cancer Trial Designs

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Jung Sin-Ho

Psychoactive Drugs Induced DNA Damage: A Review

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Alabi Okunola

A Review Study on Gender Determination with the Help of Bite Marks Analysis

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sarav chanchal

Characterization of Indigenous Goats Type Using Morphological Characters in South West Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia.

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Elala Murtessa

High Prevalence of Morphological Abnormality on Peripheral Blood Cells Among Patients in Public Hospitals, Southern Ethiopia

Alemayehu Aklilu

A Review on Veterinary Medical Waste Disposal and Management

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Awake Menzir

Evaluation of Contrast Sensitivity And Chromatic Vision In Patients With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma

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Ghanem asaad

Candida, a Rare Cause of Duodenal Perforation

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Evaluation of Water Quality of Fuxian Lake by Principal Component Analysis

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zhang jingjing

Decontamination of Impressions: Knowledge and Attitudes of Dentists in The Dakar Region (Senegal).

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FAYE Babacar

A Review Study on Adulteration in Bakery Goods

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Bhadola Abhishek

Prevalence of Minority Mutations That Confer Multi-Drug Resistance Among Patients Failing a Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Based Regimen in Uganda

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Nankya Immaculate

Effects of Gabapentin Enacarbil on Cortical Arousals, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Anterior Tibialis EMG Responses Associated with PLMs in Restless Legs Syndrome

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Ahmed Mansoor

Development of SARS-Cov-2 Circulating Immune Complex Candidate, (CRCx) as A New Promising Vaccine Eliciting Broad Immune Response.

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An Accidental Intrathecal Injection of Tranexamic Acid: A Never Miss Event

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Confirmation Bias and Restorative Justice in The Setting of a Missed Diagnosis

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Pierce Andrew

Gliomatosis Cerebri: A Case Report

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Maynard Marquis

Randomised, 2-Sequence, 4-Period Replicate Cross-Over Bioequivalence Study of A New Riluzole Orodispersible Film Vs. A Reference Tablet in Healthy Volunteers

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Di Stefano Andrea

Benefits and Health Risks Associated with Energy Booster Drinks: A Review Study

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Saini Smriti

Development of Mathematical Model for Vibration Accelerated Wound Healing

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Devin Needs

Port State Control: A Risk of The International Spread Of COVID-19 Disease on Board Ships?

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Evaane Meva F

Potential COVID-19 Therapeutics: A Perspective on Pharmacological Properties and Safety

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Juarez Olguin Hugo

Estimation of haematological parameters among Sudanese worker exposed to pesticides

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Hussein Amged

Diabetic Retinopathy, Classification And Clinical Impact

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Halil Ajvazi

Evaluation of Infectious and Malignant Complications in Elderly Renal Transplant Recipients Receiving Alemtuzumab Compared to Basiliximab

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Lang K

Italian Survey on Perception of Obesity and Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery: A Comparison between General Practitioners and Obese Patients

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Carmela Asteria

Subconcussive Head Blows in American Football: An underestimated Risk?

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Toepper M

A Case Report: Delayed Onset Urinary Tract Injury after Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

Tanaka Y

Effect of Stigma on COVID-19 Cases Management at the Treatment Unit of the Yaounde Central Hospital, Cameroon

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Kouanfack C

Solitary Adrenal Metastasis: A Case Report of Aberrant Behavior of Prostate Cancer

Bakr AM

A Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Case Showing Spontaneous Ph-positive Clone Regression and Bone Marrow Hypoplasia after a Short Treatment with Dasatinib

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Castelli A

Development of Driving Cycle for Passenger Cars and Estimation of Vehicular Exhaust Emission Factors

Muhammad Jahanzaib

Carbon Emission Efficiency and Emission Permit Allocation of China’s Fire Power Industry: An Emission Permit Trading Perspective

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Caifeng S

Study on Deactivation Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde Over CexZr1-xOy

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Liu X

Relationship between Vitamin D Status and Tic Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies

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Hong-ai Li

Characterizing the Etiologies of Seizures and Cortical Myoclonic Activity in Covid-19 Patients and their Impact on Outcomes

Bhasin A

A Case Report of Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma

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Akyolal M

A Novel Coenzyme Q8A Mutation in a Case with Juvenile-Onset Coenzyme Q10D4: Case Report and Literature Review

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Dedeoğlu O

The Simultaneous Activation of Nrf2 and Antioxidant Compounds may reduce the Risk, Progression, and Improve the Management of Diabetes by Reducing Oxidative and Inflammatory Damages

Prasad KN

Liquorice-Induced Pseudohyperaldosteronism with Severe Hypokalaemia in a Young Patient Living with HIV: A Rare Case Presentation and Literature Review

Pezzaioli LC

Determination of ABO Blood Grouping from Different Body Fluids (Saliva)

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Sowndharya R

Soybean Lecithin-Based Extender Improves the Quality of Chilled Canine Sperm

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Mingkun Sun

The Efficiency of Functional Activated Carbon Non-woven Fabric Filters for Fine Dust Reduction

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Kim M-K

Sacral Neuromodulation for Bowel Dysfunction

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Weledji EP

Diverse Feed, Diverse Benefits - The Multiple Roles of Feed Diversity at Pasture on Ruminant Livestock Production - a Review

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Zanon T

Exacerbation of Atopic Dermatitis in a Patient with SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19 Infection

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Arenas Soto CM

Breeding Practices of Indigenous Goat Type in South West Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

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Negesse M

Analysis of Risk Factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction Combined with Ventricular Septal Rupture

Zhang Y

Treatment of Erdheim-Chester Disease with High Dose Pegylated IFN-α: a Case Report and Literature Review

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Qian C

Disseminated Blastomycosis: A Case Report

Tadi LJ

Factors Influencing Overweight and Obesity in Nurses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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Chen H-C

Tooth Size Discrepancy among Different Malocclusion Groups in a Libyans Sample

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Abdalmawla Alhussin Ali Ali

A Tunisian Patient with CLCN2-Related Leukoencephalopathy

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Ben Mohamed D

Reanimate the Dead to Life by Practicing Cryo Techniques

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Menon A

Comparison of Anthropometric Indicators of Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescents

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Jose Bauce G

PSII Photosystem Protection by Soil Amendment with Biochar and Adequate Nitrogen Fertilizer Availability Attenuate Cadmium Induced-Photoinhibition and Phytotoxicity in Solanum Lycopersicon

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Hajaji AN

Cardio-Vascular Outcome Assessment of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy beyond 12 Months Following Drug Eluting Stent Implantation - Real World Scenario

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Nair SG

Correlation between Overall Survival and Quality of Life in Patients with Esophageal Cancer: A Comparison between Radiation and Chemoradiation

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Murakawa Y

Public Awareness: Identification of Security Features of Different Bank Cheques

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Sehrawat SS

Bronchoalveolar Lavage Cytokine Profile in a Renal Transplant Recipient with C. Deuterogattii Infection

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da Silva PR

A Case Report of Diffuse Ischemic Injury from Leptomeningeal Midline Glioma Metastases

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Butt OH

Auricular Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation may Increase the Risk of MildCOVID-19 Infection or of Herpetic Flare: Is there a Role of Microbiota?

Donatini B

Incidence of Dental Anomalies in Cleft Lip and Palate Cases among Libyan Population

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Abdalmawla Alhussin Ali

Late Benign Gastrobronchial Fistula after Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Case Report

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Pekçolaklar A

Assessment of Particulate Matter, Volatile Organic Compounds, and Suspended Solids in Some Settlements around Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State Nigeria

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Ogaji FM

Fulminant Emphysematous Pyelonephritis: Case Report and Revision of the Literature

Pepe P

Chronic Exposure to Artificial Light Spectra at night alter Neurobehaviour and Neurotransmitter levels in Albino Rats

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Dedeke GA

Investigation and Countermeasure on the Management Problem of Harmful Domestic Garbage Classification

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Liu M

Numerical Analysis on the Electromechanical Behaviors and Piezotronic Effects Controlled by the Applied of Initial Stress

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Ben Salah I

Healthy Living and Lifestyle with Prophet Teaching

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Chamsi Pasha H

Shadow Spaces… Territorial Reserve

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Dalzero S

Comparison of Hemodialysis Patients and Healthy Individuals Attitudes towards Organ Donation: A Descriptive Study

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Cetinkaya O

An Innovative Study to Evaluate the Treatment Efficiency of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy by DEA

Karaibrahimoglu A

Study of the Factors Associated with the Treatment of Drinking Water in SemiUrban Areas of Dakar in Senegal

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Diallo AI

Study on Prescribing Pattern of Antibiotic used for Urinary Tract Infection in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital: A Preliminary Antibiotic Stewardship Programme

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Ramachandran A

Insights into the Potential of Green Algal Polysaccharides Potential to Combat Uropathogenic Proteus mirabilis and Staphylococcus saprophyticus Biofilms

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Jyoti V

The Pharyngeal Muscle Trainer for the Therapy of Primary Snoring -An innovative therapy approach

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Henkel KO

Dietary Supplementation of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on Growth, Haematological, and Biochemical Parameters of Koi Carp Cyprinus carpio var koi

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Soundhariya N

Decompressive Hemicraniectomy for Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery at the Regional University Hospital of Besançon, France: Mortality and Functional Outcome at Six Months and 12 Months

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Kenmogne K MA

Rapid Peak Alignment for MALDI-TOF Lipid Analysis

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Pelit W

Gout Friendly Foods that Reduce Urate - Review

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Bouike Y

Assessing Burn Patterns and Severity Using IR Visualization – A Case Study Approach

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Abraham JP

Health Care Workers and Self-Assessed Communication with Language Diverse Patients in the St. Louis Region at the Onset and One Year into COVID-19

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Brantmeier C

Transversal Pertussis Sero-Epidemiological Study in Fully Vaccinated Children and Adolescents in Antananarivo, Madagascar, and in Dapaong, Togo

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Noel G

Impact of Electronic Cigarettes on the Liver

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Alaa Ramadan

Chemical Synthesis, Characterization of Ag, Au Nanoparticles and Formulation of Bimetallic Nanostructure onto Tri-block Copolymer Surfaces

Clinical Outcome of Different Surgical Techniques for Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Cervical Spine: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis

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Zhan S

The Clinical, Bacteriological and Therapeutic Characteristics of Tuberculosis in Patients Infected with HIV (about 42 Cases)

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Zagaouch D

CPAP Effect in Patients with Hypertension: The Secret of Gods

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Armindo R

Photoacoustic Tomography versus Cone-Beam Computed Tomography versus Micro-Computed Tomography: Accuracy of 3D Reconstructions of Human Teeth

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Schneider S

Source Distribution and Variation of Atmospheric di-carbonyl Compounds in Wanqingsha, Pearl River Delta, South China, from 2008 to 2011

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Wen S

Hemoglobin SC Disease with COVID-19 Presenting with Multiple Infarcts and Acute Splenic Sequestration Crises

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Asti D

Genomic Asymmetry for Morphology in Allopolyploids within and Out of Brassica

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Shao Y

Low RNA Binding Strength of Human X Chromosome may contribute to X Chromosome Inactivation

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Ji N

Case Series of 141 Melanomas Diagnosed and Managed over 5 years by an Australian Dermatologist: with a Suggested Approach to Suspected Pigmented Lesions

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Kim Y

Impact of the Prognostic Nutritional Index on Quality of Life of Terminal Cancer Patients

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Mohammed AA

Pilonidal Sinus, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Negative Pressure dressing will be Appropriate

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Eyre R

Under Nutrition among People Aged 60 and Over in Southern Benin

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Paraiso MN

Virulence and Comparison of Methods for Detection of Biofilm Formation by Escherichia coli Isolated from Retail Meat in Tunisia

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Kilani H

A Data-Based Adjustment for Fisher Exact Test

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Zhao G

Spine Osteonecrosis Related to Sickle Cell Disease

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Daltro G

Profile of Adult Lymphomas in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Monocentric Study of Histoimmunochemical Aspects

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Fall S

New Forensic Protocol in the Era of SARS-CoV-2

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Gatti AM

Utility of Limited Panel of Calretinin and BerEP4 in Cell Block Preparations in Effusion Cytology

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Acharya S

In Vitro Digestibility and Gas Production from E. crus-pavonis used in Wetlands from Domestic Wastewater Treatment

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Tsetagho GN

Global Correction of T10 Non-uniformity in mMR Breast Coil with Multiple Tube Phantom-based Technique and its Validation in Breast MRI: a Feasibility Study

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Negi PS

Buschke-Lowenstein Tumor of the Vulva: A Case Report

Moukhlis S

Close Packing of Elements of Transparent Metamaterials in UVC Diapason and its Influence on The Decontamination Efficiency

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Enaki NA

Stability Indicating Method Development and Validation for the Determination of Armodafinil in Pharmaceutical Tablet Dosage Form by RP-HPLC

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Sahoo NK

Profiling of Benzodiazepines using Fluoroscence Spectrofluorometry: A Systematic Review

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Jangra A

Suicidal Trends in Different Indian States: A Retrospective Study

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Das SS

Rape, Child and Abortion: from Ideologization to Rights Violation in Brazil

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Fernandes Macêdo IRPA

Early Predictive Value of MR-proADM in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19: An Observational Study in the Emergency Department

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Leonardis F

Capsaicinoids Increase Resting Metabolic Rate in Healthy Individuals under Fasting Condition

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Morde A

Sero-Prevalence and Associated Factors of Hepatitis B Virus Infection among Health Professionals in Adama Town, Oromia, Central Ethiopia

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Yilma G

The Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment and Its Impact on the Structural Properties and the Isotopic Abundance Ratio of Cefazolin Sodium

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Trivedi D

Molecular Characterization and Resistance Patterns of Multidrug MethicillinResistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Wound

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Abo-Amer AE

Unexpected Opioid Responses in Infants: A Retrospective Case Series

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Tse D

Exploring the Behavioral Drivers of Antibiotic Prescription in Food Animal’s Practitioners

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Khan YR

Determination of the Physicochemical Properties of Singed Cowhide Meat Effluent from Akure Metropolis, Ondo State, Nigeria

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Omoya FO

Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis in a Middle-Aged Woman: a Case Report

Dou T

Rare Adnexal Carcinomas: Series of Four Cases Treated at the Ibn Rochd University Hospital of Casablanca

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Hali F

Two-Years Follow-Up in a Multidrug-Resistant HIV-1-Infected Woman Treated with Ibalizumab

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De los Santos I

Statistical Sampling in Audit Case

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Kwon I-W G

Correlation of Hemostatic Parameters with Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase-1 (PARP-1) Polymorphisms, Mutations, Laboratory, and Clinical Characteristics in 114 Patients with Philadelphia-Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

Giannakopoulou N

Wartenbergs syndrome or angiodynia. Ultrasound differentiation

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A Controlled Release PLGA Bupivacaine Construct and its Effect on Chondrocytes

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Davis MS

The Combination of Shear Wave Elastography and ELF Test in a Single Score Improves the Diagnostic Specificity for Liver Fibrosis Prediction

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Liuzzi R

Multiphysics Coupled Modeling of Coal Seam Fracture Stimulation Under Highly Pressurized Gas Impact Loading

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Lu T

Tricuspid Valvulectomy in Drug Addicts with Native Valve Endocarditis: A Case Series

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Khan S

Bioequivalence Study of Donepezil 10 mg Orally Disintegrating Tablets in Healthy Thai Volunteers Under Fasting Conditions

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Manamuti C

Association between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Severity and Platelet Values

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Wieselberg SB

Development of a Global Ergonomic Index Based on MSDs Risks, Psycho-Social Factors and the Work Environment: Case of a Clothing Company

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Amira L

ED Patients with Shock have only Few Clinical Characteristics Related to Etiology

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Nielsen DL

Iatrogenic Laryngotracheal Stenosis in Children: a Case Report

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Gu Q

Case Reports: Hepatic Sclerosing Hemangioma: A Diagnostic Dilemma!

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Jain RD

Analysis on Clinical Features and Risk Factors of Death in Yunnan with Acute Mushroom Poisoning

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Yang Y

Case Report: Severe Sequelae of Sleep Disorders

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Pangilinan PH

Modeling of InGaAsBi/InGaAs/InP Multi-Quantum Wells Short-Wave Infrared Detectors

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Sfina N

Multidetector CT Imaging of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Buccal Mucosa

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Mankar D

Exploring the Hematological Disorders among Normotensive, Prehypertensive and Hypertensive in an Adult Population

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Lartey AH

The Argument for Thoughtful Empiricism in AIDS Vaccine Development

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Burton P. Dorman

Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Rabbit Breeder’s Community for Treating Livestock Diseases in Benin

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Konmy BBS

A Rare Case: Pylor Stenosis with Anal Atresia and Vesicoureteral Reflux

Bozoglu ST

Eco Safe Assimilation of Plastic Wastes by Microbes and Biodegradable Alternatives: A Review

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Gauliya K

Formulation and In-vitro Characterization of Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Loaded Fast Dissolving Oral Film Using HPMC 15CPS and HPMC K4M

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Pramila Acharya

A Case of Frosted-Branch Angiitis Associated with Poststreptococcal Uveitis Syndrome

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Gu R

Optimizing Outcomes with Multifocal Intraocular Lenses

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Alnoelaty ALmasri MA

Can Bullet Characteristics Link a Bullet to a Manufacturer?

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Brown A

Homology Modelled Structure of Glutaredoxin 2 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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D’Souza JS

Erythematous, Hyperkeratotic Papule on the Left Distal Dorsal Aspect of the Middle Finger

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Zhu CS

Mental Health and Psychological Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Mishra PJ

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Progression and Quality of Life. Correlation between SSS-IoT Risk Scale Score and the Main Factors Determining the Disease Potential Progression

de Araujo Ono AH

Production and Stabilization of Biomass Derived Bio-Oil using Non-Catalytic Pyrolysis Approach

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Budde PK

Rotational Effect on Waves Propagation Modeling in a Poroelastic Bone

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Abd-Alla AM

Risk Progression in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Literature Review and Scale Proposal

de Araujo Ono AH

Potential Molecular Players Against to SARS-CoV-2: A Glyco-Perspective

Tugrul B

Application of Lando®Artificial Dermal Regeneration Matrix in Treatment of Challenging Scar Contracture Release of a Severely Deformed Wrist: A Case Report

Wang F

Facial Arteriovenous Fistula following Orthodontic Treatment: Case Report

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Marques AM

Tofacitinib as a Therapeutic Option in the Treatment of Refractory Scleritis: A Case Report

Markus DV

Effect of 4-h Time Restricted Feeding on Body Weight, Leptin Concentration and Lipid Profile in Healthy Non-Obese Male Wistar Rats

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Olamoyegun Michael A

Microscopic Characteristics of Nanoparticles inside the Liquid Suspension by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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Xu Z

Thrombocytopenia in Women Initiating Antenatal Care in Port Harcourt

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Omunakwe HE

Can Vitamin D Deficiency be a Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease? A Large Cross-Sectional Study of Patients Referred to Cardiovascular Clinic

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Mehdizadeh Parizi M

Repair of the Molecular Machinery of the Cell at the Nanoscale

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Kumar R

Primary Epithelioid Sarcoma of Lacrimal Gland and Primary Renal Cell Carcinoma with whole Exome Sequencing: a Case Report

Zrakic N

Rapid Hydrogenation of Toluene in a One-Pass Reactor at Ambient Temperature and Pressure on a Novel Nanostructured Super-Alloy Catalysts without Containing Noble Metals

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Wang Linsheng

Chemical Characterization, Antimicrobial-Antifungal Activity on Probiotic Micro organisms and Genotoxicity–Cytotoxicity Effects of Lamiaceae Family Essential Oils from Different Plants

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Cimik A

Textile Sector and Recycling: A Review on the Ecological and New Circular Economy

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Bouazizi N

Rehabilitation Outcomes under Precaution-Free Management for Dislocation after Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty with a Conjoined Tendon Preserving Posterior Approach: A Retrospective Case-Control Study

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Nakanowatari T

Adverse Drug Events and Predictors of One Year Survival among Adult Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in a Kenyan Tertiary Health Facility

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Karimi PW

Cognitive and Cognitive-Communication Impairments of Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Study

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Shing P

Development of Fingerprint on Different Surface by Non-Conventional Method

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Rana A

Giant Ureteral Stone in a Pediatric Patient: Case Report

Yalcin Comert HS

Right Ovarian Vein Thrombophlebitis Complicated by an Inferior Endocaval Floating Thrombus Revealed by Postpartum Pyrexia: A Case Report

Faidherbe C

ABHD6 Inhibition Rescues a Sex-Dependent Deficit in Motor Coordination in The HdhQ200/200 Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease

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Cao JK

Impact of Inflammation on Atrial Fibrillation in patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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Jani Y

Unexpected Improvement of Chronic Neurological Disease after Recovery from COVID-19 Infection in Four Patients

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Caparros-Lefebvre D

Proposal for a Guideline-Compliant HCC-Imaging Diagnostic Protocol Based on Perfusion-CT Quantification: A Feasibility Study

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Thaiss W

Application of CCASNS with iVNS in The Treatment of Cerebral Palsy with DrugRefractory Epilepsy

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Wu Y

Standardization of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines (IL-1 & TNF-α) and Haematological Biomarker as an Early Assessment of Health Status in Adult Healthy Pigs

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Chaudhary AK

Contact Angle Influence on Defects in Graphene Prepared by Segregation Method on Treated SiO2 /Si Substrates

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Machac P

Anthropometric Measures of Obesity to Predict Mortality using Edmonton’s Obesity Staging System, among Young Sudanese Females at Khartoum Locality, Sudan

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Elfadil Ali SA

Association between Helicobacter pylori Infection and Early Kidney Damage in a Healthy Population

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Jiang L

Prevalence and Factors Associated with Overweight and Obesity among Adults in the Selected Towns of Western Ethiopia: A Community Based Cross-Sectional Study

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Regassa B

Comparative Effect of a High Fat with or without High Levels of Sucrose Diets on Peripheral Neuropathy in C57BL/6J Mice

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Obrosov A

Absence of Influenza and RSV Activity in the San Francisco Bay Area during the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2021

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Drew WL

Consistent Confidence Limits, P Values, and Power of the Non-Conservative, Size – α Modified Fisher exact Test

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van der Meulen EA

Pathology of Non-Fatal Asphyxia and the Risk of Fatal Outcome in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence

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Braamcamp de Mancellos J

SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infection Three Weeks after Second Vaccination

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Rocha-Hasler M

Plasma Exchange for Neuroborreliosis Associated with Guillain Barre Syndrome

Elleuch A

Assessment of Cyanide Concentrations in Cassava Peels obtained at different levels of Processing for Resource Reuse

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Williams MO

The Comparison between the Effect of Action Observation and that of Bimanual Movement in Chronic Hemiplegia

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Sato Y

Nutrition State and Fertilization of Fusarium Wilt Resistant Banana (Zhongjiao No. 9)

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Zhang X

Artificial EMG by WLAN-Exposure

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von Klitzing L

Adsorption Kinetics and Mass Balance Mathematical Model of Monoethanolamine Surface-Modified Palm Shell Activated Carbon for Carbon Dioxide Dynamic Adsorption in Fixed Bed Column

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Khalil SH

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in Behcets Disease about 24 Patients

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Oumerzouk J

Enteric Pathogens in Patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome from Porto Velho City, Rondonia State, Western Amazon, Brazil

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Batista FS

Patterns of Tubal Abnormalities Responsible for Infertility in Makurdi, North-Central Nigeria

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Maanongun MT

HIV Screening Scenarios and Targets to Achieve 90% Sero-Status Knowledge Over 2021-2025 in Morocco – Pioneer Use Case of the Goals HIV Testing Strategies Model in a Concentrated Epidemic

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Korenromp EL

Visual Maps and Visual Perception

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Gattass R

Detection Potential of Recently Discovered Techniques for Recovering Latent Fingerprints: A Review

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Puri A

The Occurrence of Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Complications and an Evaluation of the Methods Utilized to Mitigate Them

Calhoon JH

Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) in Healthy Obese Adults

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Rouatbi S

Nutritional Status and Cognitive Value of Egg White, Egg Yolk Whole Egg based Complementary Food

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Ibironke SI

To Evaluate the Efficacy of Ultrasound Guided Distraction Osteogenesis by Evaluating Qualitative Estimation of Bone Fill at Regeneration site and Management of Severe Mandibular Hypoplasia Secondary to Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Case Report

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Amrit Thapa

The Heel Fat Pad Syndrome - A Neglected Diagnosis

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Moussa K

Case Study: Enterovirus Meningitis

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Sleman S

A Study to Evaluate the Effects of Relaxium in Subjects with Insomnia

Adams T

Evaluating Distance Education at Jerusalem Schools during COVID-19 Pandemic from the Point of View of Students with Physical Disabilities

Jokhidem SS

Comparative Study of Lip Color, Lead Metal and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle for the Development of Latent Lip Prints on Non-Porous Surfaces

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Saini A

Chemical Constituents of the Fruits of Crataegus dahurica and the Antihyperlipidemic Activity in HepG2 Cells

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Gao Y

Colonic Intramucosal Lipoma in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: A New Finding

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Wilson TF

Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm Presenting as a Harbinger of Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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Pakran J

Does Obesity Increase the Risk of Brain Damage following COVID-19 Infection?

