Recent Articles (Open Access)
Integration of Smoking Cessation with Lung Cancer Screening: A Survey of Best Practices in the EU
Jan P Van Meerbeeck
Variation of the Anti-Inflammatory Effect from Indomethacin on Acute and Chronic Inflammation Models
Ma Adelina Jiménez-Arellanes
Pure Compounds and Organic Extracts from Mexican Medicinal Plants as a Source of Antimycobacterial or Antitubercular Agentes: Update Review
Ma Adelina Jiménez-Arellanes
Effect of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Meal Based Diet on Performance of Broiler Chickens during Finishing Phase
Domitila Njoki
A Rare Case Report of Necrotizing Fungal Inflammation in a Case of Ganglion Cyst: A Clinical and Microscopic Mismatch
Mishra Monica
A Systematic Review of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Associated with Sedentary Behavior in the Occupational Domain
Abdulsalam Yakasai
Integration of Hec-Ras Hydraulic Model and Geographic Information System for Flood Vulnerability Modelling of Ogbese Catchment in Akure-North, Nigeria
Surv Falade O Oluwole
Copper Chaperone for SOD1 (CCS) Transcript in Whole Blood: A Potential Indicator of Copper Deficiency in Sheep (Ovis Aries
Jyotirmoy Ghosh
Clinical Features of Long Surviving Patients during Treatment for Multiple Myeloma
Adele Delli Paoli
Salivary Calprotectin is a Marker for Periodontitis, Osteoporosis or Chronic Inflammation of Brain, Joints, Liver or Skin
Donatini Bruno
Silent Epidemic: Chronic Kidney Disease Prevalence and Trends in Himachal Pradesh, India
Randhir Singh Ranta
The Aetiology of Ill Health among Urban Slum Communities in Nigeria: A Systematic Review
Oluwasayo Olatunde
Morphological and Functional Characteristics of the Azores Fighting Cattle -A Review
Fernando Moreira da Silva
Post-Thymectomy Onset of Morvan Syndrome in a Patient with Preexisting Isaac’s Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review
Nithisha Thatikonda
Prophetic Appraisal of Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network Methods for Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane over Ni/MgO Catalyst
In Utero Exposure to Steroids and Neonatal Adrenal Insufficiency: A Retrospective Study
Khubaib Ahmed
Real-Time Management of Erectile Dysfunction with Pde5 Inhibitors in Italy: Results of the Opti.M.E.D. Survey
Giovanni Liguori
Analysis of Curative Effect of TTT Combined with PRP Treatment Technique in Limb Salvage of DFU
A Study Discovered the Role of Carbon Dioxide in the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disorders
Abdelrazak Mansour Ali
Impact of Socioeconomic Determinants on Cost of Care and Quality of Life in Parkinson's disease
Michael Mounié
Review of Heat Transfer Performance and Application Research of Primary Surface Heat Exchangers
MA Gen
Multiparametric Analysis of the Skin Barrier of C57BL/6J Hairy and SKH1 Hairless Mice
Franciska Erdő
A Case Report of Vitreous and Subretinal Hemorrhage Causing Central Scotoma Monitored Via a Vision App
Daniel Uribe
Forensic Genealogy: A Powerful Investigation Tool for Resolving the Cold Cases
Shahid Muhammad Cholistani
The Opinions of Medical Faculty Students on the Levels of Genetic Knowledge
Bilgin Kıray Vural
Effect of Exposure to Ethanol and Malnutrition on Oxidative Stress in Pregnant Rats and Adult Offspring Exposed in Utero
Eduardo Festozo Vicente
Temporal Analysis of No2 in Atmosphere of Delhi and its Effect on Ambient Air Quality: A Review from 2020 to 2023
Manas Kumar Jha
Late Replantation of Avulsed Permanent Incisor: A Case Report
Keila Lais Carrera da Hora
Diurnal and Nocturnal Regulation of Intraocular Pressure and Aqueous Humor Outflow Facility in Mice
Sam Yacoub
A Review: Role of X-rays, CT-scan, and Photographic Analysis for the Identification of Traumatic Injuries on Skeletal Remains in Forensic Anthropology
Muhammad Shahid Cholistani
Uncommon Presentation of Giant Gluteal Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report
Fatima Zahrae Benchekroun
An Unusual Presentation of Giant Pilomatricoma and Diagnostic Challenges: A Case Report
Fatima Zahrae Benchekroun
The Other Side of Stalking and Biological Damage: An Analysis of Judicial Stalking and False Victimization Syndrome
Mariangela Boccardi
Enhancing Educational Inclusivity for Autistic Children: The Imperative of Indi vidualization and Personalization in AI Tools
Peter Adeniyi Alaba
Influence of Pulsed Current Parameters on the Structure Formation of Amorp hous Co-W Alloys and their Thermal Stability
Tytarenko Valentina
The Effect of Music on Decreasing of Adaptation Difficulty in Alzheimer’s Patients: Randomized Controlled Study
Münevver KIYAK
Empowering Incarcerated Individuals: Solution-Focused Therapy for Reducing Tobacco Smoking Dependency Behaviour among Correctional Inmates in Oyo State, Nigeria
Omopo Oluwaseun Emmanuel
The Mucocutaneous Junction at the Lip and a Comparison with other Junction Sites: A Mini-Review
Kitamura Kei
Identification of Apposite Antagonists of Pro-Survival Bcl-2 from Morus alba in the Fight against Human Malignancies: An In Silico Approach
Emmanuel Sunday Omirin
A New Type of Anesthesia for Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair: 3 Cases Report
Feng Jiang
Prediction of the Soil-Water Distribution Coefficient from Theoretical Derived Molecular Descriptors
Mohammad Hossein Fatemi
Investigation of the Characteristics and Performance of Compatibilized PLA/P CL Blends and Their Nanocomposites with Nanocalcium Carbonate
Mohammadmahdi Negaresh
Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity and Associated Factors among School Aged Children in Bonga Town, Southwest Ethiopia, 2023
Sintayehu Bezabih Bekele
Assessment of Health and Hygiene Parameters in Educational Institutions: A Case Study of District Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir
Sajad Hussain
Clinical and Paraclinical Profile of Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis in Burkina Faso
Djingri Labodi Lompo
Related Factors of Mother-To-Child HIV Transmission: A Prospective Study in an Giang Province
Quang Hien Tran
Factors Associated with Non-and Incomplete Vaccination Among Children Aged 12-23 Months in Gindhir Rural District, Southeast Ethiopia: A Multinomial Analysis
Geremew Tsegaye Mulugeta
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Smartphone Apps for Melanoma Detection: A Comprehensive Review
Toktam Zoughi
Baseline Study of Cassava Seed Business among Youths in Anambra State, Nigeria: A Gender Situation Analysis
Udemezue JC
Enhancing the Esthetic of Metallic Removable Partial Denture Using Axial Attachment: A Case Report
Sana Bekri
Fertility Desire and Associated Factors among Women on Anti-Retroviral Therapy in the Lideta Sub-City Health Centers
Abebe Massreshaw
Cytological Effect of Viral Infection Associated with Yellow Streak Symptoms on Agave Tequilana
R De La Torre-Almaraz
Perceptions of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Care by Providers at a Tertiary Care Center in the United States
Cassidy Boomsma
Sézary Syndrome: A Documented Case at Yalgado Ouédraogo University Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Koulidiati Jérôme
Unlocking Neurodegeneration: Scaffold-Derived Blockers of MAO-B and AChE Inspired by Bryophyllum pinnatum: A Structural Exploration
Olugbogi Ezekiel Abiola
Screening of Visual Pathway in Patients Suffering from Guillain Barre by Visual Evoked Potential
Seyed Mohammad Masoud Shushtarian
Nutritional Value and Chemical Composition of Selected Fodders; Feed Intervention in Smallholder Dairy Farms in Kenya
Caleb Wanyiri Oktoto
Effect of Selected Fodder Intervention on Milk Yield in Friesian Dairy Cows in Selected Counties in Kenya
Caleb Wanyiri Oktoto
Why Hydrogen Peroxide-Producing Proteins are Not Suitable Targets for Drug Development
Vehary Sakanyan
Isotretinoin May Decrease the Risk of Periodontitis and the Risk of CMV-Or of HPV-Infection
Donatini Bruno
Treatment of Intrabony Defects with Enamel Matrix Derivative Proteins Using Minimally Invasive Surgical Approaches to Papilla Preservation: A Systematic Review with Metanalysis
Eduardode Farias Barbosa
Biofilm and Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Multi Drug Resistant Bacterial Uropathogens: A Challenge to Antibiotic Therapy in Nepal
Shreejeet Shrestha
Maintenance Hemodialysis Exacerbate Aluminum and Arsenic Toxicity in Chronic Kidney Disease Patient
Abdorrahim Absalan
The Mastitis Carcinomatosa vs. Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma with Osteoclastic Giant Cell Reaction: A Case Report
Nabanita Banerjee
Approach to and Management of a Adynamic Bone Disease in Hemodialysis Patients-A Review
Shobhana Nayak-Rao
Type1 Heavy-Tailed Mixture Cure Rate Survival Model Based on a Variant of T-X Family of Distribution as Baseline
Ligeiaziba sylva
Assessment of Lebanese Private Schools’ Preparedness for Medical Emergencies, with a Focus on School Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study
Marianne Moussallem
Journey of a Beginner for Transradial Approach of Coronary Angiography; First One Year Personal Experience
Saha Bishnu Pada
Marsupialization Technique in Sublingual Ranula Treatment: Clinical Case Report
