Journal of Genetic Mutation Disorders

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Sequence Variant in the TRIM39-RPP21 Gene Readthrough is Shared Across a Cohort of Arabian Foals Diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Epilepsy

Copyright: © 2018 Kahila Bar-Gal G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Juvenile idiopathic epilepsy (JIE) is a self-limiting neurological disorder with a suspected genetic predisposition affecting young Arabian foals of the Egyptian lineage. The condition is characterized by tonic-clonic seizures with intermittent post-ictal blindness, in which most incidents are sporadic and unrecognized. This study aimed to identify genetic components shared across a local cohort of Arabian foals diagnosed with JIE via a combined whole genome and targeted resequencing approach: Initial whole genome comparisons between a small cohort of nine diagnosed foals (cases) and 27 controls from other horse breeds identified variants uniquely shared amongst the case cohort. Further validation via targeted resequencing of these variants, that pertain to non-intergenic regions, on additional eleven case individuals revealed a single 19bp deletion coupled with a triple-C insertion (Δ19InsCCC) within the TRIM39-RPP21 gene readthrough that was uniquely shared across all case individuals, and absent from three additional Arabian controls. Furthermore, we have confirmed recent findings refuting potential linkage between JIE and other inherited diseases in the Arabian lineage, and refuted the potential linkage between JIE and genes predisposing a similar disorder in human newborns. This is the first study to report a genetic variant to be shared in a sub-population cohort of Arabian foals diagnosed with JIE. Further evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of the Δ19InsCCC allele within additional cohorts of the Arabian horse is warranted in order to validate its credibility as a marker for JIE, and to ascertain whether it has been introduced into other horse breeds by Arabian ancestry.

Keywords: Arabian horse; juvenile idiopathic epilepsy; whole genome sequencing; targeted resequencing; breeding


Juvenile idiopathic epilepsy (JIE) in Arabian foals is a self-limiting neurological disorder, manifested by recurrent tonic-clonic seizures with normal gestation and no known precipitating factors. Previous studies have reported high prevalence of JIE within the Egyptian lineage among the Arabian horse breed, suggesting that a genetic predisposition underlies the disease [1–3]. Although idiopathic epilepsy has been recognized in only a minute of seizure cases [2], it is suspected that more such cases either go unnoticed [4] or are deliberately withheld from being disclosed due to the high economic value of the Arabian horse [3]. Such circumstances have stressed the need to provide an efficient tool to identify potential carriers in order to promote cautious and responsible breeding thereby reducing the spread of the disease.

Few previous efforts were made in order to unravel the genetic component(s) predisposing JIE. Retrospective analysis of medical records pertaining to 22 cases postulated a dominant mode of inheritance [1], whereas a pedigree analysis of 12 case individuals and their associated relatives postulated a recessive mode of inheritance [3]. Furthermore, hypotheses of possible linkage to Lavender Foal Syndrome (LFS), another genetic disease segregating within the Arabian breed, were raised [5,6], and recently refuted [3,7]. Attempts to address similar genetic predispositions underlying JIE and a phenotypically similar syndrome in humans, namely benign familial neonatal convulsions/syndrome (BFNC/BFNS), were also made, but with no conclusive remarks [3].

Due to these inconsistencies and pitfalls, a need for a more robust approach was warranted. Consequently, with the increasing success of genome wide association studies (GWAS) in resolving simple mendelian disorders in various horse breeds [6,8–10], a similar approach using the Equine SNP50 beadchip (Illumina®, San Diego, CA) was undertaken by the authors of this manuscript in order to identify potential genetic variant(s) associated with 12 case individuals among a cohort of 35 controls. However, no significant association could be identified [11].

Although undoubtedly successful, such GWA studies are commonly based on the common-disease common-variant model [12] by which a disease is associated with a single causative variant segregating with a minor allele frequency (MAF) of >5% [13]. In the case of epileptic syndromes with underlying genetic components, studies implementing such an approach may not prove successful due to the complex nature of these syndromes, which are commonly associated with either high locus heterogeneity and/or improper stratification of the cases and controls [13–15]. In the case of JIE, such a stratification is a grueling challenge. Proper diagnosis of JIE is primarily performed on clinical grounds and exclusion of other possible clinicopathological etiologies [1,2]. Although use of electroencapholgraphy (EEG) has been reported in selected cases as part of the diagnostic process [1,7] this procedure is usually impractical in the majority of cases due to the long inter-ictal periods and applied handling of the foals, essentially remaining a more common practice in human medicine. In respect to identifying true controls – the task is even more challenging. The notion that cases may go unnoticed [4] or may not be deliberately disclosed due to their economic value [3], increases the risk for dispersion of the disease within the population and reduces the chances of identifying true Arabian controls. Hence, for proper stratification, particular emphasis should be given to both medical and family history of control candidates.

The advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) combined with contemporary bioinformatics approaches have become methods of choice in the study of complex genetic disorders [13,16]. Moreover, such methods have been particularly efficient in dissecting neurological diseases, especially when a certain variant may be segregating in a small number of relatives when large pedigrees are not always available or when a certain variant is segregating in small number of relatives [16,17] – circumstances that may be common in the equine industry. In this sense, whole genome sequencing (WGS) has indeed become a primary method for the study of epilepsy, as emphasized by the foundation of a number of highly-funded initiatives, e.g. the NIH’s Epi4K and Epilepsy-Phenome-Genome projects, and the Welcome Trust’s WGS500 project - all aimed to expand the genomic knowledge underlying epilepsy by sequencing genomes of thousands of epileptic human patients [14,18].

Owing to this, and considering the growing availability of equine genomes in the public domain [19–25], it is almost warranted that similar approaches be used in the study of JIE. Henceforth, this study aimed to identify genetic components associated with a local cohort of foals in Israel diagnosed with JIE via a combined whole genome and targeted resequencing approach. Initial comparative analyses between cases and control individuals identified a dataset comprising both SNVs and INDELs uniquely shared amongst a cohort of clinically diagnosed case individuals. Further validation of the above dataset on a larger set of case individuals revealed a single mutation uniquely shared across all case individuals.

Animal Welfare and Ethics Statement

This study utilized residual blood samples that were obtained for clinical use, and thus no additional discomfort to of the studied horses specifically for the purpose of this study were instigated. The use of the residual blood samples for the purpose of this study was approved by the Hebrew University Agricultural Faculty’s Animal Care and Use Committee under permit number AG-23476-07.


A total of 22 subjects were sampled throughout the study in two cohorts: The first cohort (“screening cohort”) was used for screening for variants uniquely shared across local Israeli foals diagnosed with JIE; The second cohort (“validation cohort”) was used for validation of the variants identified in the first cohort across a larger set of case individuals (Table 1). Diagnosis of JIE was performed via attending veterinary physicians primarily on clinical grounds and exclusion of other possible clinicopathological etiologies as previously described [1–3].

The first screening cohort included a total of 10 individuals comprised of nine case (three males, six females; mean age: 2 months) and a single control (male) individual (Table 1). The control individual was carefully selected ensuring not to include any history of seizure-like manifests, blindness and/or events of unexplained facial trauma to suggest previous epileptic episodes until 12 months of age, and no history of seizure-like manifests within two generations back in his pedigree from both his sire’s and dam’s side. The second validation cohort included 12 additional case (2 males, 10 females; mean age: 2 months; Table 1). All studied individuals were purebred Arabian horses pertaining to the Egyptian lineage raised in Israel (Table 1). Although the identity of all sampled horses was made available, those data are not provided in this manuscript to protect confidentiality. Furthermore, throughout the study, samples were coded to protect the anonymity of participating owners and farms.

Sample Collection

Residual blood samples obtained for clinical use were studied. All samples were sterilely collected from the Jugular vein using an 18G needle and a 10ml syringe by the attending veterinarians. Blood was subsequently transferred into 3ml tubes containing 7.5% of EDTA anticoagulant. Tubes containing residual blood samples were coded and stored at 4 oC for DNA extraction.

DNA Extraction, Quantification and Validation

Blood samples were subjected to DNA extraction using a phenol-chloroform based method [26]. Quantifications of DNA extracts were made via the NanoDrop 2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific™). All extracts were diluted to a final concentration of 50ng/ul and stored at 4 oC for further processing.

Library Constructions and Whole Genome Sequencing

DNA samples were sheared randomly via a Covaris® AFA™-based platform to obtain a fragment length of 500bp following gel purification. Subsequently, purified products were subjected to end-repair, 3’-A-tailing and adapter ligation. Following product size selection via an additional gel purification step, a PCR-enrichment step was performed and objective length library fragments were purified and marked accordingly. All steps were performed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines (Illumina®). Library quality control was performed by Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer and ABI Step One Plus real-time PCR system. Finally, libraries passing quality control (QC) were subjected to paired-end (PE) sequencing via the Illumina Hiseq2000 platform in two consecutive rounds: (a) high-coverage WGS of two cases (Arabian1 and Arabian2) and the single control (Arabian Control) individual, for which 90bp PE reads were generated; (b) low-coverage WGS of the remaining 7 case individuals (Arabian3, Arabian4, Arabian5, Arabian6, Arabian7, Arabian8, Arabian9) for which 100bp PE reads were generated (Table S1).

Quality Control of Sequenced Reads

Quality assessment of the sequenced reads was performed using FastQC [27], and reads were subsequently subjected to the following filtering steps using in-house algorithms: (a) Removal of adapter sequences (b) Reads with QUAL scores <35 over 50% of their total length, or reads having >10% N’s along the entire read length were dropped. Additionally, for the high-coverage WGS genomes, reads were also cut short in order to remove 2bp from the 5’-end and 3bp from the 3’-end.

Sequence Mapping and Genomic Assemblies

Sequence reads passing quality control filters were mapped to the EquCab2.67 reference assembly, excluding the mitochondrial reference sequence [28]. Indexing of the reference assembly was sought using SAMtools v0.1.19 FAIDX algorithm [29]. Sequence reads pertaining to each individual were aligned to the reference assembly using the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner v0.5.9 [30] with the following adjustments: (a) maximum number of gap extensions set to 50bp (b) no Indel shall be placed within 15bp from the end of a sequence (c) QUAL threshold for trimming down reads to 35bp set to 10. Duplicate reads within the resulting SAM files were marked and removed using Picard Tools’ v1.82 MarkDuplicates algorithm and were subsequently merged into a single SAM file per individual using MergeSamFiles algorithm ( Resulting SAM files were converted to BAM file formats, sorted according to chromosomal positions, indexed and inspected for basic statistics accordingly using SAMtools’ VIEW, SORT, INDEX and IDXSTATS algorithms [29]. Subsequently, genomic alignments were subjected to the following refinement steps in order to produce high quality BAM files: (a) local realignments were performed using Genome Analysis ToolKit’s (GATK; GATK v2.2-5; [31,32]) RealignerTargetCreator and IndelRealigner algorithms; (b) Paired-end information was fixed accordingly using GATK’s FixMateInformation algorithm. Quality assessments of genomic coverages and standard deviations of the final high quality BAM files were performed using Qualimap v0.7.1 [33]. Breadth of coverage (percent of assembly length per reference length) was calculated using SAMtools’ depth algorithm [29].

Additional Control Genomes

Genomic assemblies of previously published modern equine purebreds available at the time of the study (early 2017) were retrieved from online resources in order to serve as additional controls. These include: (a) Quarter horse [20]; (b) Icelandic; (c) Norwegian Fjord; (d) Standardbred; (e) Newly sequenced version of Twilight, i.e. Thoroughbred [24]; In cases where genomic assemblies were not available, raw sequence data was retrieved from the NCBI’s BioProject database for: (a) Duelmener, (b) Sorraia, (c) two Hanoverian males [23]; collectively under accession: PRJNA230019; (d) Marwari [21]; accession: PRJNA246445; (e) Mongolian male and female [19]; accession: PRJNA233529; (f) Korean Jeju male and female ponies [22]; accession: PRJNA169102. For raw sequence data, genomic assemblies were carried out faithfully following the authors’ detailed description within the relating publication. In order to further expand the control cohort, an additional Andean horse was included (Hendrickson, personal communication), and 12 additional genomes of purebred Franches-Montagnes were kindly donated on behalf of Prof. Orlando from the Centre of Geogenetics (Natural History Museum of Denmark, personal communication), amounting to a total of 27 non-Arabian controls pertaining to 13 horse breeds.

Although other Arabian horse genomes were also publically accessible, they were not utilized for the purpose of this study since their clinical history was not available and thus it was not feasible to classify them as carriers or controls.

Identification of copy-number variations (CNVs)

Control-FREEC [34] was used in order to identify CNV regions across all genomes of individuals within the screening cohort. In order to reduce false positive identification of regions associated with low mappability within the reference genome, custom tracks of such regions were generated manually using the GEM mappability tool [35], and implemented into the Control-FREEC pipeline. Parameters used included: (a) ploidy=2; (b) coefficientOfVariation=0.05; and (c) breakPointThreshold = 0.08. Regions <100bp were excluded, and CNVs uniquely shared across all case individuals and exempt from the Arabian control were identified using custom in-house algorithms. Verification of uniquely shared CNV-regions was sought manually by eye via GenomeBrowse® (Golden Helix) by comparing the relative pileup pattern of the regions across all cases and control individuals within the screening cohort. Uniquely-shared CNVs were considered true only if the relative pileup pattern within the designated region which harbored them differed significantly between the case cohort and all the control individuals. Identification the associated genes was also sought via GenomeBrowse®.

Variant Calling, Filtering and Crossing Strategy

Given this study aimed to identify casual variant(s) of a suspected genetic disease, a sensitive approach for variant identification was embraced, i.e. false positive calls were considered tolerable, whereas false negative calls were considered intolerable. Hence, two algorithms were used conjointly for variant calling, namely GATK’s UnifiedGenotyper (v2.2-5; [31,32]) and SAMtools’ mpileup (v0.1.18; [29]). In order to maximize the number of variant calls pertaining to the case individuals, no filtering parameters/steps were used during this phase, postulating that variants of low quality and irrelevancy to the study will be excluded later on in the pipeline when crossing the datasets of all case individuals. Nevertheless, in order to decrease potential false negatives which may result from potential crossings with low-quality variants pertaining to the control individuals, variants with a depth <5 and quality scores <30 were excluded from the controls using GATK’s SelectVariants algorithm.

Next, the two call sets per each individual were merged into a single dataset using GATK’s CombineVariants algorithm. In cases where a variant call was shared by both sets, QUAL scores were prioritized to those apparent via GATK’s UnifiedGenotyper. For male individuals, heterozygous calls pertaining to the X chromosome were excluded prior to final merges of the two datasets using GATK’s SelectVariants.

Next, variant calls pertaining to each of the case individuals were merged into a single dataset using GATK’s CombineVariants. Only variants shared across all case individuals were retained for further analysis using GATK’s SelectVariants. Finally, this dataset was crossed with the datasets of all 27 non-Arabian controls via GATK’s CombineVariants, and only variants uniquely shared across all nine case individuals (and were absent from all controls) were retained for further analysis using GATK’s SelectVariants (Figure 1).

Functional Genomics & Variant Annotations

Basic annotations and effect predictions of the variants pertaining the resulting dataset were conducted using snpEff v3.5d [36]. Individual VCF files were further filtered so to exclude variants relating to intergenic regions, using GNU-AWK based in-house algorithms (, essentially maintaining variants referring to exons, introns, 5’-UTR, 3’-UTR, upstream, and downstream regions. Synonymous variants were excluded from further analyses. Final gene identifiers (HGNC symbols) relating to each variant were obtained by cross-matching corresponding Ensembl gene IDs with human orthologous via Ensembl BioMart [37]. Henceforth the resulting dataset is designated ‘Cases-Dataset’.

Further Filtration and Verification Strategies

In order to reduce the number of resulting variants, the Cases-Dataset was further crossed with the variant database of the Arabian control (Figure 1). However, owing to the elusive nature (in which breeders tend to withhold information of true cases) and undetermined mode of inheritance of the disease, it was hard to refute the slight possibility that the Arabian Control may still be a potential carrier, given a recessive mode of inheritance. Hence, five independent considerations were made when crossing the Cases-Dataset variants with those pertaining to the Arabian control: In case of a recessive mode of inheritance: (a) Homozygous variants in Cases-Dataset with homozygous counterparts in the Arabian control were excluded; (b) Homozygous variants in Cases-Dataset with heterozygous counterparts were retained; (c) Homozygous variants in Cases-Dataset with no counterparts in the Arabian control were retained; In case of a dominant mode of inheritance: (d) Heterozygous variants in Cases-Dataset with homozygous/heterozygous counterparts in the Arabian control were excluded (e) Heterozygous variants in Cases-Dataset with no counterparts in the Arabian control were retained. All cross inspections between the Cases-Dataset and the Arabian control were made manually by eye via GenomeBrowse® (Golden Helix) in order to verify that all retained variants meet the above criteria and that none of them were evident via the non-Arabian controls. Henceforth, the final resulting dataset is designated ‘Unique-Cases’ (Figure 1).