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Saruco E

Ayurvedic Antiviral Agents: Overview of Medicinal Plants Perspective

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Choudhary R

Effect of Killing Methods on the Insect Fauna and Succession on African Giant Rat Cricetomys gambianus

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Eze SC

Kidney Injury in Ordinary Adult Cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019

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Yang H

Antibiotics in Lebanese Surface Waters: Estimation of Population Exposure and Identification of High-Risk Drugs

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Zgheib R

Factors Affecting Exercise Self-efficacy in Predialysis Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Zhang F

Clinical Stabilization of a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Due to Comprehensive Management

Guo H

Symptoms of Depression Can be More Frequent in Non-Surgical Patients with Left Lateralization of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Systematic Review

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Radaelli G

Conventional and Advanced Nanotechnological Approaches for Wastewater Treatment

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Basniwal RK

The Common Causes of Death among Pregnant Women in Iran: A Study on Cadavers Referred to Legal Medicine Organization

Mostafazadeh B

How Nurse Education Impacts Her Career?

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Lu D-Y

Catheter Based Renal Sympathetic Denervation by Segmental Endoluminal Laser Radiation in a Pig Model: Anatomical and Histopathological Results

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Sagerer-Gerhardt M

Reproduction and pre-weaning Growth Performances of Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus) Fed on the diets containing Ipomea batatas Leaves and/or Stylosanthes guianensis Meal

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Ntsafack P

Statistics of DNA Profiling and Activities of Divisional Forensic DNA Screening Laboratory, Faridpur in Bangladesh

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Islam R

Interleukins Indicators Impacting the Outcomes of Ischemic Stroke

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Hovhannesyan RA

Effects of Different Concentratıons of Proline, Cysteine and Glutamine on Some Sperm Quality Characterıstıcs and Fertility of Cryopreserved Bee Spermatozoa (Apis Mellifera)

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Yildiz C

Ketogenic Diet Versus a Standard Low-Calorie Diet to Treat Mildly Obese Patients in an Outpatient Clinic: An Observational Retrospective Study

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Brosio C

Case Series: Fishhook Penetrating Eye Injuries

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Saleh R

How Groundwater Level Can Predict Under the Effect of Climate Change by Using Artificial Neural Networks of NARX

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Javadinejad S

Auditory Evoked Potentials as Yardstick for Tinnitus

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Paul N

Humeral Length Estimation: Retrospective Radiological and Anthropometric Investigation

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Elijah SO

Y-STR: A Full Proof Technique for Male DNA Genotyping in Forensics

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Pawar SG

Comparative Bioequivalence Studies of Pantoprazole 40 mg Delayed-Release Tablet Formulations in Healthy Thai Volunteers

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Khaowroongrueng V

Genetic Variation of SARS-CoV-2 Circulating Worldwide and its Association for Altering Disease Fatality

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Dasgupta R

Effect of a Nationwide Universal HBV Vaccination Program and Catch-Up Vaccination Campaign on HBV Prevalence in Children

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Tosun S

Ecological and Health Infrastructure Factors Affecting the Transmission and Mortality of COVID-19


Assessment of an in vitro Effect of natural Acacia Honey on Some Coagulation Profile (PT and APTT) in Sudanese Healthy Individuals

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Abdelrhman AH

Nightmare Case of Complex Neonatal Truncus Arteriosus

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Tahhan N

A Review of General Policies and Regulations of Solid Waste Management in Saudi Arabia

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Labib O

On Optimization of Manufacturing of Field-Effect Heterotransistors Framework Current Comparator to Increase their Density

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Pankratov EL

Nutrition Intervention of Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease (Stage 4) on Maintenance Hemodialysis

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Khalid S

Effect of the Seasons on the Change of Morphological, Histo-Cytological and Hormonal Parameters of the Thyroid Gland in Cattle in Algeria

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Rahmoun DE

Differentiation of Cut Pattern on Hair by Using Sharp Cut Tools for Forensic Purpose

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Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds and Vagal Tone are Different in Patients with Overweight or with Obesity: Practical Consequencies

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Donatini B

A Correlational Study between BMI and Anxiety, Depression and Coping among Adolescents from Selected Schools

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Thomas N

Predictive Modeling of Autophagy Interrelation with Fasting

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Basavarajaiah DM

Population Bioequivalence (PBE) Statistical Method to Evaluate Particle Size Distribution of Unilamellar Liposomes Constructed by Microfluidic Chip

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Tang H

Protocol Optimization for in vitro Micro Propagation of Dioscorea bulbifera Linn. Germplasm

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Ikiriza H

Sysmex UD-10 should Accompany UF-5000 in Managing Atypical Cells in Urine

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Aydin O

Growth Performance and Carcass Quality of Broilers (Gallus domesticus) Fed with Aguingay (Rotboellia cochinchinensis) and Azolla (Azolla pinnata) Supplements

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Ruel B

Spontaneous Secondary Colporrhexis Following Vaginal Delivery in Woman with Previous Caesarean Section

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Chaudhary V

Dermatologists in UAE - Delighted or Dismayed? Elements Linked with Occupational Satisfaction Levels

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Naik PP

Physico-Chemical, Nutritional Evaluation, Haematology of Water and Amaranth Vegetable Leaves

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Ibironke SI

Evaluation of Paraspinal Muscle Properties in Adolescents with Mild Idiopatic Scoliosis Using Surface EMG Power Spectral Analysis

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Shiba S

Death Scene Investigation in Cases of Suicidal Hanging

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Rao D

Covid-19: Which Baseline Co-Factors are Associated with a Worse Prognosis?

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Scala E

CNS Gliosis not Neoplasia in Kabuki Syndrome: A Case Report of a Brain ‘Tumor

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Honey CM

Medical Management of Symptomatic Gallstones: A Narrative Review

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Lois A

Influence of Breastfeeding Promotion Package on Breastfeeding Practices among Women- A Cohort Study

Ariff S

Pesticide Residues in Market Garden Crops in Peri-Urban Areas of Daloa (Cote d´Ivoire)

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Ehouman AGS

A Case Report of Gall Bladder Perforation with Huge Abdominal Cyst

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Ammar AS

Epidemiology and Multidrug Resistance of Strongyle Nematodes in Ordos Finewool Sheep

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Eye L

Succinylcholine Used for Difficult Airway Lead to Difficult Airway - A Case Report

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Nazir N

Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds in Patients with a Medical History of Cancer/Dysplasia

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Donatini B

Application of the Posterior Approach Technique in Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy for Cervical Cancer

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Li D

Comparison of Balance Coefficient Methods in Efficient Fractional Factorial Design Using Generalized Minimum Aberration (GMA) and Minimum Moment Aberration (MMA)

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Salawu IS

Formulation and Characterization of Diclofenac Potassium Transdermal Patches Prepared with Ficus auriculata Fruit Mucilage and Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose K4M

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Baral P

Photodegradation, Antibacterial & Antioxidant Assessment of Multifunctional Zinc Oxide Metal Nanoparticles Using Smilax aspera Leaf Extract: An Eco Approach

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Negi A

The Performance of an Organo - Modified Natural Bentonite in the Adsorption of Petroleum Fractions

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Oraegbunam C

Utilization of Red mud-Water/Soil Pollutant for Alternative Engineering Applications: A Critical Perspective Review

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Motru S

Genome Wide Transcriptome Analysis of Soybeans (Glycine max) Treated with Ascophyllum nodosum Extract and its Compositional Oligosaccharides

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Wang C

Six Years to Diagnose Bilateral Congenital Choanal Atresia: A Case Report

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Ngham H

Cranial Vault Tumor Revealing Metastatic Thyroid Carcinoma

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Lahjaouj M

Oral Carcinoma in Young-Clinico-Pathological Profile and Survival Outcomes in a North Indian Population

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Monga S

Rare Case of Coexisting First and Second Bilateral Branchial Fistulas

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Mennouni MA

Functional Outcomes of Stapes Surgery with Titanium and Teflon Prosthesis: Randomized Controlled Trial

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Borghei P

The Effect of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality on Cardiac Arrest Outcome

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Elbaih AH

Relationship between Body Mass Index and Diagnosis of Obesity in the Military Health System Active Duty Population

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Yang D

Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Identify and Prioritize Interventions for Ameliorating Food Security and Health in Chacraseca, Nicaragua

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Tumwebaze J

Epidemiological Approach to Mortal Lesions-Traffic Accident in Yara Municipality, 2007, Cuba

Blanco VMP

Hyponatremia as Parameter in Admission and Discharge Disability of Stroke Survivors, Babol, North of Iran

Saadat P

Tetanus Presenting with Back Pain

Unluturk Z

Reinfection in A Healthcare Worker with SARS-Cov 2 in a Hospital in North India

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Nazir N

Primary Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Mandibular Bone, an Extremly Rare Case Report

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Lyoubi H

Amyloid Goiter Showing a Systemic Amyloidosis (A Case Report)

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Lekhbal A

Clinicopathological Pattern and Treatment Outcomes of Acute Bowel Obstruction at a Rural Kenyan Hospital

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Barasa M

Giant Abscessed Urachal Cyst in Adult

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Ettanji A

Migrated Intrauterine Device Resulting in Severe Obstructive Uropathy

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Cambron J

An Unusual Case of Guide Wire Fracture during Percutaneous Peripheral Angioplasty

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Habib M

Long-Term Survival in Glioblastoma: Case Report

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Hadadi H

Who is Liable? : A Question That Can Change the Life of the Dentist

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Nagpal S

Hybrid Healthcare

Smith S

Compressive Strength Modelling of Palm Nut Fiber Concrete Using Scheffe’s Theory

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Alaneme GU

Effect of Raw Materials and Mechanical Alloying on W50Ti50 Alloy Fabrication

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Wang QX

Non-Polio Enterovirus Meningitis in Children-Clinical Spectrum, Viral Serotypes and Outcome: Unusual Community Outbreak Experience at a Tertiary Care Centre from Oman

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Al Habsi Huda

Review Article: Managing Spinal Cord Injury on Anesthesiologists’ Perspective

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Charles C

Ultrastructure of the Frontal Cortex Neurons of 5-Day-Day Rats after Antenatal Alcoholization

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Zimatkin SM

Bosma Syndrome “Mimic” in a Young Infant - Case Report and Literature Review

Rashmi N

Narrative Review of Challenges and Considerations in Resuming Elective Gynaecology Surgery in Climate of Continuing Community Transmission of Covid-19 in a Low Resource Setting

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Bako A

Formulation and Evaluation of Sustained Occular Delivery of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride

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Maharjan S

How the Artificial Intelligence Tool Psumo-CD is working for Predicting Sumoylation Sites in Proteins

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Chou KC

Showcase to Illustrate How the Web-Server Psuc-Lys is working

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Chou K-C

Solid State Characterization of Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Magnesium Gluconate using PXRD, PSA, DSC and TGA/DTG Analysis

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Trivedi D

A Thoroughgoing Detail of Surgical Dressings

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Mohiuddin AK

A Simple Method for the Quantification of Atenolol from the Forensic Human Blood and Visceral Samples by High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography

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Gayathridevi S

Successful use of Eltrombopag for Management of Temozolomide Related Severe Prolonged Thrombocytopenia and Aplastic Anaemia in The Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) in a Regional Centre: A Case Report and Literature Review

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Shrestha P

Thrombocytopenia and Predicting the Severity of Coronavirus 2019

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Mozaheb Z

Case Study: SAT, A New Treatment for Clinical Goat Endometritis

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El-Rheem SMA

An Adjuvant Approach to Alleviate Reoccurring or Treatment Resistant Symptoms of IBD in Companion Animals

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Bottley A

Seasonal Abundance of the Seychelles Scale, Icerya Seychellarum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae) Infesting Guava Trees

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Mohamed LHY

Multiple Sclerosis Disease Modifying Therapy and Cancer risks

Schlindwein MAM

Melphalan Impacts Temporarily on Pancreatic Enzymes

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Kirdök K

A Novel Hemizygous Mutation of HCFC1 Causes X-Linked Recessive Gene Inherited Developmental Delay in a Chinese Family

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Chen J

A Review on How Animals Contribute as a Factor to Antibiotic Resistance

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Sania G

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Cognition in Patients Severe TBI; A Prospective Study

Sankaran R

Bioequivalence of Two Efavirenz/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate 600/200/300 mg Fixed-Dose Combination Tablets in Healthy Thai Male Volunteers under Fasting Conditions

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Yoosakul E

Drug Therapy Problems and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients with Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) Positive Breast Cancer on Trastuzumab-Based Therapy in a Kenyan Tertiary Health Facility

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Gathoni KC

Upswing in Industrial Activity and Infant Mortality During Late 19th Century US

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Tavassoli N

Human Milk Donation: Methods, Perceptions and Experiences in a Descriptive Study

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Quitadamo PA

Management of Gluteal Adjuvant Disease by Resection and Rotation of PreExpanded Lumbar Flaps

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de Rungs Brown DR

Hand Washing: A Proposed Scoring Scale to Grade the Level of Practice of Mothers in the Community

Ideh RC

Evaluating the Impact of Team Huddles in Breast Imaging Radiology

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Woodard S

Immunodepletion of Multiple High-Abundant Proteins from Bovine Fluids

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Afedi PA

Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis in the Setting of Seizure Edema

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Gandhi A

Pharmacokinetics Bridging Study of a 400 Mg Extended Release Formulation of the Novel Fumaric Acid Ester PPC-06 (Tepilamide Fumarate) in Healthy Male Volunteers

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Rizea-Savu S

Bioequivalence Evaluation of Two Clopidogrel Immediate Release Tablet Formulations in Healthy Thai Volunteers Under Fasting Conditions

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Sunhem A

Development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

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da Silva IM

Encapsulation Applications and Production Techniques in the Food Industry

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Gürbüz E

Antibacterial Properties and Synthesis of Organoclay with Goji Berry

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Baysal G

Acute Confusional Syndrome in Patient with Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma

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Gornatti M

Inflammatory “Endotheliopathy’’ with COVID 19 Infections in Children, Unanswered Questions for Management Post Recovery

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Jain A

Normal Value of Antistreptolysin O Titer in Rheumatoid Heart Disease who are on Secondary Prophylaxis and in Apparently Healthy Children at Debreberhan Referral Hospital, Ethiopia

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Asfaw T

Musculoskeletal Disorders and Association with Social Media Use Among University Students at the Quarantine Time Of COVID-19 Outbreak

Amro A

Proposed Perioperative Guidelines for Selective Infectious Diseases in the Pediatric Population

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Salik I

Knowledge, Awareness and Use of Neurodynamic Mobilization in Athletes Training Among Palestinian Physiotherapists

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Amro A

Expert Witness’s Decalogue, Revisited

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González-Wilhelm L

Characterization of Pugmark for Animal Species Identification for Forensic Importance

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Yadav N

Intraobserver and Interobserver Error in Osteological Analysis as an Indicator for Non-Expert Skeletal Analysis

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Henson K

The Perception of Patient Safety Culture among Physicians at an Academic Tunisian Hospital

Harizi C

Construct Validity and Reliability of a Knowledge, Attitude, Perception, and Behaviors on Dietary Practices Questionnaire for School-Age Children in Panama

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Ríos-Castillo I

Single Stage Surgical Management of an Adult Patient with Crouzon Syndrome

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Walecha K

Establishing a Special Open Field Test Appliance for Tree Shrews Evaluates their Stressed Locomotor Behavior

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Dai J

Overweight and Obesity and their Relationship with Glucose Dysregulation in the Nigerian Youth

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Anumah FO

Prevalence and Genetic Profile of β-Thalassemia Associated Mutations in a Mauritanian Population

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Veten F

Assessment of the Food Base and Eating Behaviour of Camels in Different Regions of the World

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Khaskheli AA

Effect of Hot Water Treatment on DNA Quality of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis (L) osbeck) Fruits

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Oladele Oluwole Olakunle

The New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Declared as a Global Pandemic

Moure UAE

Clinical Features and Management of Eosinophilic Asthma

Syabbalo N

Obesity as Behavioral Risk Factors of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in Young Gabonese Population

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Ongali B

Blood Type Distribution in Patients Attending the Laboratory of Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital, in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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Koulidiati J

Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Imatinib: A Study of 48 Cases in Burkina Faso

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Koulidiati J

Pattern of Injuries in Patients Admitted to the Emergency Department of Alexandria Main University Hospital and its Relation to Substance Use

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Kholeif WSAER

Surgical Approach of an Oronasal Communication Secondary to Septoplasty

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Marques FS

Musicians of Wind Instruments and Oral Condition

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Barbieri CB

The Effect of 8 Weeks of Strength Training and Creatine Intake on Sarcopenia

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Padilla Colón CJ

Computer Simulations of Brain Oxygenation at the Microvascular Level Validating a New Role of the Arterioles

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Titovets E

Epidemiological, Clinical and Radiographic Profile of Thoracic Manifestations Associated with Sickle Cell Anemia in Adults at Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouédraogo in Ouagadougou at Burkina Faso

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Koulidiati J

Clozapine Induced Akathisia - A Case Study, Evaluation and Treatment

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Bhaumik U

In vitro Digestibility of Indian Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) Leaves Associated with Stylosanthes guianensisin Ruminants

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Jules L

Bioequivalence between Two Capsules of Pirfenidonein Healthy Subjects under Fed Condition

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Vespasiano CFP

Factors Influences Selection and Adaptation of Aphid to their Host Plant

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Mandal P

Case Workers Report Greater Caffeine Intake

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Panek-Shirley L

Cognitive Enhancers Derived from Edible Crops

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Chapman NH

A Case of Lambda AL Type Skeletal Amyloidosis with Vascular Myopathy Achieved Clinical Response after Autologous Stem Cell Transplant

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Khedro T

Anemia Associated to Helicobacter pylori at Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouédraogo (CHU-YO) of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso

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Koulidiati J

Efficacy of Chemical and Organic Fungicides against Spot Blotch Management of Wheat

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Gupt SK

Relationship between Blood Ethanol Concentration, Ethyl Glucuronide and Ethyl Sulfate and Clinical Signs of Alcohol Intoxication

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Tõnisson M

Recycling Waste Plastic Bags as a Replacement for Cement in Production of Building Bricks and Concrete Blocks

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Ghaly AE

Increased expression of Nppc and Npr2 in ovarian tissues from mice with polycystic ovary syndrome

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Huang J

Case of the Successful Treatment of the Severe Form of the Ovarian Hyperstimulation

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Zolotykh OS

Outcome of Impedance Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation (Novasure) for the Management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Women with Scarred Uterus

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Al-Inizi S

Feedback on a Sickle Cell Family Education Symposium

Speller-Brown B

The Bridge between Emotion and Crime

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Senavci M

Behavior and Genetics: Confounding Effects on Adolescent BMI

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Jacobs M

Charles Bonnet Syndrome: Rapid Resolution of Visual Hallucinations with Low Dose Risperidone

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Mahr F

Evaluation of the Autistic Children Motor Skills: Research Project Proposal

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Labiadh L

An Indirect Torque Loss Evaluation in Ceramic Brackets

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Ana Rita P

Peter Levine and Somatic Experiencing

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Ives E

Comparison of Outcomes Following Revisional Laparoscopic Gastric Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy and Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass

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Riaz AA

Voromonas Pontica Identified by Giemsa Staining and Anti-RhopH3 Protein Reactivity

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Sam-Yellowe TY

Ameloblastic Fibro Odontoma Associated with Odontogenic Keratocyst – A Rare Case Report

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Sathyanarayanan R

The Change Level of Concentration of Hsp70 in the Different Age in the Goats in Various Seasons

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AL Yamani.M.H

Effect of Substituting Soybean Meal with Fermented Leaves and Seeds of the Rubber Tree (Havea brasiliensis) on Protein Intake and Percentage of Organ Weight in Broiler Chicken

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Syahruddin E

Influence of Guanidinoacetic Acid Supplementation of Fish Diets with Different Levels of Energy Content on Growth Performance and Serum Metabolites

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El Sayed Mahmoud R

Democratization of Genomic Tools to Improve Autochthonous Sheep Breeds Productivity in Developing Countries

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Gazbar F

Ingredients and Pathways for Sustainable Sheep Breeding Strategies under Low Input Production Systems: The Example of Two Distinct Sheep Breeds

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Djemali M

Amiodarone Prevents Atrial Fibrillation Induced by Arsenic Trioxide in Extramedullary Plasmacytoma Involving Lumbar Disc: A Novel Case Report

Shakil Md A

Poor Sanitation in the Sagnarigu Municipality of Northern Region of Ghana

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Issahaku A

Gastrointestinal Implications of Post-Exercise Orange Juice Consumption

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Kelly MR

Impact of the Biofield Energy Healing Based Test Formulation on Various Health Biomarkers Using Cell-Based Assays

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Patric E

Assessing Satisfaction and Motivation of Health Extension Workers (Hews) and Factors Associated with it in Gambella Region, Gambella, Southwest Ethiopia, 2018: A Cross-Sectional Study

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Demmem AM

A Comparative Study of Different Blood Alcohol Concentration Effect on Handwriting

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Rana A

The First Suspicions Case of Congeneital Microcephaly Associated with Zika Virus in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

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Mashako MR

Effect of Body Mass Index on 30-day and 1-year Mortality after Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair

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Davenport DL

A Giant Cystadenolymphoma of the Parotid Gland: Case Report

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Ardhaoui H

Indeterminate HIV Status during Pregnancy and Delivery: The Perinatal Dilemma

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Rakshak K

Small Cell Variant of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Presenting As Leukaemia: A Case Report and Review of Literature

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Aasha B

Anaemia Phenotypes in Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment Defaulting Adults at the Comprehensive Care Clinic at the Siaya County Teaching and Referral Hospital

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Wafula P

Triphasic Waves in EEG, an Atypical Finding in a Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) Adult Patient

Baiakmenlang S

Hand Hygiene Compliance among Healthcare Workers in Public-Sector Rural Hospitals in Benin

Dégbey C

Assessment of the Microbiological Quality of the Medico-Technical Equipment, Surfaces, Premises and Staff Hands in the Department of Neonatology of the Departmental University Hospital Center of Ouémé-Plateau in Benin in 2018

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Degbey C

Pathology of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Multifactorial Disorder. Review of the Literature

Jianxin G

Determination of the Energy and Exergy of the Syngas Produced from Gasification of Rice Husk at Different Fluidization Velocities and Equivalence Ratios

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Zhang Y

Do Chronic Hypnotics Users Truly Develop Tolerance?

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Green A

Consumption Pattern of Fruits and Vegetables among Solar Market Garden Women’s Groups from Kalalé District of Northern Benin, West Africa

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Alaofè H

Immediate Mandibular Reconstruction with Vascularized Iliac Crest Flap Following Wide Ameloblastoma Resection: Two Case Reports

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Silva IV

Social Predictors of Domestic Violence against Married Men: The Case of Mashhad (Iran)

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Hosseini A

The Influence of Meteorological Parameters on Indoor and Outdoor Radon Concentrations: A Preliminary Case Study

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Aquilina NJ

Synchronous Contralateral Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors: Case Report

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Silva IV

Determinants of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Among Infants Born from HIV Positive Women in North Wollo Zone, North East Ethiopia: 2018, Case Control Study

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Alachew Y

Multiplicity of HIV Related Risk Behaviour among Injecting Drug Users in South Asian Countries Evidence from Nepal, Bangladesh, and India

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Santosh S

Study on Cooling Zarabi Buck Semen with Different Concentrations of Low Density Lipoprotiens

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El-Rheem SMA

Simultaneous Tuberculous Infection of Lung and Allograft in Renal Transplant

Hwang E

An Overview and Constraints of Pig Farming in Assam - A Review

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Kakati LJ

Development and Validation of a Novel ELISA for the Detection of Neospora Caninum Antibodies in Bovine Sera

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Mansilla FC

Managing Heterotopic Pregnancy with Ectopic Egg Location from a Hypoplastic Horn: A Case Report

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Somé DA

Recent Ways for Incisor Intrusion during Orthodontic Treatment

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Maher Al-balaa

Photographic Height/Length & Scientific Characteristics for Identity

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Thakkar AK

Separation and Detection of Monocrotophos by Chromatography Methods in Forensic Samples

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Gurusamy K

Forensic Medical Aspect in Siddha Medical System-Comparative Study

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Pholtan Rajeev SR

Clinicopathological and Prognostic Value of Plasmacytoid subtype in Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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Burity CRT

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Twin Sisters after Ibuprofen Administration. New Insights in Pathogenesis and Literature Review

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Horjeti E

A Look at Day Fines: What has happened over the Years?