Rangel Teles Freire
The role of homologous serum eye drops in the management of scleral melting after proton beam therapy, a case report
Miriam Gallo Afflitto
Prevalence and Determinants of Stunting and Wasting Among Under-Five-Aged Children in North Gondar Zone, Northern Ethiopia
Gebre Ayanaw Alula
Determinants of Informal Recycling Behavior among Urban Dwellers in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Menuka Karki
Ecological Risk Assessment of Desalination Plants Discharges on the Marine Environment Red Sea, Egypt
Eman MFM Abd-El Halium
Comprehensive Study of Various Chemical Samples in Forensic Toxicology: Focus on Urine Sample
Aditya Kumar
Entomological Observations on a Decomposing Pig (Sus scrofa) in Nebraska: Late Spring to Early Summer
Leon Higley
Leveraging Electronic Medical Records for Legal Compliance and Improved Reimbursement Efficiency
Nisar Faria
Sigmoid Vaginoplasty in Patient with Complete Androgen Insensitivity: Technique and Outcomes
In-vitro Regeneration in Maize (Zea Mays L.) from Mature Embryo
Obara Justus Anyieni
Haosmc Growth on Various Sustainable Nano/Micropatterned Surface Topographies Utilising Reusable Surface Templatin
Acar Yasemin
Complex Decongestive Therapy and Additional Physiotherapy in Male Breast Cancer: A Case-Report
Eidenberger Margit
Immunity to Anaplasma marginale and Recent Advances in Vaccine Development
Leticia Santos Pimentel
Formulation and Evaluation of Clindamycin Peel-Off Gel Face Mask against Acne Vulgaris
Maharjan Sajan
The Development of a Classification System for the Treatment of Scoliosis by the Side Shift Approach
Betts Tony
Using Motivational Interviewing in Drug Management: The Determinants, Progression, and Outcome
Ayankola Ayantunde
The cause of Alzheimer's Disease & Relative Dementias is Brain Information Processing Impairments
Emanuel Diamant
Monodora Myristica Protects Against Oxidative Stress in the Drosophila Melanogaster Model of Lead-Induced Neurotoxicity
Chinna N Orish
Linear Support Vector Machine Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Control System Architecture for Transtibial Osteomyoplastic Amputees
Garikayi Talon
Protected Viticulture for Sustainable Grape Production to Cope with the Adverse Effects of Climate Change
Hussain Bushra
Sugarcane Agro-Industrial Health and Safety with Particular Focus on Sudan: A Systematic Literature Review
Abdelmotalab Fadlelmola Kheiralla
Radiological Assessment of Rock Samples from Asir mountain in Abha and Al-Baha region, Saudi Arabia
Fares soad
Effects of High-Intensity Circuit Training on Body Composition and Selected Cardiovascular Parameters in Overweight and Obese Children Aged 9-12
Gątarski Michał
Assessment of Knowledge and Practice of Mothers Towards Iycf and Uptake of Integrated Nutrition Intervention Package in Rwanda
Habineza Marc
Assessment of Nutritional Support and its Correlation with Outcome of Critically Ill Children
Nagwan Y Saleh
Trends and Day-of-the-Week Effects Decomposition in the Mean and Dispersion in the Number of Subjects Testing Positive for COVID-19 in the UK in 2020
Abdelmajid Djennad
Comparative Assessment of De Novo Genome Assemblers for Generating Eukaryotic Primary Genome Assembly from Short Reads
Santhosh Ameya
Acetylated Bovine Whey Supplement Superseded the Hepatoprotective Action of NAC Drug in Iron Overloaded Rats
Nassar Ahmed
A Review of the Effects of Intensive Poultry Production on the Environment and Human Health
Asif Raihan
Socio-Economic and Health Status of Rag Pickers in the Dump Site of Mekelle City, Northern Ethiopia
Mulu Gebreslassie
Antibodies Anti-Proteins of Larrea Divaricata Cav. Present Opsonic Capacity on Candida Albicans Atcc 36801 and Neutralize its Cytotoxic and Immunoevasive Properties
Andrea Celeste Isaguirre
Spinal Muscular Atrophy-Type1, Unraveling the tapestry from highly inbred region of North India
Bhat Gh Rasool
Temporomandibular Disorders: Assessment of the Knowledge and Current Practices of Senegalese Dentists
Lecor Papa Abdou
Assessment of Changes in Clinical Management of Cervical Cancer Patients in Light of New Staging Criteria
Prakash Ujwala
Comparison of Physicochemical and Binding Properties of Novicel™ Microcrystalline Cellulose and Avicel® PH 101 in Direct Compression of Ascorbic Acid Tablets
Angupale Jimmy Ronald
Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence in Veterinary Medicine of Small Species
Francisco Jimenez Trejo
Recurrent Ophthalmic Eczema Herpeticum with Hyper Immunoglobulin E Syndrome in A 4 Years-Old Boy
Stefan Bittmann
The Challenge of Rapid Data Collection and Health Promotion: A Quick and Easy Approach
Glenn Laverack
Bioequivalence Studies of Two Formulations of Rivaroxaban 10 Mg Coated Tablets under Fasting Conditions and 20 Mg Coated Tablets Under Fed and Fast Conditions And its Pharmacokinetic Comparison In Healthy Subjects
Carlos Eduardo Sverdloff
Case Report: Pyoderma Gangrenosum in IBD Treated with Tofacitinib
Ravi Shankar Bagepally
Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis after Ceftriaxone Exposure: A Case Report and Literature Review
Habes Yousef Mahmoud Nimer
Dento-Supported Impressions in Fixed Prosthesis: Study by Cap Survey of Burkinabe Dental Surgeons
Tackling Aggravated Climatic Civil and Meteorological Aviation Weather Challenges Through Technology Transmission (Tacmwc
Kumar Gupta Dr. Harish
The Impact of Exploring Chromosome Philadelphia like on the Prognosis of Children and Teenager ALL
Chaimae El Mahdaoui
Dosimetric Comparison between Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy versus Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Treatment Plans for Breast Cancer
Rahman Mahfuzur
Awareness towards Dental and Oral Health among Parents of Children Undergoing Anti-Cancer Treatment
Halperson Elinor
The Therapeutic Use of Low Intensity Laser in Temporomandibular Disorders: Literature Review
Gonsalves Thaina
Impacts of Poverty and Artisanal Mining on Municipal Water Utilities; the Case of Kpapi River in Minna, Nigeria
Dukiya Jaiye
Association of ACE I/D rs4646994 and ACE2 rs2285666 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Bangladeshi People
Islam Mohammad Riazul
A Retrospective Study in DUE and ATC/DDD Evaluation of Antibiotics in Specific Departments of a Tertiary Care Hospital
KV Surya Teja
Central Obesity, Physical Activity, Basal Metabolism, and Body Composition in Adults: A Systematic Review
Israel Ríos-Castillo
Activated Charcoal and Derivate Materials in Drugs and Biopharmaceutical Purification: Impurity Aspects
A Literature Review for Improving the Solubility of Poorly Water-Soluble Drug
Nijhu Rajia sultana
Effect of ultrasound on bond strength and penetration of resin and ionomeric cements used for fiberglass post cementation
Honório Heitor Marques
Successfully Treatment of Dental Fluorosis using the Simple Technique of Enamel Microabrasion
Wided Glii
Review on Transdermal Drug Delivery System-Focus on Innovative 2 Transdermal Dosage Forms
Bhoge Durga
Being in the Grip of Bulimia: New Evidence on how Bulimia Relates to Addictive Behavior
Michelle Sovinsky
Increasing CD8+ T Cells and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines is associated with Hypersensitivity Reactions in People Living with HIV-1 under Antiretroviral Treatment
Akadiri Yessoufou
Histomorphological Features of Sarcoidosis - 4 Year Study in a Tertiary Care Center, South Kerala
Lakshmi K
Advance Indexed Model Analysis of Heavy Metals Pollution of River Ureje, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria
Tope B Ibigbami
Advanced Oxidation Plasma Air Purification to Mitigate Hospital and Restroom Odor Issues
Dr. Manisha Kedare
Studying the Infrared Spectroscopy and Structural Properties of Compounds Fluoride that Blotched by in
Ahmad Khoudro
Superficial CD34-Positive Fibroblastic Tumor: First Case Report from Latin-America and Review of the Literature
Juan Ramírez Moreno
CCR5 Promoter SNP Genotype in HIV Seropositive Infants on Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda: Association with Virological Failure
Immaculate Nankya
Review on MALDI TOF MS: Modern Disease Diagnosis Approaches in Microbiology and its Mechanism
Abdi Ahmed Umer
Adherence to Antiretroviral Medication and Factors Affecting it Among HIV-- Positive Patients Receiving it at Adama General Hospital
Takele Achalu Dengela
Citrus Jabara Juice Diminishes Allergic Airway Inflammation in an Ovalbumin (OVA)-Induced Murine Asthma Model
Yasushi Ohno
Evaluation of Different High Tunnel Protection Methods for Quality Banana Production in Bangladesh
Choudhury Shormin
Bioequivalence Study of Two 80 Mg Valsartan Tablets Formulations in Healthy Chinese Subjects Under Fasting and Fed Condition
Bismuth Mass Fraction Determination in Thin Films by an ICP-AES Validated Method and Uncertainty Estimation
Atef Atyaoui
Genetic Relatedness and Characterization of O25b-B2-ST131, in Stool Isolates of Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin-Resistant Escherichia Coli Strains in Healthy Children under 10 Years of Age
MOhabati Mobarez Ashraf
Effectiveness of a Brief Diabetes Risk Assessment Instrument for Detecting Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Among High-Risk Ethnic Communities in West Africa