Validation of Candidate Variants Via Ion Torrent & Sanger Sequencing

A semi-conductor based targeted resequencing approach was used in order to validate the presence of the 213 variants within the Unique-Cases dataset across 12 additional cases individuals, i.e. the “validation cohort” (Table 1b). For this purpose, the Ion AmpliSeq™ Designer tool v5.2 was utilized for designing ultrahigh-multiplex primers. In order to maximize the specificity of the primer design, the designer algorithm needs to search across the largest available reference dataset. Hence, the complete EquCab2.67 reference genome was used and uploaded manually to the designer cloud. Next, a tapering design approach was used in order to identify the largest cohort of primer sets able to simultaneously amplify and sequence the maximum number of variants in a single pool, starting with a design based on the maximum target size (125bp) and for every following design the target sized was reduced by 10-15bp. A final cohort of 183 amplicons covering 97.6% of the variants in the Unique-Cases dataset (208/213 variants) was generated for further amplification and sequencing (Table S2). DNA of samples pertaining to the validation cohort were then subjected to library preparation, amplification and semi-conductor sequencing on an Ion Torrent PGM Sequencer following the manufacturer’s guidelines (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Raw sequence reads were mapped to the reference genome using BWA as previously described. Mean depths of coverage per each target region of the resulting BAM files were obtained via SAMtools’ bedcov [29], BEDtools’ coverageBed [38] and in-house algorithms. Final inspections for the presence of the variants within the Unique-Cases dataset across the resulting BAM files were performed manually by eye via GenomeBrowse®.

For amplicons that failed to amplify, and regions for which the AmpliSeq™ Designer tool failed to identify target primers (Table S2), targeted PCR amplifications followed by Sanger sequencing was used in order to validate for the presence of the corresponding variants across the larger cohort of case individuals. Custom primers were designed using Primer3Plus and optimizing for Tm of 60 oC ([39]; Table S3). DNA amplifications, concurrent sequencing and manual inspections of corresponding chromatograms were performed using previously published protocols [40].

Whole Genome Sequencing and Mapping Data

Genomic DNA was successfully sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencer to generate a total of 6,725,185,309 DNA reads from all nine cases and a single control individual that followed this study’s guidelines (see Methods section). Following all refinements steps, mean genomic coverages were 46.44x for the first round of sequenced genomes (Arabian1, Arabian2 & ArabianControl) and 13.48x for the second round (Arabian3, Arabian4, Arabian5, Arabian6, Arabian7, Arabian8, Arabian9), with an average breadth of coverage of 97.7% and a total average mapping rate of 96.83% for all 10 genomes. All sequence and genomic data are available via Table S1.

Identification of CNVs

CNV containing regions per each individual assembly were identified using Control-FREEC [34], and further crossed in order to identify shared CNV regions. A total of 147 regions were identified as uniquely shared across all case individuals and exempt from the Arabian control. Twenty-five of these regions were embedded within genes of which eight were of known function (SWT1, SLC2A13, KCNQ1, CARS, ACSM5, COG6, HLA-DQB1, ADAM18; Table S4). However, manual verification by eye via GenomeBrowse® (Golden Helix®; failed to validate the presence of the shared pileup copy-number nature of these regions, essentially refuting their credibility.

Variant Call Data

Basic statistics including distribution of homozygous and heterozygous calls were obtained using vcftools v.0.1.11 [41], GNU-AKW, GNU-GREP and GNU-SED -based one-liner scripts ( All variant statistics are available in Table S5. Both variant rates (average total, SNV and Indel rates: 0.00277, 0.00244 and 0.000325 respectively), and heterozygosity rates (average: 0.00146) of all sequenced Arabian genomes were similar to those apparent in other previously published horse genomes (Table S6; [21–23]). No trend differences in normalized total number of variants per chromosome lengths were evident between the cases and control individuals (Figure S1), refuting the possible association of genomic hotpots with the case-cohort.

Following implementation of variant intersections, annotations and filtration strategies, a final dataset of 213 variants was comprised for the Unique-Cases dataset, essentially representing variants uniquely shared across all case individuals (and absent from all controls) that do not pertain to intergenic regions (Figure 1, Figure S2, Table S7).

Functional Genomics

Functional predictions and distributions of the 213 variants uniquely shared across all cases within non-intergenic regions were inspected (Table S7 and Figure S2). A total of 71 equine genes (54 known protein coding, three uncharacterized protein coding genes, one miscRNA, eight pseudogenes, five processed pseudogenes) pertaining to 62 human orthologs were identified across the 213 variants, with COL27A1, CUL5, FLT3 and GBE1 as the top ranking genes to accumulate the highest number of variants (72, 31, 11 and nine variants, respectively) (Table S8).

Additional inspections for the prevalence of variants of known traits and diseases did not identify any disease-associated mutations shared across all individuals of the screening cohort, including LFS (chr1: 138235715C>Del). However, they were found to be unanimous for the chestnut coat color variant (chr3:36259552C>T in the MC1R gene) and the body size variants (chr6:81481065C>T in HMGA2; chr9:75550059T>C in ZFAT) (Table S9).

Validation Via Ion Torrent

A total of 170/183 (92.9%) amplicons corresponding to 182/213 (85.4%) of the total variants within the Unique-Cases dataset were successfully amplified across 11/12 individuals of the validation cohort via the Ion Torrent system (Tables 1b [Methods section] and S2). Mean read length was 200bp and the mean coverage per each region was 114.2 (Table S2). Manual inspections of the corresponding amplified regions via GenomeBrowse® (Golden Helix®; identified a single 19bp deletion coupled with five ambiguities and a triple-C insertion (Δ19InsCCC; chr20:29542397-29542425: GTTCAGGGGACCACATGGCTCTCTATAGA>TATCTTAAGACCC; Gene Name: TRIM39-RPP21; Figure 2) that was uniquely shared across all successfully amplified case individuals (20 individuals) and exempt from all the control individuals including the Arabian control. Eleven case individuals were homozygous for the deletion (Arabian3, Arabian4, Arabian7, Arabian9, Arabian10, Arabian11, Arabian12, Arabian13, Arabian14, Arabian15, Arabian20), and nine were heterozygous (Arabian1, Arabian2, Arabian5, Arabian6, Arabian8, Arabian16, Arabian17, Arabian18, Arabian19). No other variants that followed this study’s filtration strategy for both dominant or recessive modes of inheritance and were simultaneously shared across all the larger cohort of case individuals were identified.

Of the remaining 31 variants that either failed to amplify via the Ion Torrent system or were not included in the sequencing process due to failure of the AmpliSeq Designer tool to identify target primers, 23 variants were successfully amplified by custom primers specifically designed via Primer3Plus (; Table S3). None of these variants were shared across all the case individuals in the larger validation cohort, essentially refuting their candidacy as potential causative variants. For the remaining eight variants, we were unable to design custom primers due to (a) low mappability, i.e. poor assembly, of the target region in the reference genome; (b) lack of specificity of the resulting primers; (c) long N-stretches adjacent to the target region, thus essentially leaving these regions uninspected (Table S3).

Comparative Genomics

Comparative genomic analysis of the Δ19InsCCC mutation performed via Ensembl’s comparative genomic resource [42] showed that the locus is highly conserved across other species of the Amniota vertebrates (Figure 3a) and was absent from their corresponding dbSNP databases, including that of the horse. Furthermore, although the Δ19insCCC corresponds to intron 4 of the TRIM39-RPP21 gene in the horse, it was also found to correspond to exons 6 and 7 of two consecutive transcripts of the TRIM39 gene in human (GRCh37 genomic region: chr6:30308090-30308108; Ensembl transcript IDs ENST00000396547.1 and ENST00000376656.4, respectively; Fig 3b,c). Further evaluation of the functional effect that the Δ19InsCCC mutation may have on the human orthologue was performed via PROVEAN v1.1.3 [43]. Results designated the mutation as a “frameshift” leading to a truncated protein due to the formation of premature termination within the resulting transcript (Figure 3c). Additional screenings throughout the horse genome via Ensembl and UCSC genome browsers failed to identify the presence of the separate TRIM39 and RPP21 genes.

Inspection of Public Equine RNA-Seq Data for Potential Transcripts With Exons Harboring the Δ19InsCCC Variant

Screenings were performed by BLAT searches of a query spanning the entire Δ19InsCCC region along with additional 30 bp of both the up- and downstream regions (chr20:29542367-29542455) using UCSC’s Genome Browser’s BLAT search tool ( across track hubs pertaining to the newly published “refined horse transcriptome” [44] and two additional assemblies [45,46]. Track hubs were adopted from the horse trans repository on GitHub ( as described by Mansour and colleagues (2017; [44]). Results revealed no evidence of predicted exon-transcripts harboring the Δ19InsCCC variant or its reference counterpart (Figure S3). Furthermore, additional BLAT searches of the above query were also performed in a similar manner across two additional publically available transcriptomes of Arabian horse origin [47,48] representing 14 horses in total. Results revealed no evidence of reads harboring the Δ19InsCCC variant.

Sequence Verification of the Δ19InsCCC Mutation Via PCR and Validation of Additional Potential Controls

Primers targeting the Δ19InsCCC mutation were designed via Primer3Plus as in a similar manner to that mentioned herein [39]; Forward Primer: 5’-GATGAACTATAACAGTATCCCCAGA-3’; Reverse Primer: 5’-ATACTGAAGTCACCTCCATGGTCT-3’). PCR amplifications and concurrent sequencing were performed according to previously described protocols [40]. Results confirmed the presence of the Δ19InsCCC mutation among case individuals (Figure 2) and absence from the Arabian Control. Although DNA samples of additional “control” candidates were made available to us, we were either not able to validate their clinical history, and/or clinical data pertaining to their sire/dam throughout their pedigree, at least two generations back (see requirements in Methods section), essentially excluding their candidacy. However, we were able to identify two individuals that met the above criteria, in which trustworthy clinical data was made available only for their parents (sire and dam). PCRs and consequent sanger-sequencing validated the absence of the Δ19InsCCC variant from these two samples. Therefore, all three Arabian controls were absent for the Δ19InsCCC variant.


This study is the first to apply parallel WGS and targeted resequencing in order to identify genetic markers associated with an inherited disorder in the horse. We have described a 19bp deletion coupled with a triple-C insertion (Δ19InsCCC) in TRIM39-RPP21 gene readthrough that was found to be uniquely shared in a local cohort of Egyptian Arabian foals clinically diagnosed with JIE, and absent from a total of three “true” Arabian controls. Moreover, no evidence for additional genetic mutations associated with other inherited disorders in the Arabian lineage were found to be shared across the studied cohort, essentially refuting previous speculations concerning potential linkage between JIE and other inherited diseases within the breed, and thus confirming similar recent findings [5-7]. Furthermore, no mutations within genes associated with a similar inherited disorder in human newborns (i.e. Benign Familial Neonatal Convulsions associated with mutations in the KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 genes) were identified in the final Unique-Cases dataset, essentially refuting the potential linkage between JIE and the genes predisposing BFNC/BFNS [3].

This study was particularly challenging due to a number of issues: (a) The fact that all case individuals were of the same breed resulted in a high number of shared variants that warranted robust filtration strategies; (b) Given the elusive nature of the disease phenotype, identifying true Arabian controls with no previous history of seizure-like manifests, blindness and/or events of unexplained facial trauma to suggest previous epileptic episodes during its first year of life (and similarly throughout its family history) was increasingly complex, and resulted in only a single Arabian control that met the full requirements set-forth in this study (see Methods section); (c) The inconsistency in previous reports pertaining to the mode of inheritance of the disease [1,3] obscured filtering steps within the analysis pipeline. We have attempted to overcome these hurdles by: (a) Using a high number of non-Arabian controls in combination with the single Arabian control throughout the initial screening phase; (b) Refraining from using “presumed” Arabian control samples with no clear medical and family history (including those available in the public domain) in our initial screening phase in order to maintain proper stratification; (c) Adopting a unique and cautious variant filtering strategy aimed to retain variants that follow both a dominant and recessive modes of inheritance; (d) Validating the variants identified as uniquely-shared among the screening cohort on additional individuals, and (e) Validating the absence of the Δ19InsCCC variant across two additional Arabian Controls that partially met the requirements of this study, mounting to a total of three Arabian Controls used throughout this study.

Although the Δ19InsCCC variant was found within an intron of the equine TRIM39-RPP21 readthrough, comparative genomic analysis identified it to be conserved across additional species of the Amniota and to correspond to a frameshift mutation in core exons of the orthologous TRIM39 gene of primates, including the human. This disparity, topped by the absence of both TRIM39 and RPP21 gene annotations in the horse genome and the lack of available transcript data to support evidence of exon-transcripts harboring the Δ19InsCCC variant or its reference counterpart, accentuates the different degree of curations and annotations that highly revised genomes, such as the human, may have relative to other poorly studied genomes. This notion is also emphasized by the high complexity portrayed by chromosomes 12, 20 and the unmapped regions implied by the high number of normalized variants identified in this study, topped by the high number of CNVs identified in previous studies [49,50]. Such phenomena emphasize not only the need for caution when investigating non-human genomes, but also warrant further enhancement of their genomic, annotative and curative levels. In this respect, efforts are being made to release an enhanced version of the equine genome, EquCab3.0 [51], which will hopefully aid in bridging this gap.

Tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins are E3 ubiquitin ligases which are required as part of the ubiquitination pathway to target specific substrates for degradation by the 26S proteasome, a key regulatory process of many enzymes [53]. TRIMs have been found to regulate steady state levels of a number of ribonucleases, including Ribonuclease P Protein Subunit P21 (RPP21), which take part in modulating G1/S transitions in the cell-cycle and modulation of DNA repair associated with genotoxic stress [52,54,55]. Interestingly, they have been shown to be involved in innate immune responses [56], and especially in antiviral defense [57].

Although the pathogenic significance of the vast number of TRIMs is not fully determined, some members have been reported to be highly expressed throughout the nervous system and associated with epilepsy. Examples include TRIM3, TRIM8 and TRIM32 which have been tied to epilepsy via hippocampal plasticity, regulation of synaptic neurotransmitters, and immunomodulation, respectively [58-64]. Other TRIM proteins associated with neuromodulation include: TRIM2 [65,66], TRIM9 [67,68], TRIM11 [69], TRIM47 and TRIM65 [70].

Pathological disorders associated with TRIM39 are mainly associated with immune-mediated conditions, i.e. Behçet’s syndrome [71], cutaneous lupus erythematosus [72] and inflammatory bowel disease [73]. In this respect, TRIM39 was recently found to negatively regulate the NFκB-mediated signaling pathway [74], well known for its immunomodulatory role [75]. It is also a crucial transcription factor for glial and neuronal cell function [76] and plays a key role in neurogenesis in both embryonic and adult brains [77]. Interestingly, previous studies have proposed contradicting mechanisms for the role of NFκB activity in modulating epileptogenesis. For example, Lubin and colleagues (2007) demonstrated that inhibition of NFκB significantly decreased seizure threshold in kainic acid (KA)-treated rats, suggesting a neuroprotective role for NFκB during epileptogenesis. On the other hand, Di and colleagues (2011) demonstrated that NFκB inhibition decreased seizure susceptibility in KA-induced seizure rats by attenuating the overexpression of P-glycoprotein, a key transport protein in the blood brain barrier [80].

Owing to TRIM39’s immunomodulatory role and given the prevalent representation of TRIMs within the nervous system, it is reasonable to hypothesize that the former may also have a key role in modulating brain enzymatic activity. However, the exact mode of action by which this complex phenomenon is achieved, its contribution to epileptogenesis in general and in Arabian foals in particular, is yet to be determined.

Although seemingly encouraging, it is important to note the limitations of this study. While the sample size of the case individuals used in this study is comparative to other researches of heritable disorders in the horse [1,81-83], the number of control individuals does not include representatives of all horse breeds. This instance resulted in a high number of variants uniquely shared across the case screening cohort of individuals following exclusion of the variants shared across the 27 non-Arabian controls and the single Arabian control. Although the downstream filtration strategy utilized in this study reduced the number of variants considerably, the course of the study was to focus on variants within the vicinity of annotated genes. Hence, we cannot refute the possible omission of other intergenic variants that may well be associated with JIE. However, one cannot ignore the notion that in order to thoroughly investigate of the possible association of intergenic variants to any inherited disorder, the number of case and control genomes need to be significantly increased, with both groups being of high heterogeneity. Failure to follow this strategy will ultimately result in variants relevant only to the studied cohort and not necessarily applicable to other sub-populations diagnosed with the same inherited disorder. For example, BFNC/BFNS in human newborns was originally thought to be predisposed exclusively by mutations in the potassium channel encoding KCNQ2 gene on chromosome 20 [84-87]. Subsequently mutations in the KCNQ3 gene on chromosome 9 [87,88] and an inversion on chromosome 5 [89], were identified as additional loci. Consequently, the syndrome was sub-classified according to the associated genes, i.e. BFNS1, 2 and 3. Given this study’s designed approach, it is important to note that the Δ19InsCCC allele may very well be considered as a marker (and not necessarily a causative variant) for JIE relevant only to the studied population, and, as in the case of BFNC/BFNS, additional markers may be identified in other sub-populations of the Arabian horse. Hence, caution should be taken when considering implementation of the test described in this manuscript for diagnostic purposes.