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Robert LB

An Exhaustive Mapping Model for Modified Likelihood Ratio for Handwriting Recognition in Forensic Science

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Abiodun A.O

Bioequivalence between Two Tablets of Levetiracetam in Healthy Subjects under Fasting Condition

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Vespasiano CFP

Exogenously Treated Carnitine Upregulates the Contents of Macro and Microelements in the Leaves of Maize (Zea Mays Cv. Hido) Seedlings

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Turk H

A Screening Study of Cervical Cancer Using Pap Smear Test in Outpatient Clinic of Must University Hospital

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Tag El-Sabah M

Remineralization Activities of Bioactive Materials and Nanotechnological Products Used in Pediatric Dentistry

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Oznurhan F

Effects of Transfer Factor Supplementation on Immune Reactions in Mice

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Vetvicka V

Emerging Coxsackievirus A6 Causing Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Children in Gabon

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Lekana-Douki SE

The Importance of Spontaneous Intramural Hematoma of the Small Bowel and Close Follow-up in Intensive Care Unit Due to Warfarin Use: A Case Report

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Bilge H

Can Myofascial Treatment with Pulsating Vibrations Improve Mobility for Patients with Frozen Shoulder? A Case Study

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Borg H

Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Including Skunk Liquid, Household Cleaning Products, and Others

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Salem HS

Phenotypic and Genotypic Study of ESBL and MBL Encoding Genes and Molecular Typing in Acinetobacter Baumannii Strains Isolated from Hospitalized Patients

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Amini A

Suicidal Poisoning by Ingestion of Taxus Baccata Leaves: A Case Report with Review of the Literature

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de Alba Iriarte B

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Choroidal Neovascularization and Subretinal Fibrosis in Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum

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Ghezzaz A

A Facil Water Treatment Rendering Cement Kiln Dust Reusable in Clinker Manufacturing

Zaki MI

After Brain Tumor Surgery: Catheter-Related Bacteremia of Chryseobacterium indologenes Development in Central Nervous System of An Infancy. A Case Report

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Ozen S

Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment and its Impact on Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Tellurium

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Jana S

Greater Trochanter Avulsion Associated with Posterior Hip Dislocation

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Barasa M

Evaluation of Anti-aging Effect of the Novel Test Formulation in Cell-based Studies using Β-Galactosidase Activity, Collagen Levels, and Protection against Oxidative Stress

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Jana S

Development of a Continuous Fluidic Reactor for the Photocatalytic Treatment of Liquid Effluents

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Pirard SL

Effects of Ramadan Fasting on Anthropometric Measures, Blood Pressure and Glucose Level among Type 2 Diabetic Patients on Metformin Treatment

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El Bilbeisi AH

Design and Evaluation of a Connected Insole to Support Healthy Aging of Frail Patients at Home

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Charlon Y

Bioequivalence Study of Olanzapine 5 mg Orally Disintegrating Tablet Formulations in Healthy Thai Volunteers under Fasting Conditions

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Yoosakul E

Determination of N-Butylscopolamine in Human Plasma by Solid-Phase Extraction and UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS: Development, Validation and Application to a Bioequivalence Study

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Favreto WAJ

Rasmussens Aneurysm: A Case Report

Karhate M

Huge Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Parapharyngeal Space

Ballage A

Clinical Complications, Incidental Neoplasms and Recurrence in Surgical Management of Multi Nodular Goiter

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El-Sabah MT

MOX Fuel Alternatives for Minor Actinides Burnup in Thermal Spectrum

Martínez CE

Karoshi: A Sword of Damocles Hanging over Chinese High-pressure Doctors

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Yang C

Characterization of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Essential Amino Acid: L-Tryptophan

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Branton A

Developing Sigmoid Volvulus after Medical Disimpaction of a Patient with Stool Impaction: A Case Report

Alharthi A

Effects of Planting Dates on Nutritional and Phytochemical Compositions of Onion Varieties Under Rain-fed and Irrigation Facilities in Ogbomoso, Nigeria

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JO Olaniyi

A Novel Neuroprotective and Antioxidative Efficacy of a Unique Combination of Standardized Huperzia serrata, Convolvulus pluricaulis and Celastrus paniculatus Extracts

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Ahmad I

Relationship between Self-Stigma and Quality of Life among Patients with Schizophrenia

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Shaimaa E

Impact of the Biofield Energy Treated Proprietary Novel Formulation on Memory and Cognition Function in Neuronal Cell

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Trivedi MK

Problems of Agriculture in Azerbaijan and the Prospects of its Development

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Aliyev ZH

Effect of Seed Thermotherapy to Reduce the Viral Diseases of Faba Bean (Vicia Faba L.) in the Interandean Valley of Cochabamba, Bolivia

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Coca Morante M

The Effect of Surfactant Compound Sprays on the Rate of Adsorption on Different Target Surfaces

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Toraman MC

Proximal Avulsion of Ulnar Collateral Ligament of the Thumb

Maklad M

Gullo´s Syndrome (Benign Pancreatic Hyperenzymemia): Report of the First Two Cases in Basque Country

de Alba Iriarte B

Implant in Medically Challenged Patients: Myth Vs Facts

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Alkarni O

A Review of Rice Tungro Virus in Nepal

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Bhusal K

Differentiated Approach and Steps in the Obstructive Jaundice Patients Treatment

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Petrovskiy AN

Latent Fingerprint on Human Skin: A Silent Diagnosis

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Upadhyay S

Zero Point Energy as Sea of Energy

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Namwetako JS

Changing of Charge Carriers Concentration in a Diffusion-Junction Rectifier with Variation of Radiation Processing of Materials

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Pankratov EL

Effect of Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Epoxy Nano Composites

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Mishra S

Comparative Study of ATiO3 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba & Pb) Perovskites in Cubic and Tetragonal Phase using TB-LMTO-ASA Method

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Vettumperumal R

Evaluating the Economic Performance of Reverse Polymerization Technology for Waste Tyre Recycling in Sub-Saharan Africa

Olatayo KI

Examination and Comparison of the Handwriting Characteristics of Devanagari Script with Gurumukhi and Telugu Script

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Sharma B

Dry Eye Evaluation in Saudi Patients with Vitamin D Deficiency

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Elagamy A

Report from the Shells of the Beach Village Darak Chabahar

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Dana P

Setting Threshold Value for Peripheral Blood Morphology Slide Review of Leucocytes and Lymphocytes at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Hailu W

An Investigation into the Physiological and Psychological Impact of Supine and Side Lying Physical Restraint Techniques

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Barnett R

Analysis of Referral Patterns to a Dento-Maxillofacial Radiologist from Dental Practitioners

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Lalla Y

A Bioequivalence Study of Two Formulations of Rosuvastatin

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Zava D

Is the Emergency Bag of the Doctor of a Rural Medical Capacity Ready for Emergencies? A Quality Improvement Project (QIP) in a Greek Rural Health Center

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Kostidou E

Cost-Effectiveness and Budget Impact Analysis of Recombinant Tumor Necrosis Factor-Thymosin Alpha 1 in a Complex Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer

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Plavinskiy SL

A Study on Chromatography Methods for the Separation and Detection of Certain Benzodiazepine Drug in Forensic Sample

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Gurusamy K

Discovery of Potent Drug Candidates of Adhatoda vasica Against Target Proteins IL- 4 and IL- 13 of Asthma – An in Silico

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Pegu R

A MRI Diagnosis of Congenital Urogenital Anomalies in 27 Years Old Man

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D’Amato D

Copper Oxide Nano-Hydrogel Composite and their Toxicology Studies: A Green Chemistry Approach

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Ezealisiji KM

Evaluation of the Effect of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the Crystal and Particle Characteristics of Aluminium Powder

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Nayak G

Should the Lateral Chest Radiograph be a Routine Projection in the Diagnosis of Pneumonia in Children: A Narrative Review?

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Bell G

Unrelenting Gynecological Conflict: Isn’t it Time we all got along?

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Miller J

Optimization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for Chlorpyrifos Degradation using Response Surface Methodology

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Hemlata B

Canavan Disease (Aspartoacylase Deficiency): Report of the First Case in Basque Country and a Novel Mutation in Europe

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de Alba Iriarte B

Spontaneous Bruising on the Face, Neck and Chest

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Naschitz JE

Intracranial Inflammatory Pseudotumor: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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Yesen Zhang

Diencephalon-Mesencephalon Dysplasia, with Dysplastic Basal Ganglia, and Midline Fusion, a Case Report of Novel Appearances

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El Beltagi AH

Preparation and Performance Analysis of High Temperature Resistant and High Strength Alcohol Soluble Phosphate/Phenolic Hybrid Adhesive

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Paranasal Augmentation in Orthodontics

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Kulshrestha R

Comparison of Serum and Hair Testosterone Concentrations in Free-Roaming Stallions

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Kutzler MA

Bone in Tree – A Case Study

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Sabyasachi Nath

Clinical Relevance of Serum Retinol in Patients with Cirrhosis of Liver

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Saxena KN

Metabolic Effects of an Inositol-Resveratrol Nutraceutical Combination in Non-Diabetic Overweight/Obese Subjects with Altered Glucose Tolerance

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Della Corte T

Recovery of DNA from Fingerprints on Enhanced Different Paper Types

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Zaghloul NM

Oral Amelanotic Malignant Melanoma: A Review and a Case Report

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Raha H

Study of Microalbuminuria and its Correlation to Prognosis in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Longitudinal Study at Level 1 Trauma Centre

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Sengar K

Inhalation of “Borax” and Risk of Severe Stridor

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Obaid O

Invasive Candidiasis in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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Almazer Y

Treatment of Acute Corneal Hydrops with Full-thickness Penetrating Subtotal Keratoplasty (PKP): Clinical Case

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Zolotorevskiy AV

In Vitro Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Brucella Species Isolated from Human and Animals in India

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Doimari S

Clinical Study on the Efficacy of Vipadikahara Grita Taila on the Treatment of Vipadika Skin Disease

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Hewageegana HGSP

A Set of Axioms on Forces in the Mechanics of Rigid Bodies

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Lámer G

Management of Needle Breakage Following Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block: Case Report

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Ferrari S

Exploring the Effects of Tomato Extract Supplementation on Cognitive Function during Exercise and at Rest

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Chapman NH

Multiprogram Interaction between Mitigation and Adaptation Programs: Optimization Opportunity for Governments Addressing Climate Change

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Lilford E

Safety Concerns of Glaucoma Chemotherapy among G6PD Deficient Glaucoma Patients: A Pilot Study

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Kyei S

The Relationship of Visuo-Motor Processing and Upright Balance in Acutely Concussed Athletes

Cripps A

Ion Mobility Spectrometry: A Tool in the Forensic Science for the Post Detonation Residue Analysis

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Thangadurai S

Proximate Composition and Quality Characterization of Oil Extracted From Moringa Oleifera Kernel Using Different Extraction Method

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Oluwafunke AO

Nematodes in Horticulture: An Overview

Lopes-Caitar VS

Factors Contributing to Malnutrition among Under-Fives: A Survey of Mubende Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda

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Namusoke M

Picture Fuzzy Grey Approach for Decision Problems with unknown Weight Information

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Ashraf S

The Development of Reference Values for Waist Circumference and Waist Height Ratios in Nigerian Youths 10-18 Years of Age

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Anumah FO

Protective Effects of Exclusive Breastfeeding against Childhood Obesity: Finding Evidences from India

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Sharma S

Cardiovascular Responses of Patients with Obesity Submitted to a Proof of Effort

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Pereira-Rodríguez JE

Reflections on the Effect of an m Health App in Behavioural Change for Childhood Weight Management

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Rahman A

Case Report of Novel LAMB2 Gene Mutation in Palestinian Infant with Pierson (Microcoria-Congenital Nephrosis) Syndrome

Zaid M

Treatment of Wastewater by Material Based on Dates Rods

Bouranene S

Herpetic Encephalitis Associated with Multiple Myeloma: Diagnostic Challenge

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Coronatto LH

Prevalence of Cs and Early Maternal Complication, among Cs Delivered Mothers at Jugol Hospital, Harar, Ethiopia

Masresha L

Comparative Simulation Study of Direct and Indirect Target Production of 99Mo with Linear Accelerator at SAMEER

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Aqsa Shaikh

Symmetric Balanced Incomplete Block Designs for Seven Treatments from Mutually Orthogonal Latin Square of Order 7

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Saka AJ

Thermoresponsive Crosslinked Ampholytic Terpolymers (CATs): Effect of Salt Concentration on Porosity, Thermal, Mechanical, Electrical Conduction, and Imprintable Properties

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Ekici S

Eating Patterns, Dietary Diversity and the Nutritional Status of Children Residing in Orphanages in Southwestern Nigeria

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Adeomi AA

Influence on Enrichment Pasta with Fish Protein Concentrated (FPC) for Silver Carp (Hypophthamichthys Molitrix) Minced Meat Industrial Product

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Kamali S

Physico-Chemical and Functional Characteristics of Palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer L) Spongy Haustorium Flour

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Vengaiah PC

Fatal 2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) Ingestion & Use of a Novel Analytical Methodology Testing Post-Mortem Blood Concentrations

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Vohra V

A Bioequivalence Study of Two Formulations of Levetiracetam

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Zava D

Effectiveness of Neural Mobilization for the Treatment of Radiating Low Back Pain

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Mustofa KSM

Isolated In-Situ Axial Hepatic Mal-Rotations: Implication on Laparoscopic; Surgical Anatomy and Practice

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Nasr MM

Forearm Recurrent Pilomatrixoma

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Onur G

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans of Abdominal Wall: A Case Report

Wani I

Interrelation between Climate Change and Solid Waste

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Gichamo T

Solid State Characterization of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Ferrous Sulphate

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Trivedi D

A Review of the Economist’s Approach to Pollution and Its Control

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Biala MI

How Blood Glucose Relevance with Falooda Ice Cream Loving?

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Qadir MI

Optimization of a Conventional PCR Assay for the Identification of Corynebacterium Pseudotuberculosis from Pyogenic Lesions

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Costa L

Review Work on Breeding Objectives and Practices of Small Holder Sheep Production in Ethiopia

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Gebremariam B

Dose-Dependent Pharmacokinetics of Ropivacaine in Anesthetized Rabbits: Absence of Changes in Protein Binding

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Thomas F

Proteomic Approaches for the Mapping of Human Erythrocyte Membrane Proteins

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Contreras-Puentes N

Post-Weaning Growth Performance of Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus L) Fed on Panicum maximum Supplemented with Graded Levels of Arachis glabrata in the Diet

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Miegoué E

HIV-Associated Oral Kaposi Sarcoma: Case Report and Literature Review

Machado MDC

Huge Capillary Haemangioma of the Nasal Fossae

Khdim M

Lost IUCD since 14 Years: Found in Urinary Bladder

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Jain N

Bioequivalence between two extended Release Tablets of Oxycodone Hydrochloride in Healthy Subjects under Fasting and Fed Conditions

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Vespasiano CFP

Recurrent Mucinous Ovarian Neoplasms: Rationale and Results of a New Treatment Plan in Four Patients

Sugarbaker PH

Cervical Spinal Stimulation at Different Levels Evoked Multisegmental Motor Responses in the Lower Limbs

Bittar FO

Prevalence and Associated Psychological Effects of Induced Unsafe Abortion

Damota MD

Automated Polyp Detection System in Colonoscopy Using Deep Learning and Image Processing Techniques

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Yael K

A Young Woman with Abdominal Pain: Unintentional Toothpick Ingestion

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Ghadir MR

Automated Polyp Detection System in Colonoscopy Using Deep Learning and Image Processing Techniques

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Yael K

Mediastinitis Revealing Primitive Thyroid Tuberculosis

Chaouki A

Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica: A Case Report

Karhate M

The Right to Rehabilitation with Regards to the International Human Rights Law

Sevinc I

Prevalence of Anemia among Children Aged 6 Months - 12 Years Attending Emergency Room in Princess Rahma Teaching Hospital for Children, North of Jordan

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Khaled Shalby

Washington County, PA-A Case Study to Improve the Obesity Epidemic and Enhance Healthcare Access at the Patient-, Community- and Health System Level

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Yan Leyfman

Factors Associated with Home Births among Rural Mothers in Uganda; a Descriptive Survey of Gomba District

Atuhaire S

To Analyze the Casual Effect of Economic Growth, Energy Use on Fossil Fuel Consumption in Sub Saharan Africa with Structural Breaks

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Ssali MW

Availability and Knowledge of Iodized Salt at Household Level and Associated Factors at Debre Tabor Town, Northwest Ethiopia

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Demissie TW

Comparison of Statistical Techniques for Forecasting Malaria Cases in Ghana

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Twumasi-Ankrah S

First Known Case of Juvenile Gigantomachia in the United Kingdom - A Case Report

Svenning M

Rehabilitation Providers’ Perspective on Recovery Following Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation: A Qualitative Study

Toonstra JL

Epidemiology of Bronchiolitis: Multicentric Study Policlinico-Garibaldi-Bronte-Caltagirone-Siracusa

Betta P

Biomaterials Characterization for Orthopedic Orthoses: a Systematic Revi

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De Azevedo Cunha J

Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma: A Case Report

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Pablo CFG

Urticaria Pigmentosa: Clinical and Dermoscopic Features

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Aqil N

Predictive Value of ERCC1 Expression on Treatment Response to Cisplatin-Based Regimens in Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis

Arpaci RB

A Clinical Case Study of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma of Young Adult

Bai W

Synchronous Papillary Carcinoma in Thyroglossal Duct Cyst and Thyroid Gland Associated to Untreated Midline Cervical Cleft: A Case Report

Choukry K

Ampullary Localization of Unruptured Ectopic Pregnancy of Eighteen Weeks about a Case

Ajbabdi M

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the External Auditory Canal: Case Report

Zouhair N

Hydroxyapatite Deposition Disease- Spontaneous Resolution of Significant Post Treatment Deposit

Agarwal S

Granular Cell Tumor of the Tongue: 2 Cases Report and Review of the Literature

Caixeirinho P

Role of Serology and Histopathology in Diagnostic of Human Cystic Echinococcosis

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Albadawi AAM

Computer Modeling of Convective Mass Transfer of Glucose, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Neurovascular Unit

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Titovets E

The Dose and its Acute Toxicology: A Systematic Review Article in the First Phase of Experimental Pharmacology

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Belay Y

Transient Bacteria Removal by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid for Cell Pollution

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Wang L

Kaempferol 3-glucoside from Azadirachta indica

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Pasupuleti Sreenivasa Rao

Splenic Abscesses as a Complication of Urinary Tract Infection: Case Report and Literature Review

Jarjou’I A

Target Joint “New Concept of Identification”

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Mousa Alhaosawi M

Analysis of Rice Production and Consumption Trends in Nigeria

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Udemezue JC

Diversity of Foliicolous Fungi in Kashmir

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Rafiq AD

Importance of Complete Clinical History in the Management of Parakeratinized Odontogenic Keratocyst: Case Report

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Velazque LR

Serious Post Extraction Complaint: A Study at Peshawar Dental College, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa

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Murad N

Evaluation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Nano-Fertilizers on Yield, Yield Components and Fiber Properties of Egyptian Cotton (Gossypium Barbadense L.)

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Sohair EED

Sedoanalgesia During Dental Treatment of a Patient with Sanfilippo Syndrome: A Case Report

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Kilinckan F

Etiologic Factors of the Periodontal Disease Pathogenesis

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Ambarkova V

Effect of Planting Space on Carotenoid Content and Carotenoid Profile of Two Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Varieties

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Ndah LS

Height Characteristic of Pedestrian and Digital Identity

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Thakkar AK

Palynological and Lithological Investigation of Forensic Materials at the University of Lagos, Nigeria: First Experimental Palynological Approach in Nigeria

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Walter OJ

A Preliminary Evaluation Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Infra-Red Photography for the Rapid Visualisation of Gun Shot Residue on Fabric

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Rhodes C

The Efficiency and Specificity of Matrix Gel Method from the Forensic Point of View, in Determination of ABO Blood Grouping and Rhesus Factor

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Harel VS

The Assessment of Mobbing Damage: When the Psychological Pain Becomes Physical

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Galletta D

Pharmacokinetics of a 1,000 mg Disintegrating Aspirin Tablet Formulation

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Forder S

Enteric Duplication Cyst in Infant: Case Report and Literature Review

Weber-Alvarez P

Global Analysis of an Epidemic Mathematical Model in A Chemostat

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EL Hajji M

Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Secondary to Dermatopathic Lymphadenitis

Yingying WANG

Profile of Newborns with Bone Metabolic Disease in a Neonatal Intensive Therapy Unit

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Araújo KB

Effect of Methanolic Leaf Extract of Lannea Schimperi on Some Organs Histopathology in Experimentally Induced Coccidiosis in Broiler Chickens

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Mikail HG

The Effects of Vitamin D on Obesity, Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes

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Ozkan GO

No Evidence for Stress-Induced Sympathetic Activity in Young Women Classified as Restrained Eaters

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Laessle R

Review of the Diagnostic Value of Ultrasound Imaging in Giant Cell Arteritis

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Chau SF

Tumour or Fungus? A Diagnostic Conundrum

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Rajkumar JS

The Importance of the Clock Drawing Test in Palliative Care: Identifying Cognitive Impairment and the Reverse Clock Drawing Test Phenomenon

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Portugal FA

Stimulation of IL-16 Release by Cells Exposed to HIV Virion Proteins

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Houghton JS

Monoclonal Antibodies for the CIGB-552 Antitumor Synthetic Peptide Quantification

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Gómez Y

Acceptability of Provider-Initiated HIV Testing and Counseling as an Intervention for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV and Associated Factors Among Pregnant Women Attending at Public Health Facilities in Harar Town Eastern Ethiopia 2018

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Bekele Z

Effect of Measurement of Total Organic Carbon Compounds to Improve Water Quality in the Shortest Time

Kalateh M

Drinking Patterns and Fluid Intake in the Settings Workplace and University: A Systematic Review

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Walden M

Nutritional Status of Under-5 Children of Forcibly Migrated People Living in Ukhia, Cox Bazar, Bangladesh

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Islam K

Occurrences of Dairy Calf Mortality and Morbidity and the Associated Risk Factors in Sululta and its Environs, Central Ethiopia

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Dagne K

Cattle Ticks and Tick Borne Haemoparasite Species Identification and Associated Risk Factors in Two Districts of West Arsi Zone, Ethiopia

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Bariso M

Interrelationships between Body Weight and Dimensional Shell Measurements of Giant African Land Snails (Archachatina marginata) in Calabar, Nigeria

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Ibom LA

Epidemiological Profile of Congenital Cardiopathy Neonatal Revelation in Tehran

Kenari MA

Knowledge Level of University Students on Food Additives and their Perceptions Regarding Food Safety

Gokce A

Immunohistochemical Localization of LH Receptors in Canine Splenic Hemangiosarcoma

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Zwida KH

Ectopic Liver Found on Gall Bladder Wall during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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Greenberg Y

Adynamic Donor Ureter: A Case Report with Review of the Literature

Jalbani IK

Periodontal Maintenance Therapy and Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis: Brief Review of the Literature and Case Report

Cobb CM

Nigeria’s E-Waste Management: Extended Producer Responsibility and Informal Sector Inclusion

Woggsborg A

Identity in Memory: Ascertaining Consciousness beyond Dementia

Duncan AC

Clinical Profile of Muscular Dystrophies in Burkina Faso

Dabilgou AA

A Review of the Production and Upgrading of Biofuel; Raw Materials, Processes and Products

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Ali-Ahmad S

Overweight and Obesity in Women: Factor Analysis of Data from the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey

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Gichu M

Decision-Making in Mastitis Prevention and Control at Regional, Herd and Individual Levels Based on Epidemiological and Economic Studies

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Mendonça JFM

Arterio-Venous Vascular Malformation of the Auricle Supplied by the Collaterals of Six Main Arteries: Case Report

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Sofiane N

“What Matters to You?”: Shared Decision Making in the Post-Paternalistic Era of Oral Health

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Allen M

Variability of Morphological Markers of Cone and Seeds in Natural Populations and Artificial Plantations of the Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

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Mazhula O

Fahr Disease: A Rare Disease That is Diagnosed Incidentally in the Emergency Department

Uzunget SC

Profile of Tumor-Associated Cytokines among Breast Cancer Patients: A Preliminary Study

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Streckfus CF

Are Insects a Good Alternative in Human Food?. Nutritional Value

Sanchez-Mártín M

Castleman’s Disease: a Diagnosis to Eliminate in Cases of Cervical Lymphadenopathy

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Khdim M

Beneficial Effects of Vitamin E against Indomethacin-induced Glutathione Depletion, Acetylcholinesterase Activity, (Na+,K+)-ATPase Activity and Osmotic Fragility of Erythrocyte

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Ahmad I

Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Pathogens Isolated from Surgical Site Infections at Public Health Facilities in Belize

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Tuyud V

Urinary Tract Endometriosis: Case Reports

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Chuprynin, Vladimir D.