Alaofe Halimatou
Simvastatin Manifold Emulsion Preparation and Evaluation: 32 Factorial Design ApproachArticle
Dilip A Patil
Stroke Mimics: Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Suggestive Clinical Manifestations of Ischemic Stroke
Francesca Rossi
Antiradical and Antibacterial Activities of The Ethanolic Extract of Terminalia Avicennioides Guill. and Perr. (Combretaceae) from Chad
Evaluation of tacrolimus blood concentration variability after oral, sublingual and enteral route administration, in adult transplant recipients hospitalized in a critical care unit
Montoro-Ronsano José-Bruno
A rare case of levofloxacin-induced fatal hypoglycemia in a non-diabetic patient with the review of literature
Panchal Dr. Yash
Taking medicine in the right way: Most important but most neglected
Abdul Kader Mohiuddin
The Use of Silver Nanoparticles Prepared by The Green Method to Reduce The Concentration of Nickel in Water
Allehyani saud
A review on the role of acemannan in the Aloe -based nanostructures
Yadeta Adamu Tizazu
Anti-Infectives do not Impact Treatment Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: a Single Center Retrospective Analysis
Garrovillo Krystal
Prenatal Diagnosis of Hydranencephaly in a Newborn of Psychic Mother with Olanzapine and Paroxetine Exposure During The Pregnancy
Hamouda Hechmi Ben
Short-Term Usage Time and Rate of CPAP Predict Long-Term CPAP Adherence in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Kazuto Takada
Analysis of Factors Affecting Fertilizer Applications by Yam Farmers in Edo State, Nigeria
Udemezue JC
Permeable Rective Barrier Using Bottom Ash and Clay for The Removal of Contaminants Presesent in Leachate
V Rajagopalan
Minimization of Agricultural Waste through Energy Recovery. Evaluation of the Production of Green Biofuels Using Theoretical Models
Luz M. Gallego Fernandez
Zoning and Modeling of Noise Pollution of Mashhad Police Highway by Statistical Technique, GIS Software and TNM2.5 Model
Farid Gholamreza Fahimi
The Pattern and Outcome of Acute Poisoning at Toxicology Center in St. Peter Specialized Hospital
Abseno M
Screening of Carica Papaya x Vasconcellea Cauliflora Hybrids for Resistance to Papaya Ring Spot Virus (PRSV)
Jayavalli R
Bilateral Palatal Necrotizing Sialometaplasia in Patient with Prurigo Nodularis: A Case Report
Costello Liam
Trend of HIV/AIDS Reported Cases in Morocco Between 1986 and 2019: A Time Series Analysis
khoudri ibtissam
Application of Vegetable Oil Based Machining Fluids in Green Manufacturing Processes, A Review
khosrozadeh Behnam
Evaluation of The Viability and Phenotipe of Adipose Derived Cells Harvested Using Different Harvesting and Processing Procedures: A Pilot Study
Gennai Alessandro
Assessment of Antioxidant and Antineoplastic Activities Blumea Lacera (Burn. F) Leaves
Investigation of Neuroprotective Effects of Ripasudil in Mechanic Optic Nerve Injury Model
Ekicier Acar Selcan
Level of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Ekiti State
Aduloju Tolulope
Assessment of Bacteriological Quality of Raw Bulk Milk of Camel, Cow and Goat from Local Markets in Yabello District, Borana Zone, Oromia Regional State
Sulyman Temesgen
Comparative Performance of Compacted Clay Liner (CCL) and Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL)
Relation between Osteocalcin and Metabolic Profils in Overweight Men: Comparison of Aerobic and Resistance Trainings
Rostamizadeh Mehdi
Prevalence of Significant Ocular Surface Symptoms and Its Relation to Polypharmacy Among In-Patients in A General Internal Medicine Department
Jonsdottir Freyja
Temperature Variation on Sulphur Removal from Laterite Nickel Leaching Residue and Iron Extraction
Munawaroh Mona
Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography Procedure for the Determination of Isavuconazole in Human Plasma
Narawade Sharwari
The Combined Effect of 2,4-Epibrassinolide and Chilling Stress on Tomato Cultivars Differing in Maturity
Deryabin Alexander
An Innovative Look at Buckling of Cracked Ghraphene Nano Sheets Using Novel Extended Molecular Mechanics Method
Rash-Ahmadi Samrand
German Dentists’ Knowledge About How to Proceed in Cases of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect
Fox Sebastian
Evaluation of Weather Conditions as Well as NO2 and PM 2.5 Levels in the Urban Areas of South Brazil in Different Seasons
Gamaro Giovana
Radiation Dose to Oesophagus in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy: A Retrospective Study
Socio-Demographic, Clinical Characteristics and Blood Lipid profiles of Type 1 Diabetic Patients Followed in Regional Hospitals in The Northern Zone of Cameroon
Aurélie Solange Agume Ntso
Evaluation of System Usability Scale as A Marker of Non-Human Computer Interface’s Usability: A Sanitizer Container-Based Study
Factors Influencing Adherence to Hydroxyurea Treatment Among Children with Sickle Cell Disease at the Mother and Child Center of the Chantal Biya Foundation
Ndoumba Mintya Annick
Factors Associated with Junk Food Consumption Affecting Saudi University Female Students
Heba Althubaiti
A Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis Presenting with A Brain Mass
Hamideh Moradi Shahrbabak
Ethnobotanical Study of ARTEMISIA IFRANENSIS J. DIDIER in Timahdite Region (Central Middle Atlas of Morocco)
Elazzouzi Hanane
Knowledge, Attitude, Acceptance and Utilization of the Female Condom Among Population in Brazzaville
An Unexpected Diagnosis of Plasmacytoma of The Thyroid: A Case Report and Review of The Literature
Alfano Marie Sophie
Does Pre-Workout Supplement Consumption Affect Enamel Microhardness?
Removal of Heavy Metals from Groundwater by Hydrous Ferric Oxide-Modified Peanut Shell
Desouky ahmed
Immunological Analysis of Active Tuberculosis Infection in Children and Adolescents
Vladimirsky Mikhail
Arduino Use in Education Systems to Monitor the Noise in Schools Classrooms in Qatar
EL-MORHIT Mohammed
Mattress Coil Spring Fatigue and Support: A Potential Association with Spine Stiffness and Pain
Jacobson Bert
Hierarchical Analysis of The Factors Associated with the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables: Cohort of Universities of Minas Gerais, Brazil (Cume Project)
Carlos Cândido Ana Paula
Optical Depth Measurement of Self-Reversed Line Emitted from In-Homogenous Plasma in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Trabelsi Jalloul
Distribution and Importance of Citrus Leaf and Fruit Spot Disease (Pseudocercospora Angolnesis) in North-Western Ethiopia
Ejigu Mandefro
Maximal Distance of Splatters and Droplets Projections Produced by Dental Air and Water-Cooled Instruments Around a Dental Chair in an Open-Plan Area
JEANNIN Christophe
Therapy-related Myeloid Neoplasms after Pediatric Solid Cancer in a Single Reference Cancer Center in Brazil
Trindade Schramm Marcia
Clinical Impact of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy to Chronic Calculous Cholecy-stitis: A Retrospective Study
Milaim Kosumi
Case Report: De novo Ocular Myasthenia Gravis after the mRNA Vaccine for SARS-COV2
Martinez Maruri Emilio
A Web-Based Nutrition Education Study in Alabama Black-Belt Counties During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Tumwebaze Joel
E. Coli Bacteria and Its Transcription Regulation
Bhattacharya Pranab Kumar
Selection of Disease Modifying Treatment (DMT) Relates to Patient’s DecisionMaking Competence in MS
Hoffmann Janina
The Present Scenario of Lathyrisum Regarding Public Health in 2021
Mishra Vijaya Nath
Hypoglycemic Potential of Ziziphus spina-christi Fruit on Alloxan induced Hyperglycemic Rats
Aliyu Nuru Khadija
The Presence of Minority HIV Drug Resistance Variants in The Protease and Gag Regions Confers Poor Response to Therapy Among Subtype A And D Patients
Nankya Immaculate
A Rare Case of Albrights Hereditary Osteodystrophy presenting as Recurrent Hypocalcemic Tetany
Gomes RR
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis (RPGN): A New Persuasion
Gomes RR
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy with Classic Radiological Signs: A Case Report and Literature Review
Gomes RR
Characterization of Indigenous Goats Type Using Morphological Characters in South West Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia.
Elala Murtessa
High Prevalence of Morphological Abnormality on Peripheral Blood Cells Among Patients in Public Hospitals, Southern Ethiopia
Alemayehu Aklilu
Evaluation of Contrast Sensitivity And Chromatic Vision In Patients With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
Ghanem asaad
Decontamination of Impressions: Knowledge and Attitudes of Dentists in The Dakar Region (Senegal).
FAYE Babacar
Prevalence of Minority Mutations That Confer Multi-Drug Resistance Among Patients Failing a Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Based Regimen in Uganda
Nankya Immaculate
Randomised, 2-Sequence, 4-Period Replicate Cross-Over Bioequivalence Study of A New Riluzole Orodispersible Film Vs. A Reference Tablet in Healthy Volunteers
Di Stefano Andrea
Port State Control: A Risk of The International Spread Of COVID-19 Disease on Board Ships?
