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Fabrication of Biocompatible Blending (PCL/gelatin) Nanofibers using Solution Blow Spinning for Expeditious Control of Hepatic Trauma

Solution blow spinning (SBS) offers an easily adaptable alternative that has the potential to generate on-demand conformal nanofiber mats directly on a wide range of targets. The present study demonstrates the facile fabrication of polycaprolactone (PCL)-gelatin nanofibers using only a commercial airbrush and compressed gas. The PCL content increased mechanical strength, and gelatin content enhanced cell adhesion, proliferation, and acceleration of the biodegradation rate. An animal study was then used to demonstrate some of the possible surgical applications, including use as a surgical hemostatic, as a surgical sealant, and in tissue reconstruction.

Theoretical Studies of the Electronic and Thermoelectric Properties of PrIn3 and NdIn3 in Cubic Phase

The electronic and thermoelectric properties of AB3 (A =Pr, Nd and B=In) materials (crystallizing in the cubic structure) having space group Pm-3m (221) are studied using B3PW91 hybrid functional through the Full-Potential Linear Augment ed Plane Wave (FP-LAPW) approach within the framework of Density Functional Theory (DFT). The calculated lattice pa rameters for PrIn3 and NdIn3 are 4.5668 Å and 4.5539 Å respectively. Electron-electron correlation effect is due to the 4f or bitals present in these materials and therefore, with the use of B3PW91 hybrid functional, band structure and density of states are calculated. When analyzing electron charge density, these materials showed a stronger ionic character. Band struc ture and density of state analysis confirms the metallic nature of the materials. Using the semi-empirical Boltzmann ap proach implemented in the BoltzTraP code, the thermoelectric parameters, such as Seebeck coefficient, figure of merit, elec trical conductivity per relaxation time, and electronic thermal conductivity per relaxation time as a function of chemical po tential, were computed at 500 K temperature gradient. PrIn3 showed highest Seebeck coefficient value, 50.68μV/K among th ese compounds. The peak value of electrical conductivity per relaxation time and electronic thermal conductivity per relaxa tion time among these compounds is calculated for NdIn3 is 2.43 x 1020 1/Ωms and 22.50×1014 W/mKs

Factors Affecting Time to Return to a Normal Level of Hba1c Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Hawassa, Ethiopia

Background: This study aims to fill the information gap on factors affecting time to return to normal HbA1c level and expected survival times in Ethiopia, as studies on these aspects are scarce, particularly in diabetic patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on the patients with Diabetes Mellitus who follow-up the diabetic clinic at HUCSH, Ethiopia, between May to July 2021. The 382 diabetic patients were recruited into the study using simple random sam pling techniques from the recorded frame of the hospital and were interviewed using structured interview schedule. The Cox re gression analysis is applied on time to time to return normal HbA1c level. Data were entered, using EPI – info and analyzed by us ing STATA 16 computer software. Result: Diabetic patient expected survival times to return normal HbA1c had an average of 52.678 weeks with a standard error of 0.144. HbA1c level return to normal on patients of age below 18 year-old is reduced by 91.7% as compared to those who are older than 54 years. Similarly, the recovery time of patients in the age groups 18-36 year and 36-54 year is reduced by 44.1% and 55.6%, respectively compared to patients of age above 54 year-old. Moreover, when compared to patients with no medication side effects and patients with nausea/vomiting, headache, fatigue, and stomach upset have 43.8%, 57.3%, 44.1%, and 64.3% longer time to re turn to normal HbA1c level. Additionally, patient with low adherence level of patients were increased by 47.8 % time to return to normal HbA1c level compared to high adherence.

Bioequivalence Study of a Newly Developed Ibuprofen Arginine 600 Mg Tablet Formulation versus Ibuprofen Arginine 600 Mg Granules in Healthy Volunteers

Background and Objectives: A novel ibuprofen L-arginine film-coated tablet formulation has recently been developed. The study objective was to assess bioequivalence of the newly developed formulation and a marketed granules for oral solution (reference), in terms of rate and extent of absorption of S(+)-ibuprofen, R(-)-ibuprofen and their sum. Methods: In this randomized, two-way cross-over study, 24 healthy men and women received a single 600 mg oral dose of each product in 2 subsequent periods, with a washout of at least 3 days. Plasma S(+)- and R(-)-ibuprofen concentrations were determined with a chiral bioanalytical method up to 12 h post-dose, and total ibuprofen was calculated at each time- point as the sum of the two enantiomers’ concentrations. Pharmacokinetic parameters were determined. The primary study endpoints for bioequivalence evaluation were plasma peak concentration (Cmax ) and area under the curve up to the last time-point (AUC0–t )