The In Vitro Evaluation of Calcium and Bioactive Glass Based Pulp Capping Materials

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Bostanci B

Blunt Abdominal Aortic Injury and Multiple Traumatic Abdominal Wall Hernias: A case of Rare Concomitant Injuries

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Juneja A

Barycentric Coordinates for Polycons

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Eugene L Wachspress

New Technologies of Crystallization of Sucrose as Fundamental Factor of Increase in Economic Efficiency of Sugar Branch

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Tuzhilkin VI

Rheological, Antioxidant and Sensory Properties of Sodium Reduced Wheat Flour Bread with Mahaleb (Prunus mahaleb L.)

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Dikbayır CY

Adolescent Smoking: The Relationship between Cigarette Consumption and BMI

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Jacobs M

Bacteriology and Antibiogram of pathogens isolated from wound infections at Cheshire Hall Medical Laboratory, Turks and Caicos Islands

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Lyons-Dobney LE

Rumen Methanogens Community as Drivers of Methane Emission

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Teklebrhan T

Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2): A Cross-Cultural Comparison for Surinamese Children at 5 Years of Age

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Fleurkens-Peeters MJAJ

The Effect of Salbutamol Nebul Treatment on Systolic Pulmonary Artery Pressure in Newly Diagnosed Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmoner Disease

Cosgun A

Treatment of Moderate Fluorosis with Combined Bleaching Protocols

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Baltacioglu IH

His Bundle Pacing: Short Review of Literature and Technical Aspects

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Mukherjee S

Hypovolemic Shock Following Subgaleal Hemorrhage with Associated Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy in a Term Infant

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Bharti D

Early Spondyloarthritis Presenting as Premenopausal Osteoporosis and Multiple Vertebral Fractures: A Case Report

Liyanage IK

Oxygen Balance Homeostasis and Tissue Metabolic Score (TMS) of Patients in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine

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Mayevsky A

The ACAI (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) Pulp Consumption Improves Blood Pressure Levels in Women with Higher Concentrations of Interferon-Gamma

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Gomes SF

Nutritional Quality of Inventory at a Milwaukee Food Pantry

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Agyemang P

Impact of Eating Habits on Cellular Regeneration and Weight Balance in the Central African Republic

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Djorie SG

Assessment of Dietary and Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Group of Twenty (G20) and the World

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Tseng AA

Women Empowerment and the Nutrition Status of Children Aged Between 6-59 Months

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Chipili G

Impacts of Climate Change on Livestock Production and Productivity and Different Adaptation Strategies in Ethiopia

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Tiruneh S

Study of Enzymes in Myocardial Infarction

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Sudha Rani Yeluri

Influences of Various Antibiotics on Clinical Biofilm Producing Staphylococcus Aureus Strains

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Şahin R

Five Cases of an Accessory Left Vertebral Artery on the Aortic Arch

Granite G

Reviewing Footrot in Sheep

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Caetano P

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Rainfall and Rainy Days over the Goa State

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Nandargi SS

Air Pollution Report of Agartala city Tripura, India

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Roy BC

The Incidence and Durability of Compensatory Hypertrophy in Pediatric Patients with Solitary Kidneys

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Wang MK

Novel Multi-Functional Dental Cement for Enamel Remineralization and AntiCariogenic Bacteria Activity

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Shinonaga Y

An Investigation into the Range of Movement and Forces Involved by the Application of Wrist Flexion Restraint Techniques - Pain Inducing or Not?

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Barnett R

Dysautonomia after Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Case

Andrade MJ

High Glucose Modulates Responsiveness to Estrogens of Human Derived Female Cultured Osteoblasts and in Osteoblastic Cell Lines

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Somjen D

Relationship between Insight, Self-Stigma and Level of Hope among Patients with Schizophrenia

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Control and Learning Motor in Depression From The Relationship Physiotherapy-Mental Health

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Montoya-Hurtado OL

Current Trends and Risks of Autism and Vaccine Delivery

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Shende P

Clinical and Paraclinical Profile of Patients in First Nephrology Consultation at the Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital Center (ALD-UHC) About 542 Cases

Faye Mo

The Development of Traditional Morality and the Correlative Evolution of Thanatological Apprehension

DePergola II PA

microRNA 181a-5p Reprogramed Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer

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Kim JT

Effects of Long-Acting Injectable Progesterone Given Two Days after Luteolysis on Estrus Suppression in Mares

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Negretti C

Preliminary Investigation of the Interaction of Misoprostol and Phenylbutazone on Bone Response to Injury in Horses

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Newman KD

Surveillance of Phytophthora Spp Disease on Pineapple at Specific District of Ethiopia

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Hailu A

Importance of Bats (Order Chiroptera) in Agricultural Services

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Hassi U

Phytochemical Study on Ticodendron incognitum (Ticodendraceae) and Determination of its Antimalarial Activity in Vitro

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The Combined Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Component of Cabbage (Brassica Oleracea) at Dedebit Central Tigray, Ethiopia

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Mebrahtu M

Consumption of Gnetum Africanum and Effects on Dislipidemia in Diabetic Rats

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Padzys GS

Is there Correlations among SLEDAI, Pro-Inflammatory Biomarkers and Urine NGAL in SLE?

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Bianchini MS

A Traumatic Context Can Hide a Sexual Rape

Ammor FZ

Measure: Multiprofessional Intervention in Overweight and Obesity of Users Assisted in the Primary Health Care

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Ferreira VA

Using Simulation and Data Mining For Engineering Knowledge Improvement

Ennouri K

An Insight into the Role of Spliceosomal Mutations in Myelodysplastic Syndromes

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Mohanty P

Commitment to the Quality of Global Life and Emotional Function of Women with Cancer in Chemotherapy

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Coelho RCFP

Profile Clinical, Epidemiological of Patients Subject to Sedestation in Intensive Care Unit

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Nepomuceno-Junior, BRV

Evaluation of the Mandibular Incisive Canal by Panoramic Radiography and Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

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Differential Expression of Proteins Associated with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection on HeLa cell lines

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Arjunan S

A Profile of Trigonometric Measures of Fuzzy Information and Discrimination

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Hooda DS

Defeating Surgical Anguish: A Worldwide Tale of Creativity, Hostility, and Discovery

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Iqbal Akhtar Khan

Role of Bilirubin and Albumin in Cord Blood as Predictors for Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia

Mahmoud Alalfy

Price Transmission and Signal of Cowpea across Zones and Value Chain in Niger State of Nigeria

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Sadiq MS

Relative Efficiency of Different Sire Procedures in Crossbred Cattle

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Lodhi G

Comparison of Chemical Composition of Pomegranate (Punica Granatum L.) and Grape (Vitis Vinifera L.) Seed Oils Obtained By Extraction

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Demir H

Estimation of Pathogen Proportions of Infectious Diseases: Models, Approaches and Evaluations

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Shang N

Doose Syndrome

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Manish P

Modified and Combined Lateral and Posterolateral Approach an Alternative Treatment to Tibial Plateau Fractures

Gunaseelan P

Displaced Fracture of the Proximal Humerus Causing Axillary Artery Injury and Brachial Plexus Palsy

Younus A

Some Significant Developments in Bandage Fabrics

Gokarneshan N

Access to and Utilisation of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Services among Secondary School Students in Mityana district, Uganda

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Ntulume C K

Effect of Operator-Related Factors on Failure Rate of Orthodontic MiniImplants (OMIS) used as Temporary Anchorage Devices (TAD); Systematic Review

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Mohamed AM

Accidentally Discovered Pure Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Gall Bladder: A Case Report

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Osman N

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Separation from Oil-Contaminated Soil Using Supercritical and Subcritical Water

Motamedimehr S

The Economic Impact of Climate Change on Transportation Assets

Gelete G

Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries Presenting to the Emergency Department

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Djemal S

The Contribution of Alcohol Consumption to Overall Cancer Incidence in the Western World: A Meta-Analysis

Hendriks HFJ

Biological Availability of Phosphorus in Raw and Acidulated Sinda and Chilembwe Rock Phosphates in Broiler Chickens

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Mwanza G

Impaired Driving Associated with the Synthetic Cannabinoid 5F-ADB

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McCain KR

The Roles of IL-33 and TGF-Β1 in the Pathogenesis of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/ Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: Potential Biomarkers for Disease Severity

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Till SD

Adrenal Incidentalomas - From Diagnosis to Follow-Up: Endocrine and Imaging Features at Diagnosis and Over Time

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Nunes JM

Association between Physical Activity and Body Weight: Health Creation and Disease Prevention

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Meshefedjian GA

Nesfatin-1 Differences in Cesarean Section Compared to Natural Vaginal Delivery

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Tehranian N

Utilization of Antibiotic among University Medical Students from Tripoli, Libya

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Atia A

Paraneoplastic Urticarial Vasculitis and Recurrence of Prostatic Adenocarcinoma

Marsaudon E

Solitary Plasmacytoma of the Thoracic Spine

Younus A

Is it Just Shoulder Pain or Insidious Foot Step of Parkinson’S Disease? A Minireview of the Literature

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Degirmenci E

Isolated Extrapontine Myelinolysis Presenting as Acute-onset Reversible Parkinsonism in a Boy with Adrenocortical Insufficiency

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Konanki R

A Case with Vitreomacular Traction Developing Complications after Intravitreal Perfluoropropane Injection

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Hsin-Yu Weng

Positive Efficiency of Combine Immunotherapy in Immunocompromised Girls with Recurrent Nonspecific Chronic Vulvovaginitis

Nesterova IV

Bioequivalence between two Prolonged Release Tablets of Desvenlafaxine Succinate in Healthy Subjects under Fasting and Fed Conditions

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Vespasiano CFP

Neuroschistosomiasis presenting as Conus Medullaris Lesion; A Case Report

Al-Hashel JY

Acute Pneumonia is More Cardiovascular than a Respiratory Disaster

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Klepikov I

Veterinary Considerations for the Theoretical Resurrection of Extinct Species

Feye KM

Gene Therapy in Sickle Cell Disease

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AlDallal S

Attitudes of the Secular and Religious Jewish Public in Israel to Euthanasia

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Grinberg K

Sustainable Technologies for Greener Environment

Omer AM

Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Among General Practitioners in Health Facilities in Brazzaville in Republic of Congo

Linguissi LSG

A Systematic Review Caenorhabditis Elegans (C. Elegans) - A Host Model Organism to Study Drug-Induced Responses to the Effects of Stimulant and Depressant Drugs

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Khanh ND

Protease, Lipase, Ürease Activity in Biofilm Forming Strains of Staphylococcus aureus

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Şahin R

Sero-Detection of Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) in Blood Sample from Pigs, Obtained from Katsit Pig Market

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Ajide BA

RNA Extraction from the Yeast Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto Using Two Commercially Available Silica Column-Based Purification Methods

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Rodríguez ML

Effect of Rotation and Gravity on Generalized Thermoelastic Medium with Double Porosity under L-S Theory

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Othman MIA

Property Security Using a Biometric Based Door Lock System

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Enalume KO

Mapping Water Quality by Using Geostatistical Method (Marmaris Bay, Mugla, Turkey)

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Kaymaz SM

Pulmonary Nocardiosis: A Rare Diagnosis in an Intensive Care Unit

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Carvalho R

Assessment of Physico-Chemical Properties, Pasting Profiles and Sensory Scores of Co-Processed Quality Protein Maize and Carrot Complementary Food

Oladeji B.S.

The Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Sport-Scientific Context

Kozlová S

Prevalence of Low Back Pain among Higher Secondary School Teachers of Kanpur, India

Gupta G

Induce Hyperlipidemia in Rats Using High Fat Diet Investigating Blood Lipid and Histopathology

Karam I

Analysis of Start, End and Length of the Growing Season and the Number of Rainy Days in Semi-Arid Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia

Lupi A

Liquid-Based Cytology Compared to Conventional Cytology for Diagnosis of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Single-Center Experience

Flores-Hernández L

Two Approaches in the Cosmetic Reabilitation of Patients with Post-Traumatic Subatrophy of the Eyeball

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Tsurova LM

Salmonella Contamination of Fresh Salad Produce: Prevalence, Impact and Reduction Strategies

P Freestone

Novel Evidences of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for Spasticity

Suputtitada A

Role of MRI in the Clinical Exigesis of Asymptomatic Medial Collateral Ligament Injurie

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Razak MDK

The Study of Microbiological Safety of Germinated Seeds of Broad Beans in the Process of their Production and Storage

Gurbanov NH

Occupational Exposure to Blood and Bodily Fluids among Health Care Workers in a Medical Teaching Hospital

Alhazmi RA

Analysis Regarding Tracking Phenomenon to Adult Obesity

Fujii K

Estimation of the Abundances of Heavy Elements Isotopes in Neutron Stars

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Murunga SWG

Effect of Sodium Chloride on Geotechnical Properties of Black Cotton Soil

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Ramya HN

The Psychosocial Analysis of a Suicide in Azerbaijan

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Velimedova O

On Similarity of Pressure Head and Bubble Pressure Fractal Dimensions for Characterizing Permo-Carboniferous Shajara Formation, Saudi Arabia

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Al-Khidir KE

The Impact of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy in Lewy Body Dementia: A Neuropathological Study with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Correlations

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De Reuck J

Analysis of Main Growing Seasonal (Kirmet or Genna) Rainfall and Dry Spell Occurrence in Semi-Arid Central Rift Valley of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Lupi A

Efficacy of Purified Glutathione -S- Transferee in Providing Protection against Haemonchus Contortus Infection in Sheep

Kandil OM

Management of Bladder Catheter Knot in a Girl: A Case Report and Review of Literature

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Erikci VS

Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis

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Jacob M

Pruritic Urticarial Rash in a 17 Year Old Male

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Berens D

Non-Operative Management of Acute Appendicitis – Evidence versus Practice in Eastern Health, Victoria, Australia

Allan Z

Age Related Variation in Feminine Handwriting among Population Groups of Delhi, India

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Vijit Deepani

Review on Recent Approaches in Transdermal Drug Delivery System

Sailaja AK

How the Learning Curve Affects the Cochlear Implant Program in the Region of Murcia

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Cubillana-Herrero JD

Recent Advancements Involving Immunoliposomes to Target Breast Cancer

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Khan DR

Management Protocol for Patients with Down syndrome associated with Alzheimers disease

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Morales-Chavez MC

In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Aqueous Extracts from the Atemoya Fruit (Peel, Pulp, and Seed): Correlation of Their Protein, Carbohydrate, and Phenolic Compound Contents

Serquiz AC

Fiber Post-Has it Evolved yet-An Evidence Based Analysis?

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Noor Saira Wajid Najma Hajira

Effect of Different Plant Spacing on the Production of Hybrid Cauliflower (Brassica Oleraceae Var. Botrytis) Under the Agro-Climatic Conditions of Mid-Hills Region Nepal

Joshi TN

Malacological diversity on four Lamiaceae in the region of Tlemcen (Northwest of Algeria)

Damerdji A

Potential of Producing Hydrogen Gas from Straw by Anaerobic Thermal Shocked Biological Sludge to Create Clean Energy

Nam NH

Prevalence of Mastitis and Associated risk factors in Jimma Town Dairy Farms, Western Ethiopia

Bayush Tesfaye

Neutrosophic Modules

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Khatib A

The Role of Nursing in Scientific Investigation in Africa: A Retrospective Analysis

Grácio Maria A

Thoracic Oesophagostomy as a Rescue Strategy for Ivor-Lewis Oesophagectomy Anastomotic Breakdown

Binks M

The Importance of Dorsoulnar Flap in The Thumb’s Pulp Reconstruction - A Case Report and a Review of the Literature

Rekik MA

Comparison of Complications between Gender during Spinal Anesthesia

Vahabi S

Cisplatin-Gemcitabine Related Cardiomyopathy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer NSCLC Patient: A Case Study

Dawoud RA

Lessons Learned from Diabetic Diets over the Last Centuries

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Liebermeister H

Impact of Inverted Interrupted Skin Suturing Versus Continous Suturing in Episiotomy on Postpartum Pain in Primigravida

Mahmoud Alalfy

Temperature Distribution inside a Solid Rectangular Fin with Embossings for I.C. Engines by Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

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Hemanth J

Quantitative Analysis of Normal Electrocardiogram from Tele Minas Saúde Project, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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Rodrigues AAA

Protective Ability of Vitamin E Against Acetylsalicylic Acid-Induced Glutathione Depletion, Acetylcholinesterase and (Na+ ,K+ )-ATPase Activities, and Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility

Bagchi D

Fluoroquinolones - Be Aware

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Maack C

Adhesion of Aqueous Solution of TX-100 and TX-165 Mixture with Propanol to Quartz

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Jańczuk B

National Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS-Global Adult Tobacco Survey), Senegal 2015

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Ba O

Reactive Power Compensation in Traction Power System of Serbian Railways

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Gavrilović B

Investigating Heterogeneity in Mortality of Male Pensioners

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Frempong NK

Artisanal Cannabis in Young and Adults Patients with Treatment Resistant Epilepsy: Prospective, Observational, Open-Label Study in Argentina

Kochen S

“Holoprosencephaly, Newly Born Baby Disorder”

Shoukat S

Tio2/Polymer Nanocomposites for Antibacterial Packaging Applications

Rehim MHA

Production and Quality Evaluation of Maize Chips (Kokoro) Produced from Maize and Whole Limabean Seed Flour Blends

Oluwafemi GI

Long-Term Outcome of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis in Early Adulthood: Clinical Experience from a Saudi Tertiary Hospital

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Al-Mayouf SM

Invitro and Invivo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Bauhinia X Blackeana Linn Leaves

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Radhika B

Some New Results on Overdispersed Models for the Human Sex Ratio Data

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Lawal HB

Degree of Malignancy of T-Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Related to Autofluorescence in an EL4-Based Model

Yanping Yang

Synergistic Eeffect of Polyene Antifungals and Silver Nanoparticles Against Candida Parapsilosis

da Frota SM

Novel Computational Model of the Brain Water Metabolism: Introducing an Interdisciplinary Approach

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Titovets E

Impact of Myocardial Revascularization on the Range of Joint Motion of the Superior and Inferior Members

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Lisboa Cordeiro AL

Clinical Significance of microRNA Polymorphisms and Expression Profiles in Oral Cancer Development

Kaiser Jamil

New Insight for Early Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis

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Abdelfadil AM

Warning Do Not Turtle Aquarium into Hot Water

Dana P

“Only Cigarette Butt is Left, DNA Fingerprinting Traps the Theft”

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Pawar SG

Surgery for Deep Endometriosis: Standardization of the Operating Technique

Limberger LF

Ectopia Cordis, Cleft Lip and Palate in a Patient with Gastroschisis - A Clinical Case

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García WEH

Atypical Femur Fracture Nonunion in a Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Gaines DR

Productive Cough and Bilateral Ptosis

Van Den Bergh A

Proteomic Analysis in Response to Germination in Ceiba pentandra (Kapok) Seeds

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Kiran R

Stigma and Discriminatory Attitude towards People Living with HIV/AIDS among High School Students

Kebebew T

Ulcer with Fatal Perforation of A Gastric Blind Pouch: A Rare and Un-Expected Complication After A Salvage Reconstruction for Esophagus

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Amoroso M

A Retrospective Evaluation of Joint Endoprosthesis Infections and Depending Costs

Schrimpf C

Repellency Activity of Synthetic Blends of Semio-Chemicals from Xylopia aethiopica and Dennittia tripetala against Prostephanus truncatus (Horn)

Okweche SI

Modelling the Occurrence of Dental Carries in Adult Population in Ghana; a Comparison of Competing Count Regression Models

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Alhassan EA

Development of New Method for the Prediction of Clinical Trial Results Using Compressive Sensing of Artificial Intelligence

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Miyagi Y

Pediatric Patient with a Celiac Crisis (Rare Presentation of a Common Disease) Case Report and Literature Review

Alharbi AO

Xeroderma Pigmentosum Groups C and A in Algerian Patients with Deregulation of both Transcription and DNA Repair

Le May N

Women Empowerment and the Nutrition Status of Children Aged Between 6-59 Months

Chipili G

First Record of the Sea Urchin Sphaerechinus Granularis (Lamarck, 1816) in a Coastal Lagoon (Tunisia - Western Mediterranean)

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Sellem F

Use of Cranial Computed Tomography in Minor Head Trauma Cases Under Two Years of Age

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Idil Hasan

Screening and Identiying Farmers’ Prefered Varieties for Adaptability and Resistance to Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) in Sierra Leone

Samura AE

Hereditary Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

Kumar M

Health-Related Quality of life of Complete versus Infarct artery-only Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization in Multi-vessel Disease with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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Jayaraj JC

A Health Model Based on the Clinical Practice of Manual Therapists

Santos L

The Influence of Sodium on the Characterization of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films Prepared by Three-Stage Deposition Process

Jseng YY

Monotherapy versus Combination Therapy for the Treatment of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Cystic Fibrosis Patients

Alkhoury R

Inherited Thrombophilia Could be a Possible Rare Etiology to Result in Cirrhosis: A Case Report and Literature Review

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Tang H

How to select Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor for the patients with newly diagnosed Chronic Myeloid Leukemia?

Nakaya A

Efficacy of Chitosan as Vaccine Adjuvant Against Paracoccidioidomycosis in Mice

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Morais EA

Toxoplasmosis Seropositivity and Male Sex Hormones

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Riadh Hussien MR

Field Assessment of an Immune-Complex Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccine in Chicks Born to Non-Hyperimmunized Broiler Breeders

Cazaban C

The development and validation of the Factors Affecting Adherence Scale in Greece

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Chatziefstratiou AA

Significance of Hba1c in Diabetic Ocular Motor Cranial Nerve Palsies

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Vidhya Chandran

Complex Assessment of Combat Neurotrauma

Bowen M

Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) in Hysterical Catatonia: Case Reports of Two Women, One Young and One Elderly

Orum MH

Quality of Life after Accidental Major Vascular Injury and Prolonged ICU Stay - A Case Report

Mitra S

Benign Pulmonary Metastasizing Leiomyoma

Senhaji L

A Proposed Architecture for Data Security in Cloud Storage Space

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Attar N

Modeling of Longitudinal Factors on Children Body Mass Index at Bahir Dar Districts: Linear Mixed-Effects Model

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Alemu AA

Correlation and Path Analysis Studies in Medium Duration Rice Varieties of Andhra Pradesh

Gayathri NK

Chronic Cough in Children with Rhinosinusitis Associated with Allergic Rhinitis and Rhinosinusitis Alone

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Li-Jung Fang

Stress-Induced Release of Eating Related Hormones in Young Women Classified as Restrained Eaters

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Laessle R

The Use of Gingipain DNA Vaccine Against Virulence of Porphyromonas Gingivalis: A Literature Review

Jain H

A Review on Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Gastroprotective Abilities of Mango (Magnifera indica) Leaf Extract and Mangiferin

Stohs SJ

Designing Inter Professional Spiritual Health Care Education Program for Students of Health Sciences

Asadzandi M

The 2015 Dutch Food-Based Dietary Guidelines on Alcohol Consumption - A Critical Review

Hendriks HFJ

Numerical Study of Deposits Formation in SCR Systems Using Urea-Water Solution Injection

Habchi C

Reprocessing Leading to Lower Thermal Conductivity of ZnO Thermoelectrics

Tucker DS

Timing is everything: Lipid and Energy Losses with Simulated Nasogastric Tube Feeds

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Smith RW

Prevention of Peri-Implantitis: A Narrative Review

Sequeira V

Carcass and Meat Quality Characteristics of Omani Sheep Fed Diets Based on Raw or Processed Mesquite (Prosopis Juliflora) Pods

Al-Khalasi S

Principal Time-Use and School Efectiveness at Gabi-Rasu Zone Secondary Schools

Alemu AA

Non Ige Mediated Cows Milk Protein Allergy Presenting with Generalized Edema: Case Report and Review of the Literature

Alharbi AO

Internal Inflammatory Root Resorption. Management with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Gutta-Percha

Robledo JG

Dynamic Institutionalization of Research in the Field of Colorectal Tumour Markers

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Ivanov K

Protection and Valuation of Mediterranean Species: The Role of Aquaculture

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Trigos S

The Blue Water Navy and the Question of Exposure to Agent Orange

Young AL

Risky Sexual Practices among Adolescents Living with HIV Accessing HIV and AIDS Care Services at Health Facilities in the Central Region of Uganda

Ntulume CK

The Relationship between Infertility and Nutrition

Sanlier N

Screening & Awareness of Breast Cancer in an Urban Slum of Pakistan: A Pilot Study

Khan MA

Drugs of Abuse and Addiction - Overview and Current Status

Khanh ND

Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) Used as a Whole Model Organism to Identify New Anti-Infectives Therapeutic Agent for MRSA Pathogens - A Review Paper

Khanh ND

Prevalence of Subclinical Levt Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Patient with Metabolic Syndrome in West Region of the Republic of Macedonia

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Jani Y

Analysis of Trends in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS Related Conditions in Masvingo Province 2004-2009

Pomerai KW


Venkatarami Reddy V

Sensory Analysis of Chocolate Milk for College Students

Chizoti TS

Variation in Anatomy Complicating Exposure for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

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Wehbe MR

Bernoulli Equation in the Mitral Valve of Heart

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Karvandi M

The Quality Changes of Frozen and Dried Tiny Shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponense) Meat during Six Months Storage