The modern Arabian horse has endured a strong bottleneck effect due to the numerous backcrosses typical of its historical and modern-day breeding programs. This phenomenon has led to the preservation of unwanted genetic disorders [90-92], with JIE being one of six such disorders segregating within the Arabian breed [1,4,6,81,82,93,94]. This is the first study to identify genetic variants uniquely shared across a sub-population of local Arabian foals diagnosed with JIE. Further evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of the Δ19InsCCC allele within the Arabian horse breed is warranted in order to validate its credibility as a marker for JIE in both local and other sub-populations, and to ascertain whether it has been introduced into other horse breeds by Arabian ancestry.


This work was supported by The Israel Science Foundation (ISF), grant #1365/10.


We would kindly like to thank Prof. Ludovic Orlando and Dr. Pablo Librado for their critical reading and kind donation of the Franches-Montagnes horse genomes. We would also like to thank all the attending veterinary personnel at The Large Animal Department of The Hebrew University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital and all the referral veterinarians for their sincere dedication to the promotion of this study. We thank Dr. Amir Steinman for his clinical support of this project. We thank Prof. Michael J. Gutnick for his critical thinking and scientific recommendations. We thank Carl E. McIntosh for his bioinformatics training. We thank the Laboratory of Molecular Evolution at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for their continuous support throughout this project. This study was approved by the Hebrew University Agricultural Faculty’s Animal Care and Use Committee under permit number AG-23476-07.

Supplemental Material
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Journal of Genetic Mutation Disorders

Tables at a glance
Table 1
Figures at a glance
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
*MOI = Mode of Inheritance; ChrX = Chromosome X; Het = Heterozygote; Homo = Homozygote
Numbers in brakets represent number of retained variants.
Figure 1: Variant Calling and Filtering Strategy
(a) Sequence alignment of the Δ19InsCCC mutation between a sick and a control individual.
(b) Aligned chromatograms. The 5’-end depicting the beginning of the mutation is marked with a red line.
Figure 2: Validation of The Δ19InsCCC mutation via Sanger sequencing

(a) Multiple alignment of the Δ19InsCCC mutation region across 16 different species of the Amniota and the horse. Blue shadings represent highly conserved regions. Red sequences represent core exons regions within the designated species’ genome.
(b) Regional overview of the TRIM39 gene in the human genome. Exons in which the Δ19InsCCC mutation resides are marked with red arrows (exons 6 and 7 of the human Ensembl transcripts ENST00000396547.1 and ENST00000376656.4, respectively).
(c) Genomic and translated protein sequences corresponding to the above exon sequences. Translated sequence is given in blue fonts above the first codon of each triplet. The orthologous 19bp deletion is marked in red fonts. The resulting truncated sequence is presented at the bottom, with the red arrow marking the beginning of the mutation and the triple-C insertion underlined in red. Red asterisk correspond to stop codons.
Figure 3: Comparative genomics of the Δ19InsCCC mutation gene region
Figure S1: Number of Variants / Chromosome Length per Individual
* Numbers correspond to the number of predicted effects. Note that a specific variant can have more than one effect, depending on it's genomic position.The "Exon" effect is given in cases of genes with low-level currative onthologies
Figure S2: Predicted Functional Effects Distributions of The 213 Variants Within Non-Intergenic Regions Uniquely Shared Across All Case Individuals of the Screening-Cohort
Note: All UCSC track hub files were adopted from the horse_trans repository on GitHub ( as described in Mansour et al., 2017.
Figure S3: BLAT search across publically available RNA-seq data for predicted exon regions harboring the delta19InsCCC variant

(a)“Screening” cohort:

(a)“Screening” cohort:

Sample ID




Age (Months)



















