Evaane Meva F
Potential COVID-19 Therapeutics: A Perspective on Pharmacological Properties and Safety
Juarez Olguin Hugo
Italian Survey on Perception of Obesity and Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery: A Comparison between General Practitioners and Obese Patients
Carmela Asteria
Development of Driving Cycle for Passenger Cars and Estimation of Vehicular Exhaust Emission Factors
Muhammad Jahanzaib
The Efficiency of Functional Activated Carbon Non-woven Fabric Filters for Fine Dust Reduction
Kim M-K
Analysis of Risk Factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction Combined with Ventricular Septal Rupture
Zhang Y
Factors Influencing Overweight and Obesity in Nurses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Chen H-C
Tooth Size Discrepancy among Different Malocclusion Groups in a Libyans Sample
Abdalmawla Alhussin Ali Ali
Comparison of Anthropometric Indicators of Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescents
Jose Bauce G
Bronchoalveolar Lavage Cytokine Profile in a Renal Transplant Recipient with C. Deuterogattii Infection
da Silva PR
Incidence of Dental Anomalies in Cleft Lip and Palate Cases among Libyan Population
Abdalmawla Alhussin Ali
Late Benign Gastrobronchial Fistula after Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Case Report
Pekçolaklar A
An Innovative Study to Evaluate the Treatment Efficiency of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy by DEA
Karaibrahimoglu A
The Pharyngeal Muscle Trainer for the Therapy of Primary Snoring -An innovative therapy approach
Henkel KO
Impact of the Prognostic Nutritional Index on Quality of Life of Terminal Cancer Patients
Mohammed AA
Profile of Adult Lymphomas in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Monocentric Study of Histoimmunochemical Aspects
Fall S
Utility of Limited Panel of Calretinin and BerEP4 in Cell Block Preparations in Effusion Cytology
Acharya S
Rape, Child and Abortion: from Ideologization to Rights Violation in Brazil
Fernandes Macêdo IRPA
Capsaicinoids Increase Resting Metabolic Rate in Healthy Individuals under Fasting Condition
Morde A
Two-Years Follow-Up in a Multidrug-Resistant HIV-1-Infected Woman Treated with Ibalizumab
De los Santos I
Association between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Severity and Platelet Values
Wieselberg SB
Analysis on Clinical Features and Risk Factors of Death in Yunnan with Acute Mushroom Poisoning
Yang Y
Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Rabbit Breeder’s Community for Treating Livestock Diseases in Benin
Konmy BBS
Eco Safe Assimilation of Plastic Wastes by Microbes and Biodegradable Alternatives: A Review
Gauliya K
Formulation and In-vitro Characterization of Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Loaded Fast Dissolving Oral Film Using HPMC 15CPS and HPMC K4M
Pramila Acharya
Production and Stabilization of Biomass Derived Bio-Oil using Non-Catalytic Pyrolysis Approach
Budde PK
Risk Progression in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Literature Review and Scale Proposal
de Araujo Ono AH
Tofacitinib as a Therapeutic Option in the Treatment of Refractory Scleritis: A Case Report
Markus DV
Effect of 4-h Time Restricted Feeding on Body Weight, Leptin Concentration and Lipid Profile in Healthy Non-Obese Male Wistar Rats
Olamoyegun Michael A
Can Vitamin D Deficiency be a Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease? A Large Cross-Sectional Study of Patients Referred to Cardiovascular Clinic
Mehdizadeh Parizi M
Cognitive and Cognitive-Communication Impairments of Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Study
Shing P
Giant Ureteral Stone in a Pediatric Patient: Case Report
Yalcin Comert HS
Unexpected Improvement of Chronic Neurological Disease after Recovery from COVID-19 Infection in Four Patients
Caparros-Lefebvre D
Application of CCASNS with iVNS in The Treatment of Cerebral Palsy with DrugRefractory Epilepsy
Wu Y
Association between Helicobacter pylori Infection and Early Kidney Damage in a Healthy Population
Jiang L
Consistent Confidence Limits, P Values, and Power of the Non-Conservative, Size – α Modified Fisher exact Test
van der Meulen EA
Pathology of Non-Fatal Asphyxia and the Risk of Fatal Outcome in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence
Braamcamp de Mancellos J
Patterns of Tubal Abnormalities Responsible for Infertility in Makurdi, North-Central Nigeria
Maanongun MT
Detection Potential of Recently Discovered Techniques for Recovering Latent Fingerprints: A Review
Puri A
Nutritional Status and Cognitive Value of Egg White, Egg Yolk Whole Egg based Complementary Food
Ibironke SI
Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm Presenting as a Harbinger of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Pakran J
The Common Causes of Death among Pregnant Women in Iran: A Study on Cadavers Referred to Legal Medicine Organization
Mostafazadeh B
Catheter Based Renal Sympathetic Denervation by Segmental Endoluminal Laser Radiation in a Pig Model: Anatomical and Histopathological Results
Sagerer-Gerhardt M
How Groundwater Level Can Predict Under the Effect of Climate Change by Using Artificial Neural Networks of NARX
Javadinejad S
Comparative Bioequivalence Studies of Pantoprazole 40 mg Delayed-Release Tablet Formulations in Healthy Thai Volunteers
Khaowroongrueng V
Ecological and Health Infrastructure Factors Affecting the Transmission and Mortality of COVID-19
Nutrition Intervention of Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease (Stage 4) on Maintenance Hemodialysis
Khalid S
Protocol Optimization for in vitro Micro Propagation of Dioscorea bulbifera Linn. Germplasm
Ikiriza H
Spontaneous Secondary Colporrhexis Following Vaginal Delivery in Woman with Previous Caesarean Section
Chaudhary V
Dermatologists in UAE - Delighted or Dismayed? Elements Linked with Occupational Satisfaction Levels
Naik PP
Physico-Chemical, Nutritional Evaluation, Haematology of Water and Amaranth Vegetable Leaves
Ibironke SI
Influence of Breastfeeding Promotion Package on Breastfeeding Practices among Women- A Cohort Study
Ariff S
Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds in Patients with a Medical History of Cancer/Dysplasia
Donatini B
The Performance of an Organo - Modified Natural Bentonite in the Adsorption of Petroleum Fractions
Oraegbunam C
Epidemiological Approach to Mortal Lesions-Traffic Accident in Yara Municipality, 2007, Cuba
Blanco VMP
Ultrastructure of the Frontal Cortex Neurons of 5-Day-Day Rats after Antenatal Alcoholization
Zimatkin SM
Multiple Sclerosis Disease Modifying Therapy and Cancer risks
Schlindwein MAM
Management of Gluteal Adjuvant Disease by Resection and Rotation of PreExpanded Lumbar Flaps
de Rungs Brown DR
Hand Washing: A Proposed Scoring Scale to Grade the Level of Practice of Mothers in the Community
Ideh RC
Proposed Perioperative Guidelines for Selective Infectious Diseases in the Pediatric Population
Salik I
Overweight and Obesity and their Relationship with Glucose Dysregulation in the Nigerian Youth
Anumah FO
Prevalence and Genetic Profile of β-Thalassemia Associated Mutations in a Mauritanian Population
Veten F
Assessment of the Food Base and Eating Behaviour of Camels in Different Regions of the World
Khaskheli AA
Effect of Hot Water Treatment on DNA Quality of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis (L) osbeck) Fruits
Oladele Oluwole Olakunle
Obesity as Behavioral Risk Factors of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in Young Gabonese Population
Ongali B
Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Imatinib: A Study of 48 Cases in Burkina Faso
Koulidiati J
Bioequivalence between Two Capsules of Pirfenidonein Healthy Subjects under Fed Condition
Vespasiano CFP
Increased expression of Nppc and Npr2 in ovarian tissues from mice with polycystic ovary syndrome
Huang J
Feedback on a Sickle Cell Family Education Symposium
Speller-Brown B
Ameloblastic Fibro Odontoma Associated with Odontogenic Keratocyst – A Rare Case Report
Sathyanarayanan R
The Change Level of Concentration of Hsp70 in the Different Age in the Goats in Various Seasons
AL Yamani.M.H
Influence of Guanidinoacetic Acid Supplementation of Fish Diets with Different Levels of Energy Content on Growth Performance and Serum Metabolites
El Sayed Mahmoud R
Effect of Body Mass Index on 30-day and 1-year Mortality after Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Davenport DL
Triphasic Waves in EEG, an Atypical Finding in a Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) Adult Patient
Baiakmenlang S
Pathology of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Multifactorial Disorder. Review of the Literature
Jianxin G
Study on Cooling Zarabi Buck Semen with Different Concentrations of Low Density Lipoprotiens
El-Rheem SMA
Development and Validation of a Novel ELISA for the Detection of Neospora Caninum Antibodies in Bovine Sera
Mansilla FC
Managing Heterotopic Pregnancy with Ectopic Egg Location from a Hypoplastic Horn: A Case Report
Somé DA