Zarehgashti Gh

Ultrasound Criteria for Expecting Mode of Delivery after Induction of Labour in Primigravida with Postdates

Mahmoud Alalfy

Formation of Gold Nanoprisms on Atomically Flat Mica Surface

Borodinova TI

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM): Short Term Motor Outcome of Hospital Admitted Patients

Rahman M

Postural Impairment of Adults and Adolescents Cerebral Palsy Inpatients at the Retaguarda Hospital of Ribeirão Preto-SP

Lopes RRB

Rebleeding In Central Nervous System after Use of Rivaroxaban for Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis in a Patient with Cerebral Vasculitis

Silva JSS

Mental Health Distress and Wellness among Medical Students

Liranso GS

Compartmentalization Modules of Inflammatory Response are Centered on the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of Transforming Cells in Carcinogenesis

Agius LM

Response Surface Methodology for the Optimization of ChlorpyrifosDegrading Conditions by Pseudomonas Stutzeri ZH-1

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Qing-ping HU

Modelling the Force of Infection for Hepatitis B among Heterogeneous Groups at the Komfo-Anokye Teaching Hospital

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Frempong NK

Regularized Joint Estimation of Related VAR Models via Group Lasso

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Skripnikov A

Ethnomedicines used by Kaani Tribes in the Forest and Towns of Kanyakumari District in Tamilnadu

Mohankumar JB

Effect of Transtheoretical Model Based Smoking Cessation Program on High School Students

Balci AS

Effects of Omitting Vitamin-Trace Mineral Premixes from Finisher Ration on Performance, Carcass Parameters and Blood Characteristics of Broilers Fed Corn- or Wheat-Based Diets

Abed MK

Detection of the Triclorfon Base on Bioluminescence Resonance Transfer among Functional CdZnSe/ZnS Quantum Dots

Hai NN

Recent Analysis on Surface and Interface Roughness Using X-Ray Reflectivity

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Fujii Y

New Resin Cements Agents in Conservative Dentistry: Indications and Possible Risks. Rev Literature

Moradas Estrada M

Textiloma in leg – A Diagnostic Quandary

Agarwal A

Acute Intestinal Occlusion Revealing a Cystic Mesenteric Lymphangioma

Kambire JL


Zineb G

Neurogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus of the Hippocampus Associated with Sex Hormone Levels in Female Mice

Parisa Dana

Introduction of Stem Cells in Ophthalmology

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Khoshzaban A

Genomic Survey of ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Transporters in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench

Olawuyi OJ

Estimation of Beta-Lactam Antibiotics-Serum Albumin Conjugated Proteins by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detector

Hung YW

Melanotan®-Induced Hyperpigmentation of Oral Soft Tissues

Phoa KH

Analysis of antibody by Real-Valued Special Functions

Zhao B

Efficacy and Safety of Moxifloxacin-Enhanced versus Standard Sequential Eradication Therapy for Treating Helicobacter pylori Infection among Tobacco Smokers

Hasanain AF

Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis with Partial Albinism-Griscelli Syndrome Type II

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Kariyappa P

Hirsutism will be not Considered as Sign of Progressive Disease after Autologous Transplant in POEMS Syndrome

Sorà F

The Effect of Bundled Interventions on Prevention of Hospital Acquired Clostridium Difficile Infection: An Integrative Review

Kendys K

Night Shift Work and Weight Gain among Female Filipino Nurses

Apellido R

Stress Induced Cortisol Response in Young Women Classified as Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters

Laessle R

A Rare Recurrence of an Immature Teratoma: A Case Report

Huang J

A Framework for Speaker Recognition System

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Singh N

Cubic Averaging Aggregation Operators with Multiple Attributes Group Decision Making Problem

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Shakeel M

Human five senses via art

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Abraham Tamir

Insulin, Glucagon and Feed Intake Regulation: Ruminant and Rat Models

Nikkhah A

A Study of Prevalence of Fish Parasite in Hashenge Lake, Tigray, Ethiopia

Abay H

Ultrasound as a New Imaging Tool to Assess Pathological Change of Joints in Preclinical Mouse Models of Osteoarthritis

Lin X

Novel Alternative Treatment to Plasmapheresis in Evans Syndrome

Martin-Lazaro JF

Individual and Contextual Aspects Associated with Malocclusion in Brazilian Adolescents

Brizon VSC

Oral Health in Asthmatics: A Review

Tahir F

Determinants of Medication Adherence in Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy

Israeli I

Switching Darunavir/Ritonavir to Darunavir/Cobicistat in Clinical Practice Experience with 150 patients through 48 weeks

de la Fuente S

Sequence Variant in the TRIM39-RPP21 Gene Readthrough is Shared Across a Cohort of Arabian Foals Diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Epilepsy

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Polani S

Detecting and Reporting Four Types of Elder Abuse: How Official Adult Protective Services Reports Obscure Older Adults’ Self-Efficacy

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Jackson SL

Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Risk of Developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Patients with Chronic Aspirin Usage

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Adams N

Dawn of the Biofilm Disease: Highlights about Biofilm in Bone and Joint & Prosthetic Joint Infections Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Marcano-Lozada M

Accurate Age Estimations from Dental Cementum and a Childbirth Indicator - A Pilot Study

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Ristova MM

Accurate Age Estimations from Dental Cementum and a Childbirth Indicator - A Pilot Study

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Mimoza Ristova

Tomotherapy Treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Ocular Lymphoma

Sidimoussa A

Successful Treatment of Acquired Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia (AAT) with Cyclosporine and Eltrombopag: A Case Report

Pardal de la Mano E

Trends in Thyroid Malignancies in Accra Ghana: A Retrospective Histopathological Review in the Department of Pathology (1994-2013), Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

Der EM

Fuel Metabolism Following 3 Days on a Carbohydrate-Free Diet vs. 3 Days of Fasting in Men with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial

Nuttall FQ

Constipated Patients Fed Goat Milk Protein Formula: A Case Series Study

Infante D

Computing intrinsic noise of the genetic regulation modeled by Hill functions

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Riccardo Ziraldo

Machine Learning Estimation of Pollen Abundance Using Landsat and Meteorological Data

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Timms CI

Detection of the host-specific Bacterioides and Bifidobacteriumsaeculare markers in surface water in Hanam, Vietnam with real-time PCR

Hoa LM

Prodromal Symptoms and Signs of First Episode Schizophrenia in Iraq

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Al-Abbudi SJR

Endocardial Approach for Substrate Ablation in Brugada Syndrome: Epicardial, Endocardial or Transmural Substrate?

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Pablo E Tauber

The Specific Composition of Micromycetes Contaminants of Children Foods in Syria and there Toxigenic Activity

Youssef O

The Efficacy and Safety of Prophylactic Fluconazole Prevent Invasive Fungal Infection in Preterm Very Low Birth Weight Infants: An Update Meta-analysis

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Li S-T

Comparative Study for Efficacy and Safety of Biosimilar Infliximab in Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis on a stable Dose of Methotrexate

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Apsangikar P

Osteoid Osteoma of the Ribs - Is Image Intensifier or Bone Scintigraphy a Mandatory Diagnostic Tool - A Case report with Review of Literature

Nagre SW

Eating Behavior after Experimentally Induced Emotions

Laessle R

Selenium Supplementation in Obese Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Type 2 Diabetes

Gentile S

Envisioning Molecular Network of Obesity by Omics Stratification

Kim HD

Synthesis and Characterization of Clay Brick Using Waste Groundnut Shell Ash

Fernando PR

The Basis of Psychological Healing and Emotional Wellness

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Hammer Barry

S. Pneumoniae Infection Associated with a Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in an Adult Patient: A Case Report

Esteban-Zubero E

An Observational Chart Review of a Comparison of Generic to Reference Liposome-Encapsulated Doxorubicin Hydrochloride in Subjects with Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma Who Have Failed Platinum-Based Chemotherapy

Soriano RA

Trial on the Efficiency of Topline® Against Natural Tick Infestations of Dromedaries in Mauritania

Dia ML

Food Insecurity among College Students: An Exploratory Study

Brown O

Management, Clinical Course and Treatment Outcome of Postpartum Uterine Atony

Cilgin H

Neurobiochemical Roles of Low Molecular Weight Antioxidants on Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Severity of Ischemic Stroke in Wistar Rats

Nasiru S

First Step Monotherapy with Lower Dosage of Propranolol at Complicated Infantil Hemangiamo

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Solgun HA

The Role of Ovarian Varicose Veins and Varicocele in Cancer and Venous Thrombosis

Pacheco KG

Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, a Group Psycho-Educational Workshop and a Workshop for Caregivers of Sexually-Abused Children: a Case Study of Two Mexican Male Children

Rizo Martínez LE

Superior Mesenteric Artery Embolus as a Delayed Complication of a Cocaine Induced Myocardial Infarction

Kearsley R

Endothelial Cells May Have Tissue-Specific Origins

Boström KI

The Death of a Baby from the Congenital Anomalies of the Urinary Tract

Gashi AM

Mechanisms of Resistance to Kinase Inhibitors and Strategies to Prevent the Development of Drug Resistance

Kobayashi H

Heavy Element Accumulation in Aquatic Beetles of the Genus Enochrus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) in Erzurum Province

Aydogan Z

Giemsa Staining and Antibody Characterization of Colpodella sp. (Apicomplexa)

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Sam-Yellowe TY

The Human –Cat Relationship, Myths/Superstitions and its Consequences on Cat Ownership in Maiduguri, Northeastern Nigeria

Bukar-Kolo YM

Communist Extremists, Islamic Supremacists, and Narco-Terrorists: A Forensic Sociological Threat Analysis of Radicalization within the Federative Republic of Brazil

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Knowles GJ

Effect of Father Involvement in Infant Feeding on Nutritional Status and Morbidity in Kisumu, Kenya

Dinga LA

A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating the Effects of an Investigational Study Product on Exercise Induced Muscle Soreness, Markers of Inflammation, Muscle Damage and Exercise Performance in Healthy Males

Hewlings S

An Infant with Liver, Kidney, Skin and Musculoskeletal Abnormalities

Hasosah M

Subacute Facial Nerve Paralysis Following Cyberknife Treatment for Vestibular Schwannoma

Peng KA

Fixed Pigment Erythema: A Challenge

Anzola YR

Leriche Syndrome: Percutaneous Treatment with Mechanical Thrombectomy: A Case Report

The Effect of Different Surface Treatments and Cement Materials on the Bonding between Dentine and Restorative Materials

Özdoğan A

The Case of Fetal Maceration in Two Different Bitches

Bozkurt G

Is Metal Leakage from Aluminum Foil without Adverse Effects? A Study on Ants as Models

Cammaerts MC

Former Effective Immunotherapy without Adverse Events of Inoperable Epithelial Ovarian Cancers and a Prospect for the Immune Prophylaxis

Bukovsky A

A New Mechanism of the Nanoindentation Process

Gerasimov A

Assessment of the Efficacy, Safety and Cost-Effectiveness of Micafungin Compared to Caspofungin and Low Dose Liposomal Amphotericin B for the Treatment of Candidaemia and Clinically Diagnosed Invasive Candidiasis: A Retrospective Audit

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Habayeb H

Pot Pourri - A Bundle of Findings

JS Rajkumar

Sustaining HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Programmes for the Youths in Chipata Districts through Youth Leadership

Njovu CA

Empowering Key Populations (Kps) to Effectively Demand for Equal HIV/AIDS Services

Susan A

Labetalol in Comparison to Methyl Dopa in Treatment of Gestational Hypertension, A Randomized Trial

Mahmoud Alalfy

How Digital and Physical Care Team Interaction Affect Processing Times: A Case Study of Hospitalists

Gurvich I

Overweight and Obesity among Adults Aged 18-45 Years Residing in and around Giyani Town in Mopani District of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Motadi SA

Retrospective Analysis of 185 Occurrences of Clinical Neurological Signs in 181 South American Camelids

Whitehead CE

Gastric Partitioning Bypass Procedure: A Novel Technique in Bariatric Surgery

Afsharfard A

Psychosocial Flag Signs in Patients with Compensable Occupational Lumbar Spine Injuries

Razmjou H

The Development of the Prognostat Tool for Survival Prediction in Palliative Care Patients

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Downing GM

Exercise and Eating Habits in Relation to BMI in Female College Students of Almareefa Colleges in Ad Diriyah

Nasr NT

Malignant Soft Tissue Sarcoma at the Site of Corticosteroid Injection in a Dog

Aulakh KS

Relationship of YWHAH Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms to Markers of Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Severity

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Carroll MB

Tracing Echinococcosis in Portugal - The Role of the Abattoirs in North Douro Region

Machado E

The Association Between Strength, Balance and Physical Function with the Body Mass Index in Dyslipidemia

Ercan S

Effect of Cold Wet sheet Pack on Body Temperature among Healthy Individuals - Result of a Single Arm Study

Raj RJ

An Application: Representations of Some Systems on Non-Deterministic EEG Signals

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Levent H

Does the Level of Chlamydia Serology Titre Correlate to the Degree of Tubal Disease at Laparoscopy? A Retrospective Controlled Study

Abdu N

Metaphysical Analysis of the Nutritional and Therapeutic Value of Baobab (Adansonia Digitata L.)

Habte TY

B-Lines on Chest Ultrasound Predicts Elevated Left Ventricular Diastolic Pressures

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Maadarani O

Causes of Morbidity and Mortality of Wildlife Species Presented to a Wildlife Clinic in East Tennessee, USA, 2000–2011

Schenk A

Magnetic Moment of Zigzag CuO Nanotubes at Different Temperature and Size: Ab-Initio Study

Kaphle GC

Thyroid Cancer Incidence and Clinicopathological Differences in Patients with End-Stage Renal Failure

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Kirnap M

Two-Dimensional Infrared Correlation Spectroscopy, Linear Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy and Non-Linear Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy Comparative Study on Malignant and Benign Human Cancer Cells and Tissues under Synchrotron Radiation with the Passage of Time

Alireza Heidari

United States Air Force Academy: Identifying Areas at Risk for the Persistence of Plague using the Bioagent Transport and Environmental Modeling System (BioTEMS)

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Thomas M Kollars

Food Allergy

Zainab Hussain

Immunogenicity of Multiple Antigenic Peptides (MAP) Based on B and T cell Epitopes of E2 Glycoprotein of Chikungunya Virus in Murine System

Nagar PK

Cell Culture, Cytopathic Effect and Immunofluorescence Diagnosis of Viral Infection

Dilnessa T

Complete Clinical Response after Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Chemoradiotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Impact on Oncologic Outcomes

Berrazaga Y

Scalp, Skull, Lung and Bone Metastasis from Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma - A Rare Case Report

Gupta S

Impacts of Double Up SNAP Farmers’ Market Incentive Program on Fruit and Vegetable Access, Purchase and Consumption

Alaofè H

Dietary Intake, Anthropometric Characteristics and Clinical Assessment of Elderly in Ondo State, Nigeria

Akinrinmade R

A Nutrition and Physical Activity Education Model for Cancer Risk Reduction Improves Knowledge and Dietary Behaviors among Students in the Alabama Black Belt

Bovell-Benjamin AC

Neuropsycological Function, Insight, and Treatment Adherence among Patients with Schizophrenia

Deroui K

Antrochoanal Polyp Harboring Cholesterol Granuloma: A Case Study

Osman NSAA

Infantile Acute Generalized Pustular Psoriasis: A Case Report

Gallo L

Development of Acute Implant Peri-Implantitis After Immediate Implant Loading: A Case Report

Ozkan Y

Protocol for Root Canals’ Irrigation in Endodontic Practice in Ivory Coast: A Survey of 100 Dentists

Assoumou MA

Scardovia Wiggsiae and the Other Microorganisms in Severe Early Childhood Caries

Unsal G

Phyto-Nutrient Diversity in Morinda Citrifolia L. Genotypes of Andaman Islands, India

Singh DR

Acquired Factor XII Deficiency in a Patient with Schizophrenia

Dehghan-Nayeri N

Interrelation between Fluoride Content in Drinking Water and Dental Caries Prevalence Measured with DMF and ICDAS in Senegal

Aidara AW

Stress-Induced Laboratory Eating Behavior in Obese and Normal-Weight Women

Kießl G

Two Novel Cases of Marfan Syndrome with FBN1 whole Gene Deletion: Laboratory Assay and Cases Review

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Spitalieri P

Multidimensional LC/MS-MS Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Urine, Plasma, and Edibles

Mallet CR

Three Stages of Evolution in the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke: Stroke Unit Care, Intravenous Thrombolysis and Endovascular Therapy

CC Ren

Needs of Families in Perinatal Palliative Care and Proposal for a Model Training Questionnaire

Rita Rufo

Development and Optimization of an LC-MS/MS Method for Dosage Form of Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2 ) in Human Plasma

Srinivas A

The Influence of Faith and Religiosity in Coping with Breast Cancer

Nakane S

Investigation on Silver Ion Release from Wound Dressings In Vitro and In Vivo

Liu C

Prevention and Treatment of Esophageal Cancer in China: Achievements and Challenges-Prevention is the Key

Huimin Zhao

Chronic Pain – Can It Be Cured?

Adams JD

A Case of Bilateral Duplicated Ureter - Gross Anatomy

Matsuyama N

Photogram - Image Comparison and Identification

Thakkar AK

Epiphyseal Closure of Femur, Tibia and Fibula of the Paca (Cuniculus Paca, Linnaeus, 1766)

Lippi ICC

Gingival Stimulation: An Important Metabolic Regulator?

Yildirim A

Hyperkinetic Manifestation in a Patient with Hippocampal Atrophy

Almeida RD

Evaluation of Serum Vitamin D: An Institutional Study in Mumbai

Khanna SS

Mitochondrial Production of Perhydroxyl Radical (HO2 • ) as Inducer of Aging and Age-Related Pathologies

Panov A

Role of Vaginal Washing in Semen Detection and D.N.A. Profiling in Delayed Medical Examination of Sexual Assault Cases: A Case Study

Naresh Kumar

Effect of the Tellington Ttouch® Method on Horse Behaviour in Daily Practices

Luštrek B

Immunohistochemical Localization of Ghrelin and IGF-I (Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I) in the Liver and Kidney Tissues of Melatonin-Treated Rats

Saltan SK

Comparative Enzyme Activity of Vespa Orientalis Venom and its Photooxidized Venom Products

Mukund H

Self-reported Attributes of Police-chiefs Compared to Civil Leadership: Tolerance; Social Interest and Communication

Andersson Arnten AC

Self-reported Attributes of Police-chiefs Compared to Civil Leadership: Tolerance; Social Interest and Communication

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Andersson Arnten AC

Individual Implants-Retained Maxillary and Mandibular Overdentures with Limited Vertical and Horizontal Space: A Clinical Case Report

Alsharbaty MHM

Biological Effect Tetra-Branched Anti-TNF-Peptide and Coating Ratio-Dependent Penetration of the Peptide-Conjugated Cerium3/4+ Cation-Stabilized Gamma-Maghemite Nanoparticles into Rat Inner Ear after Transtympanic Injection Visualized By MRI

On Physical Nature of the Long-Range Effect during the Crystal Growth through Boundary Layers

Gerasimov A

Electrocardiographic Abnormalities in the Elderly: A Study in a Large Database of Primary Care Patients

Marcolino MS

Physician and Patient Perspective to Weight Gain in Pregnancy

Tate L

Relevance of extra digital flexion creases: A study in North India

Dey Sangeeta

Effect of Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System on Sexual and Urinary Functions

Arlıer S

Treatment of Cerebral Mucormycosis with Prolonged Liposomal Amphotericin B (>1000 days)

Suh B

Upper Oesophageal Foreign Body with Acute Drooling in a Child with Congenital Hypotonia

AbdulWahab A

Quantitative Analysis of Candida Cell Wall Components by Flow Cytometry with Triple-Fluorescence Staining

Lion T

Is an IOC Still Necessary during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy?

Li J

All-On-Four Concept in Implant Dentistry: A Literature Review

Durkan R

Anti-Diabetic Activity of Lycopene Niosomes: Experimental Observation

Sharma PK

A Study on Perceived Stress among Undergraduate Medical Students of Bahir Dar University, Bahir Bar, North West Ethiopia, 2016: Institutional Based Cross Sectional Study

Ayele Semachew Kasa

Goldenhar Syndrome: A Perpetual Airway Challenge for the Anaesthesiologist

Sonali B

Validation of an Anti-Protective Antigen ELISA for Quantitative IgG Evaluation in B. anthracis Immunized Horses

Caldwell M

Epidemiology of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy: Evidence from the London Metropolitan Police Project Indigo Investigation

Mage DT

Comparison between Polyacid-Modified Composite Resin and Conventional Composite Resin used for Primary Molars Restoration

Al Nowaiser A

Research in Fracture Healing and Its Clinical Applications in the Veterinary Practice

Mafamane H

Forensic Science Curricular and Career Planning: A Modified Systems Theory-Based Model for Student Advising

Albert Midori

Perceived Barriers to Maintaining Healthy Body Weight among Saudi Women of Reproductive Age in Jeddah City

Alharbi MM

Macrocystis of the Lung in a Preterm Neonate: Case Report

De Bernardo G

Group Psychotherapy with Ethnoracially Diverse OEF/OIF/OND Veterans Presenting with Comorbid Psychopathology: A Transdiagnostic Clinical Forensic Paradigm

Johnson R

Double Stroke and Double Malignancy: A Case Report

Kehaya S

Changes in Several Disease Parameters Including Abzymes and Hematopoietic Progenitor Colony Formation in Brain Inflammation and Demyelination

Nevinsky GA

Compliance in the Duration of Administration of Anticancer Chemotherapy: Comparative Study of Two Different Administration Modalities (PVC versus IVAD)

Bambara AT

Familial Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis with Myotonic Phenomenon : Case Report

Longo NM

The Role of Nanotechnology in Semiconductor Industry: Review Article

Tamirat Y

Wildlife Forensic: Current Techniques and their limitations

Yadav Vrijesh

Secondary Renal Amyloidosis in Pulmonary Tuberculosis - A Classic Revisited

Malik R

Bullous Lichen Planus: A Case Report with Review of Literature

Kumari A

Obesity and its Correlates among Junior High School Children in the Accra Metropolis

Annan-Asare J

Relationship between Weight Pre-Pregnancy and Weight Gain during Pregnancy with Preterm Birth

Dönmez S

Effects of Mutual Interaction between Constituent Elements on Phase Formation of High Entropy Alloys

Anil Kumar

Evaluation of Apolipoprotein E Fragmentation as a Biomarker for Alzheimer’s Disease

Rohn TT

Atypical Granulomatous Lesion of Gingiva: A Case Report on Rare Manifestation of Tuberculosis in Oral Cavity

Admaja KN

Effect of Chlorhexidine Application on Dentin Bond Strength Durability of Two Etch-and-Rinse Adhesive versus a Universal Bond System

Roberts MW

Comparison of Various Security Features of Genuine, Scanned and Photocopied Indian Currency Note of the Denomination 2000

Priyanka V

Usefulness of a Pressure Wire for the Diagnosis of Vasospastic Angina during a Spasm Provocation Test

Teragawa H

Primary Osteosarcoma of the Nasal Fossa: An Exceptional Presentation

Majdoul S

DNA Polymerase as Therapeutic Intervention for Treating Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

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Salah S

Processes in Experiences with Uncertainty: How to Approach?

Korolev PM

Production and Quality Evaluation of Instant Sorrel (Zobo) Drink Produced by Infusion, Dehydration and Size Reduction Methods

Mohammed SF

Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor: Case Report

Santos CC

Metabolic Syndrome in Indigenous Amerindian Women in Suriname; Less on Waist and More on Weight?

Eersel MGM

Detection of Anti-Trypanosoma Cruzi Antibodies among Donors at A Blood Bank from Southern Mexico, Using an Iron Superoxide Dismutase Excreted (Fe-Sode) as Antigen

Sánchez-Moreno M

Ectopic Intra-Nasal Tooth: A Case Report

Anajar S

A Study to Determine the Inheritance Pattern of Characteristics of Handwriting between Parents and Off-springs

Kiran P

Screening and Basic Workup of a Patient with Peripheral Vascular Disease – A Primer of Physicians

Kolman SE

Occurrence and Distribution of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Isolated in Gaoqiao Mangrove Wetland, China

Li Y

Splenic Injury after Screening Colonoscopy; Could that Happen Twice? An Unusual Case Report

Christopoulos P


Juan S Calle Toro

Field Evaluation and Use of a Non Commercial Peptide Enzyme Immunoassay for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Serotyping in Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

Inwoley A

Irrational Anti-Retroviral Therapy Prescription among Children Under 15 Years in Eastern Uganda

Mulema VS

Poor Metabolic Quality Embryo is Capable to Implant – A Case Report

Bartmann AK

Long Exposure to CdS-Dextrin Nanoparticles Induces an Immunomodulatory and Anti-Inflammatory Effect in Rats

Rodríguez-Fragoso L

Structural, Elemental and Molecular Characterization of Normal And Osteoarthritic Human Articular Cartilage

Çayır T

The Management and Care of the Type 1 Diabetic Athlete

Willingham E

The Evaluation of Functional Mobility Chronic Hemiparetics Submitted to Group Physiotherapy in the Training Circuit Format

Carvalho AC

Treating Refractory Myasthenia Gravis with Rituximab – Case Report

Rabelo RMP

Improvement of Bilateral Elevated Foveal Retinoschisis Following Sequential Vitrectomy with ILM Peel in a Patient with Enhanced S Cone Syndrome

Bedda AM

Infective Endocarditis at Tricuspid Valve in CHD: What are its Characteristics? What is the Pathophysiology?