(b)“Validation” cohort

Sample ID









1.5 months





1 month





2 months





2 months





4 months





3 months





1.5 months





2 months





2 months





3 months





2 months





3 months

All Arabian horses are of the Egyptian lineage
Table 1: Sample data of the studied individuals
Sample ID Status Gender Read length Total # of Reads # Mapped Reads Mapping Rate # Mapped PE Reads % Mapped PE Reads % GC Mean Coverage (X) Total Assembly Length Breadth of Coverage (%)
Arabian1 Case M 85 1362641503 1333881082 97.89 1327819540 97.44 42.34 45.75 2417200378 97.67
Arabian2 Case M 85 1371742373 1343483162 97.94 1337635163 97.51 42.67 46.09 2416680912 97.65
Arabian3 Case F 100 354156849 347309618 98.07 344841029 97.37 42.54 10.65 2418403424 97.72
Arabian4 Case F 100 379910736 372571154 98.07 369928754 97.37 41.49 15.02 2418404201 97.72
Arabian5 Case M 100 372427343 364510758 97.87 362069556 97.22 41.54 14.7 2417752451 97.69
Arabian6 Case F 100 337114814 326015820 96.71 321037104 95.23 44.16 13.08 2418735797 97.73
Arabian7 Case F 100 336915483 327677797 97.26 323804276 96.11 43.02 13.18 2419140656 97.75
Arabian8 Case F 100 388562822 359914209 92.63 343167941 88.32 43.67 14.28 2420492017 97.8
Arabian9 Case F 100 360035645 338639369 94.06 326846724 90.78 43.77 13.49 2419478906 97.76
ArabianControl Control M 85 1415454420 1385052309 97.85 1378271364 97.37 42.28 47.5 2417566880 97.68
Note: Reference size = 2474912402 bp
Note: All sizes and length are given in bp. “Mapping rate” corresponds to % of mapped reads. Breadth of coverage was calculated as the % (assembly length)/(reference length) per individual.
Table S1: Genome statistics of studies individuals
Amplicon_ID Variants Covered Via Amplicon (Chr_Position_Ref>Change) Amplicon Start Position (bp) Amplicon Stop Position (bp) Arabian10 Arabian11 Arabian12 Arabian13 Arabain14 Arabian15 Arabian16 Arabian17 Arabian18 Arabian19 Arabian20 Arabian21 Mean
AMPL1429259 1_34400916_C>T 34400769 34401143 244.9 128.4 165.9 133.7 202.7 189.2 186.9 240.1 77.6 428.3 133.8 0.0 177.6
AMPL1429260 1_57155491_G>A 57155249 57155623 84.3 55.2 62.3 55.0 83.7 67.1 65.3 87.1 47.5 221.9 47.6 0.0 73.1
AMPL1429261 1_79865091_*>+GATCCCTTGTAT 79864960 79865316 15.3 11.3 57.8 46.0 54.5 83.4 10.1 13.7 29.4 76.7 64.3 0.0 38.5
AMPL1429262 1_109551701_A>G 109551460 109551834 113.5 72.6 112.2 87.3 162.4 136.6 139.3 153.7 54.9 208.5 96.7 0.0 111.5
AMPL1429263 1_118571617_G>A 118571363 118571737 23.0 14.8 31.3 22.4 28.8 28.7 25.5 30.8 3.9 42.6 22.2 0.0 22.8
AMPL1437789 1_168593272_A>G 168593218 168593592 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AMPL1437843 3_40639338_T>C;3_40639347_A>C;3_40639351_A>C 40639272 40639646 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AMPL1429389 3_114465332_C>A 114465241 114465584 153.1 112.3 158.4 126.7 198.9 127.5 103.4 226.7 55.1 300.4 156.8 0.0 143.3
AMPL1437844 4_92721408_T>C 92721116 92721490 123.9 74.5 99.8 89.6 115.2 114.1 98.9 118.8 38.5 177.2 94.0 0.8 95.4
AMPL1429391 4_92754841_G>A 92754593 92754967 45.1 32.7 45.0 42.0 49.1 46.1 40.0 45.9 14.4 72.2 33.8 0.0 38.9
AMPL1438868 5_42106731_A>G 42106665 42107039 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AMPL1435858 5_44459997_G>C 44459940 44460071 218.2 126.4 337.0 154.0 266.1 435.2 468.3 141.4 265.7 188.4 337.2 0.0 244.8
AMPL1429393 5_63143162_T>C 63142940 63143306 121.4 76.4 116.0 86.7 116.6 116.1 109.6 120.8 45.3 222.0 91.9 0.1 101.9
AMPL1429394 7_17134861_C>A 17134672 17135046 70.9 82.8 85.2 70.7 83.9 137.3 114.6 156.1 37.8 200.0 56.5 0.0 91.3
AMPL1429395 7_17135537_C>T;7_17135698_C>T 17135498 17135872 46.6 36.1 49.9 42.0 70.7 58.0 58.4 79.5 21.4 126.1 43.0 0.0 52.7
AMPL1429396 7_17145039_C>G 17144923 17145297 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
AMPL1429397 7_17145688_T>C 17145564 17145908 258.3 177.4 261.4 189.7 309.8 284.8 253.4 308.3 112.9 464.5 214.8 0.0 236.3
AMPL1438869 7_17154841_T>G 17154550 17154924 179.7 101.8 188.4 130.4 188.1 210.8 191.2 210.0 91.1 290.8 119.2 0.1 158.5
AMPL1429399 7_17157722_A>G 17157467 17157812 179.6 129.2 202.0 126.6 226.6 240.9 221.9 264.5 102.9 361.7 189.6 0.0 187.1
AMPL1438870 7_17158015_A>G 17157848 17158165 192.5 134.2 212.7 166.6 236.5 245.0 233.7 227.2 77.2 404.1 185.5 0.0 192.9
AMPL1438871 7_17158239_A>G 17158158 17158532 173.2 119.9 143.6 144.8 197.1 190.4 166.4 225.3 66.0 341.4 136.8 0.0 158.7
AMPL1438872 7_17163314_C>T 17163021 17163395 275.6 153.9 190.3 230.0 287.4 304.4 309.6 366.7 104.1 406.5 185.0 0.0 234.4
AMPL1437853 7_17168493_T>G 17168436 17168785 254.4 173.6 231.3 201.3 262.1 320.9 256.0 293.8 105.4 352.5 211.8 0.0 221.9
AMPL1429405 7_17170673_A>G 17170493 17170853 204.3 108.0 173.5 132.2 191.0 220.5 192.0 197.1 48.7 283.7 155.2 0.7 158.9
AMPL1437854 7_17173825_C>T 17173525 17173899 123.3 92.6 113.6 112.1 112.7 128.5 140.1 145.7 36.3 157.5 78.4 1.2 103.5
AMPL1429407 7_17175095_A>G 17174978 17175335 221.1 162.4 212.2 197.9 266.3 229.7 236.8 274.9 76.5 442.7 166.3 0.0 207.2
AMPL1438938 7_17162062_A>G 17161741 17162115 129.6 95.7 139.2 113.5 200.6 181.0 164.3 159.7 55.9 294.6 122.2 0.0 138.0
AMPL1438873 7_17177165_G>A;7_17177400_C>T 17177110 17177481 121.7 89.9 139.9 101.2 166.5 162.7 125.2 188.3 46.3 278.0 101.3 0.0 126.8
AMPL1429409 7_17177943_G>A 17177714 17178088 90.3 65.1 79.3 67.6 123.5 104.0 76.1 123.2 34.5 150.8 81.6 0.0 83.0
AMPL1429410 7_17179038_*>-AAGT 17178852 17179226 154.3 90.7 132.0 121.6 191.0 205.9 181.4 182.6 46.0 261.8 144.4 0.0 142.6
AMPL1429411 7_17185206_A>G 17184946 17185320 119.8 88.2 121.4 84.6 140.2 128.2 130.2 169.7 51.3 174.8 104.4 0.0 109.4
AMPL1438939 7_17185761_T>C 17185622 17185996 133.7 93.2 125.8 78.3 95.4 142.0 151.5 161.0 37.8 194.9 84.4 0.0 108.2
AMPL1437857 7_17186641_G>A 17186329 17186703 193.3 125.4 171.7 110.3 181.1 194.1 193.6 182.4 70.7 300.9 122.3 0.0 153.8
AMPL1429414 7_17190480_G>C 17190263 17190636 157.8 110.9 150.5 120.6 177.6 174.2 159.4 179.2 51.9 342.9 122.1 0.0 145.6
AMPL1429415 7_17193865_G>A 17193614 17193988 133.5 77.0 110.2 89.9 117.8 142.7 141.1 106.3 51.8 238.1 89.1 0.0 108.1
AMPL1437858 7_17195251_T>G 17194937 17195311 38.0 25.9 47.3 31.3 66.5 58.5 53.6 70.9 10.3 108.7 38.0 0.0 45.8
AMPL1429417 7_17195573_G>A 17195365 17195739 57.1 57.4 77.2 50.1 68.7 107.4 123.5 90.7 23.9 113.2 41.4 0.0 67.6
AMPL1429418 7_17200107_C>G 17199865 17200239 123.6 89.2 132.9 84.9 162.9 134.9 149.5 162.8 40.4 229.4 97.6 0.0 117.3
AMPL1429419 7_17206096_A>G 17205879 17206253 119.0 94.6 94.0 82.2 111.2 118.1 133.3 155.3 40.1 196.9 84.9 0.0 102.5
AMPL1429420 7_17222709_G>T 17222463 17222837 114.3 79.8 124.4 91.1 110.8 91.0 108.1 122.7 27.5 184.9 96.7 0.2 95.9
AMPL1437860 7_17224595_A>C 17224300 17224674 167.1 109.4 144.2 113.6 190.0 139.9 150.0 168.5 34.2 241.2 127.6 0.0 132.1
AMPL1429422 7_17324744_G>A 17324657 17325030 97.6 84.9 81.3 77.5 111.6 98.3 74.8 105.1 38.9 169.0 67.6 0.0 83.9
AMPL1429423 7_17326760_*>+A 17326492 17326866 103.8 88.0 126.1 100.0 102.4 163.3 123.7 149.0 38.3 174.7 72.7 0.0 103.5
AMPL1429424 7_48401093_T>C 48400977 48401351 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AMPL1429265 10_10255207_A>G;10_10255219_G>C;10_10255222_A>G;10_10255231_A>C 10255076 10255450 0.8 1.9 3.4 1.9 4.1 6.3 0.2 0.5 1.8 2.6 2.8 0.0 2.2
AMPL1429266 11_8365211_C>T 8364922 8365296 76.6 68.3 92.3 77.1 103.3 92.6 95.3 111.3 37.8 137.4 78.7 0.0 80.9
AMPL1437790 11_8377990_G>A 8377691 8378065 54.5 27.7 43.8 32.7 66.2 47.6 38.1 53.1 14.2 95.6 38.8 0.0 42.7
AMPL1438932 11_8379716_T>C 8379400 8379774 252.7 163.9 228.2 232.4 302.6 291.6 249.9 329.5 97.0 469.3 224.3 0.0 236.8
AMPL1438933 11_8379825_G>A 8379769 8380143 131.2 120.0 149.0 132.1 205.5 163.5 162.1 178.0 50.5 346.3 128.2 0.0 147.2
AMPL1438853 11_8381173_T>C;11_8381348_T>G 8381045 8381419 106.9 85.3 108.3 67.4 118.0 107.0 101.2 96.5 35.6 154.7 59.6 0.0 86.7
AMPL1438934 11_8381772_T>C 8381451 8381825 165.1 115.4 164.1 156.2 194.4 187.7 171.7 207.2 57.7 322.8 128.1 0.1 155.9
AMPL1429271 11_20453367_T>C;11_20453368_G>C;11_20453369_A>C;11_20453370_G>A;11_20453371_G>C;11_20453372_T>C 20453275 20453649 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
AMPL1437795 11_25814235_G>T 25813920 25814293 1.1 0.5 2.4 1.6 1.8 2.3 1.5 3.4 0.2 3.2 3.7 0.1 1.8
AMPL1437796 11_25874612_C>T 25874557 25874914 119.6 105.9 140.3 116.2 124.4 109.1 100.1 172.3 59.6 241.8 82.3 0.0 114.3
AMPL1435882 11_26069005_C>G 26068733 26069071 113.1 89.1 108.9 105.3 109.4 134.3 94.3 148.5 38.1 216.4 84.0 0.0 103.4
AMPL1438935 11_26171125_A>C 26170811 26171185 214.3 144.7 182.5 175.6 226.5 215.5 186.0 235.1 76.4 331.8 178.2 0.0 180.5
AMPL1429274 11_26192547_C>G 26192373 26192738 184.1 149.0 212.2 155.2 263.5 161.0 124.2 169.8 81.6 391.8 135.3 0.0 169.0
AMPL1429275 11_26305346_G>A 26305069 26305432 1.6 2.2 3.8 4.7 11.5 9.3 4.4 9.6 2.8 10.1 10.7 0.0 5.9
AMPL1429276 11_26314251_G>A;11_26314274_C>G 26314014 26314380 28.5 24.9 30.3 31.9 44.1 32.5 33.1 43.8 12.1 67.1 27.2 0.0 31.3
AMPL1435861 11_34712031_T>G 34711980 34712222 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AMPL1429277 11_51801163_A>C 51801029 51801401 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
AMPL1437798 12_13904089_G>C 13904029 13904396 324.5 196.7 202.8 195.6 287.2 300.8 257.2 442.7 107.9 646.2 228.6 0.0 265.9
AMPL1437799 12_24910665_G>A 24910615 24910970 114.5 99.3 114.8 128.6 163.3 135.9 99.7 170.4 63.1 266.3 80.8 0.0 119.7
AMPL1429280 12_24917840_G>A 24917665 24918039 28.6 24.6 40.7 31.9 50.5 31.6 31.3 57.0 8.9 59.5 25.1 0.0 32.5
AMPL1429281 13_18990472_G>A 18990274 18990648 186.8 115.5 153.1 158.4 209.4 125.4 125.4 235.6 42.3 345.9 126.5 0.2 152.1
AMPL1429283 13_19142124_C>T 19141986 19142357 168.0 105.8 151.5 135.1 190.6 154.3 150.2 194.9 51.3 286.7 102.9 0.0 140.9
AMPL1437801 13_19185120_T>C 19184808 19185182 129.4 83.8 102.5 103.3 140.9 119.7 116.7 151.2 58.6 224.7 91.4 0.0 110.2
AMPL1429285 13_19249948_G>A 19249726 19250100 74.9 31.2 59.9 64.1 70.8 65.2 48.4 67.9 22.3 133.6 32.2 0.0 55.9
AMPL1429286 14_77065328_G>T 77065081 77065455 113.5 70.4 102.6 63.9 97.1 116.6 107.7 105.9 37.6 222.7 74.5 0.0 92.7
AMPL1429287 14_77066812_C>T 77066533 77066907 149.8 80.7 111.0 84.6 122.9 129.7 142.2 147.4 50.0 217.9 96.1 0.0 111.0
AMPL1429288 14_77074065_T>C 77073781 77074155 142.6 93.8 112.7 83.0 146.7 140.5 128.9 190.8 51.0 261.1 96.3 0.0 120.6
AMPL1435883 14_77078556_G>A 77078484 77078849 113.9 66.7 149.5 80.6 84.4 125.8 130.3 81.7 74.3 237.6 51.7 0.0 99.7
AMPL1429289 15_16090708_C>G 16090428 16090802 107.3 73.3 95.3 93.9 121.7 104.3 82.7 152.4 37.7 203.2 80.5 0.0 96.0
AMPL1429290 15_16141784_G>A 16141511 16141885 102.7 74.1 85.5 106.2 132.6 94.3 97.7 129.9 34.9 207.4 56.7 0.0 93.5
AMPL1435960 15_31601771_C>A;15_31601785_A>G;15_31601786_G>C;15_31601788_T>G 31601455 31601825 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0
AMPL1438858 16_26528763_C>T 26528475 26528845 81.0 79.1 111.4 64.5 109.7 121.3 111.6 136.9 38.0 171.2 66.2 0.0 90.9
AMPL1429292 16_26537854_A>G 26537643 26538017 140.0 93.5 134.8 90.2 156.3 158.5 145.4 152.9 58.7 261.5 116.1 0.0 125.7
AMPL1437805 16_26548718_G>A 26548420 26548794 111.5 85.1 100.4 63.5 110.5 122.5 124.2 141.6 39.9 230.6 81.9 0.0 101.0
AMPL1429294 16_39192620_A>G 39192514 39192888 203.4 128.7 168.6 147.2 224.3 205.5 211.1 230.1 62.2 349.4 130.2 0.0 171.7
AMPL1429295 16_68286493_C>G 68286248 68286622 109.7 91.8 99.6 75.5 100.8 107.1 108.6 132.1 30.2 199.4 79.3 0.0 94.5
AMPL1437806 17_7708430_C>T 7708116 7708490 179.2 137.6 201.4 125.5 184.0 217.7 186.2 237.7 64.0 337.5 154.0 0.1 168.7
AMPL1437807 17_7708701_C>G;17_7708729_C>T 7708634 7709005 109.1 82.8 116.0 79.2 123.9 106.5 108.7 114.3 37.4 187.7 85.8 0.0 95.9
AMPL1438936 17_7710095_C>T 7709776 7710150 97.3 77.7 111.4 59.4 102.8 102.2 92.1 131.3 26.9 166.0 64.5 0.0 86.0
AMPL1437809 17_7710450_A>C 7710186 7710560 74.4 45.8 73.8 60.8 66.9 108.7 121.5 92.0 35.4 155.7 58.8 19.2 76.1
AMPL1429299 17_7713021_G>A 7712731 7713105 84.2 53.3 93.8 38.3 63.7 126.7 92.2 128.8 31.4 152.4 65.5 0.0 77.5
AMPL1429300 17_7714594_G>A 7714353 7714727 136.8 73.6 114.3 84.2 131.7 132.7 106.7 156.6 46.8 219.7 96.7 0.0 108.3
AMPL1429301 17_7717528_C>T 7717270 7717644 82.7 57.7 91.5 56.5 87.4 114.2 111.1 95.1 24.4 120.9 75.4 0.0 76.4
AMPL1429302 17_7718785_C>T 7718701 7719075 167.0 110.7 143.7 99.1 161.6 185.8 164.0 193.7 53.6 310.6 139.6 0.0 144.1
AMPL1429303 17_7723991_A>T 7723757 7724131 103.1 72.3 112.3 67.1 135.0 140.5 97.7 141.6 35.3 181.2 79.6 0.0 97.1
AMPL1437812 17_7738293_A>T 7737999 7738373 155.6 77.1 108.8 103.6 146.6 143.4 124.7 160.0 45.0 209.0 109.9 0.0 115.3
AMPL1429305 20_29542397_*>-GTTCAGGGGACCACATGGC; 20_29542417_C>A;20_29542422_T>A 29542133 29542507 117.2 80.8 88.8 76.6 138.4 139.4 97.7 161.9 43.7 210.0 86.5 0.0 103.4
AMPL1437813 23_28933011_C>T 28932701 28933075 174.0 103.8 170.3 112.2 187.8 208.4 188.9 216.4 69.2 361.3 139.6 0.0 161.0
AMPL1429307 24_22175780_A>G 22175670 22176040 180.5 128.9 149.2 164.5 241.4 169.2 138.5 209.7 68.2 330.6 147.0 0.0 160.6
AMPL1429308 24_22218451_C>T 22218302 22218675 85.7 60.3 63.1 78.6 130.3 64.9 41.2 133.1 9.7 170.7 49.9 0.0 74.0
AMPL1435961 25_10493204_G>T 10493165 10493539 153.7 81.5 106.0 89.7 170.7 120.2 82.1 289.1 29.1 230.6 99.3 0.0 121.0
AMPL1429309 25_18953131_C>T 18953011 18953385 73.6 64.0 82.2 53.1 109.8 86.6 62.4 119.6 20.5 148.7 75.5 0.0 74.7
AMPL1429310 25_18955309_G>A 18955069 18955443 141.0 89.1 99.6 153.1 204.0 76.3 92.1 202.0 27.3 241.9 98.0 0.6 118.8
AMPL1429311 25_18957466_G>T 18957233 18957607 13.7 18.7 43.1 18.0 41.3 18.6 18.6 31.4 7.6 43.2 22.8 0.0 23.1
AMPL1429312 25_18958600_G>T 18958424 18958798 65.0 54.9 81.6 61.9 103.7 67.3 50.7 90.5 23.5 139.1 75.0 0.0 67.8
AMPL1429313 25_18966344_G>A 18966213 18966587 60.5 41.3 71.5 64.9 72.0 62.2 48.6 96.8 22.3 109.1 43.9 0.0 57.8
AMPL1429314 25_18967227_C>T 18967063 18967437 194.2 124.7 165.3 184.0 238.9 180.5 104.3 272.5 37.3 355.3 147.9 0.0 167.1
AMPL1429315 25_18972172_C>G 18971933 18972307 140.4 79.2 141.5 105.3 203.3 150.7 151.3 232.5 57.8 325.5 131.6 0.0 143.3
AMPL1429316 25_18975076_A>G 18974852 18975226 139.2 115.7 150.3 126.8 214.7 135.1 109.5 226.7 49.4 259.7 124.7 0.0 137.7
AMPL1429317 25_18977716_G>T 18977513 18977887 81.3 83.0 111.1 85.5 135.0 91.2 74.9 132.1 36.4 208.4 85.1 0.0 93.7
AMPL1429318 25_18978403_G>A 18978181 18978555 178.4 121.6 198.8 159.4 231.7 162.9 170.6 250.5 72.3 359.0 167.4 0.0 172.7
AMPL1429319 25_18985663_C>T 18985421 18985791 146.4 114.4 203.9 140.1 225.6 200.4 165.0 235.9 70.2 314.3 121.0 0.0 161.4
AMPL1429320 25_18987059_G>A 18986814 18987188 59.2 55.3 80.9 57.8 85.9 100.4 67.8 101.8 29.4 157.3 68.9 0.0 72.1
AMPL1437814 25_18990327_C>T 18990018 18990392 27.7 18.4 26.8 18.1 28.1 27.1 17.6 23.2 8.1 32.2 29.3 0.0 21.4
AMPL1437815 25_18990774_G>A 18990474 18990848 76.8 62.5 97.5 79.6 109.0 97.8 84.1 109.4 30.9 196.3 73.8 0.1 84.8
AMPL1429323 25_18991878_C>G 18991628 18991982 161.3 81.3 122.2 122.1 188.9 162.0 126.9 196.1 55.8 303.6 112.5 0.0 136.1
AMPL1437816 25_18994293_G>A 18993991 18994358 184.8 123.4 143.4 186.1 212.2 139.2 126.1 152.1 54.3 331.1 109.7 0.0 146.9
AMPL1429325 25_18994662_C>T 18994538 18994912 96.7 57.7 111.5 92.0 111.8 103.8 92.5 126.4 37.4 218.2 91.6 0.1 95.0
AMPL1435886 25_18995455_C>A 18995390 18995755 49.7 33.6 72.1 38.2 56.7 58.6 56.3 59.8 12.8 100.1 55.6 0.0 49.5
AMPL1429326 25_18997806_C>T 18997582 18997956 155.6 104.8 177.8 126.1 216.4 185.3 156.0 207.9 53.5 286.9 124.1 0.0 149.5
AMPL1438859 25_19002172_C>T 19001879 19002253 87.3 73.6 117.1 89.8 123.5 85.4 75.9 108.4 31.0 178.8 82.4 0.0 87.8
AMPL1438860 25_19002364_G>C;25_19002443_C>T 19002309 19002597 297.4 216.4 344.8 271.8 394.8 386.7 361.6 432.8 187.2 607.0 304.9 0.0 317.1
AMPL1429328 25_19002856_C>T 19002734 19003089 7.9 10.9 15.9 13.7 17.5 9.7 11.7 11.1 3.0 28.4 9.8 0.2 11.7
