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Pure Compounds and Organic Extracts from Mexican Medicinal Plants as a Source of Antimycobacterial or Antitubercular Agentes: Update Review

Tuberculosis is a worldwide health problem and is one of the 10 causes of death caused by a single infectious agent. It main ly affects the economically active population. Currently, there are multidrug-resistant and extended-resistance strains that are difficult to treat. In addition, several factors such as AIDS/HIV, diabetes, cancer and/or arthritis contribute to its persis tence, despite having first- and second-line drugs for its treatment. For this reason, it is necessary to contribute to find or search a new treatment alternatives and medicinal plants are an important source of bioactive compounds to be considered.

Effect of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Meal Based Diet on Performance of Broiler Chickens during Finishing Phase

The present study has evaluated the effects of different inclusion levels of full fat black soldier fly (BSF) (Hermetia illucens L.) larva meal on the growth performance, carcass yield, organ development and gut pH of broiler chickens. A total of nine ty Cobb 500 broiler chicken of mixed sex were reared from day 21 to day 49 and assigned to 5 dietary treatments replicated thrice with 6 birds per replicate. The BSF larva meal was included at varied levels (0, 7.5%, 15%, 22.5% and 30%) in isoni trogenous and isoenergetic diets formulated for finisher feeding phase. One chicken per pen were slaughtered at day 49 for evaluation of carcass yield, organ development and gut pH. Data was analyzed using Statistical Analysis System software (SAS, 2009) and significant means were separated using Tukey Honest Significant Difference (HSD). The results showed that the total and weekly feed intake was not affected. Live, dressed, carcass weights, total weight gained, average daily weight gain showed a significant (P<0.05) quadratic response to BSF larvae meal to a maximum of 22.5% while feed conver sion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) was optimal at 15% inclusion level. The thigh and drumstick portion posted a significant (P<0.05) positive linear and quadratic respectively. In addition, the trial diets significantly affected the weight of the liver, spleen and gizzard

Clinical and Histopathological Mismatch: A Case Report of Acral Fibromyxoma

Background: Acral fibromyxoma (AFM) is a rare benign soft tissue tumor which is described as fibromatous and myxoid tumor of skin and soft tissue. Case details: A 40 year old male presented to Dematology outpatient department with swelling over the wrist for one year duration.The swelling was associated with mild pain and it gradually increased in size to reach the present size. Cutaneous examination revealed a 2x2cm mobile,cystic to firm, non-tender swelling over dorsum of right wrist. Based on its location and clinical feature,it was provisionally diagnosed to be ganglion cyst and excision biopsy was done. Histology showed stellate shaped cells in myxoid background with round to oval nuclei having small inconspicious nucleolus

A Rare Case Report of Necrotizing Fungal Inflammation in a Case of Ganglion Cyst: A Clinical and Microscopic Mismatch

Necrotizing granulomatous inflammation in swellings which are clinically diagnosed as ganglion cyst is a rare entity due to the non-specific clinical presentation, insidious course, and large number of mimickers at this the particular site.Our patient is a 47 year/female who presented with a swelling over wrist for one year. On examination it was found to be firm, lobulated, mobile swelling, non-tender. USG showed cystic soft tissue swelling with a impression of ganglion cyst. Grossly the swelling was measuring 4x4 cm which was gradually progressive, increasing in size. This case report highlights the rare site of a granulomatous fungal inflammation clinically presenting as a multilocular ganglion cyst

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