Forensic Medical Aspect in Siddha Medical System-Comparative Study
Pholtan Rajeev SR
An Exhaustive Mapping Model for Modified Likelihood Ratio for Handwriting Recognition in Forensic Science
Abiodun A.O
Bioequivalence between Two Tablets of Levetiracetam in Healthy Subjects under Fasting Condition
Vespasiano CFP
A Screening Study of Cervical Cancer Using Pap Smear Test in Outpatient Clinic of Must University Hospital
Tag El-Sabah M
Suicidal Poisoning by Ingestion of Taxus Baccata Leaves: A Case Report with Review of the Literature
de Alba Iriarte B
Development of a Continuous Fluidic Reactor for the Photocatalytic Treatment of Liquid Effluents
Pirard SL
Design and Evaluation of a Connected Insole to Support Healthy Aging of Frail Patients at Home
Charlon Y
Clinical Complications, Incidental Neoplasms and Recurrence in Surgical Management of Multi Nodular Goiter
El-Sabah MT
Characterization of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Essential Amino Acid: L-Tryptophan
Branton A
Effect of Seed Thermotherapy to Reduce the Viral Diseases of Faba Bean (Vicia Faba L.) in the Interandean Valley of Cochabamba, Bolivia
Coca Morante M
The Effect of Surfactant Compound Sprays on the Rate of Adsorption on Different Target Surfaces
Toraman MC
Gullo´s Syndrome (Benign Pancreatic Hyperenzymemia): Report of the First Two Cases in Basque Country
de Alba Iriarte B
Comparative Study of ATiO3 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba & Pb) Perovskites in Cubic and Tetragonal Phase using TB-LMTO-ASA Method
Vettumperumal R
Analysis of Referral Patterns to a Dento-Maxillofacial Radiologist from Dental Practitioners
Lalla Y
Copper Oxide Nano-Hydrogel Composite and their Toxicology Studies: A Green Chemistry Approach
Ezealisiji KM
Canavan Disease (Aspartoacylase Deficiency): Report of the First Case in Basque Country and a Novel Mutation in Europe
de Alba Iriarte B
Diencephalon-Mesencephalon Dysplasia, with Dysplastic Basal Ganglia, and Midline Fusion, a Case Report of Novel Appearances
El Beltagi AH
Treatment of Acute Corneal Hydrops with Full-thickness Penetrating Subtotal Keratoplasty (PKP): Clinical Case
Zolotorevskiy AV
In Vitro Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Brucella Species Isolated from Human and Animals in India
Doimari S
Clinical Study on the Efficacy of Vipadikahara Grita Taila on the Treatment of Vipadika Skin Disease
Hewageegana HGSP
Safety Concerns of Glaucoma Chemotherapy among G6PD Deficient Glaucoma Patients: A Pilot Study
Kyei S
The Relationship of Visuo-Motor Processing and Upright Balance in Acutely Concussed Athletes
Cripps A
Ion Mobility Spectrometry: A Tool in the Forensic Science for the Post Detonation Residue Analysis
Thangadurai S
Nematodes in Horticulture: An Overview
Lopes-Caitar VS
Cardiovascular Responses of Patients with Obesity Submitted to a Proof of Effort
Pereira-Rodríguez JE
Reflections on the Effect of an m Health App in Behavioural Change for Childhood Weight Management
Rahman A
Physico-Chemical and Functional Characteristics of Palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer L) Spongy Haustorium Flour
Vengaiah PC
Review Work on Breeding Objectives and Practices of Small Holder Sheep Production in Ethiopia
Gebremariam B
Proteomic Approaches for the Mapping of Human Erythrocyte Membrane Proteins
Contreras-Puentes N
Bioequivalence between two extended Release Tablets of Oxycodone Hydrochloride in Healthy Subjects under Fasting and Fed Conditions
Vespasiano CFP
Recurrent Mucinous Ovarian Neoplasms: Rationale and Results of a New Treatment Plan in Four Patients
Sugarbaker PH
Automated Polyp Detection System in Colonoscopy Using Deep Learning and Image Processing Techniques
Yael K
Automated Polyp Detection System in Colonoscopy Using Deep Learning and Image Processing Techniques
Yael K
Epidemiology of Bronchiolitis: Multicentric Study Policlinico-Garibaldi-Bronte-Caltagirone-Siracusa
Betta P
Biomaterials Characterization for Orthopedic Orthoses: a Systematic Revi
De Azevedo Cunha J
Hydroxyapatite Deposition Disease- Spontaneous Resolution of Significant Post Treatment Deposit
Agarwal S
Splenic Abscesses as a Complication of Urinary Tract Infection: Case Report and Literature Review
Jarjou’I A
Sedoanalgesia During Dental Treatment of a Patient with Sanfilippo Syndrome: A Case Report
Kilinckan F
No Evidence for Stress-Induced Sympathetic Activity in Young Women Classified as Restrained Eaters
Laessle R
Drinking Patterns and Fluid Intake in the Settings Workplace and University: A Systematic Review
Walden M
Knowledge Level of University Students on Food Additives and their Perceptions Regarding Food Safety
Gokce A
Nigeria’s E-Waste Management: Extended Producer Responsibility and Informal Sector Inclusion
Woggsborg A
A Review of the Production and Upgrading of Biofuel; Raw Materials, Processes and Products
Ali-Ahmad S
Profile of Tumor-Associated Cytokines among Breast Cancer Patients: A Preliminary Study
Streckfus CF
Are Insects a Good Alternative in Human Food?. Nutritional Value
Sanchez-Mártín M
Bacteriology and Antibiogram of pathogens isolated from wound infections at Cheshire Hall Medical Laboratory, Turks and Caicos Islands
Lyons-Dobney LE
Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2): A Cross-Cultural Comparison for Surinamese Children at 5 Years of Age
Fleurkens-Peeters MJAJ
Impact of Eating Habits on Cellular Regeneration and Weight Balance in the Central African Republic
Djorie SG
Assessment of Dietary and Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Group of Twenty (G20) and the World
Tseng AA
Influences of Various Antibiotics on Clinical Biofilm Producing Staphylococcus Aureus Strains
Şahin R
The Incidence and Durability of Compensatory Hypertrophy in Pediatric Patients with Solitary Kidneys
Wang MK
Novel Multi-Functional Dental Cement for Enamel Remineralization and AntiCariogenic Bacteria Activity
Shinonaga Y
Control and Learning Motor in Depression From The Relationship Physiotherapy-Mental Health
Montoya-Hurtado OL
The Development of Traditional Morality and the Correlative Evolution of Thanatological Apprehension
DePergola II PA
Phytochemical Study on Ticodendron incognitum (Ticodendraceae) and Determination of its Antimalarial Activity in Vitro
Commitment to the Quality of Global Life and Emotional Function of Women with Cancer in Chemotherapy
Coelho RCFP
Profile Clinical, Epidemiological of Patients Subject to Sedestation in Intensive Care Unit
Nepomuceno-Junior, BRV
Evaluation of the Mandibular Incisive Canal by Panoramic Radiography and Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Defeating Surgical Anguish: A Worldwide Tale of Creativity, Hostility, and Discovery
Iqbal Akhtar Khan
Role of Bilirubin and Albumin in Cord Blood as Predictors for Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
Mahmoud Alalfy
Price Transmission and Signal of Cowpea across Zones and Value Chain in Niger State of Nigeria
Sadiq MS
Estimation of Pathogen Proportions of Infectious Diseases: Models, Approaches and Evaluations
Shang N
Modified and Combined Lateral and Posterolateral Approach an Alternative Treatment to Tibial Plateau Fractures
Gunaseelan P
Displaced Fracture of the Proximal Humerus Causing Axillary Artery Injury and Brachial Plexus Palsy
Younus A
Some Significant Developments in Bandage Fabrics
Gokarneshan N
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Separation from Oil-Contaminated Soil Using Supercritical and Subcritical Water
Motamedimehr S
The Contribution of Alcohol Consumption to Overall Cancer Incidence in the Western World: A Meta-Analysis
Hendriks HFJ
Association between Physical Activity and Body Weight: Health Creation and Disease Prevention
Meshefedjian GA
Is it Just Shoulder Pain or Insidious Foot Step of Parkinson’S Disease? A Minireview of the Literature
Degirmenci E
A Case with Vitreomacular Traction Developing Complications after Intravitreal Perfluoropropane Injection
Hsin-Yu Weng
Bioequivalence between two Prolonged Release Tablets of Desvenlafaxine Succinate in Healthy Subjects under Fasting and Fed Conditions
Vespasiano CFP
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Among General Practitioners in Health Facilities in Brazzaville in Republic of Congo
Linguissi LSG
Sero-Detection of Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) in Blood Sample from Pigs, Obtained from Katsit Pig Market
Ajide BA
Induce Hyperlipidemia in Rats Using High Fat Diet Investigating Blood Lipid and Histopathology
Karam I
Liquid-Based Cytology Compared to Conventional Cytology for Diagnosis of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Single-Center Experience
Flores-Hernández L
Salmonella Contamination of Fresh Salad Produce: Prevalence, Impact and Reduction Strategies
P Freestone
How the Learning Curve Affects the Cochlear Implant Program in the Region of Murcia
Cubillana-Herrero JD
Management Protocol for Patients with Down syndrome associated with Alzheimers disease
Morales-Chavez MC
Fiber Post-Has it Evolved yet-An Evidence Based Analysis?