AMPL1437818 25_19009291_C>T 19009140 19009514 110.8 103.4 148.4 111.3 172.3 122.5 110.5 162.2 37.7 289.7 110.4 0.0 123.3
AMPL1437819 25_19009621_G>A 19009546 19009920 78.4 68.0 85.9 65.7 91.0 63.2 64.8 87.6 25.6 134.3 65.4 0.0 69.1
AMPL1429331 25_19010414_C>T 19010302 19010666 59.1 45.2 111.4 52.9 75.4 88.1 95.3 129.0 30.4 169.2 82.9 0.0 78.2
AMPL1429332 25_19020036_C>G 19019855 19020229 80.7 67.1 101.8 64.9 103.0 100.8 65.4 127.3 20.0 181.6 64.7 0.0 81.4
AMPL1429333 25_19020669_C>T 19020547 19020921 205.4 130.4 204.1 188.7 221.0 153.3 179.7 268.5 62.9 408.0 164.2 0.0 182.2
AMPL1437820 25_19022404_T>C;25_19022409_G>T 19022110 19022484 119.2 91.2 137.6 114.9 153.3 139.9 106.4 146.0 50.7 262.4 110.8 0.0 119.4
AMPL1429335 25_19028823_C>T 19028538 19028911 53.2 51.3 71.2 51.3 97.0 64.8 79.6 74.7 19.8 119.4 53.0 0.0 61.3
AMPL1429336 25_19029137_A>G 19028904 19029275 77.8 65.3 87.7 84.9 115.7 105.3 82.5 103.9 40.4 164.0 70.2 1.3 83.2
AMPL1429337 25_19030216_A>G 19030068 19030442 95.4 59.3 92.8 81.8 136.6 85.0 86.2 123.8 32.4 186.4 67.9 0.0 87.3
AMPL1438937 25_19034116_G>A 19033798 19034172 176.9 131.9 178.4 138.5 196.5 166.7 168.3 161.2 79.0 299.3 138.0 0.0 152.9
AMPL1429339 25_19034453_G>A 19034289 19034663 0.7 8.6 20.3 14.1 13.7 0.1 17.3 18.8 2.4 8.1 5.8 0.0 9.2
AMPL1435888 25_19035221_G>A 19034932 19035270 112.2 63.8 81.3 79.9 128.0 134.8 72.8 57.7 40.6 136.8 51.7 0.0 80.0
AMPL1429340 25_19039055_C>G 19038878 19039252 31.9 21.0 45.5 32.0 47.5 36.6 32.7 47.1 15.5 81.5 30.0 0.2 35.1
AMPL1429341 25_19040359_G>T;25_19040419_G>A 19040197 19040571 117.2 92.3 110.8 97.2 161.8 128.1 94.5 146.1 29.1 205.6 101.7 0.0 107.0
AMPL1429342 25_19041425_G>A 19041182 19041556 228.6 134.3 211.3 176.0 279.6 199.0 171.9 265.3 76.1 378.8 158.9 0.0 190.0
AMPL1438862 25_19044064_T>C 19043756 19044130 86.0 63.3 85.6 71.1 84.7 94.6 70.6 111.3 31.9 146.1 64.5 0.0 75.8
AMPL1429344 25_19045651_G>A 19045406 19045767 151.0 98.9 166.1 122.9 180.2 189.9 155.6 187.3 78.4 285.4 132.4 0.0 145.7
AMPL1429345 25_19050545_C>T 19050434 19050794 40.4 22.5 43.9 34.9 51.8 27.6 25.5 55.5 11.8 74.7 26.2 0.0 34.6
AMPL1429346 25_19053028_G>A 19052818 19053176 58.8 28.6 35.8 50.5 38.6 50.5 31.2 52.6 13.1 74.3 25.5 0.0 38.3
AMPL1429347 25_19053343_G>A 19053181 19053555 104.6 58.5 100.8 100.4 125.6 84.2 69.1 122.8 23.4 185.6 59.1 0.0 86.2
AMPL1429348 25_19053902_C>G 19053675 19054049 16.1 16.0 10.5 27.0 22.5 17.5 14.3 50.6 5.6 34.0 14.3 0.1 19.0
AMPL1429349 25_19055222_A>C 19054998 19055359 94.6 71.0 111.0 101.4 146.4 124.0 91.5 155.9 42.8 211.8 89.2 0.2 103.3
AMPL1429350 25_19055537_G>A 19055446 19055774 126.5 104.2 188.2 121.6 184.4 186.6 147.3 195.8 61.4 276.1 144.2 0.0 144.7
AMPL1437559 25_19057278_C>A 19057222 19057469 223.3 212.9 318.2 238.8 338.3 397.7 380.2 357.4 205.5 571.1 313.8 0.1 296.4
AMPL1429352 25_19061006_G>T 19060735 19061109 151.7 85.1 85.0 85.2 123.1 132.6 90.7 134.6 44.9 244.3 100.5 1.3 106.6
AMPL1437827 25_19061489_C>T;25_19061530_G>A 19061223 19061597 82.8 70.0 93.7 75.0 108.1 115.5 79.9 118.3 26.2 182.4 74.2 0.0 85.5
AMPL1429354 25_19062609_C>G;25_19062644_T>C 19062362 19062736 41.2 49.9 55.8 51.5 91.7 35.3 42.2 86.4 15.0 96.9 46.4 0.0 51.0
AMPL1437828 25_19064001_C>T 19063689 19064063 85.4 62.4 78.3 69.5 97.9 85.6 68.1 124.5 17.3 175.7 67.8 0.0 77.7
AMPL1429356 25_19067204_*>-AGATGGTGG 19067053 19067427 77.4 77.1 96.7 72.8 118.2 67.4 74.6 130.5 25.9 190.9 54.5 0.0 82.2
AMPL1429357 25_19069534_T>G 19069418 19069792 166.7 193.1 196.5 186.1 234.6 205.0 155.7 302.3 56.9 378.4 162.6 0.2 186.5
AMPL1429358 25_19073981_C>T 19073784 19074158 135.8 125.7 160.0 138.6 202.2 170.8 157.7 211.9 60.9 343.8 141.7 0.0 154.1
AMPL1435889 25_19074736_C>T 19074599 19074954 143.5 144.3 206.7 130.5 216.8 180.4 162.7 242.7 58.0 375.0 134.1 0.0 166.2
AMPL1435890 25_19075008_G>A 19074947 19075291 106.8 90.3 124.2 100.9 156.2 147.3 141.2 203.6 48.9 249.8 115.3 0.1 123.7
AMPL1429360 25_19082147_A>T 19081876 19082250 148.8 91.6 156.2 123.3 177.5 166.9 120.2 159.1 59.4 208.7 140.8 0.0 129.4
AMPL1429361 25_19090136_G>A 19089982 19090356 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
AMPL1437829 25_19092927_T>C 19092615 19092989 136.8 93.6 105.0 107.5 182.9 154.3 134.0 143.2 49.1 242.7 120.1 0.0 122.4
AMPL1429363 25_19094185_A>T 19093902 19094276 197.7 112.3 214.5 148.3 231.4 208.5 175.2 216.2 63.2 285.0 160.3 0.1 167.7
AMPL1429364 25_19095685_C>T 19095585 19095959 110.0 74.1 144.4 103.5 68.9 149.3 150.9 143.3 45.5 262.3 67.3 0.0 110.0
AMPL1429365 25_19097361_G>C 19097223 19097595 94.7 74.5 107.0 83.2 120.4 133.9 117.1 91.8 44.9 128.0 99.6 0.0 91.3
AMPL1437830 25_19102757_G>C 19102441 19102815 53.0 38.0 61.0 36.8 72.7 67.1 54.9 67.8 14.7 132.9 46.6 5.5 54.3
AMPL1429367 25_19103540_C>T 19103286 19103660 67.6 43.1 59.6 48.2 58.3 73.1 51.2 90.4 14.8 115.7 60.4 0.1 56.9
AMPL1437831 25_19104100_C>A 19103796 19104161 3.7 9.1 3.8 3.3 5.8 9.5 5.2 5.9 2.8 15.7 5.0 0.2 5.8
AMPL1437832 25_19104318_G>A 19104154 19104477 94.1 71.0 132.4 87.8 113.9 136.1 143.5 105.9 75.2 162.8 111.9 0.1 102.9
AMPL1429370 25_19104599_G>A 19104470 19104824 173.3 130.7 161.7 160.4 224.0 187.3 163.3 228.1 93.2 355.5 157.3 0.0 169.6
AMPL1437833 25_19105413_C>T 19105361 19105735 160.9 89.1 111.0 115.5 155.2 131.7 99.7 139.2 49.3 227.7 81.5 0.0 113.4
AMPL1437834 25_30566722_T>C 30566411 30566785 72.3 46.4 58.1 52.9 85.8 74.1 75.4 107.5 41.4 146.1 54.6 0.0 67.9
AMPL1429373 25_30567300_A>T 30567077 30567451 133.9 107.5 122.6 107.1 147.9 167.8 146.6 208.0 65.2 284.5 123.4 0.0 134.5
AMPL1429374 25_30615922_C>T 30615744 30616118 87.8 58.6 78.1 81.9 79.4 56.5 66.5 79.5 22.9 104.8 39.2 0.0 62.9
AMPL1435891 25_30624805_C>T 30624744 30625106 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AMPL1437837 26_8247567_G>A 8247270 8247644 82.1 61.2 82.3 58.6 93.8 97.4 81.0 111.5 29.4 179.3 68.5 0.0 78.7
AMPL1429376 26_8284273_C>T 8284022 8284396 110.9 64.2 104.6 82.0 107.6 106.2 86.2 108.5 35.4 162.8 55.8 0.0 85.4
AMPL1437838 26_8285039_A>G 8284733 8285107 168.2 90.1 159.4 111.6 198.1 174.5 181.3 211.0 44.7 320.6 126.3 0.0 148.8
AMPL1437839 26_8293637_A>G 8293342 8293716 8.1 4.5 4.8 2.1 7.2 7.1 8.9 9.3 3.8 8.6 6.5 0.8 6.0
AMPL1429379 26_8294820_A>G 8294600 8294974 160.6 97.7 121.8 105.6 181.5 164.9 164.7 164.2 49.6 299.8 106.1 0.0 134.7
AMPL1429380 26_8297348_G>A 8297129 8297503 2.0 3.2 0.7 1.5 5.7 0.2 1.5 0.0 1.0 6.3 2.5 0.0 2.0
AMPL1437840 26_8302326_G>A 8302012 8302386 157.3 83.4 129.0 95.6 165.1 144.7 128.8 86.0 37.0 228.2 117.7 0.0 114.4
AMPL1437841 26_8302673_C>T 8302404 8302778 168.3 108.2 133.2 119.7 210.0 192.5 182.0 203.9 67.0 319.6 131.6 0.0 153.0
AMPL1429383 26_8317102_C>T 8316828 8317202 106.5 58.5 68.2 64.4 96.5 108.1 104.5 131.6 39.0 185.0 43.3 0.1 83.8
AMPL1438867 27_21809695_T>C 21809382 21809756 71.5 63.0 76.3 56.8 84.8 105.3 93.1 89.7 36.1 161.6 67.0 0.0 75.4
AMPL1429385 28_30217517_G>C 30217280 30217648 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AMPL1429386 28_37758701_C>A 37758556 37758922 26.8 16.0 19.3 11.6 24.8 23.3 16.5 44.0 10.3 54.5 22.8 0.0 22.5
AMPL1429387 28_40848443_*>-AGGACAGGTCTCCTCAC 40848204 40848578 111.5 83.7 127.1 85.6 134.9 120.8 91.1 139.5 29.6 245.4 88.9 0.2 104.8
AMPL1437861 X_21510767_G>A 21510453 21510827 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 152.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 109.1 0.0 21.8
AMPL1429427 X_29461956_G>A 29461808 29462182 55.3 46.1 57.5 41.0 67.7 56.2 58.9 65.6 5.8 95.4 43.1 0.0 49.4
AMPL1435870 Un0048_98505_G>C 98340 98561 2139.7 980.2 2096.3 1333.3 1728.2 2927.9 2054.7 1313.7 1642.3 3287.1 2088.7 0.0 1799.3
AMPL1429425 Un0048_120118_T>C 119919 120293 1334.3 429.5 732.4 666.7 841.9 1095.5 773.1 683.6 353.6 1852.4 590.7 0.6 779.5
Mean Coverage: 127.0 83.4 122.9 98.0 142.4 140.9 122.1 146.9 52.5 230.8 102.8 0.2
* Primer sequences are manufactured specifically for use with the Ion AmpliSeq Kits and contain proprietary modifications.
Red shadings represents amplicons / individuals that failed via manual inspections.
Table S2: Amplicons designed via Ion AmpliSeq™ Designer tool, and resulting coverages
Reason for Custom Primer Design Reason for Failure of Primer Design Chr Position (bp) Reference Change Associated Gene and Annotation Forward Primer Reverse Primer
15 31601785 A G
15 31601786 G C
15 31601788 T G
10 10255219 G C
10 10255222 A G
10 10255231 A C
11 20453368 G C
11 20453369 A C
11 20453370 G A
11 20453371 G C
11 20453372 T C
Amplicon failed to amplify; Primer 3Plus failed to design primers Region of low mappability 1 168593272 A G HECTD1: Upstream
Region of low mappability 3 40639338 T C TSPAN5: Exon
3 40639347 A C
3 40639351 A C
Region of low mappability 28 30217517 G C BTBD11: Exon  / Splice site junction
AmpliSeq Designer failed to identify target primers 7 17187738 * -AT CUL5: Intron GAATTCCTTTTTAACCTCGGTGTAG GGGTAATTAGGCCTTTGTCTGTTAC
AmpliSeq Designer failed to identify target primers; Primer3Plus failed to design primers Primers are of low specificity 1 56403753 A G HERC4: Intron; ENSECAG00000003808: Exon
Region of low mappability 30 28954714 C T ELF3: Intron
5' region with a long N-stretch Un0002 747527 A G SEPT5: Downstream
Table S3: Custom primer design via Primer3Plus
Chromosome Position (bp) CNV State Ensembl Gene ID Gene Symbol
1 27903085-27903248 Gain
1 162685440-162696116 Gain ENSECAG00000016994 ENSECAG00000016994
1 162738709-162739776 Gain
2 48765073-48765178 Gain
3 36696371-36696695 Gain
3 36696696-36696960 Loss
3 36696970-36697288 Loss
3 36697289-36697738 Loss
3 36697739-36700410 Loss
3 36700411-36700994 Gain
3 40113679-40113819 Gain
3 40121537-40121664 Loss
4 102030991-102031568 Loss
4 102031569-102031798 Gain
4 102303323-102304004 Gain
5 14223067-14223660 Gain
5 16166327-16167151 Loss
5 21921025-21921990 Gain ENSECAG00000012085 SWT1
5 21921991-21926894 Gain ENSECAG00000012085 SWT1
5 21945141-21945450 Gain ENSECAG00000012085 SWT1
5 36700995-36701334 Gain
5 47207777-47207908 Gain
5 47537747-47537996 Loss
5 77413167-77413622 Gain
6 58981935-58982424 Gain ENSECAG00000007459 SLC2A13
6 58982425-58984596 Gain ENSECAG00000007459 SLC2A13
8 2219911-2291520 Gain
8 2303456-2484867 Gain ENSECAG00000019976; ENSECAG00000020446 ENSECAG00000019976; ENSECAG00000020446
8 4948106-4948658 Gain
8 13055743-13057110 Loss
8 30106246-30111307 Gain
11 21556877-21556980 Gain
11 21557119-21558652 Loss
11 21561590-21563616 Loss
12 12406511-12407582 Gain
12 12719037-12719584 Gain
12 12719585-12719812 Gain
12 12726673-12727022 Gain
12 13743907-13748392 Gain
12 13748393-13752762 Gain
12 13752763-13753454 Gain
12 13753455-13754554 Gain
12 13873449-13875631 Gain
12 13875632-13877006 Gain
12 13980825-13981244 Gain
12 13981245-13984112 Gain
12 13984113-13988810 Gain
12 14193301-14214000 Loss
12 14218141-14231052 Loss ENSECAG00000008064 ENSECAG00000008064
12 14678269-14684236 Gain
12 14684237-14684862 Gain
12 14684863-14685688 Gain
12 14692329-14692455 Gain
12 14692456-14692573 Gain
12 14692574-14693440 Gain
12 14693441-14694240 Gain
12 14885905-14886060 Gain
12 14886061-14886216 Gain
12 14886217-14886944 Gain
12 14886945-14887342 Gain
12 14887343-14891580 Gain
12 14891581-14898112 Gain
12 14898113-14899170 Gain
12 14900999-14901876 Gain
12 23807345-23809826 Gain
12 29171513-29172858 Gain
12 29178183-29178392 Gain
12 29232302-29251040 Gain ENSECAG00000021444  ENSECAG00000021444 
12 31075619-31077557 Gain ENSECAG00000024970 KCNQ1
12 31077558-31077752 Gain ENSECAG00000024970 KCNQ1
12 31077753-31078149 Gain ENSECAG00000024970 KCNQ1
12 31376808-31376994 Gain ENSECAG00000004558 CARS
12 31387665-31388100 Gain
13 7759347-7759730 Loss
13 8253592-8256840 Gain ENSECAG00000002581 ENSECAG00000002581
13 8256841-8264130 Gain ENSECAG00000002581 ENSECAG00000002581
13 22091939-22092282 Gain
13 24940279-24940474 Gain
13 26963399-26963552 Gain ENSECAG00000024500 ACSM5
14 56817201-56817728 Loss ENSECAG00000010451 ENSECAG00000010451
15 23899437-23901660 Gain
15 23901661-23902764 Gain
15 23902765-23907737 Gain
15 23907738-23909106 Gain
15 23909107-23909844 Gain
15 23909881-23910357 Gain
15 23910358-23910516 Loss
15 23910517-23910640 Gain
15 23910689-23911588 Gain
15 23911589-23914484 Gain
15 38388703-38388840 Loss
17 17752435-17752878 Gain ENSECAG00000010790 COG6
18 3946559-3946800 Gain
18 9565629-9566310 Loss
18 9566311-9566850 Loss
18 9566957-9567096 Gain
18 9567181-9568097 Gain
18 9568185-9575556 Gain
18 9575557-9576560 Gain
18 9576645-9577200 Gain
18 9577201-9577304 Gain
18 9577305-9577536 Gain
18 9577537-9578038 Loss
18 9578039-9579213 Gain
18 9579305-9579835 Gain
18 9579836-9582144 Gain
18 9592931-9597552 Loss
18 75832395-75832546 Gain
18 75864339-75864656 Gain
19 2509921-2515232 Gain
19 2515233-2518384 Gain
20 24330681-24331046 Gain
20 24394569-24394846 Gain
20 24396905-24397230 Gain
20 24450471-24453132 Gain
20 24455795-24456586 Gain
20 24456587-24456704 Gain
20 31012301-31012402 Gain
20 32914889-32915630 Loss ENSECAG00000006492 HLA-DQB1
20 32972836-32974194 Gain ENSECAG00000006492 HLA-DQB1
21 848845-849178 Gain
21 10836655-10837002 Gain
22 23893937-23894112 Gain
22 24003255-24003422 Gain
23 7584039-7584208 Loss ENSECAG00000002633 ENSECAG00000002633
23 7584209-7584480 Loss
23 7584481-7584992 Loss
23 18027065-18029726 Loss
24 12423555-12424104 Loss ENSECAG00000003251; ENSECAG00000018800 ENSECAG00000003251; ENSECAG00000018800
26 481509-481822 Gain
26 14848637-14852940 Gain ENSECAG00000022573 ENSECAG00000022573
27 374783-375165 Gain
27 375166-375342 Gain
27 409949-411292 Gain
27 646213-646530 Gain
27 646531-646736 Loss
27 646737-647744 Gain
27 647803-647936 Loss
27 647937-648600 Gain
27 6214993-6215770 Gain ENSECAG00000024401 ADAM18
29 1280423-1280672 Gain
31 5427819-5428038 Loss
31 10640015-10640312 Gain
X 53468791-53468932 Gain
X 56796255-56796432 Gain
X 83881921-83882282  Gain
X 89581321-89581624 Loss ENSECAG00000005698 ENSECAG00000005698
Table S4: CNV regions identified as uniquely shared across all nine case individuals and exempt from the Arabian-control (prior to manual validation step)."
Sample ID   Arabian1 Arabian2                 Arabian3                 Arabian4                 Arabian5                 Arabian6                 Arabian7                 Arabian8                 Arabian9                 ArabianControl                   Icelandic         Norwegian Fjord       Standardbred         Twilight         Marwari         Mongolian         Mongolian         FM0431         FM0450         FM0467         FM1030         FM1041         FM1190         FM1785         FM1798         FM1932         FM1948         FM1951         FM2218         Duelmener         Hanoverian1         Hanoverian2         Sorraia         Jeju Pony         Jeju Pony         Andean        
Gender   Male                 Male                 Female                 Female                 Male                 Female                 Female                 Female                 Female                 Male                     Male         Female         Male         Female         Male         Male         Female         Male         Male         Male         Male         Male         Male         Male         Male         Male         Male         Male         Male         Female         Male         Male         Male         Male         Female         Male        
Chromosome Chr Length (bp) Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Homo - Total Homo SNVs Homo INDELs Hets - Total Hets SNVs Hets INDELs Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total Indels Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30 Total Variants Total SNVs Total INDELs Total Variants DP>=5 Total Variants DP>=5 & QUAL>=30
