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Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing the Utility of Video Physical Exam dur ing ED to Inpatient Handoff for Patients with Bronchiolitis Admitted on High Flow Nasal Cannula

Objectives: To determine if a video physical exam clip of patients with acute bronchiolitis on high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) altered the duration of time from handoff initiation to either acceptance or refusal of the patient from the emergen cy department (ED) to the inpatient (IP) general pediatric wards. Study Design: This was a randomized controlled study conducted at a tertiary care children’s ED. Patients with bronchioli tis requiring HFNC and admission to the hospital were randomized to either video physical exam handoff or verbal handoff via telephone call alone. The primary outcome was length of time between handoff initiation and patient acceptance or re fusal by the IP team. Secondary outcomes included clinician handoff satisfaction scores and general safety comparisons. Results: Of the 103 children enrolled, 53 (51%) were assigned to video physical exam handoff and 50 (49%) assigned to ver bal handoff alone. There was no significant difference regarding length of time between ED handoff initiation and IP accep tance or refusal of admission between the video and verbal groups (10.71 minutes vs 9.18 minutes, p=0.517, CI -0.619-3.3).

Related Factors of Mother-To-Child HIV Transmission: A Prospective Study in an Giang Province

Introduction: Vietnam has not yet conducted any studies reporting the rate of mother-to-child HIV transmission at 6 – 8 weeks. This study aims to determine some factors related to mother-to-child transmission of HIV in An Giang province. Methods: A prospective study was conducted on pregnant women from An Giang residing in An Giang province from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2010; and all pregnant women infected with HIV from August 1, 2008, to December 31, 2010, who were managed and monitored for mother-to-child HIV transmission in An Giang province. Results: 98 pregnant women and their children infected with HIV were monitored for analysis. The average age of the mothers, the history of HIV infection in the mothers, the stage of HIV infection in the mothers, the number of childbirths, and the BMI index showed no relation to the transmission of HIV to the children. The average gestational age in the group of children infected with HIV was 37.11 weeks compared to 38.60 weeks in the group of children not infected with HIV, with the difference in gestational age between the two groups being statistically significant. No statistically significant differences were found related to the factors of episiotomy, baby weight, baby gender, and Apgar scores at 1 minute and 5 minutes between the groups of children infected with HIV and those not infected with HIV. There were 21 recorded cases of cesarean section, but none of the children in these cases were infected with HIV, while in the group of children born via vaginal delivery, 9 out of 77 cases were infected.

Factors Associated with Non-and Incomplete Vaccination Among Children Aged 12-23 Months in Gindhir Rural District, Southeast Ethiopia: A Multinomial Analysis

Background: Childhood immunization is one of the most successful public health interventions to prevent morbidity and mortality in children with Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPDs). Despite this, achieving high vaccination coverage is still pressing global public health problem, particularly in low-and middle-income countries. Objective: This study aims to identify factors associated with non- and incomplete vaccination status among children aged 12-23 months in Gindhir rural district, East Bale zone, Southeast Ethiopia

A Case Report on Pleomorphic Adenoma of Hard Palate

leomorphic adenoma, a commonly encountered salivary gland tumor, presents a diagnostic challenge due to its varied clinical and histopathological features. It is also known as “mixed tumor, which describes its pleomorphic appearance as opposed to its dual origin from epithelial and myoepithelial elements. This case report presents a notable instance of pleomorphic adenoma originating from the palate in a young female . The patient's history, clinical examination, and histopathological findings, including diverse morphological patterns with epithelial and myoepithelial components, are detailed.