Boussir H

Clinical and Pathological Changes in the Offspring of Rats with Torsio Uteri

Risvanli A

A Study of Immune Response in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fed Levamisole Incorporated Diet

Bedasso GT

Gut Microbiomes of Pigs Grown in Organic and Conventional Dietary Regimens

DebRoy C

Targeted Killing of Streptococcus mutans in Biofilms by a Pheromone Guided Antimicrobial Peptide HP30

Tian XL

Nutritional Status Assessment of Children with Nutritional Rickets Under Five Years at District Headquarter Hospital, Upper Dir- Pakistan

Shazia F

Bacterial Probiotics their Importances and Limitations: A Review

Ayichew T

Farmers’ Market Use is Associated with Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Low-Income Populations: A Cross-Sectional Study from Southern Arizona

Halimatou A

The Importance of Brain MRI in the Diagnosis of Marchiafava-Bignami Disease

Pontes CM

On the Formation and On the Surface of Inorganic Lead, Barium and Antimony Based Gunshot Residues: Thermodynamic Approach

Felice Nunziata

The Homeless with Jail Experiences: An Exploratory Study

Charisse Coston TM

Historical Perspective of Dharwad Forensic Mental Health Services during Pre-Independence Era: A Retrospective Study

Ranganath RK

Assessment of Autonomic Function in Subjects Practicing Yoga Using Spectral Analysis and Approximate Entropy Method

Kamal Ahmed

Dosimetric Evaluation of Total Body Irradiation (TBI) Treatment by Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) on the Coach

Tas B

Prevalence of the different FAB sub type of Acute Myeloid Leukemia related to hematological parameters in Sudanese

Bashasha SH

Investigation of Graphene Oxide in Diesel Soot

Sankararaman S

Ventricular Arrhythmia Due to Yellow Phosphorus Poisoning

Hiran S

Novel analytical technologies of Quality in the Sheep & Goat Dairy Sector

Psathas G

Clients’ Perceptions of HIV/AIDS Supportive Counseling in Botswana: A Qualitative Study

Stockton R

Blonanserin N-Oxide Lowers Glucose Levels in Animal Models

Nangia A

Influence of Storage Condition on Flexure Properties of Nano-Composite

Dalia A Abuelenain

HIV-1 Molecular Characterization and Transmitted Drug Resistance Prevalence among Treatment-Naïve Individuals

Monteiro Cunha JP

Value Added Food Products from Palmyrah Palm (Borassus Flabellifer L)

Vengaiah PC

Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Properties of Different Black Tea Infusions

Pyrzynska K

Detection of Illicit Substances in Slimming Products Available in UAE

Preetha JS

An Observational Study on the Clinical Efficacy of Neramexane in Subjective Tinnitus in a Phase 2 Clinical Trial in a Hispanic Cohort in Laredo, Texas

Soriano R

Epidemiologic Characteristics of Diabetes in an Affected South Texas Population

Soriano R

Factors associated with obesity among Saudi women of reproductive age in Jeddah City

Alharbi MM

Comparison of the Effect of Three Food Diets Provided to Giant Tortoises (Chelonoidis guntheri and Chelonoidis vicina) Bred in Captivity at Isabela Island – Galápagos

Puga-Torres BH

Evaluation of Golden Proportion in North Indian Individuals with an Aesthetic Smile

Rohit Kulshrestha

Dental Implant Complications –Systemic Diseases- PART-I

Pranav S Patil

A Case of Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Mesorectum: Usefulness of Immunohistochemical Staining for a Differential Diagnosis from a Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor

Nagasawa Y

Periodic Micro Hole Texturing with Metal Assisted Chemical Etching for Solar Cell Applications: Dependence of Etch Rate on Orientation

Altinoluk SH

Utility of Serum Bilirubin Screening during the First 24-Hours Following Birth of Pre-Term Neonates <35 Weeks’ Gestation

Nguyen A

Comparison of Weight Gain, Milk Production, and Milk Composition of Iranian Mamasani Goat and its Cross with Saanen

Seyed Mahdi Hosseini

Mona Lisa Gaze Principle

Abraham Tamir

The Psychopath as an Irrational Agent: A Canadian Criminal Law Perspective by Kevin Moustapha

Kevin Moustapha

Wilkie’s Syndrome in an Adolescent: A Rare Etiology of Upper Intestinal Obstruction

Roriz-Silva R

The Use of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Cancer Patients with Heart Failure

Fadol AP

Predictors of Delayed Diagnosis and Evolution in Sub-Saharan Immigrants with HIV Infection in a Hospital in Madrid (2004–2013)

Barrios Blandino AM

A Rare Case Report of Primary Pure Pleomorphic Liposarcoma of Breast with Cytological and Histopathological Findings

Mukherjee A

Variation in the Incidence of Self-Immolation According To Culture and Income Level: A Literature Review

Prat SS

Stature Prediction from Anthropometry of Extremities among Jordanians

Amal A Mashali

Shade Matching in Aesthetic Dentistry – From Past to Recent Advances

Smitha AJ

Complex Chronic Patients and Atrial Fibrillation: Association with Cognitive Deterioration and Heart Failure

Clua-Espuny JL

Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and the Young Ovary: Review of Safety Research Following Two Case Series of Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

Little D

Update on the Importance of Medical Education in the Changing Field of Pain Medicine

Sabia M

Clinician Perspectives of Adult High-Functioning Autism Support Groups’ Use of Neurodiversity Concept

Barnhart G

A Case of Bulbar Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Marcon M

Evaluating the Effect of Oprelvekin on Cardiac Repolarization in Subjects with Chemotherapy-Induced Thrombocytopenia: An Observational Chart Review of a Phase 2 Clinical Trial in Laredo, Texas

Soriano RA

Assessment of Blood Concentration of Cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) in Healthy Calves and Stocker Calves Effected with Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex

Anderson DE

Case Report: Are We Prepared to Manage Acute Abdomen in the Super-Obese Patient?

Bigolin AV

Judging Credibility of a Road Traffic Accident Claimant

Koch H

Artificial Placenta: A Novel Approach for Preterm Neonates: Review of Literature

Kumar N

Co-culture of Buccal Mucosal Epithelial Cells Downregulate CTGF Expression in Urethral Stricture Fibroblasts

PDF  |  Full-text
Gottipamula S

Methylmalonic Acidemia and Megaloblastic Anemia due to Congenital Intrinsic Factor Deficiency

Robles J

Jugular versus Mammary Vein Acid-Base Balance, Blood Gases, Hematobiochemical Profiles and Inflammation Biomarkers in Goats with Acute Mastitis

Tharwat M

Retrospective Drug Use pattern of Antibiotics in Pediatric Ward of Shenan Gibe Hospital, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Mensa M

Diet, Nutritional Status and School Performance of Schoolchildren in the District of Abidjan: Case of Yopougon and Bingerville


Physical Activity and the Prevalence of General and Abdominal Obesity among Saudi Women of Reproductive Age in Jeddah City

Alharbi MM

A Review: Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Helical Springs

Yahya Kara

Evaluation of a Sexuality Education Program: A Peer-Led HIV Prevention Intervention in Argentina

Brizuela V

Impact of Socioeconomic and Social Contexts on Youth Perceptions of School Nutrition Policy Development in Lebanon

Hamadeh S

Body Image concerns of Male Rugby Players, with specific focus on Muscularity and Body Fat

Mills CD

Treatment of Chronic Back Pain with Radiculopathy by Selective Nerve Root Block or Pulsed Radiofrequency - Randomised, Open Label, Clinical Trial

Ali A

Capnography Detects Phrenic Nerve Stimulation during Cryothermal Ablation

O’Neill DK

Case Reports: Contribution to Clinical Practice, Scholarly Education, and Scientific Knowledge

Mahgoub N

Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of the Novel Antibacterial Agent Methoxyphenyl-Oxime from Streptomyces pratensis QUBC97 Isolate

Barghouthi SA

Mental Health Care and Children Wellbeing in Ethiopia

Liranso G.Selamu

Selected Compounds Modulate Various Inflammatory Biomarkers in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Macrophages of PPAR-α Knockout Mice

Qureshi AA

Reprint Requests Were Useful in Cardiology Citations

Onuigbo WIB

A Preliminary Study on Earprint Identification among Young Adults in Malaysia

Lai PS

Stature and Sex Estimation Using Foot Measurements

Lai PS

The Existence of International Criminal Justice and Liability

Dada F

The Effectiveness of an Activity Meter for Overweight Children and Their Caregivers in a Clinical Setting: a Pilot Study

Kaufman TK

Natural Egg Mortality of the African Grey Tree Frog, Chiromantis xerampelina (Amphibia: Rhacophoridae)

Allingham SM

Bioanalytical Method for Pamabrom (Determined as 8-Bromotheophylline) and its Application to a Pharmacokinetic Study

Lucio-Maldonado S

Suspected Allergic Reaction in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

Monreal-Pawlowsky T

Evaluation of Prognostic Factors and Survival Results in Pediatric Hodgkin’s Lymphoma-single center experience from Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey

Kandaz M

A Case Series on Severe Corrosive Injury of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract

Sandeep Reddy J

Fracture of the Hamate with Interposition of the Base of 5th Metacarpal, a Frequently Missed Injury

Dabboussi NA

Bubonic Plague Outbreak Investigation in the Endemic District of Tsiroanomandidy - Madagascar, October 2014

Rakotoarisoa A

Mediastinum Drainage by Cervicotomy in the Neck and Mediastinum Cellulitis: About 12 Cases

El Ansari R

Hysteroscopic Evaluation of the Uterine Cavity in Women with First-Trimester Missed Miscarriage: Case Series

Altraigey A

Equines as Tools Vs Partners: A Critical Look at the Uses and Beliefs Surrounding Horses in Equine Therapies and Argument for Mechanical Horses

Kieson E

Cloning of Perilipin 2 Gene and Investigating its Expression Level in Porcine Longissimus Muscle

Pan H

Sero-Prevalence of Small Ruminant Brucellosis in Three Selected Districts of Somali Region, Eastern Ethiopia

Muktar Y

Gross and Histopathological Alterations in Experimental Trypanosoma Evansi Infection in Donkeys and the Effect of Isometamidium Chloride Treatment

Garba UM

Palmoplantar Malignant Melanoma in the Brazzaville University Hospital

Nsondé Malanda J

Immune Checkpoint and Ovarian Cancer

Bose CK

Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer-Emphasis on fertility preservationA Case Report

Kochar Kaur Kulvinder

Genetic Characterization and Sequence Variations in 12S rRNA of Mitochondrial Gene in Three Indian Civets (Viverridae) Species: Implication in Wildlife Forensics

Goyal SP

Egg White-Milk Mixture as a Novel Biological Storage Media for Avulsed teeth Periodontal Ligament Cells: An In-Vitro Study

Alaa Abdallah

Headaches Prevalence in Childhood and Adolescence at Pediatric Neurology Service in Salvador - Brazil

Morais LB

Rupture of a Giant Caesarean Scar Endometriosis Nodule - A Case Report and Literature Review

Arora BK

Syncope in Chronic Constitutional Hypotension: Gender based Retrospective observational study in symptomatic women

Lagi A

Research of Serum Homocysteine Levels in Healthy Cows

Kilickap A

Prevention and Control of Production Limiting Goat Diseases on Small Farms

Marshall RW

Derivation of Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS)-like Cells from Microminipig Somatic Cells by Sendai Viral Transduction of 4 HumanG, OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-MYC

Yamabe F

Odontometric analysis of sexual dimorphism in permanent maxillary and mandibular molars

Kazzazi SM

Adolf Hitler and the psychiatrists: Psychiatric debate on the German Dictator’s mental state in The Lancet

Robert M Kaplan

Clavicle Fractures: Allman and Neer Classification

Holder J

Self-Experiencing “The Healthiest Weight”

Peregrin-Alvarez JM

Osteo-Articular Complications in a Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease Population - Imaging Value

Pegado PF

A Bulky Mass of the Infra-Temporal Fossa

Lezrag Mohamed

Lymphoma Complicating IBD Immunomodulator Therapy: A Reminder to be Vigilant

PDF  |  Full-text
Sluckis B

Cannabis abuse and self-mutilation

Yassa AH

Commentary and Review on Sacred Geometry

Andres J Washington

Giant Primary Epithelial Splenic Cyst in an Adolescent Girl – Report of Successful Management of a Rare Case

Kajal P

Meeting the Sexual and Reproductive Health Including HIV Needs of South Sudanese Refugees in Gambella, Ethiopia

Wachira M

Dynamics of Protein Tyrosine Nitration and Denitration: A Review

Sengupta S

The Psychosocial Factors that Influencing HIV-AIDS Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence

Liranso GS

Psychosocial Predictors of Consistent Condom Use among Female Sex Workers in an Urban Setting of Cameroon

Tarkang EE

Late Cerebellar Vermis Metastasis of Breast Cancer Presenting as Pseudo-Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Comacchio F

Effect of Sample Preparation Route on the Thermal Diffusivity of Nd2O3 - A Laser Induced Photoacoustic Study

Sankararaman S

Bite Marks – Revisited

Manas B

Lung and Parietal Hydatid Disease

Senhaji L

Cervical Ballistic Traumatism: A Case Report

Chafiki Z

Severe and Unusual domestic Violence; A Case Report and Review of Literature

Zarenezhad M

Fatal road accidents in Spain: psychoactive substances in killed drivers in 2014

Arroyo A

Bioequivalence between Generic Rasagiline (As Tartrate) and Rasagiline (As Mesylate)

Van Rijswick YGJ

Current Dietary Lipids Recommendations: Pros and Cons

Giraudo S

Provision of Adolescent-Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Services Integrated into HIV Treatment and Care

Ng`ambi K

Enforcing the Laws on Public Morality against Key Populations: The Dilemma of the Ghana Police Service

Ndeogo ST

Acute Myeloid Leukemia Mimicking as Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia

Trupti Dongre

Parental Midlife Body Shape Influences Offspring Self-Perception of Weight in a Cohort of Australian Adults

Janet Grant

A New Model of Obstetrical Pessary – Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Insufficiency and Habitual Abortion

Schneiderman M

Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Algerian Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum) Natural Fermented in Underground Silos Matmora “El-Hammoum” and their Antimicrobial Activity Again Pathogenic Germs

Mokhtari S

Emotional Determinants of Sweets Consumption

Pilska M

Enzyme Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from the Old Tea Leaves

Man PV

Child Malnutrition and Associated Factors among Drought Affected Pastoralists in the Somali Region, Eastern Ethiopia

Abenet F

Safety of Permethrin and Pyriproxyfen in Dogs Treated With VetGuard Plus®

Gupta RC

Protective Properties of Probiotics on Commercial Broilers Experimentally Infected With Salmonella Enteritidis

Okuneye OJ

Seroepidemiology of Neospora Caninum in Dairy Cattle Farms with a History of Abortion in Isfahan Province, Iran

Noaman V

Investigation of Homocysteine Levels in Healthy Dogs

Kozat S

External Jugular Vein Aneurysm with Thrombus Presenting as Neck Mass: A Case Report (Rare Case)

Anajar S

Iatrogenic Pneumomediastinum and Facial Emphysema after Tooth Extraction

Chenguir M

Chronic Dysphonea in a Child Revealing a Foreign Body: Case Report

Lezrag M

Reasons for hospitalization of HIV-positive patients in Riga East clinical University hospital, Latvia, 2014

Seikals K

A Case of Late-Onset Neurofibromatosis Speculated as Type 7

Shunji Yasaki

Uterine Morcellator versus Resectoscopy in the Management of Heavy Menstrual Flow in Reproductive-Age Women

Hesham M Borg

Radiation Awareness amongst Junior Doctors

Selmi M

Clinical Utility of Triglyceride: HDL-Cholesterol Ratio as a Surrogate Marker of Inflammation in Pediatric Obesity

Kawadry O

The Treatment of Symptoms in Atopic Dermatitis as a Superantigen Disease

Sugimoto K

Review on Goat Milk Composition and its Nutritive Value

Getaneh G

Comparative Dynamics of DNA Isolated from Buccal Swab for Forensic Investigation “Pro and Post Brushing from Some Adult Males in Benin Metropolis, Nigeria”

Ibeh Nnanna Isaiah

Dual- Energy CT (DECT) Pulmonary Angiography in Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism (PTE): Causes, Semiology and Potential Diagnostic Pitfalls

Gálvez García S

Orodental Considerations in Thalassemia Patients

AlDallal S

Evaluating Lifting Barriers to Universal Access Project: A Step by Step Transformative Process for Increased Access to HIV Prevention and Treatment Services for Sexual Minorities in 2 Communities in Zimbabwe

Chibukire N

Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite-Pectin-Alginate Hybrid Bionanocomposite

Biswal T

Semiological Profile of Documented Apical Periodontitis: Case of the Clinic of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics (ODE) of the Department of Dentistry of Dakar

Ndiaye D

Evaluation of fatigue resistance of acetal resin and cobalt–chromium removable partial denture clasps. An in-vitro study: Part I

Helal MA

Stigma Related to Tuberculosis in Patients Taking DOTS Treatment from DOTS Center of Palpa District Hospital, Tansen, Palpa, Nepal

Dahal P

A Comparison of Prevention and Treatment of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss with Vaginal Progesterone or Oral Dydrogesterone

Schindler AE

Twenty Five Years of Drug Discovery at the University of California Targeting Kinetoplastid Parasites

McKerrow JH

Diagnostic Approaches towards Camelpox Disease

Weledegbrial G. Aregawi

Comparison of Two Freezing Extenders and their Influence on Sperm Quality of Tunisian Arab stallions

Najjar A

Characterization of the Resin Luting Materials: Percentage, Morphology and Mechanical Properties

Sarr M

Facial Dog Bites: 10 Case Report

Zine el Abidine H

Potentials, Limitations and Future Directions of MR Contrast Media in Ablation Therapies

Saeed M

Decision-making in the Management of Badly Decayed First Permanent Molars in Children and Adolescents

El Meligy OA

Jejunal Adenocarcinoma: An Unusual Cause of Small Bowel Obstruction

Boyle J

Challenges in the Pharmacological Management of Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in Children in the Maintenance Phase of Therapy at Kenyatta National Hospital

Mwangi WW

The Quality of Abdominal Radiographs at East Surrey Hospital, United Kingdom

Cheema H

Efficacy of Vitamin C Vaginal Suppository in Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis a Randomized Controlled Trial

El-Saied N

Isoproterenol Increases BIS and Arousal during Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation

O’Neill DK

Retinoblastoma: A Retrospective Study of 27 Cases in University Hospital of Lubumbashi-RDC

Ilunga JN

Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Transforming into Small Cell Carcinoma: An Extreme Rarity

Bhutani N

Paediatric Radiotherapy in Morocco

Sahraoui S

Awareness of Cervical Cancer Risk Factors, Screening Practices and Attitudes among Nurses in a Primary Health Care Setting of Morocco: A Cross-Sectional Study

Najdi A

Evolution of Bombings against Transportation Infrastructure

Hill J

Acoustic Analysis for Comparison and Identification of Normal and Disguised Speech of Individuals

Mathur S

Frontal Sinus Pattern and Evaluation of Right and Left Frontal Sinus Volume According to Gender, Using Multi Detector CT Scan

Nateghian Z

The Gaps of Environmental Criminal Liability in Armed Conflicts and its Consequences: An Analysis under Stockholm, Geneva and Rome

Dombrowski VCK

How the Interaction of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Gender Relates to HIV Risk Practices among Urban-Dwelling African Americans

Klein H

Study of Adenoid Hypertrophy in HIV Infected Adult Individuals and its Impact on Otitis Media with Effusion

Saxena A

Liquid Biopsy in Advanced Gastric Malignancy and Molecular Targeted Therapy; a Case Report and Update Pertaining Anti HER2-Neu Therapy

AL-Kadhimi M


Nalyotov AV

Preparation of Fibre Fortified Basundi Using Date Fruit (Phoenix dactylifera)

Chavan KD

MRI of the Psoas Major Muscle: Origin, Attachment, Anatomical Variants and Correlation with the Lumbar Disc Extrusion

Kakarala A

Case Report of Severe Preeclampsia and Associated Postpartum Complications

Pacarada M

Fibromatosis Colli, a Rare Cause of Neck Mass in Infants: A Case Report

Allouane MA

Carotid Body Tumor - Case Report and Review of the Literature

Lezrag M

Sjögren’s Syndrome - Oral Changes, Advanced Diagnosis, and Management - A Case Report

Minic I

A Rare Case of Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses

El Ansari R

Intramural Abscesses: A Sequela of Infective Endocarditis in a Patient with HIV

Guo L

Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis with Gastric Necrosis in a Female with Cerebral Palsy

Kurdi M

Characterization and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Aerococcus and Enterococcus Strains Isolated from Apical Periodontitis in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Kaboré WAD

Severe Bone Marrow Suppression Associated with Use of Clopidogrel

Zacharia G

Bioanalytical Method Development and Validation of Ferrum in Rabbit Plasma Samples by Derivatised Reverse Phase Liquid Chromatography and Application to Pharmacokinetic Study

Geervani P

Metastatic Leiomyosarcoma of the Inferior Vena Cava Presenting with a Hepatic Mass

Ibrahem Adam R

Acute-Onset Pancytopenia in a Previously Healthy Teenager

Crews J

Palatal Rugae Patterns as an Adjuvant to Gender Determination in Forensic Identification Procedures in a Paediatric Population

Jaisingh R

Dietary Diversity Score: A Measure of Nutritional Adequacy or an Indicator of Healthy Diet?

Habte TY

The Impact of Repeated Hb A2 Measurements on β-Thalassemia Trait Diagnosis

Al-Jafar H

Comparative Study on the Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Compositions of Sweet and Bitter Cassava Varieties for Garri Production

Kolawole SE

Effect of Re-Aging on Strength, Corrosion and Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of 7075 Aluminum Alloy

Kumar N

Treosulfan Plus Fludarabine – Encouraging Conditioning for Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma

Nahi H

Health Food and Traditional Chinese Medicine in China

Ye Z

Bioequivalence Study of Two Oral-Capsule Formulations of Omeprazole 20 mg in Combination with Sodium Bicarbonate in Healthy Mexican Adult Volunteers

Rosete-Reyes A

Milk Production, Somatic Cell Count, Percentages Milk Fat and Milk Protein Measured in Lactating Dairy Goats Fed a Nutritional Supplement

Rowson A

Dual Fall, One Before and other after A High Voltage Electric Injury-Case Report

Acharya J

A One-Year Hospital Based Prospective Study of Sickle Cell Disease from One Capital Area of Kuwait by HPLC

AlDallal S

HCV in Lymphoid Neoplasms

Tsutsumi Y

Association between Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism of ApoB Gene with Dyslipidemia and Obesity Risk in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Rafiee M

Death Penalty in China after the Ninth Amendment: Legislatively Abolishing and Judicially Limiting

Huang G

Forensic Geoscience during CS Investigations and Courtroom Trials without a Murder

Barone PM

Inguinal Lymph Node Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Site: A Case Report

Pai VD

A Model Proposal for Long-Lasting Electromagnetic Forces-Biological System Interaction: Molecular Fatigue Damages

Sert C

An Introduction to the Approaches of Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Singh N

The Prevalence of Obesity among Subjects with Chronic Kidney Disease – Cross Sectional Study of Sri Lanka Population

Liyanage T

Biometric Template Protection

Ashish MM

Hereditary Spherocytosis and Venous Thrombosis of Atypical Site: A Triple Hematologic Disease?