Noor Saira Wajid Najma Hajira
Malacological diversity on four Lamiaceae in the region of Tlemcen (Northwest of Algeria)
Damerdji A
Prevalence of Mastitis and Associated risk factors in Jimma Town Dairy Farms, Western Ethiopia
Bayush Tesfaye
Thoracic Oesophagostomy as a Rescue Strategy for Ivor-Lewis Oesophagectomy Anastomotic Breakdown
Binks M
Impact of Inverted Interrupted Skin Suturing Versus Continous Suturing in Episiotomy on Postpartum Pain in Primigravida
Mahmoud Alalfy
Quantitative Analysis of Normal Electrocardiogram from Tele Minas Saúde Project, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Rodrigues AAA
Production and Quality Evaluation of Maize Chips (Kokoro) Produced from Maize and Whole Limabean Seed Flour Blends
Oluwafemi GI
Degree of Malignancy of T-Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Related to Autofluorescence in an EL4-Based Model
Yanping Yang
Synergistic Eeffect of Polyene Antifungals and Silver Nanoparticles Against Candida Parapsilosis
da Frota SM
Novel Computational Model of the Brain Water Metabolism: Introducing an Interdisciplinary Approach
Titovets E
Impact of Myocardial Revascularization on the Range of Joint Motion of the Superior and Inferior Members
Lisboa Cordeiro AL
Clinical Significance of microRNA Polymorphisms and Expression Profiles in Oral Cancer Development
Kaiser Jamil
Productive Cough and Bilateral Ptosis
Van Den Bergh A
Stigma and Discriminatory Attitude towards People Living with HIV/AIDS among High School Students
Kebebew T
The development and validation of the Factors Affecting Adherence Scale in Greece
Chatziefstratiou AA
Quality of Life after Accidental Major Vascular Injury and Prolonged ICU Stay - A Case Report
Mitra S
Correlation and Path Analysis Studies in Medium Duration Rice Varieties of Andhra Pradesh
Gayathri NK
Chronic Cough in Children with Rhinosinusitis Associated with Allergic Rhinitis and Rhinosinusitis Alone
Li-Jung Fang
Stress-Induced Release of Eating Related Hormones in Young Women Classified as Restrained Eaters
Laessle R
The Use of Gingipain DNA Vaccine Against Virulence of Porphyromonas Gingivalis: A Literature Review
Jain H
Designing Inter Professional Spiritual Health Care Education Program for Students of Health Sciences
Asadzandi M
The 2015 Dutch Food-Based Dietary Guidelines on Alcohol Consumption - A Critical Review
Hendriks HFJ
Internal Inflammatory Root Resorption. Management with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Gutta-Percha
Robledo JG
Venkatarami Reddy V
The Quality Changes of Frozen and Dried Tiny Shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponense) Meat during Six Months Storage
Zarehgashti Gh
Ultrasound Criteria for Expecting Mode of Delivery after Induction of Labour in Primigravida with Postdates
Mahmoud Alalfy
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM): Short Term Motor Outcome of Hospital Admitted Patients
Rahman M
Response Surface Methodology for the Optimization of ChlorpyrifosDegrading Conditions by Pseudomonas Stutzeri ZH-1
Qing-ping HU
Ethnomedicines used by Kaani Tribes in the Forest and Towns of Kanyakumari District in Tamilnadu
Mohankumar JB
New Resin Cements Agents in Conservative Dentistry: Indications and Possible Risks. Rev Literature
Moradas Estrada M
Neurogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus of the Hippocampus Associated with Sex Hormone Levels in Female Mice
Parisa Dana
Stress Induced Cortisol Response in Young Women Classified as Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters
Laessle R
Cubic Averaging Aggregation Operators with Multiple Attributes Group Decision Making Problem
Shakeel M
Novel Alternative Treatment to Plasmapheresis in Evans Syndrome
Martin-Lazaro JF
Switching Darunavir/Ritonavir to Darunavir/Cobicistat in Clinical Practice Experience with 150 patients through 48 weeks
de la Fuente S
Dawn of the Biofilm Disease: Highlights about Biofilm in Bone and Joint & Prosthetic Joint Infections Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment
Marcano-Lozada M
Accurate Age Estimations from Dental Cementum and a Childbirth Indicator - A Pilot Study
Mimoza Ristova
Successful Treatment of Acquired Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia (AAT) with Cyclosporine and Eltrombopag: A Case Report
Pardal de la Mano E
Endocardial Approach for Substrate Ablation in Brugada Syndrome: Epicardial, Endocardial or Transmural Substrate?
Pablo E Tauber
Selenium Supplementation in Obese Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Type 2 Diabetes
Gentile S
S. Pneumoniae Infection Associated with a Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in an Adult Patient: A Case Report
Esteban-Zubero E
Trial on the Efficiency of Topline® Against Natural Tick Infestations of Dromedaries in Mauritania
Dia ML
First Step Monotherapy with Lower Dosage of Propranolol at Complicated Infantil Hemangiamo
Solgun HA
Mechanisms of Resistance to Kinase Inhibitors and Strategies to Prevent the Development of Drug Resistance
Kobayashi H
The Human –Cat Relationship, Myths/Superstitions and its Consequences on Cat Ownership in Maiduguri, Northeastern Nigeria
Bukar-Kolo YM
Effect of Father Involvement in Infant Feeding on Nutritional Status and Morbidity in Kisumu, Kenya
Dinga LA
A New Mechanism of the Nanoindentation Process
Gerasimov A
Labetalol in Comparison to Methyl Dopa in Treatment of Gestational Hypertension, A Randomized Trial
Mahmoud Alalfy
How Digital and Physical Care Team Interaction Affect Processing Times: A Case Study of Hospitalists
Gurvich I
Retrospective Analysis of 185 Occurrences of Clinical Neurological Signs in 181 South American Camelids
Whitehead CE
The Development of the Prognostat Tool for Survival Prediction in Palliative Care Patients
Downing GM
Metaphysical Analysis of the Nutritional and Therapeutic Value of Baobab (Adansonia Digitata L.)
Habte TY
Magnetic Moment of Zigzag CuO Nanotubes at Different Temperature and Size: Ab-Initio Study
Kaphle GC
Scalp, Skull, Lung and Bone Metastasis from Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma - A Rare Case Report
Gupta S
Dietary Intake, Anthropometric Characteristics and Clinical Assessment of Elderly in Ondo State, Nigeria
Akinrinmade R
A Nutrition and Physical Activity Education Model for Cancer Risk Reduction Improves Knowledge and Dietary Behaviors among Students in the Alabama Black Belt
Bovell-Benjamin AC
Neuropsycological Function, Insight, and Treatment Adherence among Patients with Schizophrenia
Deroui K
Development of Acute Implant Peri-Implantitis After Immediate Implant Loading: A Case Report
Ozkan Y
Protocol for Root Canals’ Irrigation in Endodontic Practice in Ivory Coast: A Survey of 100 Dentists
Assoumou MA
Acquired Factor XII Deficiency in a Patient with Schizophrenia
Dehghan-Nayeri N
Two Novel Cases of Marfan Syndrome with FBN1 whole Gene Deletion: Laboratory Assay and Cases Review
Spitalieri P
Multidimensional LC/MS-MS Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Urine, Plasma, and Edibles
Mallet CR
Needs of Families in Perinatal Palliative Care and Proposal for a Model Training Questionnaire
Rita Rufo
Prevention and Treatment of Esophageal Cancer in China: Achievements and Challenges-Prevention is the Key
Huimin Zhao
Epiphyseal Closure of Femur, Tibia and Fibula of the Paca (Cuniculus Paca, Linnaeus, 1766)
Lippi ICC
Self-reported Attributes of Police-chiefs Compared to Civil Leadership: Tolerance; Social Interest and Communication
Andersson Arnten AC
Self-reported Attributes of Police-chiefs Compared to Civil Leadership: Tolerance; Social Interest and Communication
Andersson Arnten AC
Individual Implants-Retained Maxillary and Mandibular Overdentures with Limited Vertical and Horizontal Space: A Clinical Case Report
Alsharbaty MHM
On Physical Nature of the Long-Range Effect during the Crystal Growth through Boundary Layers
Gerasimov A
Electrocardiographic Abnormalities in the Elderly: A Study in a Large Database of Primary Care Patients
Marcolino MS
Upper Oesophageal Foreign Body with Acute Drooling in a Child with Congenital Hypotonia
AbdulWahab A
A Study on Perceived Stress among Undergraduate Medical Students of Bahir Dar University, Bahir Bar, North West Ethiopia, 2016: Institutional Based Cross Sectional Study
Ayele Semachew Kasa
Comparison between Polyacid-Modified Composite Resin and Conventional Composite Resin used for Primary Molars Restoration
Al Nowaiser A
Forensic Science Curricular and Career Planning: A Modified Systems Theory-Based Model for Student Advising
Albert Midori
Relationship between Weight Pre-Pregnancy and Weight Gain during Pregnancy with Preterm Birth
Dönmez S
Effects of Mutual Interaction between Constituent Elements on Phase Formation of High Entropy Alloys
Anil Kumar
Metabolic Syndrome in Indigenous Amerindian Women in Suriname; Less on Waist and More on Weight?