Chr1 185838109 266713 219143 47570 202832 181113 21719 469545 400256 69289 246806 201453 45353 233053 208270 24783 479859 409723 70136 214777 177449 37328 265221 246484 18737 479998 423933 56065 212477 173153 39324 277278 255712 21566 489755 428865 60890 247130 205257 41873 214438 197697 16741 461568 402954 58614 229343 191321 38022 233249 218120 15129 462592 409441 53151 238137 199180 38957 212455 198137 14318 450592 397317 53275 209752 175845 33907 259901 244783 15118 469653 420628 49025 210125 176619 33506 263844 248260 15584 473969 424879 49090 261584 214775 46809 196901 175302 21599 458485 390077 68408 453298 447897 465859 437562 28297 358700 324004 444089 418605 25484 343756 326986 414130 385823 28307 359338 340115 257786 225337 32449 244828 238092 517843 454288 63555 509813 502044 512368 459803 52565 495216 485285 510303 466183 44120 485345 439848 478783 427962 50821 451678 435631 507997 450310 57687 492524 481756 494978 438342 56636 481684 471019 505750 447253 58497 495200 485902 460466 417626 42840 394814 371537 502819 445278 57541 492036 482306 497926 441862 56064 482298 470799 497507 437483 60024 489238 482790 478580 431354 47226 451159 430237 475855 431541 44314 425675 401870 497658 437587 60071 486963 479624 495567 445548 50019 475015 457879 519599 462928 56671 505496 488571 501792 439669 62123 496216 489199 473067 422645 50422 453479 430790 487885 434121 53764 470869 453721 508158 454125 54033 490992 481865 521787 467625 54162 502110 491491 518137 441689 76448 511407 506198
Chr2 120857687 163853 132482 31371 178882 160056 18826 342735 292538 50197 158963 127965 30998 185565 166356 19209 344528 294321 50207 146084 120298 25786 178114 165584 12530 324198 285882 38316 157175 129192 27983 175638 161909 13729 332813 291101 41712 187593 156975 30618 129396 119275 10121 316989 276250 40739 164032 136314 27718 146673 136930 9743 310705 273244 37461 150848 124183 26665 175369 163587 11782 326217 287770 38447 151368 126557 24811 175204 164742 10462 326572 291299 35273 145441 121733 23708 182870 171975 10895 328311 293708 34603 167996 135945 32051 176790 158748 18042 344786 294693 50093 340849 337192 307607 288437 19170 234105 213075 297222 279539 17683 229419 218605 305800 285277 20523 265326 251351 192747 169380 23367 182779 177845 326842 284861 41981 320216 316171 349374 313834 35540 336297 329189 346094 316084 30010 326107 296736 323049 288694 34355 301635 291179 337707 299208 38499 325050 317803 328647 290742 37905 318399 311804 346182 306104 40078 338099 331645 310086 280780 29306 262377 247996 334699 295822 38877 326439 320220 346643 308233 38410 333059 324466 351731 309353 42378 345032 340822 316552 285145 31407 297214 282685 323158 292922 30236 286495 270349 346877 305650 41227 338717 333069 325515 291746 33769 310412 299716 333167 295407 37760 323285 313449 350295 306257 44038 346218 342477 310772 276353 34419 297969 285122 340810 302930 37880 329390 318315 329105 293279 35826 315655 310551 352409 315544 36865 337160 330088 360403 307565 52838 355369 351874
Chr3 119479920 168982 139290 29692 148798 133702 15096 317780 272992 44788 164839 135613 29226 148295 132887 15408 313134 268500 44634 146140 122082 24058 166856 155219 11637 312996 277301 35695 146101 120973 25128 192349 177487 14862 338450 298460 39990 174508 146667 27841 116776 107784 8992 291284 254451 36833 158174 133114 25060 149726 139983 9743 307900 273097 34803 181831 154561 27270 95449 88853 6596 277280 243414 33866 156777 133165 23612 157124 147954 9170 313901 281119 32782 139095 117269 21826 174481 164371 10110 313576 281640 31936 176565 146257 30308 126941 113480 13461 303506 259737 43769 299900 296527 315937 297512 18425 243057 220343 297936 281391 16545 227177 216063 278612 260708 17904 241293 228369 129076 111272 17804 120907 117383 343927 302872 41055 338698 334846 348760 313883 34877 338117 331834 343843 314699 29144 326959 298000 333524 299702 33822 315369 304898 330475 293909 36566 320433 314075 334688 297999 36689 326491 319865 342250 304215 38035 335678 330015 307912 279880 28032 264811 251141 339862 302520 37342 333244 326962 305384 271769 33615 295300 287915 341866 302105 39761 336929 332918 322840 291833 31007 305481 292468 321865 293075 28790 288575 272640 337028 298309 38719 330712 325969 336571 303392 33179 323675 312717 314596 279893 34703 306456 298124 334053 293829 40224 330744 327282 315641 282433 33208 303835 291331 341317 305755 35562 331849 320677 345500 310015 35485 334604 329087 344331 309376 34955 332126 326171 363075 313107 49968 358694 355481
Chr4 108569075 134146 109212 24934 163169 146541 16628 297315 255753 41562 133361 108548 24813 164259 147329 16930 297620 255877 41743 113850 93242 20608 175807 163484 12323 289657 256726 32931 142990 118900 24090 141195 130201 10994 284185 249101 35084 167827 141676 26151 89315 82143 7172 257142 223819 33323 174992 150103 24889 67261 62690 4571 242253 212793 29460 134801 113098 21703 142639 132990 9649 277440 246088 31352 119710 100976 18734 160450 151250 9200 280160 252226 27934 146679 125698 20981 100690 94785 5905 247369 220483 26886 131748 107056 24692 163052 146247 16805 294800 253303 41497 292094 288629 287486 270686 16800 218295 197617 276000 261116 14884 207196 196683 254543 238250 16293 217136 204932 118411 102363 16048 111435 108091 300177 263233 36944 296340 291876 320084 287477 32607 311067 304922 320730 293121 27609 307087 278867 301752 270037 31715 287724 278005 311205 275834 35371 304071 298099 306486 271967 34519 299955 293466 325659 289490 36169 320427 314611 292153 265535 26618 254939 240138 271961 240283 31678 266433 261299 283457 250870 32587 275658 269858 299219 263663 35556 295173 291117 284153 256107 28046 269604 257195 277362 251306 26056 248522 235294 324707 287023 37684 319651 314590 302992 272608 30384 292269 281597 315737 281697 34040 308761 299018 272889 238988 33901 269913 265537 251269 223798 27471 241343 229117 302059 269487 32572 293083 282674 256353 226830 29523 247560 243753 318021 284618 33403 308312 302482 327288 281405 45883 323812 320685
Chr5 99680356 116964 94258 22706 159930 143874 16056 276894 238132 38762 109835 87841 21994 166681 149960 16721 276516 237801 38715 108884 89420 19464 136125 126855 9270 245009 216275 28734 102134 82297 19837 140383 129569 10814 242517 211866 30651 102917 83121 19796 160711 148415 12296 263628 231536 32092 127012 106536 20476 107964 101070 6894 234976 207606 27370 116128 96138 19990 132265 123505 8760 248393 219643 28750 109386 91582 17804 155190 146279 8911 264576 237861 26715 103438 86353 17085 141827 133574 8253 245265 219927 25338 120332 97092 23240 130811 117483 13328 251143 214575 36568 248585 245089 262793 246907 15886 206574 186666 253166 238873 14293 198890 187369 231455 216081 15374 202962 190630 123034 106863 16171 115776 111994 292401 257524 34877 288413 283148 273075 245089 27986 264713 258216 270974 247164 23810 258616 235446 258355 231253 27102 245632 235380 264354 234169 30185 257324 250745 271570 240831 30739 265053 258175 279174 247333 31841 274052 267903 251570 227802 23768 218285 205397 272114 241213 30901 266659 260177 260360 230266 30094 253089 246607 262902 231163 31739 258868 254536 263273 236849 26424 250934 239161 242383 219454 22929 217423 204724 283960 250718 33242 278986 273333 258904 232098 26806 248525 238795 262041 232670 29371 255452 245960 270359 237516 32843 267673 262634 236711 210767 25944 227652 215472 242224 214214 28010 234027 226216 275833 246361 29472 267279 261084 276313 247199 29114 266317 259868 303417 260718 42699 299724 296430
Chr6 84719076 117099 95430 21669 116286 103862 12424 233385 199292 34093 129775 106853 22922 77629 68564 9065 207404 175417 31987 92827 75925 16902 133814 124277 9537 226641 200202 26439 96123 78111 18012 141560 130531 11029 237683 208642 29041 117496 97705 19791 93420 86024 7396 210916 183729 27187 108216 90144 18072 99794 93293 6501 208010 183437 24573 125027 105554 19473 79518 73981 5537 204545 179535 25010 124832 106328 18504 70074 66023 4051 194906 172351 22555 88973 73744 15229 135557 127591 7966 224530 201335 23195 105356 84925 20431 138017 123541 14476 243373 208466 34907 240738 238014 222985 209294 13691 170767 155006 208551 196294 12257 161219 153191 207632 193422 14210 180129 170919 115816 100960 14856 109551 106508 211670 184818 26852 207691 204048 244020 218989 25031 235999 231315 247885 226634 21251 234452 212781 227826 203873 23953 215629 207696 243186 216018 27168 236163 230835 234368 207987 26381 228243 223191 245422 217616 27806 240480 236190 215546 194862 20684 183038 173882 236042 209298 26744 231080 226273 230466 204850 25616 223223 217540 234077 205788 28289 230067 226958 223593 201898 21695 211156 200727 218299 198113 20186 194242 183244 253536 223865 29671 248626 244523 237221 213238 23983 226737 218738 259230 231613 27617 252957 243795 240256 210843 29413 237777 233969 244872 219381 25491 235769 224142 244461 218035 26426 236507 227712 218729 194247 24482 210324 207330 244903 219199 25704 235651 231433 251500 214347 37153 248500 245967
Chr7 98542428 150908 124010 26898 118100 105927 12173 269008 229937 39071 137705 112271 25434 126765 113934 12831 264470 226205 38265 114467 94008 20459 153520 143306 10214 267987 237314 30673 133129 110495 22634 134345 124133 10212 267474 234628 32846 154241 129811 24430 79293 73068 6225 233534 202879 30655 131478 109187 22291 126667 118630 8037 258145 227817 30328 130114 108106 22008 136205 127378 8827 266319 235484 30835 127913 106922 20991 147397 139038 8359 275310 245960 29350 120659 100320 20339 148265 139633 8632 268924 239953 28971 130281 105523 24758 147134 132548 14586 277415 238071 39344 273539 269904 248766 233522 15244 190717 172228 253319 238709 14610 197775 186998 239385 223458 15927 208068 195773 133241 116303 16938 124137 120186 281586 248462 33124 274785 268883 280473 252515 27958 268161 261823 272275 249056 23219 255939 231480 261962 235171 26791 243025 233347 252647 223611 29036 240328 234907 283256 251916 31340 272759 265823 268148 236786 31362 259980 254888 243852 221281 22571 202962 191959 280987 249337 31650 272742 266941 270573 241266 29307 258081 250591 280994 247496 33498 274625 270410 255869 231178 24691 238675 226488 229001 206094 22907 198961 190835 291883 258457 33426 283744 278046 270527 242928 27599 256395 247146 289921 258941 30980 280703 269530 273484 240272 33212 269424 263974 243151 216059 27092 231816 220579 262974 234032 28942 252575 242425 288838 259428 29410 275778 269729 282189 253741 28448 268180 262053 318254 274225 44029 313635 310112
Chr8 94057673 128444 105433 23011 146683 132568 14115 275127 238001 37126 136486 112791 23695 136285 123282 13003 272771 236073 36698 114516 95104 19412 142508 133081 9427 257024 228185 28839 133743 111872 21871 130070 120586 9484 263813 232458 31355 128948 107856 21092 139092 129088 10004 268040 236944 31096 129486 108908 20578 121390 113812 7578 250876 222720 28156 128540 108204 20336 135069 126306 8763 263609 234510 29099 112574 94119 18455 152473 143828 8645 265047 237947 27100 111939 94127 17812 142851 134706 8145 254790 228833 25957 135995 112275 23720 124356 112159 12197 260351 224434 35917 256674 253162 253639 238555 15084 197520 178888 248751 234756 13995 196874 187058 234436 218926 15510 203895 193626 124552 109066 15486 116856 112957 269613 238469 31144 263922 257743 279167 252387 26780 267209 260496 273614 251109 22505 256953 232351 270272 243700 26572 251048 241353 270639 241761 28878 259600 252574 267826 239663 28163 259196 251566 265708 236935 28773 258534 252443 246262 224296 21966 205899 194546 278871 248546 30325 271656 265668 281481 252259 29222 269486 261053 283668 251624 32044 278123 273812 256042 232237 23805 239688 227439 254042 231362 22680 224938 212650 282950 251424 31526 275689 270306 254336 229388 24948 242033 233025 287873 258137 29736 278583 267962 276269 244346 31923 270861 265507 267361 240364 26997 254299 241272 261914 234046 27868 251583 242368 293260 264534 28726 280906 273719 293330 265129 28201 279204 271767 303713 262773 40940 299337 295991
Chr9 83561422 108745 89165 19580 95725 85953 9772 204470 175118 29352 91731 73967 17764 129772 116543 13229 221503 190510 30993 92291 76228 16063 109604 101960 7644 201895 178188 23707 103325 85639 17686 105015 96717 8298 208340 182356 25984 89150 72913 16237 126205 116591 9614 215355 189504 25851 99720 83681 16039 107589 100686 6903 207309 184367 22942 99238 82945 16293 106315 99248 7067 205553 182193 23360 85874 71932 13942 129041 121564 7477 214915 193496 21419 94013 79204 14809 120446 113434 7012 214459 192638 21821 85260 68147 17113 146079 131679 14400 231339 199826 31513 229374 227205 210622 197833 12789 160442 145500 191186 180186 11000 141801 135727 191262 178524 12738 163442 155194 123422 108286 15136 118017 115397 226086 198321 27765 223003 220691 235137 210991 24146 228781 224904 232142 211962 20180 222778 202577 220419 197222 23197 211278 204179 228212 202136 26076 222672 218993 215474 190686 24788 210760 206862 240185 213230 26955 236307 232528 215257 195160 20097 188612 178367 228816 202680 26136 224656 221148 213155 188531 24624 207648 203700 235351 207327 28024 232294 229881 219630 198065 21565 208926 200237 215191 195157 20034 193756 183093 228038 200781 27257 224479 221747 204512 182495 22017 196562 191600 221831 197179 24652 217063 211190 222017 194666 27351 219918 217781 207403 185056 22347 199766 190899 214764 190746 24018 208923 202671 234592 209628 24964 228508 225098 236621 211807 24814 229626 225946 221593 189358 32235 219014 217050
Chr10 83980604 118226 94555 23671 110789 98926 11863 229015 193481 35534 110526 87651 22875 142339 127588 14751 252865 215239 37626 108500 88765 19735 127728 118987 8741 236228 207752 28476 116945 95750 21195 127225 117375 9850 244170 213125 31045 146085 122477 23608 34327 31371 2956 180412 153848 26564 120300 99282 21018 86295 80404 5891 206595 179686 26909 118781 98078 20703 90627 84277 6350 209408 182355 27053 106239 87460 18779 131084 123251 7833 237323 210711 26612 104227 86002 18225 122701 115290 7411 226928 201292 25636 115057 91660 23397 129774 116262 13512 244831 207922 36909 241404 238425 223851 209620 14231 169687 153902 210514 197739 12775 159904 152083 214503 199742 14761 184216 173817 128284 111938 16346 119711 115999 238525 207777 30748 232659 228492 249597 223361 26236 238359 233061 245180 223406 21774 230300 209446 240393 214726 25667 222359 214304 257511 228007 29504 245798 239869 231033 203484 27549 221431 216355 252616 222777 29839 245062 240083 233565 211400 22165 195884 184946 262982 232588 30394 255558 249726 236375 209308 27067 225348 219404 260926 229000 31926 255264 251148 234595 210802 23793 217984 207498 225056 203349 21707 197485 185814 259623 228180 31443 252455 247523 240240 215189 25051 227862 219066 261057 231731 29326 252282 243326 240854 209540 31314 237524 234093 254241 226490 27751 243366 231881 212003 185582 26421 201768 196848 253266 226194 27072 242564 237524 247334 220998 26336 235287 229860 282840 240794 42046 278655 275611
Chr11 61308211 91527 73016 18511 63908 56882 7026 155435 129898 25537 92463 74098 18365 64952 57556 7396 157415 131654 25761 80443 65779 14664 83358 77657 5701 163801 143436 20365 71111 56722 14389 89838 82994 6844 160949 139716 21233 80954 65744 15210 67209 61990 5219 148163 127734 20429 76785 61582 15203 83881 78102 5779 160666 139684 20982 86108 70490 15618 70049 65240 4809 156157 135730 20427 70034 56401 13633 90225 84657 5568 160259 141058 19201 79330 65390 13940 73496 69018 4478 152826 134408 18418 86503 68657 17846 76827 68305 8522 163330 136962 26368 160891 158894 142017 132433 9584 111633 100758 143054 133577 9477 117220 111662 134724 124338 10386 119817 113214 96479 84141 12338 90057 87332 168211 147183 21028 163076 158835 156728 140135 16593 148226 143987 152568 139081 13487 140029 125973 145403 129443 15960 130987 124974 153435 135188 18247 143650 139557 145047 127166 17881 137585 134086 159166 139629 19537 153405 149690 140493 126626 13867 112365 105564 154209 135185 19024 148400 145063 149207 131766 17441 139344 134987 163874 143045 20829 159036 156398 143189 128087 15102 130326 123545 142319 127850 14469 123165 116257 159538 139640 19898 153389 149571 152264 135876 16388 142262 136537 170002 150611 19391 162946 155917 169572 147315 22257 166693 163071 148312 131079 17233 140989 133075 162431 144063 18368 154739 147200 160386 143188 17198 150990 147124 167664 150260 17404 155702 151464 173873 146255 27618 170978 168953