Santiago Andrés Guzmán – García

Breast Cancer Detection by Determination of Optical Properties of Non-Malignant and Malignant Breast Tissues

El-Sharkawy YH

Bilateral Malleus Ankylosis: a Case Report

Tatari MM

Implementation of Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture in the Central Province of Zambia

Chipili G

Predicting Multi-Drug Inhibition Interactions based on Signaling Networks and Single Drug Dose-Response Information

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Tan M

Responses and Survival under Pegylated Interferon α2a Treatment for Patients with Post-MPN Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Acute Panmyelosis with Myelofibrosis

Le Calloch R

Improvements to In Vitro Culture Media for Use in Bovine IVF


Predictors of Stress Fracture Susceptibility in Arab Female Military Recruits during Combat Training: A Preliminary Study

Faqi MK

Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy on Pathologic Stage and Survival in Patients with Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer

Gibson MK

Spinal Cord Compression Due to Extramedullary Hematopoiesis in a 27-Year-Old Man with Beta Thalassemia Intermedia: A Case Report

Saadat P

Cardiac Tamponade and Splenic Littoral Cell Angioma: An Unusual Presentation of a Very Rare Disease

Rossi S

Mycobacterium Chlorophenolicum Isolation in Sirolimus-Associated Pneumonitis

Ramonell RP

Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the Nasal Cavity: Case Report

Lezrag M

Camera Embedded Single Lumen Tube as a Rescue Device for Airway Handling during Lung Separation

Holm JH

The Field of Emergence in the Aspects of Communicative Situation

Albekov NN

Attitudes of Physicians to the Policy of Mandatory Use of Chaperone in Clinical Practice

Eleje GU

Septic Shock Secondary to Salmonella Enterica Ssp. Arizonae in an Immunocompetent Albanian Male

Rapose A

A Non-Contact Passive Approach for the Effective Collection of Target Explosive Volatiles for Canine Training Aid Development

Furton KG

Perceptions and Practices of Dental Caries Prevention by Maryland Latinas: A Qualitative Study

Horowitz AM

Gastroesophageal Cancer: Prognostic Factors and Treatment Results


Criminal Review Board of Forensic Psychological Evaluations in Relation to Appeal Hearings: A Culturally Responsive Police Accountability Paradigm

Johnson R

Association between Delay in Surgical Treatment and Perforation in Acute Appendicitis

Yavuz A

A New Approach to Identify Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction

Bolek L

Ethnic Variation in Plate Waste at Congregate Meal Sites

Magnus M

Age Adjusted Charlson Comorbidity Index: Predictor of 90-Day Mortality after Radical Cystectomy

Ather MH

Prone Airway Management in Patients with Pressure Ulcers

O’Neill DK

Stigma, Persecution, and Neglect: HIV in Russian Men Who Have Sex with Men

Twigg J

Community Perception towards Traditional Healers and Health Centers on Management of Dog Bites and its Relation with Veterinary Public Health Activities

Kaba Tamirat

New Approach for Examination of Pattern Evidences: Cases study

Sharma M

Right-Side Sleeping Position Prevents Sudden Infant Death Syndrome a Literature Review

Othman Alfleesy

Costimulatory Molecules CD80 and CD86 Colocalized in Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs)

Rodriguez FM

Food Processing Technology and Packaging: A Case Study of Indian Cashew-nut Industry

Patil PJ

Serum Haptoglobin Responses following Rumenotomy in the Sahel Goat

Saidu AM

Variability in the Levels of Vitamin D by Age, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity: Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2010

Jain RB

Effects of Age and Sex on Sickle Cell Disease Avascular Necrosis

Al-Jafar H

Teratoma in the Neonate: An Unusual Cause of Airway Obstruction

Souldi H

Anterior Mediastinal Pseudo-Tumor Tuberculosis: Should We Settle for This Diagnosis?

Ammor FZ

Hirschsprung’s Disease in Adult Treated by Coloprotectomy and Colo-Anal Anastomosis

Baraket O

Cardiac Permanent Pacing after a Correction of a Congenital Heart Defect

Habib M

Accidental Hypothermia in the Upper Midwest: A Dual Case Report Comparison

Jacobson E

Contralateral Delayed Acute Subdural Hematoma Following Evacuation of a Chronic Subdural Hematoma with Burr-Hole Craniotomy and Continuous Closed System Drainage: Case Report and Literature Review

Tsai FJ

Quality of Life in Different Male Offender Groups – Possible Underlying Effects of Intelligence and Psychopathic Tendencies

Väfors Fritz M

The Ongoing Battle for Syringe Exchange

Baker A

An Early Description of Carcinosarcoma in 1883

Onuigbo WIB

Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials

Leye Benoist F

Serum Zinc, Iron and Urinary Iodine Levels and their Relationship to Other Indices of Malnutrition among Lactating Mothers in Two Agro-Ecological Zones of Rural Ethiopia

O’Brien NM

Prevalence and Determinants of Undernutrition among School Age Slum Children in Dhaka City, Bangladesh

Yeasmin S

An Effective Treatment Regimen for Warts in Cattle

Mathi PM

Dental Alterations in Sickle Cell Disease

Al-Jafar H

IL-8 Regulates Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition through pERK1/2 in AGS Cells

Rendon-Huerta E

Characterization of Screen-Printed Nickel Oxide Electrodes for p-type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

Bonomo M

Bioequivalence Study of Two Oral-Capsule Formulations of Pregabalin 300 mg in Healthy Mexican Adult Volunteers

Rosete-Reyes A

A Rare Coexistence: Omphalomesenteric Remnant with Appendix and Caecum Duplication

Münevveroğlu Ç

The Relationship between Nutritional Status and Educational Achievements in the Rural School Children of Morocco

El Hioui M

Replacement of Missing Lateral Incisor Using A Zirconium Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Denture: A Clinical Report

Kammoun R

Patient Perceptions of Robotic Surgery for Benign Gynecologic Disease

Vargas MV

Unusual Cause of Hemiparesis in a Child

Abbas A

Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Superficial Temporal Artery in a Teenager: A Case Report

Chafiki Z

How Should we Screen Overweight and Obese Adolescents for Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Large Public Health Initiatives?

Adabimohazab R

Primary Cutaneous Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Rare Disease Variant and Review of the Literature

Koch K

Recurrent Benign Granular Cell Tumor of Breast with Malignancy – Does it Exist?

Kumaran D

Relationship between Body Weight and Self-Esteem: A Study of Young Men and Women in Iran

Seyed Reza Alvani

Addressing the Risk of Product Fraud: A Case Study of the Nigerian Combating Counterfeiting and Sub-Standard Medicines Initiatives

Spink J

Frenectomy as a Treatment Modality for Minimal Median Cleft of the Upper Lip

Revathy V

Nonparametric estimation of cumulative cause specific reversed hazard rates under masked causes of failure

Sankaran PG

Parenteral Nutrition in the Newborn: Associated Disorders and Nutritional Aspects

Freitas HR

Mitochondrial Actions for Fat Browning and Energy Expenditure in White Adipose Tissue

de Andrade PBM

Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia Type III and Primary Hemochromatosis; Coexistence of Mutations in KIF23 and HFE

Liljeholm M

Serum Phosphate - A Need to Revise Clinical Guidelines?

Skulberg A

Bacteriological Quality of Milk in Raw Bovine Bulk Milk in the Selected Milk Collection Centers: Smallholder Dairy Processing Ethiopia

Hiwot D

Treatment of vitamin D deficiency in children and adolescents

Arani KS

Nuts and Body Weight - An Overview

Lutz M

Hepatic Dysfunction as Presenting Manifestation of Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Taylor DF

Police Chiefs/Sheriffs’ Views on Varying Forensic Response

Pazarena L

Computed Tomography Use on Age Estimation in Forensic Dentistry: A Review

Silva RHA

Sudden Death Due to Sarcoma: An Unusual Case and Literature Review

Shun CT

Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Different Tissues: Immune Status and Activity

Trivanović D

Clinical Evaluation of 762 Single-Tooth, Locking-Taper Implants: A Prospective Study with 1- to 12-Years of Follow-Up

Mangano FG

Healthy and Unhealthy Dietary Patterns are related to Lipid Parameters in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Koohdani F

Schwannoma Palate in Children: Rare Case

Barhmi I

Hypoglossal Schwannoma: A Rare Case Report

Kumar SN

UVC-Shielding by Nano-TiO2/PMMA Composite: A Chemical Approach

Gautam A

Human Neutrophils in Patients with Positive Serology for Chagas Disease

Rodriguez FM

Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of Proximal Urethra in a Pregnant Female: A Unique Case Report

Kumar GA

The Relationship between Anterior Tubercle of the Atlas to the Adjacent Oropharyngeal Airway Volume: Implication of Normalized Variables and Gender Differences

Shigeta Y

The Dental Identification of the Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut

Riaud X

Observations on Aeromonas Infection in 7 Patients with Acute Leukemia

Fang B

Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System a Riddle, Wrapped in a Mystery, inside an Enigma

C. Canepa-Raggio

ESBL-Producing E. Coli in a Patient on Automated Peritoneal Dialysis

Faqi MK

A Rare Case Report of a Child Coexistence Thyroglossal Cyst and Second Branchial Cleft Fistulae

Mahdoufi R

Inguinal Hernia. A Review

Onuigbo WIB

Triple Synchronous Colon Tumors Causing Large Bowel Obstruction

Pataki I

Hemodynamic and Autonomic Reactivity to Mental and Physical Stress in Lean, Overweight and Obese Subjects

Jaju D

Ascites Secondary to Compression of the Caudal Vena Cava by Liver Abscesses in a Cow

Braun U

Parry Romberg Syndrome: A Case Report

Viswanathan R

Large Submandibular Sialoliths: A Report of Three Cases

Nezhad C

Assessment of Nutritional Knowledge of HIV Positive Adult Patients of Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex Ile - Ife, Nigeria

Fadeiye EO

Obesity is Associated with Increased Left Ventricular Mass in Children

Osama Y Safdar

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: Efficient Clinical Outcome through Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Hong-Cheng Mai

Ventilation, Chest Compression and Placental Circulation at Neonatal Resuscitation – ILCOR Recommendation 2015

Hutchon DJR

Unusual Presentation of Flexor Tendon Sheath Massive Ganglion

Saleeb H

Closed Traumatic Avulsion of Extensor Digitorium Communis and Extensor Indicis Proprius of Index Finger at the Musculotendinous Junction

Sefeane T

Giant Mucinous Cystadenoma in Adolescent – A Rare Case Report

Kataria SP

T2* MRI Correlates with R2 Liver Iron Concentration in Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemia

Clarke L

Nutritional and Biological Control Synergism against Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Small Ruminants

Sahoo A

HIV/AIDS-Related Knowledge among Persons with Physical Disability in Cameroon: A Qualitative Study

Tarkang EE

DNA Methylation Status of the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene is associated with Depressive Symptoms in Japanese Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study

Miyaki K

Occurrence and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Aerococcus and Enterococcus Strains Isolated from Acute and Chronic Cellulites of Dental Origin in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Kaboré WAD

Efficacy of Fingerprint to Determine Gender and Blood Group

Joshi S

Root Biomodification in Periodontics - The Changing Concepts

Chauhan G

Quantitative Electrocardiographic Analysis in Relation to Renal Function in a Geriatric Population

Rodriguez-Padial L

Profile of Cytokines (IL-1β, TNF- α and IL-10) in Eyelid Tumors

Sayeed K

Dermoid Cyst of Submental Region: A Case Report

Metgud R

Non-Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy and Factor V Leiden

Medrano-Martínez V

Effects of Oxytocin and Carbetocin on Haemostatic Variables in Pregnant Women after Cesarean Section

Testa S

A Review on Nanoprobes for Sensing, Imaging and Disease Detection

Mazumder S

Plasmon Mediated Photocatalysis by Solar Active Ag/ZnO Nanostructures: Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Aqueous Conditions

Aby H

Lethal Dance with Dialysis – A Case of Silent Long QT Syndrome

Gorecka M

Modifying the Classical F Test for Microarray Experiments

Bourget G

Early Postnatal Stunting Increases Risk of Hypertension among Young Rural Adults from India- Pune Rural Cohort

Rao S

Assessment of Dental Providers’ Knowledge, Behavior and Attitude towards Incorporating Chairside Screening for Medical Conditions: a pilot study

Acharya A

The Vicky Calder Case: A Review

Wornes DJ

Determining the Role of Hand Feeding Practices in Accidental Shark Bites on Scuba Divers

Clua EE

The Use of Forensic Entomology in Legal Veterinary Medicine: A Case Study in the North of Italy

Defilippo F

Non-Syndromic X Linked Intellectual Disability in Two Brothers with A Novel NLGN4X Gene Splicing Mutation (NC_018934.2: g. 1202C>A)

Bouazzi H

Adipogenesis in Obesity is Modulated by IP6 in Peanuts through Activation of the Nuclear Receptors (PPARs)

Malarvizhi R

Microwave and Magnetic (M2 ) Proteomics of Childhood B-ALL

Mahesula S

Development and Validation of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (KAP-HLQ) for Malaysian Adolescents

Chin YS

The Preschool Child, Food Photography And A Parent’s Bed: A Feasibility Study To Determine Acceptable Visual Data Collection Methods

McSweeney L

Candidate Selection, Determinant Factor for a Good Result in Cardiac Retransplantation: our Experience

Salterain N

Recommendations for Weakened Teeth Submitted to Fixed Restorations

Khiari A

Study the Effects of Communication Skills Training on Satisfaction and Anxiety Level of Dentistry Students and their Patients

Moosavi H

The Roles of Procalcitonin, C-Reactive Protein and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate in Predicting Bacteremia

Faqi MK

Cardiomyopathies among Children Attending a Tertiary Hospital in South-western Nigeria

Animasahun BA

The Role of Nutrition in Fighting Free Radicals

Santos MG

Histological and Immunohistochemical Study on the Toxic Effects of Anthracene on the lung and liver of Adult Male Albino Rats and the Possible Protective Role of Ocimum gratissimum Extract

Issa NM

Are Nutrition Professionals Involved in Nutrition Education? A Cross Sectional Study in Italy

Cena H

Prevalence and Etiologic Factors of Non Carious Cervical Lesions among Prison’s Population in Dakar

Babacar F

Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation of Debris and Smear Layer after Use of Revo-S and CMA Instruments in Straight Root Canals

Jemâa M

Fractals and Pathology

Bianciardi G

Primary Large Hydatid Cyst of The Neck

El Bousaadani A

Kawasaki Disease Presented with Meningitis in an Egyptian Adolescent

Attia TH

Surface ECG Markers may Predict Impending Atrial Fibrillation after Cardiac Surgery

Benharash P

Living a Dual Life: Multiplicity of Sexual Risks among Men who have Sex with Men ‘and’ Women in Bhutan

Singh SK

The Effect of Meloxicam NSAID Therapy on the Change in Vigor, Suckling Reflex, Blood Gas Measures, Milk Intake and Other Variables in Newborn Dairy Calves

Murray CF

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of a Carbohydrate-Rich and Protein-Rich Formula Diet

Möller K

The Effects of the Special K Challenge on Body Composition and Biomarkers of Metabolic Health in Healthy Adults

Jakeman P

Disseminated Cutaneous Mycobacterium Chelonae Infection in a 9.5-Year-Old Girl with Diabetes

Crisinel PA

The Extracorporeal Bio-Xeno Perfusion (myelo-timo-spleen) in Multi-organ Supportive Therapy (MOST) as a Modulator of Energy, for Immuno Correction Compensatory Anti-Inflammatory Response Syndromes, and Persistent Inflammation, Immuno suppression, Catabolism, and Multi-organ Dysfunction

Vasiliev I

Dental Implantology: From Titanium to Zirconia Ceramic

Khiari A

Comparison of Multisectoral approaches withstand alone Nutrition Specific Interventions to Address Malnutrition in Sanghar, Sindh

Khan MI

Bagatelle Cassidy Syndrome: Macrocephaly with Fronto-Facial Dysmorphism and Hearing Loss; an Extremely Rare Case

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Avina Fierro JA

Lead (Pb) Toxicity Trigger Schizophrenia in Battery Workers of North Region of India

Sharma SV

Chromosomal Aberrations and HMGA2 Expression in Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

Scholtysik R

Development and Validation of a Skin Fold Thickness Prediction Equation for Asian Indians Using Hydrodensitometry

Shenoy S

Role of Water Layer on Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Self-Assembled Monolayer Surface

Bhattacharyya T

Radiological Findings of Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome in An Adult Patient: Case Report

Canan A

Vasculitis Associated with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Kunnath TP

Tolerating Extreme Hyperkalemia in a Non-Compliant Dialysis Patient

Attaway A

Requirements for Cryopreservation of In Vitro-Produced Bovine Embryos by a Standard Method of Vitrification


Canakinumab in the Treatment of Erosive Hand Osteoarthritis: A Case Series

Carroll MB

Immunosenescence in Humans: Changes to the Aged T Lymphocyte Population in Response to Persistent Cytomegalovirus Infection

Taylor-Robinson AW

Melatonin Effectively Preserves Cognitive Function in Club Drug Intoxicated Rats

Huang YL

Investigating the Double-Peak Phenomenon in Oral Pharmacokinetics of Eurycoma Longifolia quassinoids in Lipid-Based Solid Dispersion

Chan KL

Anthropometric Predictors for Multiple Risk Factor Aggregation in Adults from Maracaibo City

Bermúdez VJ

Randomized Study of the Effects of Statin on Inflammatory and Prothrombotic States in Obese Adolescents

Schwitzgebel VM

Chronic Anal Fissure - A Multi Centric Study

Abro AH

Assessment of Rumen Microbial Adaptation to Garlic Oil, Carvacrol and Thymol Using the Consecutive Batch Culture System

Mbiriri DT

Synteny Based Analysis to Proffer a Non-drug Resistant Target Against Porphyromonas gingivalis

Amit Pal

Shaker Exercise Rehabilitation in Head and Neck Cancer and Stroke Patients with Dysphagia - A Pilot Study

Rudberg I

Malnutrition Featured During the Nigerian Civil War as both Classical Kwashiorkor and Nascent Paragonimiasis

Onuigbo W

Retained Mesoappendix Fat Nodule Mimicking Appendicitis

Sarma DR

Historical Concepts of Ovarian Dermoid Cysts

Onuigbo W

Glucose Testing and Lifestyle Counseling of Obese and Overweight Patients: A Survey of Primary Care Physicians in the United States

Casagrande S

Mckittrick-Wheelock Syndrome and Diabetes Insipidus

Swissa M

Sacrococcygeal Teratoma in a Developing Community

Onuigbo WIB

Stability Analysis of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide and Its Mutated Oligomeric Forms

Amit Pal

Study on Hair Morphology to Distinguish the Dominant Races in Malaysia for Forensic Investigation

Nataraja Moorthy T

Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Acinetobacter baumannii complex Isolated From Different Clinical Samples In A Tertiary Care Hospital

Guckan R

In Vitro Comparison of Margin Fracture Strength of E.MaxTM and EmpressTM Inlays

Maseli V

The Forensic Science Effect

Swindle JW

Development of the Analytical Model for the Assessment of the Efficiencies of Different Therapeutic Modalities in Leukemia

Majumder D

Attributable Healthcare Cost and Length of Hospital Stay Associated with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia

Al-Eidan FA

Study of the Relationship between Abdominal Obesity and Micro-Albuminuria in Elderly

Mahmoud AH

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of β-Glucan in Cancer Related Fatigue

Vetvicka V

Prospective Evaluation of WHO and European Clinical, Molecular and Pathological (WHO-ECMP) Criteria for Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) of Various Molecular Etiology: Characteristics of JAK2V617F, MPL515 and CALR Mutated MPN

Jan Jacques Michiels

Elective Anesthesia and Surgery in Veteran Patients Abusing Cocaine - Factors Influencing Management Decisions

Sakawi Y

Video-Thoracoscopic Extended Thymectomy with Sternal Elevation and Carbon Dioxide Insufflation

Fukai R

Fluoridated Water Supply and Promotion of Oral Health in Children of Low Socioeconomic Status- A Cross-Section Study

Cruvinel VR

Outcomes after Pediatric Fundoplication: Defining the Redo Population

Baerg JE

Lip Cancer: Epidemiologic, Clinical, Evolutive, and Therapeutical Aspects

Rafik A

Effects of Carbohydrates Supplementation and Physical Exercise

Santos MG

Presentation of the HoNOS-Secure French Version, an Outcome Measure for Users of Secure and Forensic Mental Health Services

Eytan A

Supernumerary Ectopic Tooth in Nasal Cavity - A Case Report

Ahmed Z

Coverage of Exposed Lower Extremity Bypass Vascular Graft with Integra and NPWT for Limb Salvage

Abou Issa

AIDS Puzzle was Solved

Makarov S

Simultaneous HPLC Assay of Paracetamol and Sulfapyridine as Markers for Estimating Gastrointestinal Transit of Amphotericin B-containing Nanoparticles in Rat Plasma

Nashiru B

Influence of Maternal Nutritional Factors on Ovarian Folliculogenesis in Cattle


Researches on the Pharmacological Effects of Eicosapentaenoic Acid

Pang Z

Antifungal Potential in Crude Extracts of Five Selected Brown Seaweeds Collected from the Western Libya Coast

Khallil AM

The Medico-Legal Importance of Establishing Human Identity by Palatal Rugoscopy: Evaluation of the Immutability and Individuality of Palatal Rugae under the Influence of Ante Mortem Orthodontic Treatment

Palmela Pereira C

Negatively Charged Gold Nanoparticles “Control” Double-Stranded DNAs Spatial Packing

Yevdokimov YuM

Atorvastatin prescription before and after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Effects on Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction and blood circulating Pentraxin3

Namazi MH

Extramedullary Hematopoiesis in a Non-Transfused Elderly Patient Diagnosed with Beta Thalassemia Minor

Buenasmananas-Cervantes D

Surgical Outcome in Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Oertel J

The Effect of Interleukin-6-Type Cytokines and Adiponectin on MAPK Activation in the Immortalized Human Chondrocyte C28/I2 Line and Normal Human Chondrocytes

Wylie MA

Food Energy Cost of Overweight and Obesity: A Model to Estimate the Amount of Food Expended for Excess Body Weight in a Community

Habte TY

Immunodeficiency and Microbial Infections

Sharma B

Breastfeeding Intentions and Practice among Vegetarians in the United States - A Pilot Study

Armstrong AM

Combating Childhood Obesity with an Integrated School Curriculum

Choi YS

Advanced Adrenal Imaging: Comparison between Radionuclide and MR Techniques

Maurea S

Grey Relational Analysis of Obesity Measurements for Children

Zheng YB

Predictors of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Risk among Blacks with Metabolic Syndrome

Rogers A

Orally Disintegrating Tablets: A Short Review

Abay FB

Evaluation of The Immunomodulatory In Vivo Activity of Laminaria Hyperborea Fucoidan Relative to Commercial (1,3/1,6)-Β-D-Glucans from Yeast and Mushrooms

Halling BP

Candidiasis Diagnosed at the University Hospital of Constantine, Algeria

Djaballah M

A Descriptive Study about Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Children in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria

Animasahun A

Overuse and Misuse of Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stages I and II Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Chemotherapy: Empirical Findings from a Privately Insured Population

Hrushesky WJM

Latent Fingerprints of Insufficient Value Can be Used as an Investigative Lead

Attias D

Conventional and Computational Features in Document Examination

Saini M

Threat of Mosquito-Borne Human Viral Diseases

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Perng GC

Pregnant Patients with Deep Venous Thrombosis: Management and the Incidence of Thrombophilic Risk Factors

Ekim M

C-MAC Video Laryngoscopy Versus Flexible Fiberoptic Laryngoscopy in Patients with Anticipated Difficult Airway: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Salama AK

Reduced Ischemia in the Medial Vestibular Nucleus after Premedication of Cilostazol and Ginkgo Biloba Extract in Global Hypoperfusion Rat Model

Kim JS

Pharmacokinetics, Biotransformation, Distribution and Excretion of Empagliflozin, a Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter (SGLT 2) Inhibitor, in Mice, Rats, and Dogs

Chen L

Evaluation of Pumice, Fissure Enameloplasty, Dentin Adhesive and Air Abrasion on Sealant Microleakage

El Meligy OA

Imaging Features of Intraosseous Myofibroma of the Jaws: A Case Report and Literature Review

Newaz ZA

In Vitro Models to Study Candida Albicans Biofilms

Gu W

Image-Guided Radiotherapy Using MV for Prostate Cancer: A Correlation Analysis between Electronic Portal Imaging with Fiducial Markers and Cone Beam CT

Salas Buzón M del C

Effects of Pioglitazone on the Electrocardiogram in the Goto-Kakizaki Type 2 Diabetic Rat Heart

Howarth FC

Neonatal Endotracheal Tubes and Prevention of Bronchial Intubation

Hipolito RB

Dietary Omega-3 Intakes in Southern African American and Southern Caucasian Women

Myers KB

Postoperative Chylothorax: Is Octreotide A Valid Therapy?