Eersel MGM
Screening and Basic Workup of a Patient with Peripheral Vascular Disease – A Primer of Physicians
Kolman SE
Splenic Injury after Screening Colonoscopy; Could that Happen Twice? An Unusual Case Report
Christopoulos P
Juan S Calle Toro
Irrational Anti-Retroviral Therapy Prescription among Children Under 15 Years in Eastern Uganda
Mulema VS
Long Exposure to CdS-Dextrin Nanoparticles Induces an Immunomodulatory and Anti-Inflammatory Effect in Rats
Rodríguez-Fragoso L
A Study of Immune Response in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fed Levamisole Incorporated Diet
Bedasso GT
On the Formation and On the Surface of Inorganic Lead, Barium and Antimony Based Gunshot Residues: Thermodynamic Approach
Felice Nunziata
The Homeless with Jail Experiences: An Exploratory Study
Charisse Coston TM
Historical Perspective of Dharwad Forensic Mental Health Services during Pre-Independence Era: A Retrospective Study
Ranganath RK
Investigation of Graphene Oxide in Diesel Soot
Sankararaman S
Influence of Storage Condition on Flexure Properties of Nano-Composite
Dalia A Abuelenain
HIV-1 Molecular Characterization and Transmitted Drug Resistance Prevalence among Treatment-Naïve Individuals
Monteiro Cunha JP
Evaluation of Golden Proportion in North Indian Individuals with an Aesthetic Smile
Rohit Kulshrestha
Dental Implant Complications –Systemic Diseases- PART-I
Pranav S Patil
Comparison of Weight Gain, Milk Production, and Milk Composition of Iranian Mamasani Goat and its Cross with Saanen
Seyed Mahdi Hosseini
The Psychopath as an Irrational Agent: A Canadian Criminal Law Perspective by Kevin Moustapha
Kevin Moustapha
Predictors of Delayed Diagnosis and Evolution in Sub-Saharan Immigrants with HIV Infection in a Hospital in Madrid (2004–2013)
Barrios Blandino AM
Complex Chronic Patients and Atrial Fibrillation: Association with Cognitive Deterioration and Heart Failure
Clua-Espuny JL
Co-culture of Buccal Mucosal Epithelial Cells Downregulate CTGF Expression in Urethral Stricture Fibroblasts
Gottipamula S
Methylmalonic Acidemia and Megaloblastic Anemia due to Congenital Intrinsic Factor Deficiency
Robles J
Evaluation of a Sexuality Education Program: A Peer-Led HIV Prevention Intervention in Argentina
Brizuela V
Case Reports: Contribution to Clinical Practice, Scholarly Education, and Scientific Knowledge
Mahgoub N
Mental Health Care and Children Wellbeing in Ethiopia
Liranso G.Selamu
Natural Egg Mortality of the African Grey Tree Frog, Chiromantis xerampelina (Amphibia: Rhacophoridae)
Allingham SM
Bioanalytical Method for Pamabrom (Determined as 8-Bromotheophylline) and its Application to a Pharmacokinetic Study
Lucio-Maldonado S
Suspected Allergic Reaction in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Monreal-Pawlowsky T
Fracture of the Hamate with Interposition of the Base of 5th Metacarpal, a Frequently Missed Injury
Dabboussi NA
Bubonic Plague Outbreak Investigation in the Endemic District of Tsiroanomandidy - Madagascar, October 2014
Rakotoarisoa A
Mediastinum Drainage by Cervicotomy in the Neck and Mediastinum Cellulitis: About 12 Cases
El Ansari R
Hysteroscopic Evaluation of the Uterine Cavity in Women with First-Trimester Missed Miscarriage: Case Series
Altraigey A
Cloning of Perilipin 2 Gene and Investigating its Expression Level in Porcine Longissimus Muscle
Pan H
Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer-Emphasis on fertility preservationA Case Report
Kochar Kaur Kulvinder
Egg White-Milk Mixture as a Novel Biological Storage Media for Avulsed teeth Periodontal Ligament Cells: An In-Vitro Study
Alaa Abdallah
Rupture of a Giant Caesarean Scar Endometriosis Nodule - A Case Report and Literature Review
Arora BK
Adolf Hitler and the psychiatrists: Psychiatric debate on the German Dictator’s mental state in The Lancet
Robert M Kaplan
Self-Experiencing “The Healthiest Weight”
Peregrin-Alvarez JM
Osteo-Articular Complications in a Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease Population - Imaging Value
Pegado PF
A Bulky Mass of the Infra-Temporal Fossa
Lezrag Mohamed
Commentary and Review on Sacred Geometry
Andres J Washington
Late Cerebellar Vermis Metastasis of Breast Cancer Presenting as Pseudo-Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Comacchio F
Effect of Sample Preparation Route on the Thermal Diffusivity of Nd2O3 - A Laser Induced Photoacoustic Study
Sankararaman S
Bioequivalence between Generic Rasagiline (As Tartrate) and Rasagiline (As Mesylate)
Van Rijswick YGJ
Parental Midlife Body Shape Influences Offspring Self-Perception of Weight in a Cohort of Australian Adults
Janet Grant
A New Model of Obstetrical Pessary – Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Insufficiency and Habitual Abortion
Schneiderman M
External Jugular Vein Aneurysm with Thrombus Presenting as Neck Mass: A Case Report (Rare Case)
Anajar S
Uterine Morcellator versus Resectoscopy in the Management of Heavy Menstrual Flow in Reproductive-Age Women
Hesham M Borg
Comparative Dynamics of DNA Isolated from Buccal Swab for Forensic Investigation “Pro and Post Brushing from Some Adult Males in Benin Metropolis, Nigeria”
Ibeh Nnanna Isaiah
Dual- Energy CT (DECT) Pulmonary Angiography in Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism (PTE): Causes, Semiology and Potential Diagnostic Pitfalls
Gálvez García S
A Comparison of Prevention and Treatment of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss with Vaginal Progesterone or Oral Dydrogesterone
Schindler AE
Twenty Five Years of Drug Discovery at the University of California Targeting Kinetoplastid Parasites
McKerrow JH
Diagnostic Approaches towards Camelpox Disease
Weledegbrial G. Aregawi
Comparison of Two Freezing Extenders and their Influence on Sperm Quality of Tunisian Arab stallions
Najjar A
Characterization of the Resin Luting Materials: Percentage, Morphology and Mechanical Properties
Sarr M
Decision-making in the Management of Badly Decayed First Permanent Molars in Children and Adolescents
El Meligy OA
Retinoblastoma: A Retrospective Study of 27 Cases in University Hospital of Lubumbashi-RDC
Ilunga JN
Acoustic Analysis for Comparison and Identification of Normal and Disguised Speech of Individuals
Mathur S
The Gaps of Environmental Criminal Liability in Armed Conflicts and its Consequences: An Analysis under Stockholm, Geneva and Rome
Dombrowski VCK
Nalyotov AV
A Rare Case of Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses
El Ansari R
Dietary Diversity Score: A Measure of Nutritional Adequacy or an Indicator of Healthy Diet?
Habte TY
Effect of Re-Aging on Strength, Corrosion and Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of 7075 Aluminum Alloy
Kumar N
Death Penalty in China after the Ninth Amendment: Legislatively Abolishing and Judicially Limiting
Huang G
Hereditary Spherocytosis and Venous Thrombosis of Atypical Site: A Triple Hematologic Disease?
Santiago Andrés Guzmán – García
Breast Cancer Detection by Determination of Optical Properties of Non-Malignant and Malignant Breast Tissues
El-Sharkawy YH
Cardiac Tamponade and Splenic Littoral Cell Angioma: An Unusual Presentation of a Very Rare Disease
Rossi S
Camera Embedded Single Lumen Tube as a Rescue Device for Airway Handling during Lung Separation
Holm JH
Septic Shock Secondary to Salmonella Enterica Ssp. Arizonae in an Immunocompetent Albanian Male
Rapose A
Perceptions and Practices of Dental Caries Prevention by Maryland Latinas: A Qualitative Study
Horowitz AM
Age Adjusted Charlson Comorbidity Index: Predictor of 90-Day Mortality after Radical Cystectomy
Ather MH
Right-Side Sleeping Position Prevents Sudden Infant Death Syndrome a Literature Review
Othman Alfleesy
Costimulatory Molecules CD80 and CD86 Colocalized in Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs)
Rodriguez FM
Quality of Life in Different Male Offender Groups – Possible Underlying Effects of Intelligence and Psychopathic Tendencies
Väfors Fritz M
An Early Description of Carcinosarcoma in 1883
Onuigbo WIB
Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials
Leye Benoist F
Dental Alterations in Sickle Cell Disease
Al-Jafar H
Characterization of Screen-Printed Nickel Oxide Electrodes for p-type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Bonomo M
Bioequivalence Study of Two Oral-Capsule Formulations of Pregabalin 300 mg in Healthy Mexican Adult Volunteers
Rosete-Reyes A
How Should we Screen Overweight and Obese Adolescents for Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Large Public Health Initiatives?