Chr12 33091231 66230 55678 10552 65414 59789 5625 131644 115467 16177 67684 57051 10633 67199 61431 5768 134883 118482 16401 52496 44511 7985 89363 84020 5343 141859 128531 13328 73113 63202 9911 48974 45686 3288 122087 108888 13199 58837 50266 8571 77690 72663 5027 136527 122929 13598 51390 42850 8540 87861 82584 5277 139251 125434 13817 62313 53217 9096 69414 65143 4271 131727 118360 13367 55539 46919 8620 84353 79608 4745 139892 126527 13365 59586 51124 8462 76277 72357 3920 135863 123481 12382 73925 62731 11194 56162 51281 4881 130087 114012 16075 128381 126100 134034 126213 7821 112833 103702 129146 122448 6698 104087 97619 130286 122679 7607 117391 109656 93332 84829 8503 88742 85264 195581 179517 16064 191376 184438 148458 136333 12125 142275 135949 129117 119561 9556 120182 106809 124873 113896 10977 109639 104319 148990 136065 12925 141770 135349 139359 126585 12774 131927 127353 133493 120535 12958 129653 125923 130046 119957 10089 108929 100822 159074 145318 13756 155259 147615 144688 131882 12806 137063 131259 150302 135696 14606 147258 143880 134243 123348 10895 125466 117661 131925 121715 10210 118366 109543 156781 142602 14179 152436 146360 137446 125789 11657 130984 124357 161551 147565 13986 156252 146955 170419 154683 15736 168270 161858 155283 141970 13313 150255 139957 133329 121283 12046 127428 119564 137362 125301 12061 130735 126269 149154 136661 12493 141753 136254 158471 140016 18455 156560 154618
Chr13 42578167 86353 71205 15148 39063 34958 4105 125416 106163 19253 62964 50123 12841 78790 71327 7463 141754 121450 20304 59401 48708 10693 76076 71212 4864 135477 119920 15557 61411 50245 11166 76780 71410 5370 138191 121655 16536 74832 62598 12234 53337 49655 3682 128169 112253 15916 71687 59096 12591 64453 60120 4333 136140 119216 16924 70278 58263 12015 64348 60189 4159 134626 118452 16174 65801 54295 11506 73881 69450 4431 139682 123745 15937 60747 50095 10652 79227 74723 4504 139974 124818 15156 69024 55566 13458 74987 67942 7045 144011 123508 20503 141928 139620 136242 127724 8518 111968 102282 134525 126319 8206 115545 108961 120760 112331 8429 109921 103788 79481 70375 9106 74115 71344 142054 125738 16316 137501 133799 137999 124667 13332 130261 125971 126806 116405 10401 115627 103134 129790 117308 12482 116025 109818 117357 104481 12876 108709 105127 124183 110446 13737 117797 114241 133800 118706 15094 128950 125638 118149 107763 10386 94386 87876 139975 124644 15331 134883 130887 132872 119307 13565 123741 118453 140665 124592 16073 136553 133791 123251 111520 11731 112652 106157 106255 95631 10624 90806 87018 137520 122161 15359 132119 128671 117393 104991 12402 109074 105540 143167 128225 14942 137432 130569 148635 130798 17837 146551 143210 137610 123128 14482 131484 124168 137437 122744 14693 131179 124851 126285 113299 12986 117706 114506 139309 125956 13353 129576 125302 149625 127546 22079 147126 145063
Chr14 93904894 99030 79141 19889 140126 125797 14329 239156 204938 34218 122024 100211 21813 112170 99975 12195 234194 200186 34008 105972 87291 18681 130146 121174 8972 236118 208465 27653 110561 91043 19518 119951 110434 9517 230512 201477 29035 112458 93033 19425 106362 98146 8216 218820 191179 27641 104228 86483 17745 115288 107845 7443 219516 194328 25188 102416 84627 17789 120919 112747 8172 223335 197374 25961 111521 94172 17349 116001 109175 6826 227522 203347 24175 108691 91821 16870 114944 108166 6778 223635 199987 23648 97408 77938 19470 144434 129756 14678 241842 207694 34148 239502 236824 218971 205067 13904 165089 150704 234264 221239 13025 181784 172267 218805 204699 14106 190120 179044 118954 103531 15423 112631 109662 243630 213108 30522 239955 236848 255915 229658 26257 248511 243099 259396 236782 22614 247995 225689 248265 222028 26237 236065 228095 255523 226386 29137 249054 243613 256735 228196 28539 250831 245236 269402 239282 30120 264452 259381 233397 211621 21776 202913 190716 240617 212918 27699 235677 231039 225582 199317 26265 218438 213344 248081 218233 29848 244426 241073 253401 228640 24761 240555 229770 231369 209559 21810 207662 195585 263941 233045 30896 259204 255136 255732 230019 25713 246373 237221 237288 210456 26832 231476 224672 238694 208543 30151 236204 233246 209742 186047 23695 201415 192141 248832 221886 26946 242030 232750 222303 197808 24495 215266 211223 256975 230271 26704 248164 243018 264290 226350 37940 261431 258896
Chr15 91571448 130559 108006 22553 101680 91139 10541 232239 199145 33094 125918 103796 22122 103191 92487 10704 229109 196283 32826 115944 97019 18925 120775 112483 8292 236719 209502 27217 108267 89402 18865 135752 125284 10468 244019 214686 29333 106881 88153 18728 134875 124633 10242 241756 212786 28970 115337 97194 18143 110342 103019 7323 225679 200213 25466 129333 109826 19507 88484 82338 6146 217817 192164 25653 99665 83860 15805 142353 134373 7980 242018 218233 23785 105031 88703 16328 132814 125209 7605 237845 213912 23933 110645 90111 20534 135110 121404 13706 245755 211515 34240 243369 240429 233814 219775 14039 181444 164118 226218 213536 12682 176755 167997 201558 187883 13675 174943 165996 137226 120585 16641 131229 127751 256630 225928 30702 253378 249103 257288 231275 26013 249661 244511 256419 234486 21933 244640 222176 233362 208809 24553 221741 213468 238589 210927 27662 231992 227497 240973 214143 26830 235154 229647 256352 227466 28886 251886 246736 226460 205228 21232 194743 184699 255121 226477 28644 250164 245295 236750 210118 26632 229394 223668 250474 220640 29834 246860 243241 231040 208340 22700 218854 208369 223271 202389 20882 200465 188775 254150 224254 29896 249253 245163 221258 197740 23518 211832 205351 266161 237923 28238 260185 250737 251244 221003 30241 249052 245362 247303 221243 26060 237355 226625 250061 223723 26338 242875 232558 263149 235900 27249 255545 250646 266496 239311 27185 257550 252242 259899 222415 37484 256858 254144
Chr16 87365405 117014 96521 20493 110449 98657 11792 227463 195178 32285 122505 101470 21035 87148 77594 9554 209653 179064 30589 93374 76849 16525 134653 125273 9380 228027 202122 25905 130266 109916 20350 77735 71411 6324 208001 181327 26674 116108 97135 18973 104772 96618 8154 220880 193753 27127 102095 85367 16728 124366 116206 8160 226461 201573 24888 96790 80239 16551 126694 118337 8357 223484 198576 24908 98506 83098 15408 119980 113016 6964 218486 196114 22372 91795 77028 14767 131341 123683 7658 223136 200711 22425 123338 102193 21145 92572 82419 10153 215910 184612 31298 213721 211540 214610 201768 12842 167321 151639 190326 178670 11656 147479 141837 202143 188554 13589 178364 169774 104704 90778 13926 99835 97416 236518 207487 29031 233144 230660 239900 215730 24170 232419 228374 240549 220310 20239 228891 208457 217648 194700 22948 206012 199107 230883 204981 25902 224359 219772 220740 195464 25276 215242 211434 222746 196993 25753 218577 215270 211911 192122 19789 182196 173244 225805 199925 25880 221404 217781 227090 202046 25044 220220 215567 242091 213739 28352 238610 235918 227704 205638 22066 216134 206499 226445 205888 20557 203864 192469 244546 216179 28367 240393 237156 222166 199513 22653 213779 206758 241524 215778 25746 235890 228676 216533 189476 27057 214395 212451 231418 207407 24011 223324 213626 191669 168978 22691 185055 180894 235491 210742 24749 228411 224879 244101 219026 25075 235445 231555 252666 216977 35689 249888 247725
Chr17 80757907 101013 82865 18148 125296 112378 12918 226309 195243 31066 107309 88489 18820 104744 93778 10966 212053 182267 29786 101374 84985 16389 123144 114304 8840 224518 199289 25229 109666 91766 17900 116972 107620 9352 226638 199386 27252 114142 95960 18182 86356 79376 6980 200498 175336 25162 123463 106052 17411 69164 64514 4650 192627 170566 22061 145024 125309 19715 27323 25091 2232 172347 150400 21947 83613 70549 13064 129625 121963 7662 213238 192512 20726 85549 72397 13152 134138 126135 8003 219687 198532 21155 97349 79621 17728 134695 120840 13855 232044 200461 31583 230238 228071 212874 200576 12298 156791 142599 201683 191030 10653 144401 137812 210979 197999 12980 177382 168500 40731 32416 8315 36343 34789 241472 212301 29171 239060 237051 239103 214499 24604 233421 229791 249463 228067 21396 239941 219391 212475 189989 22486 205072 198533 237236 209917 27319 232727 229368 234761 208462 26299 230775 226885 238666 211727 26939 235288 231698 219254 198930 20324 192804 182521 235894 209648 26246 232260 228597 240715 213927 26788 236067 231699 248395 219322 29073 245712 243253 221994 200242 21752 212085 203283 224390 203978 20412 202134 190945 243272 214859 28413 240234 237375 231727 208369 23358 224231 217405 231983 206462 25521 227575 222085 237202 208677 28525 235330 233298 224833 201518 23315 217094 207525 202266 179280 22986 197021 192052 242980 217174 25806 237510 234408 243206 217553 25653 237041 233562 243260 209854 33406 240883 238961
Chr18 82527541 131458 109962 21496 92875 82704 10171 224333 192666 31667 114930 94839 20091 124120 111403 12717 239050 206242 32808 105272 88213 17059 115028 107065 7963 220300 195278 25022 96875 79820 17055 136438 125616 10822 233313 205436 27877 114113 95457 18656 116414 107119 9295 230527 202576 27951 101679 85506 16173 125987 118086 7901 227666 203592 24074 118920 101134 17786 95715 89084 6631 214635 190218 24417 102549 87402 15147 126758 119269 7489 229307 206671 22636 94665 80221 14444 133329 125657 7672 227994 205878 22116 106256 87280 18976 147636 132574 15062 253892 219854 34038 251835 249076 212163 199766 12397 159092 144106 199117 188203 10914 144832 138499 198997 186633 12364 168511 159237 82438 70915 11523 77326 74427 246429 216506 29923 243764 240735 245251 220329 24922 238814 234123 248265 226880 21385 238674 217290 243589 218297 25292 234005 226197 246081 218151 27930 240595 236173 226128 200421 25707 221284 217201 238854 212175 26679 235003 230414 218420 198255 20165 191414 180730 246637 219121 27516 242497 237731 240500 213992 26508 234957 229536 242275 213605 28670 239362 236138 231778 209428 22350 221018 211022 224800 204631 20169 202323 190338 250829 221843 28986 247077 243309 232252 208587 23665 224225 216969 244758 218354 26404 239904 232762 228774 200743 28031 226836 224027 216863 194090 22773 208819 199050 186257 163495 22762 180059 176516 246963 220818 26145 240834 236456 251594 225352 26242 244481 239913 263849 228013 35836 261220 258755
Chr19 59975221 62758 50663 12095 110056 99005 11051 172814 149668 23146 70006 57116 12890 86981 77916 9065 156987 135032 21955 68185 56767 11418 85555 79345 6210 153740 136112 17628 67199 55222 11977 91683 84366 7317 158882 139588 19294 61261 50039 11222 98749 90984 7765 160010 141023 18987 62761 52237 10524 88938 83237 5701 151699 135474 16225 61319 50800 10519 94524 88267 6257 155843 139067 16776 73372 62891 10481 66294 62434 3860 139666 125325 14341 69731 59463 10268 83003 78209 4794 152734 137672 15062 65848 53381 12467 97061 87232 9829 162909 140613 22296 161617 159956 157360 147940 9420 120452 110287 151828 143435 8393 114918 109686 157524 147841 9683 137246 130040 65012 56052 8960 61361 59726 163747 143709 20038 162109 160485 178658 160726 17932 174427 171295 182681 167255 15426 176031 160448 171526 153698 17828 165391 159806 169888 150755 19133 166899 164033 172800 153717 19083 169765 166497 178806 158944 19862 176168 173182 164811 149692 15119 144947 136934 178652 158923 19729 176104 173116 176850 157523 19327 173404 169792 178349 157681 20668 176373 174381 172594 156329 16265 165059 157961 167023 152154 14869 150530 142030 178259 157757 20502 175881 173649 168058 151514 16544 162770 156876 173876 155351 18525 170727 165757 160046 140458 19588 158741 157066 162855 146195 16660 157613 150293 168657 150763 17894 164620 159219 172011 153775 18236 167810 165222 174862 156699 18163 170166 167368 183652 158492 25160 181924 180258
Chr20 64166202 118799 100304 18495 143927 131363 12564 262726 231667 31059 108095 90553 17542 159274 145771 13503 267369 236324 31045 108615 93194 15421 127793 119981 7812 236408 213175 23233 107504 91813 15691 135433 126292 9141 242937 218105 24832 104283 88944 15339 140960 131355 9605 245243 220299 24944 99027 84885 14142 144238 136171 8067 243265 221056 22209 93832 80050 13782 146928 138492 8436 240760 218542 22218 102591 89032 13559 136657 129437 7220 239248 218469 20779 106163 92472 13691 125932 119290 6642 232095 211762 20333 115700 97433 18267 144143 131420 12723 259843 228853 30990 256800 252106 207246 195618 11628 158909 144211 213416 202740 10676 163842 153880 184315 172720 11595 155417 148105 89144 78240 10904 84532 82384 320183 290959 29224 315027 305316 253870 231959 21911 241386 233043 225901 208393 17508 214141 191766 259416 237045 22371 241952 230132 251281 227541 23740 240041 231855 255667 231842 23825 244683 236870 257873 233065 24808 249982 242433 203611 186421 17190 168595 160301 266299 241363 24936 257902 249462 230274 208626 21648 219757 211293 256942 231542 25400 249441 243026 229833 210410 19423 212109 200188 230806 212535 18271 198165 185232 247549 222752 24797 239819 233545 243634 222781 20853 229595 218639 254869 231369 23500 247439 235682 252298 227501 24797 250276 242112 237842 218017 19825 230621 211636 298126 273584 24542 287804 268263 259392 236126 23266 246450 238782 264824 241617 23207 248496 239632 279065 245524 33541 275915 272147
Chr21 57723302 75459 61839 13620 97875 88086 9789 173334 149925 23409 87481 72841 14640 79316 71289 8027 166797 144130 22667 63265 52232 11033 99483 92681 6802 162748 144913 17835 98019 83172 14847 49890 46092 3798 147909 129264 18645 78138 65192 12946 88081 81397 6684 166219 146589 19630 74604 62750 11854 82564 77344 5220 157168 140094 17074 80844 68068 12776 71419 66821 4598 152263 134889 17374 72543 61587 10956 82329 77666 4663 154872 139253 15619 74269 63208 11061 83690 78927 4763 157959 142135 15824 70457 57200 13257 97823 88261 9562 168280 145461 22819 166729 164889 163030 153485 9545 124258 113394 148167 140012 8155 111956 106447 147574 138583 8991 127857 120202 82543 72236 10307 78023 76086 181299 159998 21301 178717 176205 175598 158146 17452 170555 167048 174759 159862 14897 167307 152368 156019 140001 16018 148813 143328 175889 156515 19374 171414 167831 163487 145561 17926 159326 155827 174380 155149 19231 171081 167955 147177 133820 13357 128099 119945 171868 152867 19001 168587 165389 163505 145801 17704 158659 154488 169652 150188 19464 167158 164692 158374 143187 15187 150235 143268 161310 146962 14348 145113 136680 175508 155606 19902 172358 169548 127417 112794 14623 121215 118937 159372 141646 17726 155098 151024 153798 134639 19159 152234 150142 156979 140472 16507 151091 144428 153989 136837 17152 149400 144731 178830 160596 18234 173911 170520 178179 160100 18079 172560 168893 182423 157591 24832 180455 178794