Owais TA

Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in a Patient with Lynch Syndrome (Hereditary Non Polyposis Colorectal Cancer)

Battley JE

Cost Effective Treatment of Pseudo Class III Malocclusion in a Permanent Dentition with a Simple Removable Appliance

Beena JP

Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived from A Patient with Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease Exhibit Altered Neuronal Proliferative Capacity

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Sidhu KS

Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury (ASIA A) with Residual Electrophysiological Function

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Araujo AS

Surgical Outcome of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Using the MHQ and DASH: A Retrospective Patient-Reported Assessment

Sorg H

Spontaneous CSF Rhinorrhea as Clinical Symptom of an Idiopathic Temporal Encephalocele in a 64 Year Old Man

Krause-Titz UR

Rasagiline-associated Hypersexuality

Dizet S

Review on Pharmacological Activities of the Peptides from Scorpion Buthus Martensii Karsch

Wang JH

A New Bi-Functional Derivative of Polyethylene Glycol as Molecular Carrier for Eugenol and Ibuprofen

Zacchigna M

Effect of Fe2+, Mn2+ Catalyst on the Performance of Bio-Electro-Fenton Microbial Fuel Cells

Wang CT

Prevalence and Predictors of Current Tobacco Smoking in Bangladesh

Sultana P

Genetic Algorithm and Ensemble Systems for Multi-biometric Cancellable Recognition

Canuto AMP

Outcome and Hemodynamic Alternation in Uterine Artery Following Hysteroscopic Roller-Ball Endometrial Ablation

Abdelazim IA

Pregnancy after Novasure® Endometrial Ablation: Two Cases and a Literature Survey

Mak N

Proximity of the Sciatic Nerve in Relation to the Posterior Approach to the Hip, and its Relationship to Femoral Head Size

Jacob N

Warfarin-Induced Tissue Necrosis (WITN): Case Report and Literature Review, A Proposed Name Change

Simman R

Proteomics in Diagnosis: Past, Present and Future

Ahmad Y

Creatine Supplementation in the Elderly: is Resistance Training Really Needed?

Moon A

Relationship between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Psychiatric Burden and Violent Offence in a Maximum Security Prison in North-Central Nigeria

Armiya’u AY

Evaluation of Luffa Aegyptica Mill Powder: A Novel Superdisintegrant in Delayed Release Tablets

Mundada AS

Formulation and Evalution of Oral Reconstitutable Suspension of Cefpodoxime Proxetil

Patel GC

Effects of Treated Banana Peel Meal on the Feed Efficiency, Digestibility and Cost Effectiveness of Broiler Chickens Diet

Abel FAS

Nanotechnology Approaches for Antiretroviral Drugs Delivery

Iannazzo D

Is There A Correlation Between Antibiotic Resistance and Decreased Susceptibility to Biocides in Different Genus of Bacterial Genera?

Herruzo I

Central Cementifying Fibroma of Mandible - A Case Report with Literature Review

Issrani R

Unusual Spontaneous Nasal Septal Abscess

Adnane C

Jugular Foramen Schwannoma Revealed By Unilateral Deafness

Benbakh M

Studies on the Nutritional Status of School Age Children in Drought Affected Desert Environment of Western Rajasthan, India

Singh MB

Extraction of Mastitis Pathogen DNA from Sample Collecting Cards: Practical Consequences

Durel L

Epigenetic Changes Caused by Occupational Stress in Humans Revealed through Noninvasive Assessment of DNA Methylation of the Tyrosine Hydroxylase Gene

Miyaki K

Efficient Method of Deriving Functional Endothelial Progenitor Cells From Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Shetty P

Identification of an Outer Membrane Protein from Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae Serotype 7

Yang J

Some Basic Differential Models in Mathematical Biology

Tian B

Increased High Mobility Group Protein A2/SMAD3 Relates to Ovarian Cancer Progression

Kimberly P. Dobrinski

Molecular Mechanism Linking BRCA1 Dysfunction to High Grade Serous Epithelial Ovarian Cancers with Peritoneal Permeability and Ascites

Desai A

Oral Health - Related Quality of Life of Periodontal Patients in a Syrian Sample - A Pilot Study

Dannan A

A Case Report of Atrial Myxoma presenting with Cardioembolic Stroke and treated with Intravenous Thrombolytic Therapy

Ismail II

Viable Alternatives to Implantology

Zinner ID

Do Expression Profiles of Cytokines VEGF, TNF- α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 Correlate with Gallbladder Cancer?

Chaturmohta A

Nutritional and Health Implications of Conventional Agriculture – A review

Habte TY

Study on Mitochondrial DNA Heteroplasmy from Liver, Kidney and Muscle of Common Carp

Cao ZM

Tooth Coronal Pulp Index as a Tool for Age Estimation in Egyptian Population

El Morsi DA

Development and Validation of UV Spectroscopic First Derivative Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Dapagliflozin and Metformin Hydrochloride in Synthetic Mixture

Jani BR

Persisting Cough as the Single Presenting Symptom of an Intrathoracic Tumor in a Nine-Month-Old Child with Adenovirus Airway Infection

Wiegering V

AIDS: Signs to Management of the Disease

Narang J

Expression Profile of Hepatic Metallothionein-I and ATP7B, and Brain Metallothionein-III and Acetyl cholinesterase Genes in Wistar Rat Model for Non-Wilsonian Brain Copper Toxicosis

Pal A

Scaling up the Ebola Response: What we Learned from AIDS Activism

Chan J

Fangchinoline Inhibits Breast Tumor Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 Cell Line in Vivo

Deng X

A Model for Construction of Height and Sex from Shoulder Width, Arm Length and Foot Length by Regression Method

Twisha Shah

Assessment of Cephalic and Facial Indices: A proof for Ethnic and Sexual Dimorphism

Twisha Shah

HIV Sero-Discordant Couples in Southwest Nigeria: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors

Afe AJ

Chocolate Milk Sweetened With Stevia: Acceptance by Children

Verruma-Bernardi MR

Unfolding Tragedy in Ukraine

Twigg J

Mthfr c677t, Homocysteine and Risk of Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis: A Pooled Analysis of Published Epidemiological Studies

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Anti-GnRH Receptor Monoclonal Antibodies, First-In-Class GnRH Analog

Lee G

The Emergence of Multiple Myeloma in a Patient with Essential Thrombocythemia: A Case Report

Terzi H

Gastric Cancer in Young Patients Under The Age of 30 Years

Prochorov A

Relative Bioavailability of Ciprofloxacin Doses (750 and 1000) mg in Healthy Male Volunteers by Using HPLC Method

Mallah E

A Laparoscopic Assisted Minilaparotomy Hysterectomy approach for Very Large Fibroid Uteri of more than 1000 grams – A Preliminary Study

Wong WSF

Assessment of the Prevalence of HIV Infection at Four Health Facilities in Dilla Town, Ethiopia

Alemu F

Case Studies of 17 Patients

Salerian AJ

A Severe Intracranial and Extracranial Complications of The Middle Ear Cholesteatoma (A Report Case)

Adouly T

Vertebro-Spinal Hydatidosis: Case Report

Belhaj K

What are Children’s Breakfast Habits and How is Breakfast Meal Perceived by them? A Study Carried out in Pavia, Northern Italy

Turconi G

Complications Following Dental Extractions in a Mobile Dental Clinic

Manor Y

Objectively Coding Intervention Fidelity During A Phone-Based Obesity Prevention Study


Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Accompanying Hemorrhage in the Pleural Cavity

Machida Y

In-Vitro Antibacterial / Antifungal Screening of 2-Chloroquinoline Scaffold Derivatives

Kumar S

A Highly Efficient Culture Technique for Derivation of Motor Neurons from Human Umbilical Cord Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Shetty P

Toxic Effect of Titanium (Tio2) on Wistar Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) Injected by Intravenously

Sharma TK

Milk Drinking Patterns among Malaysian Urban Children of Different Household Income Status

Khor GL

Identification of Pyrrolidinophenone-type Designer Drugs by Gas Chromatography/ Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Lopez-Avila V

Hemiagenesis of the Left Thyroid Lobe

Hoang TD

Street Drug, an Inotrope in Heart Failure?

Low SW

Streptococcus Mutans and Lactobacillus Species Infection in Obese and Non- Obese School Children in Accra, Ghana

Ndanu TA

Oral Hygiene Practices and Caries Prevalence among 9-15 Years Old Ghanaian School Children

Ndanu TA

Phase II Trial of Lower Dose Bevacizumab and Irinotecan in Relapsed High Grade Gliomas

Kairouz VF

Epidemiological Characteristics of Infections Associated with Culture Isolated Fusobacterium Nucleatum: A Retrospective Analysis

Shah C

Meningoencephalitis due to Enteroviral Infection – An Often Overlooked Etiology

McBath A

Availability of Adequate Iodized Salt at Household Level and Associated Factors in Rural Communities in Laelay Maychew District, Northern Ethiopia: A Cross Sectional Study

Gidey B

Methadone and Torsade De Pointes in the Therapeutic Range

Mazzone MR

Nutritional Status of Children and their Mothers, and its Determinants in Urban Capital and Rural Highland in Papua New Guinea

Miyoshi M

Guillain-Barr´E Syndrome with Bilateral Extensor Plantar Reflexes

Ahmad SF

Copper Deficiency Myeloneuropathy Mimicking Subacute Combined Degeneration Following Bariatric Surgery

Ismail II

SLNs Based on Co-Processed Lipids for Topical Delivery of Terbinafine Hydrochloride

Tiwari S

Helicobacter pylori Infection and its Potential Association with Idiopathic Hypercalciuric Urolithiasis in Pediatric Patients

Ali AM

Hydrocephalus in Congenital Rubella Syndrome: A Case Report

Tiwari C

Unusual Variant of Guillain-Barré Syndrome Following Hepato-biliary Surgery — A Rare Case Report

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Sandeep Kumar Kar

Penetrating Arrow Wound of the Chest - A Case Report

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Tanmoy Ganguly

m6a RNA Methylation: The Implications for Health and Disease

McGuinness DH

Metastatic cancer of the pancreas: Historical review

Onuigbo WIB

Clinical and Molecular Evaluation of a Case of Male Infertility and Azoospermia

Colao E

Development of Severe Hypophosphatemia from Acquired Fanconi Syndrome during Treatment with Abiraterone

Chamberlain ED

Nanotechnology Commercialization: Prospects in India

Mazumder S

Isolated Laryngeal Coccidioidomycosis - A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Antony N

Acrometastasis from a Pancreatic Primary Adenocarcinoma: A First Report in the Literature

O’Grady J

Complex Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair with Gracilis Muscle Interposition Flap - Case Series of 5 Patients and Review of Literature

Sharma A

Appendicitis in Pregnancy: How Vestigial is this?


Unusual Large Ethmoidal Osteoma with Orbital Extension

Adouly T

Salmonella Septic Arthritis of the Knee in a Child

Yadav R

Nutrition Research and Human Disease: A Critical Appraisal of Mechanistic Research, Cohort Studies, and Randomized Trials

Temple NJ

Refractory Hypotension Caused By Prone Position in a Child Undergoing Scoliosis Corrective Surgery

Ye F

Concerns about Soy Cultivation: What is Known and What is not Known

Jargin SV

Benefits and Constraints of Vitrification Technologies for Cryopreservation of Bovine In Vitro Fertilized Embryos


Functional Protein Domains Evolve Very Specifically Over Mutations

Sabharwal NS

Non-ARV Prescriptions and Medication Burden among Commercially Insured U.S. HIV Patients

Koram N

A Protocol for the Determination of the Growth Rate of Organisms Subject to Interrupted Exponential Growth

Upton G

Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks: A Literature Review

Fadhl M Alakwaa

Amyloid beta precursor protein: forgotten facts of the most studied protein in the 21st Century*

Rafael Franco

Skull Sexual Monomorphism in the Gwembe Dwarf Goat Breed from Zambia

Parés-Casanova PM

Beta (1-3)(1-6)-D-glucan with strong effects on immune status in chicken: potential importance for efficiency of commercial farming

Vetvicka Vaclav

Review on Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems

Pang Z

Missing Breakfast, Sleep and Exercise: Are You Skipping Out Years of Life

Sajjad A

Intent vs. Implementation—Food Allocation to Adult Males in WIC Households

Martin-Anderson S

Optic Nerve Cavernous Haemangioma as a Rare Cause of Retro-Orbital Pain mimicking Intracranial Aneurysm.

Doukas A

Non-Functioning Adrenocortical Carcinoma (incidentaloma) - A Case Report and Review of Literature

Singh P

Extensive Worm Infestation: A Case Report

Tiwari C

Examination of Some Country made Smooth Bore Firearms

Ajitesh Pal

The Association of Grades of Photoreceptor Inner Segment-Ellipsoid Band Disruption with Severity of Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Sharma SR

Osteomyelitis of the Hip secondary to Aspergillus fumigatus - A Case Report and Comprehensive Review of the Literature

Antony SJ

A Comparison of Blood Amino Acid Concentrations Following Ingestion of Rice and Whey Protein Isolate: A Double-Blind Crossover Study

Purpura M

Targeted Approach for Prostate Cancer Treatment: Synthesis and Characterization of Docetaxel-Loaded Perfluorocarbon Nanodroplets

Gupta R

Duodenal Contents Reflux can Induce Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma as Well as Adenocarcinoma

Mukaisho K

Croscarmellose Sodium Efficiency in the Development of a Generic Capsule Formulation of Piroxicam, Comparable Dissolution Profile to the Innovator Product, Feldene

Nwoko Valentine E

Descriptive Study of Exposure to Inhalation Zanamivir and Pregnancy-Related Outcomes

Walker AM

Wet Granulation to Overcome Liquisolid Technique Issues of Poor Flowability and Compactibility: A Study to Enhance Glibenclamide Dissolution

Javaheri H

Nutritional Aspects in Heart Failure

Pinho CPS

Impact of Training Programme on Knowledge and Perception of Primary Health Care (PHC) Workers on Nutrition Component of Safe Motherhood Initiative in South-West Nigeria

Oyewole OE

Changes in Heart Function in Patients with Heart Failure after the Completion of Land-Based and Partial Water-Based Exercise Programmes

Mourot L

Could Non-Linear Heart Rate Variability Analysis of Short RR Intervals Series Give Clinically Valuable Information in Heart Disease?

Mourot L

Networks: Elucidating Experimental Data by Differential Protein-Protein Interactions

Capobianco E

Wake-up Strokes Are Similar to Known-Onset Morning Strokes in Severity and Outcome

Martin-Schild S

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (Flutd) – An Emerging Problem of Recent Era

Tariq A

Sarcoidosis - A Case of “Resistant Tuberculosis”

Grace M

Procalcitonin versus C-Reactive Protein in Neonatal Sepsis

Ali AM

Developing and Testing Nutrition Messages for Asian Indian Mothers

Olson BH

The Effects of A Combined Exercise, Healthy Diet, and Dental Hygiene Program on Body Composition, Physical Condition, Eating Habits, and Dental Care for Shelter Home Residents with Intellectual Disabilities


Acute Type C Botulism with Fatal Consequences in a Holstein Breeding Establishment in Northern Italy

Tavella A

Dietary Intake of Children Participating in the USDA Summer Food Service Program

Betty del Rio-Rodriguez

Body Mass Index, Quality of Life and Migraine in Students

Castro K

Short-term Creatine Supplementation Suppresses the Cortisol Response to a High-Intensity Swim-Sprint Workout

Dobgenski V

Folic Acid Supplementation Reduced Depression Score in Young Japanese Women with Depression-susceptible Genetic Polymorphisms

Hiraoka M

Complex Traumatic Facial Degloving Injury

Jadhav NC

Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the Colon Mimicking an Abdominal Wall Cellulitis

Kaczynski J

Food Intake Circadian Chronology: A Healthy Rising Science

Nikkhah A

The Echocardiographic Tei-index Compared to Transpulmonary Thermodilution Measurement With Different Hemodynamic Biomodels

Kobr J

Fingerprint Recovery from Human Skin by Finger Powder

Rozman KB

Acculturation and Subclinical Atherosclerosis among U.S. South Asians: Findings from the MASALA study

Kanaya AM

Dermatophytosis in a Dog Seropositive for Ehrlichia Spp

Peda A

Study on Efficiency of Protein Extractants Employed for Human Origin Determination of Blood

Usha Rani M

Microfilaria Causing Bone Marrow Failure

Sasidharan PK

A Reintegration Program for Elderly Prisoners Reduces Reoffending

Kamigaki K

Left Ventricular Mural Thrombus Treated With Dabigatran

Cross P

Case Series of Pneumococcal Meningitis in the Post 13-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Era

de St. Maurice A

Biogenesis of Ion Channels

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Reusch R

Nutritional Adequacy of Vegetarian and Omnivore Dietary Intakes

Turner DR

An Interesting Coexistence of a Classical-Nodular and an Adenoid-Ulcerous Basal Cell Carcinoma in the Same Anatomic Location

Tas B

Feasibility Analysis of Autogenous Tooth-based Bone Graft Material after Guided Bone Regeneration Technique

Chang Hee-Yung

Giant Mesenteric Cyst - Cause of Abdominal Distension Managed with Laparotomy- A Case Report

Nguyen M

Complete Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles using Laser Ablation in Deionized Water Containing Chitosan and Starch

Tran X. Phuoc

Molecular Mechanisms of Mismatch Repair Genes in Cancer – A Brief Review

Shilpa V

Pharmacy Compounding Quality Control and Pharmaceutical Development Strategies for Seventeen alpha Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate in Prevention of Preterm Delivery

Zhao Y

Cholesterol Homeostasis Imbalance and Brain Functioning: Neurological Disorders and Behavioral Consequences

Lecis C

Gastric Type Adenocarcinoma with Fundic Gland Differentiation in the Duodenum Resected by ESD (Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection)

Orita H

Effects of Transfer Point Glucan #300 Supplementation on Children exposed to Passive Smoking - Placebo-driven Double-blind Clinical Trials

Richter Josef

Association between Stress and Dietary Behaviours among Undergraduate Students in Kuwait: Gender Differences

Ahmed F

Unusual Presentation of CML in Pregnancy

Haritha S

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, A Reemerging Disease in Arizona and Sonora- Case Study

Alvarez G

Clinical Characteristics of Metastatic Gastric Tumors: A Report of 8 Cases in a Single Hospital

Jin Bo

Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma - WHO Type

Rathore AS

Does Physical Activity and Sport Practice Lead to a Healthier Lifestyle and Eating Habits in Male Adolescents?

Fonte ML

Therapeutic Hypothermia Still Effective in Prevention of Anoxic Encephalopathy following Extended Period of Pulselessness during Cardiac Arrest

Rivera NT

Pulmonic Valve Endocarditis Complicating Streptococcus pneumoniae Community- Acquired Pneumonia

McBath A

Tame to Torture: Psychosexual Correlations of Sex, Violence and Torture

Reynolds MM

Parenteral Nutrition Utilization in Bone Marrow Transplant Recipients

Wilson S

Programming Scripts for Simple and Complex Paternity Testing based on Open-Source Programming Language from the R Project

Masataka Takamiya

Overweight, Obesity and Abdominal Obesity in Primary School Children in Pavia, Northern Italy

Turconi G

Reduction of Bitterness and Enhancing Palatability of Cetirizine Oral Liquid Dosage Forms by Cyclodextrins

Ali M

Esophageal Cancer and Bisphosphonates

Alexander M. Walker

Flexural Strength of Provisional Crown and Fixed Partial Denture Resins both with and without Reinforced Fiber

Duymus ZY

Prostate Cancer – Double Vision but Solitary Lesion

Lim HY

Ascending Aortic B-Cell Lymphoma Masquerading as Intramural Hematoma: A Case Report

Christopher T. Holley

Olfactory Neuroblastoma (Esthesioneuroblastoma) following Retro-Orbital Irradiation for Graves’ Ophthalmopathy

Tamjid B

Hepatic Angiosarcoma, going but not gone. Lessons from a single centre experience

Janine French

Stature Estimation from the Anthropometric Measurements of Footprint in Iban Ethnics of East Malaysia by Regression Analysis

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.501
Hairunnisa MAK

The Flesh Fly Sarcophaga (Liopygia) crassipalpis Macquart 1839 as an Invader of a Corpse in Calabria (Southern Italy)

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.404
Bonacci T

Surgical Wound Management in Dogs using an Improved Stable Chlorine Dioxide Antiseptic Solution.

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.403
Chapnick A

Outcome Following Surgical Correction of Abomasal Displacement in Lactating Dairy Cattle: A Retrospective Study of 127 Cases (1999-2010)

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.402
Rebecca L. Pentecost

Thrombotic Microangiopathy Associated with Intravenous Injection Of Opana Er®: University Medical Center Case Series.

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9820.1.401
Marcus R Winkler

NMR Assignment of N-(1-adamantyl)-1-pentyl-1H-indazole-3-carboxamide Seized as Herbal Incense for the First Time in Italy

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.403
Jussara Amato

The Ni(II) Complex of 2-Hydroxy-Pyridine-N-Oxide 2-Isothionate: Synthesis, Characterization, Biological Studies, and X-ray Crystal Structures using (1) Cu Kα Data and (2) Synchrotron Data

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.301
Mohamed A. Makhyouna

Anti-Arthritic Efficacy And Safety Of Crominex 3+ (Trivalent Chromium, Phyllanthus emblica Extract, And Shilajit) In Moderately Arthritic Dogs

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.401
Fleck A

Resolution of Complete Atrioventricular Block in a Patient with Severe Hypothyroidism

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9820.1.301
Said S

The Perception of a Woman’s Love in a Relationship with a Prisoner is Erotic and Altruistic

Giebel G

The Fatal Alcoholic Ketoacidosis as a Dilemma in the Differential Diagnosis in Unexpected Deaths

Komarekova I

Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Arthritic Efficacy and Safety of Purified Shilajit in Moderately Arthritic Dogs

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.302
Lawley S

Headspace GC-MS Detection of Carbon Monoxide in Decomposed Blood and Hepatic Tissues

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.302
Hao H

Identification of Designer Drugs using Gas Chromatography High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and a Soft-Ionization Source

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.301
Lopez-Avila V

Salmonella Serovars and Their Host Specificity

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.301
Vikash Singh

Law & Psychiatry in India: An Overview

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.203
Raveesh BN

Liposphere: A Versatile Controlled Release Carrier for Hydrophobic Drugs

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9782.1.e202
Ch. Niranjan Patra

Polymer Nanocomposite: A Promising Flame Retardant

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.e202
Qingsheng Wang

Application of Nanotechnology in Photovoltaic

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.e201
Yan F

Adults Mammary Stem Cell in Cow’s Milk: New Perspectives and Future Challenge

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.e202
Baratta M

The Updated International Veterinary Anatomical and Embryological Nomenclatures

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.e201
Gheorghe M. Constantinescu

Not Every Rise in Procalcitonin is Infection

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9820.1.203
Aggarwal S

Unexplained severe lactic acidosis in emergency medicine

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9820.1.202
Ole Erik Ulvin

Understanding the Value of Case Reports and Studies in the Context of Clinical Research, Research Design, and Evidence-Based Practice

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9820.1.201
Y. Robert Li

Perspectives and Potential Applications of Ruthenium-Based Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapy

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9782.1.e201
Rita Santamaria

Topical Delivery System for Phytochemicals: Capsaicin and Capsicum Tincture

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9782.1.201
Bindu Thapa

Improvement in Latent Fingermark Detection on Thermal Paper using 5,6-Dimethoxy-1,2-indandione/PVP

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.202
Yabin Zhao

Legal Medical Age Estimation in Portuguese Adult Cadavers: Evaluation of the Accuracy of Forensic Dental Invasive and Non-Invasive Methods

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Pereira CP

A New Platform for Sharing Research and Teaching Experience

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Sun Z

Heart Rate Variability and Occupational Stress: Future Directions

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Newton C

Vocational Decision-Making and Rehabilitation Following Paediatric Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: An Illustrative Case Study Analysis

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9820.1.101
Murphy G

Case Reports and Studies

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Kirk R

The Impact of Advances in Post-Mortem Imaging on Forensic Practice

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.e103
Bryce C H

The Infanticide: Some Forensic and Ethical Issues

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.e102
Argo A

Toxicological Screening and Quantitation Using Liquid Chromatography/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9804.1.e101
Linnet K

Quantitative Analysis of 30 Drugs in Whole Blood by SPE and UHPLC-TOFMS

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Dalsgaard PW

New Adipocytokines

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9782.1.e103
Mansour S W

Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9782.1.e102
Adams J D

Biocompatible Polymers and Processing Techniques in Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9782.1.e101
Giamonna G

Development of a Stability Indicating UPLC-MS/MS Method for Rapid and Reliable Determination of Fenofibrate in Marketed Product (Lypanthyl® 200M) and Human Plasma

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9782.1.102
Wabaidur S M

Sustainable Nanomaterials: A Greener Future Avenue?

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.e106
Rafael Luque

Estimation of the Thermodynamics of Ionic Materials

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.e105
Leslie Glasser

Polymeric Nano-Fibers and Modified Nano-Fibers Assembly in 3D Network for Different Potential Applications

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.e104
M. Khayet

The Shape Memory Phenomenon: An Intrinsic Feature of Materials after Programming

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.e103
W M Huang

Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocomposites Using the Nanoscale Laser Soldering in Liquid Technique

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.101
Tran X. Phuoc

Materials Science and Nanotechnology

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.e102
Shin-ichi Yusa

Welcome to Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9812.1.e101
Salerno M

MAPK Pathway in Skeletal Muscle Diseases

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.e104
Hannah W.S. Geisler

The End of the Golden Age of Antibiotics?

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9790.1.e103
Andrzej Wernicki

Thoroughbred Race Horses Management: A Key Role of the Veterinarian

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Adolfo Godoy Pinto

The BMBL and Biosafety Levels

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Tanya D. Graham

Drug Tolerability and Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients Treated with Two Formulations of Mycophenolic Acid

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 |  doi: 10.15744/2348-9782.1.101
Shah T

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