Adabimohazab R
Relationship between Body Weight and Self-Esteem: A Study of Young Men and Women in Iran
Seyed Reza Alvani
Nonparametric estimation of cumulative cause specific reversed hazard rates under masked causes of failure
Sankaran PG
Mitochondrial Actions for Fat Browning and Energy Expenditure in White Adipose Tissue
de Andrade PBM
Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of Proximal Urethra in a Pregnant Female: A Unique Case Report
Kumar GA
Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System a Riddle, Wrapped in a Mystery, inside an Enigma
C. Canepa-Raggio
A Rare Case Report of a Child Coexistence Thyroglossal Cyst and Second Branchial Cleft Fistulae
Mahdoufi R
Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: Efficient Clinical Outcome through Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Hong-Cheng Mai
Nutritional and Biological Control Synergism against Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Small Ruminants
Sahoo A
HIV/AIDS-Related Knowledge among Persons with Physical Disability in Cameroon: A Qualitative Study
Tarkang EE
Quantitative Electrocardiographic Analysis in Relation to Renal Function in a Geriatric Population
Rodriguez-Padial L
Non-Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy and Factor V Leiden
Medrano-Martínez V
Effects of Oxytocin and Carbetocin on Haemostatic Variables in Pregnant Women after Cesarean Section
Testa S
The Use of Forensic Entomology in Legal Veterinary Medicine: A Case Study in the North of Italy
Defilippo F
Adipogenesis in Obesity is Modulated by IP6 in Peanuts through Activation of the Nuclear Receptors (PPARs)
Malarvizhi R
Candidate Selection, Determinant Factor for a Good Result in Cardiac Retransplantation: our Experience
Salterain N
Cardiomyopathies among Children Attending a Tertiary Hospital in South-western Nigeria
Animasahun BA
Are Nutrition Professionals Involved in Nutrition Education? A Cross Sectional Study in Italy
Cena H
Prevalence and Etiologic Factors of Non Carious Cervical Lesions among Prison’s Population in Dakar
Babacar F
Primary Large Hydatid Cyst of The Neck
El Bousaadani A
Disseminated Cutaneous Mycobacterium Chelonae Infection in a 9.5-Year-Old Girl with Diabetes
Crisinel PA
Bagatelle Cassidy Syndrome: Macrocephaly with Fronto-Facial Dysmorphism and Hearing Loss; an Extremely Rare Case
Avina Fierro JA
Immunosenescence in Humans: Changes to the Aged T Lymphocyte Population in Response to Persistent Cytomegalovirus Infection
Taylor-Robinson AW
Anthropometric Predictors for Multiple Risk Factor Aggregation in Adults from Maracaibo City
Bermúdez VJ
Randomized Study of the Effects of Statin on Inflammatory and Prothrombotic States in Obese Adolescents
Schwitzgebel VM
Synteny Based Analysis to Proffer a Non-drug Resistant Target Against Porphyromonas gingivalis
Amit Pal
Study on Hair Morphology to Distinguish the Dominant Races in Malaysia for Forensic Investigation
Nataraja Moorthy T
Attributable Healthcare Cost and Length of Hospital Stay Associated with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
Al-Eidan FA
Video-Thoracoscopic Extended Thymectomy with Sternal Elevation and Carbon Dioxide Insufflation
Fukai R
Coverage of Exposed Lower Extremity Bypass Vascular Graft with Integra and NPWT for Limb Salvage
Abou Issa
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis in a Non-Transfused Elderly Patient Diagnosed with Beta Thalassemia Minor
Buenasmananas-Cervantes D
Breastfeeding Intentions and Practice among Vegetarians in the United States - A Pilot Study
Armstrong AM
A Descriptive Study about Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Children in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria
Animasahun A
Evaluation of Pumice, Fissure Enameloplasty, Dentin Adhesive and Air Abrasion on Sealant Microleakage
El Meligy OA
Imaging Features of Intraosseous Myofibroma of the Jaws: A Case Report and Literature Review
Newaz ZA
Image-Guided Radiotherapy Using MV for Prostate Cancer: A Correlation Analysis between Electronic Portal Imaging with Fiducial Markers and Cone Beam CT
Salas Buzón M del C
Effects of Pioglitazone on the Electrocardiogram in the Goto-Kakizaki Type 2 Diabetic Rat Heart
Howarth FC
Spontaneous CSF Rhinorrhea as Clinical Symptom of an Idiopathic Temporal Encephalocele in a 64 Year Old Man
Krause-Titz UR
A New Bi-Functional Derivative of Polyethylene Glycol as Molecular Carrier for Eugenol and Ibuprofen
Zacchigna M
Outcome and Hemodynamic Alternation in Uterine Artery Following Hysteroscopic Roller-Ball Endometrial Ablation
Abdelazim IA
Warfarin-Induced Tissue Necrosis (WITN): Case Report and Literature Review, A Proposed Name Change
Simman R
Evaluation of Luffa Aegyptica Mill Powder: A Novel Superdisintegrant in Delayed Release Tablets
Mundada AS
Efficient Method of Deriving Functional Endothelial Progenitor Cells From Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Shetty P
Increased High Mobility Group Protein A2/SMAD3 Relates to Ovarian Cancer Progression
Kimberly P. Dobrinski
Oral Health - Related Quality of Life of Periodontal Patients in a Syrian Sample - A Pilot Study
Dannan A
Do Expression Profiles of Cytokines VEGF, TNF- α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 Correlate with Gallbladder Cancer?
Chaturmohta A
Chocolate Milk Sweetened With Stevia: Acceptance by Children
Verruma-Bernardi MR
The Emergence of Multiple Myeloma in a Patient with Essential Thrombocythemia: A Case Report
Terzi H
Assessment of the Prevalence of HIV Infection at Four Health Facilities in Dilla Town, Ethiopia
Alemu F
A Severe Intracranial and Extracranial Complications of The Middle Ear Cholesteatoma (A Report Case)
Adouly T
Toxic Effect of Titanium (Tio2) on Wistar Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) Injected by Intravenously
Sharma TK
Identification of Pyrrolidinophenone-type Designer Drugs by Gas Chromatography/ Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Lopez-Avila V
Unusual Variant of Guillain-Barré Syndrome Following Hepato-biliary Surgery — A Rare Case Report
Sandeep Kumar Kar
Development of Severe Hypophosphatemia from Acquired Fanconi Syndrome during Treatment with Abiraterone
Chamberlain ED
Refractory Hypotension Caused By Prone Position in a Child Undergoing Scoliosis Corrective Surgery
Ye F
Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks: A Literature Review
Fadhl M Alakwaa
Amyloid beta precursor protein: forgotten facts of the most studied protein in the 21st Century*
Rafael Franco
Skull Sexual Monomorphism in the Gwembe Dwarf Goat Breed from Zambia
Parés-Casanova PM
Beta (1-3)(1-6)-D-glucan with strong effects on immune status in chicken: potential importance for efficiency of commercial farming
Vetvicka Vaclav
Non-Functioning Adrenocortical Carcinoma (incidentaloma) - A Case Report and Review of Literature
Singh P
Duodenal Contents Reflux can Induce Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma as Well as Adenocarcinoma
Mukaisho K
Acute Type C Botulism with Fatal Consequences in a Holstein Breeding Establishment in Northern Italy
Tavella A
Dietary Intake of Children Participating in the USDA Summer Food Service Program
Betty del Rio-Rodriguez
Short-term Creatine Supplementation Suppresses the Cortisol Response to a High-Intensity Swim-Sprint Workout
Dobgenski V
Study on Efficiency of Protein Extractants Employed for Human Origin Determination of Blood
Usha Rani M
Microfilaria Causing Bone Marrow Failure
Sasidharan PK
Case Series of Pneumococcal Meningitis in the Post 13-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Era
de St. Maurice A
Feasibility Analysis of Autogenous Tooth-based Bone Graft Material after Guided Bone Regeneration Technique
Chang Hee-Yung
Giant Mesenteric Cyst - Cause of Abdominal Distension Managed with Laparotomy- A Case Report
Nguyen M
Complete Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles using Laser Ablation in Deionized Water Containing Chitosan and Starch
Tran X. Phuoc
Clinical Characteristics of Metastatic Gastric Tumors: A Report of 8 Cases in a Single Hospital
Jin Bo
Pulmonic Valve Endocarditis Complicating Streptococcus pneumoniae Community- Acquired Pneumonia
McBath A
Programming Scripts for Simple and Complex Paternity Testing based on Open-Source Programming Language from the R Project
Masataka Takamiya
Overweight, Obesity and Abdominal Obesity in Primary School Children in Pavia, Northern Italy
Turconi G
Esophageal Cancer and Bisphosphonates
Alexander M. Walker
Ascending Aortic B-Cell Lymphoma Masquerading as Intramural Hematoma: A Case Report
Christopher T. Holley
Stature Estimation from the Anthropometric Measurements of Footprint in Iban Ethnics of East Malaysia by Regression Analysis
Hairunnisa MAK
Surgical Wound Management in Dogs using an Improved Stable Chlorine Dioxide Antiseptic Solution.
Chapnick A
Outcome Following Surgical Correction of Abomasal Displacement in Lactating Dairy Cattle: A Retrospective Study of 127 Cases (1999-2010)
Rebecca L. Pentecost
Thrombotic Microangiopathy Associated with Intravenous Injection Of Opana Er®: University Medical Center Case Series.
Marcus R Winkler
NMR Assignment of N-(1-adamantyl)-1-pentyl-1H-indazole-3-carboxamide Seized as Herbal Incense for the First Time in Italy
Jussara Amato
The Ni(II) Complex of 2-Hydroxy-Pyridine-N-Oxide 2-Isothionate: Synthesis, Characterization, Biological Studies, and X-ray Crystal Structures using (1) Cu Kα Data and (2) Synchrotron Data
Mohamed A. Makhyouna
The Perception of a Woman’s Love in a Relationship with a Prisoner is Erotic and Altruistic
Giebel G
The Fatal Alcoholic Ketoacidosis as a Dilemma in the Differential Diagnosis in Unexpected Deaths
Komarekova I
Identification of Designer Drugs using Gas Chromatography High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and a Soft-Ionization Source
Lopez-Avila V
Salmonella Serovars and Their Host Specificity
Vikash Singh
Law & Psychiatry in India: An Overview
Raveesh BN
Liposphere: A Versatile Controlled Release Carrier for Hydrophobic Drugs
Ch. Niranjan Patra
Polymer Nanocomposite: A Promising Flame Retardant
Qingsheng Wang
The Updated International Veterinary Anatomical and Embryological Nomenclatures
Gheorghe M. Constantinescu
Not Every Rise in Procalcitonin is Infection
Aggarwal S
Unexplained severe lactic acidosis in emergency medicine
Ole Erik Ulvin
Perspectives and Potential Applications of Ruthenium-Based Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapy
Rita Santamaria
Improvement in Latent Fingermark Detection on Thermal Paper using 5,6-Dimethoxy-1,2-indandione/PVP
Yabin Zhao
Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis
Adams J D
Sustainable Nanomaterials: A Greener Future Avenue?
Rafael Luque
Estimation of the Thermodynamics of Ionic Materials
Leslie Glasser
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocomposites Using the Nanoscale Laser Soldering in Liquid Technique
Tran X. Phuoc
Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Shin-ichi Yusa
MAPK Pathway in Skeletal Muscle Diseases
Hannah W.S. Geisler
The End of the Golden Age of Antibiotics?
Andrzej Wernicki
Thoroughbred Race Horses Management: A Key Role of the Veterinarian
Adolfo Godoy Pinto
The BMBL and Biosafety Levels
Tanya D. Graham