Chr22 49946797 71393 58286 13107 75544 67957 7587 146937 126243 20694 65907 53200 12707 77412 69964 7448 143319 123164 20155 60046 49526 10520 74610 69618 4992 134656 119144 15512 62384 51258 11126 76979 71462 5517 139363 122720 16643 63648 52535 11113 74955 69676 5279 138603 122211 16392 82806 70043 12763 34798 32374 2424 117604 102417 15187 67642 56439 11203 70092 65446 4646 137734 121885 15849 59894 49774 10120 80241 75603 4638 140135 125377 14758 57781 48075 9706 81122 76462 4660 138903 124537 14366 69879 56919 12960 70286 63375 6911 140165 120294 19871 138375 136506 136467 128387 8080 109512 99479 126068 118457 7611 104878 99993 124504 116085 8419 111992 106453 74520 65556 8964 70159 68048 144773 127969 16804 141164 138607 145479 131611 13868 138895 135570 141531 130061 11470 131745 118959 114579 102939 11640 103660 98839 137859 123150 14709 131280 127507 142951 127793 15158 137664 133763 145071 128975 16096 141021 138100 128627 117297 11330 105655 99525 138385 123440 14945 134423 131379 137219 122759 14460 129822 125910 148427 131678 16749 144982 142774 136825 124181 12644 126962 120375 136894 124707 12187 120986 113908 142426 126314 16112 138121 135541 120565 107666 12899 113172 110186 136209 121325 14884 130828 126800 136483 120018 16465 134570 132423 125627 111792 13835 119567 114721 112134 98796 13338 106213 103545 145860 131603 14257 138601 135668 146559 132461 14098 138421 135206 159023 136912 22111 156832 155146
Chr23 55726280 76007 63270 12737 65819 58924 6895 141826 122194 19632 64698 53073 11625 97417 87824 9593 162115 140897 21218 64272 53651 10621 87527 81429 6098 151799 135080 16719 66741 55583 11158 86251 79518 6733 152992 135101 17891 66021 54970 11051 82536 76037 6499 148557 131007 17550 57285 47688 9597 93425 87657 5768 150710 135345 15365 63059 52744 10315 85564 79859 5705 148623 132603 16020 62226 52810 9416 86131 81221 4910 148357 134031 14326 63759 54189 9570 84522 79500 5022 148281 133689 14592 61737 50318 11419 100104 90118 9986 161841 140436 21405 160335 158277 132701 124248 8453 99051 90699 138244 130593 7651 106023 100337 123908 115227 8681 104904 100015 54115 46383 7732 50511 49001 164031 144699 19332 162082 159440 159225 143481 15744 154357 150680 151482 138423 13059 144371 131146 133912 119495 14417 126986 122801 152810 135859 16951 148911 145251 160027 142669 17358 156688 152557 157981 140498 17483 155064 151676 142682 129847 12835 125039 116993 146394 129656 16738 143414 140561 148720 132415 16305 144457 140633 152392 134484 17908 150199 147779 147898 133836 14062 140453 133226 148284 134978 13306 133469 125301 160135 141841 18294 157477 154491 141386 126923 14463 135495 130576 159936 142871 17065 156206 150610 143462 125958 17504 142124 139843 136172 121797 14375 131454 124536 131826 116711 15115 127409 123676 160799 144378 16421 156068 151940 164306 147809 16497 158804 154193 169472 146496 22976 167673 165829
Chr24 46749900 60363 48900 11463 66214 59421 6793 126577 108321 18256 64061 52129 11932 70632 63499 7133 134693 115628 19065 57976 47909 10067 77311 72059 5252 135287 119968 15319 58464 48121 10343 82251 76061 6190 140715 124182 16533 69836 58448 11388 49719 45936 3783 119555 104384 15171 64598 53951 10647 60385 56423 3962 124983 110374 14609 61333 50961 10372 58789 54860 3929 120122 105821 14301 57737 48171 9566 74289 69930 4359 132026 118101 13925 61789 52080 9709 65983 62125 3858 127772 114205 13567 65945 53772 12173 67296 60348 6948 133241 114120 19121 131658 129931 130586 123021 7565 105147 94605 127818 120556 7262 104106 98292 130573 122384 8189 117354 109942 69405 60767 8638 65449 63579 137394 120637 16757 134493 132365 134934 121460 13474 129773 126340 131760 120741 11019 123837 111359 120597 108174 12423 112219 107509 130326 115737 14589 124804 121495 132106 117523 14583 127682 124305 135417 120186 15231 131916 129105 122882 111802 11080 103615 97112 127093 112583 14510 123519 120997 134042 119532 14510 128569 124334 140234 123945 16289 137364 134878 120045 107891 12154 111869 106702 131412 119509 11903 116920 109496 121702 106779 14923 118215 116182 133001 119906 13095 126772 121715 138408 123386 15022 134131 129372 136782 119817 16965 135063 133064 134120 120186 13934 128818 122171 121731 107951 13780 116851 112732 135399 121315 14084 130117 126839 135176 121367 13809 129218 125751 151436 130126 21310 149538 147978
Chr25 39536964 55194 44564 10630 54150 48897 5253 109344 93461 15883 49298 39346 9952 66638 59957 6681 115936 99303 16633 50728 42003 8725 53389 49689 3700 104117 91692 12425 50893 41926 8967 58789 54438 4351 109682 96364 13318 41901 33726 8175 67635 62886 4749 109536 96612 12924 62689 52427 10262 38507 35920 2587 101196 88347 12849 58814 49214 9600 45692 42579 3113 104506 91793 12713 57884 48533 9351 40405 37833 2572 98289 86366 11923 43299 35484 7815 63720 60055 3665 107019 95539 11480 56017 45304 10713 50399 45462 4937 106416 90766 15650 104874 103369 103487 97117 6370 81047 73649 101463 95384 6079 82499 78383 103616 96650 6966 92002 86815 63643 56212 7431 59699 57739 108469 95245 13224 105235 103215 112103 101251 10852 106795 103771 105974 97077 8897 97948 87937 108655 97914 10741 97972 93857 108984 97284 11700 102588 99535 111593 99521 12072 106570 103434 116183 103315 12868 112548 110031 95970 87255 8715 77871 72999 112821 100444 12377 108604 105947 113050 101143 11907 105887 102530 119594 105896 13698 116558 114600 99232 89777 9455 90883 85984 109362 99555 9807 96173 90615 118034 104722 13312 113966 111532 107743 96977 10766 101641 97501 117671 105314 12357 112851 108230 109682 95985 13697 108053 106106 109352 97767 11585 104358 99256 92483 81770 10713 88042 84448 116834 105286 11548 110400 107659 117537 106086 11451 110450 107297 113515 96665 16850 111549 110262
Chr26 41866177 64252 54092 10160 69809 62975 6834 134061 117067 16994 54330 45248 9082 75880 68476 7404 130210 113724 16486 52179 44152 8027 72596 67813 4783 124775 111965 12810 62119 52916 9203 63105 58285 4820 125224 111201 14023 61092 52029 9063 66926 61884 5042 128018 113913 14105 54805 46712 8093 76325 71751 4574 131130 118463 12667 49333 41664 7669 79013 74047 4966 128346 115711 12635 54929 47330 7599 74731 70588 4143 129660 117918 11742 54853 47477 7376 63247 59818 3429 118100 107295 10805 56596 47220 9376 79601 71848 7753 136197 119068 17129 135079 133432 127065 120212 6853 96453 87103 119098 113049 6049 88140 83326 101486 95168 6318 85415 80553 63164 56102 7062 59721 58093 137037 121657 15380 135486 133376 139500 126450 13050 135613 132306 138289 127315 10974 132221 119808 129931 117102 12829 124475 120264 145219 130165 15054 141748 138897 134615 120744 13871 131848 129108 131939 118112 13827 129696 127074 129872 118770 11102 113163 106442 140401 125912 14489 137969 135162 137558 123513 14045 134140 130884 141838 126499 15339 140214 138191 132096 120353 11743 125458 119779 130429 119479 10950 117087 110340 141289 126245 15044 139176 136731 130423 118105 12318 125704 121528 142495 128284 14211 139851 135329 132513 117740 14773 131387 129476 126738 114585 12153 122542 116662 100770 89299 11471 97536 95416 142912 129089 13823 139105 136181 138774 125205 13569 134388 131701 140197 122060 18137 138843 137454
Chr27 39960074 62872 52726 10146 61780 55838 5942 124652 108564 16088 48515 39894 8621 86097 77900 8197 134612 117794 16818 52726 44506 8220 68631 64019 4612 121357 108525 12832 64820 55208 9612 55353 51147 4206 120173 106355 13818 51894 43521 8373 77495 71616 5879 129389 115137 14252 54245 46348 7897 64620 60714 3906 118865 107062 11803 54900 46686 8214 73917 69152 4765 128817 115838 12979 51098 43751 7347 75800 71471 4329 126898 115222 11676 48740 41721 7019 75121 70869 4252 123861 112590 11271 66637 56345 10292 59460 53302 6158 126097 109647 16450 125040 123402 127392 120250 7142 98940 90108 125660 119342 6318 95977 90441 119996 112922 7074 104105 98346 66624 59181 7443 63827 62164 125126 110626 14500 123803 122406 138462 125322 13140 134748 131810 131873 121108 10765 126091 114411 134931 121852 13079 129865 125055 134528 120113 14415 131867 129237 117903 105021 12882 115437 113167 139233 124702 14531 137230 134625 124466 113619 10847 109217 103012 122314 109030 13284 120420 118175 131842 118096 13746 128940 125843 133359 118543 14816 131985 130174 129377 117841 11536 123524 117634 126965 116201 10764 114589 107617 143035 127599 15436 141224 138935 119455 107708 11747 115305 111521 140892 126807 14085 137893 133726 132022 117326 14696 131092 129233 135389 122636 12753 130617 124571 129283 116258 13025 125983 121668 132590 119262 13328 129248 126921 133526 120361 13165 129662 127022 131656 114378 17278 130434 129108
Chr28 46177339 63592 52010 11582 66961 60331 6630 130553 112341 18212 69709 57432 12277 57531 51784 5747 127240 109216 18024 49195 40316 8879 77803 72703 5100 126998 113019 13979 61258 50776 10482 64148 59458 4690 125406 110234 15172 70912 59765 11147 51405 47796 3609 122317 107561 14756 56644 46843 9801 71160 66664 4496 127804 113507 14297 55669 46104 9565 75534 70598 4936 131203 116702 14501 62155 52322 9833 63910 60169 3741 126065 112491 13574 50672 42279 8393 78256 73807 4449 128928 116086 12842 57202 46085 11117 79608 72067 7541 136810 118152 18658 135177 133641 117383 110237 7146 90033 81982 117560 110915 6645 92690 88247 109983 102621 7362 95979 90862 68194 59965 8229 64207 62504 130396 114973 15423 127622 125435 131214 118133 13081 125862 122883 128070 117252 10818 120035 108761 124988 112437 12551 115093 110722 129105 115219 13886 123618 120484 129983 115922 14061 125544 122472 129685 115297 14388 126541 124044 112969 102707 10262 93824 88601 116190 103201 12989 112971 110705 133563 119493 14070 127366 123658 131626 116374 15252 128881 127032 128956 116839 12117 120006 114432 123807 112495 11312 109823 103976 134915 119541 15374 131381 129329 129922 117110 12812 123507 118974 121551 108264 13287 117430 113491 118007 102939 15068 116354 114920 120097 107550 12547 115172 109755 109765 96868 12897 105037 101744 97744 86406 11338 91667 90794 128795 115738 13057 122165 119491 142701 122518 20183 140716 139339
Chr29 33672925 48728 40431 8297 55553 50032 5521 104281 90463 13818 47547 39459 8088 49369 44416 4953 96916 83875 13041 57296 49075 8221 34784 32342 2442 92080 81417 10663 41162 34186 6976 60358 55709 4649 101520 89895 11625 61609 52789 8820 27028 24843 2185 88637 77632 11005 46941 39908 7033 50938 47707 3231 97879 87615 10264 49795 42597 7198 41258 38448 2810 91053 81045 10008 39576 33733 5843 56323 53088 3235 95899 86821 9078 41905 35758 6147 54575 51391 3184 96480 87149 9331 53916 45137 8779 48190 43271 4919 102106 88408 13698 101205 100040 112896 106650 6246 91581 83049 104757 99468 5289 85523 79998 105128 99093 6035 94279 88157 51936 45939 5997 49685 48316 107673 95107 12566 106442 104985 104460 94280 10180 101641 99540 103040 94441 8599 98520 89361 95365 85698 9667 91135 87778 104829 93645 11184 102566 100260 103501 92448 11053 101549 99387 106633 95024 11609 105055 103121 94305 86033 8272 82305 77154 86876 76593 10283 85072 83653 100496 89919 10577 98162 95686 97692 86232 11460 96269 94989 98522 89251 9271 93839 89674 98582 89906 8676 88922 83753 109272 97141 12131 107682 105945 97716 88109 9607 94330 91134 98472 87834 10638 96276 93256 95536 84268 11268 94708 93396 100275 90081 10194 96547 92405 90243 80127 10116 87544 85132 106240 95445 10795 103588 101489 103996 93618 10378 100822 98550 112308 97249 15059 111253 110122
Chr30 30062385 50027 41746 8281 44086 39334 4752 94113 81080 13033 45763 38004 7759 54354 48686 5668 100117 86690 13427 37613 31343 6270 60174 56048 4126 97787 87391 10396 46975 39635 7340 48989 45103 3886 95964 84738 11226 48792 41306 7486 39991 36794 3197 88783 78100 10683 43896 37339 6557 50312 47032 3280 94208 84371 9837 41364 34883 6481 56968 53200 3768 98332 88083 10249 44678 38513 6165 51353 48292 3061 96031 86805 9226 52451 45613 6838 38248 35938 2310 90699 81551 9148 43521 36037 7484 64645 58041 6604 108166 94078 14088 107103 105948 92194 86831 5363 69746 63541 86155 81656 4499 64900 61727 74607 69895 4712 63959 60187 51979 46115 5864 49563 48195 104621 92416 12205 103245 102026 102866 92725 10141 99678 97813 104361 95826 8535 99340 89829 101193 91083 10110 95784 92382 103170 91947 11223 100434 98657 95161 84902 10259 92673 90629 93299 82642 10657 91188 89774 93872 85579 8293 80733 76392 96407 85965 10442 94248 92378 102695 91796 10899 99891 97481 97566 86544 11022 95927 94612 96590 87518 9072 91214 86964 93523 85233 8290 82926 78289 107787 95946 11841 105985 104317 93254 84331 8923 89270 85964 108323 97353 10970 105870 102624 102836 90657 12179 101899 100859 93812 84155 9657 89761 85914 103993 93449 10544 101040 97329 105177 94466 10711 101740 99993 103204 92938 10266 99648 97706 108727 93897 14830 107486 106517
Chr31 24984650 28011 22861 5150 45287 40801 4486 73298 63662 9636 30306 24901 5405 51709 46656 5053 82015 71557 10458 36851 31527 5324 29579 27529 2050 66430 59056 7374 34912 29605 5307 37835 34944 2891 72747 64549 8198 43905 37716 6189 28125 25934 2191 72030 63650 8380 28642 24095 4547 43178 40522 2656 71820 64617 7203 30678 25865 4813 39697 37210 2487 70375 63075 7300 32401 27909 4492 32089 30286 1803 64490 58195 6295 32313 27727 4586 39075 36872 2203 71388 64599 6789 37118 31129 5989 38314 34416 3898 75432 65545 9887 74776 73975 73007 69013 3994 57497 52125 63563 60151 3412 49482 47329 62438 58425 4013 54516 52074 31922 28018 3904 30477 29635 70657 62418 8239 69549 68797 81847 74205 7642 79544 77798 78803 72472 6331 75073 68307 74723 67385 7338 70886 68555 72289 64647 7642 70485 69028 70196 62662 7534 68500 67128 78003 69626 8377 76621 75238 62625 56869 5756 53282 50758 74173 66282 7891 72853 71341 69870 62496 7374 67933 66251 77520 68835 8685 76380 75560 70654 64216 6438 66958 63956 68958 62835 6123 61696 58434 71848 63738 8110 70665 69633 74008 67048 6960 71451 68827 78413 70459 7954 76693 74280 70186 61842 8344 69512 68745 64858 58419 6439 62504 59490 71833 64514 7319 69809 67448 80015 72174 7841 77676 76225 78203 70589 7614 75582 74083 75684 65351 10333 74873 74161
ChrX 124114077 173539 141475 32064 39659 35825 3834 213198 177300 35898 173202 141068 32134 41570 37517 4053 214772 178585 36187 115996 91834 24162 124922 115175 9747 240918 207009 33909 109835 85361 24474 141283 129142 12141 251118 214503 36615 159200 135978 23222 32933 30810 2123 192133 166788 25345 111051 88750 22301 127795 119170 8625 238846 207920 30926 112956 89542 23414 129943 120584 9359 242899 210126 32773 104996 84634 20362 146830 137969 8861 251826 222603 29223 130244 107461 22783 101549 95398 6151 231793 202859 28934 177900 145389 32511 40227 36230 3997 218127 181619 36508   200839 190447 10392 214858 200731 14127 155495 146130 194117 182345 11772 165285 142638 22647 156585 151717 424755 385340 39415 191810 168658 23152 233491 209038 24453 221701 204481 185653 164150 21503 188063 163448 24615 184078 160587 23491 193553 168516 25037 176055 159561 16494 197197 171988 25209 187302 163450 23852 192512 165695 26817 178215 159273 18942 172711 156351 16360 192696 166225 26471 180454 160471 19983 250936 218341 32595 244344 234789 392690 356387 36303 342319 318663 23656   357682 331746 25936   195157 171531 23626 134397 133804 245363 214238 31125 237303 231502 220050 181378 38672  
ChrX - Retained Homozygotes (Males Only) 124114077     173539     173202                 159200                             177900 173703 172566 136347   52740 52570     140413   75547 75337     160860   154468 153726 155947 138027 137186   154355   105662 104922 155499   132222 131443 151126   126052 125233 158813   138362 137499 140445   54211 53680 163053   140229 139358 154601   127527 126753 158433   148348 147524 149193   91078 90322 144410   62090 61529 157513   143200 142383 152351   104615 103886     166142 159389 158631 146914 87259 86600 160683 112850 112089 153815       179891 175701 174787
ChrUn 107858955 183213 161935 21278 386737 371263 15474 569950 533198 36752 199763 178311 21452 375078 360183 14895 574841 538494 36347 153857 138650 15207 319401 308143 11258 473258 446793 26465 149490 134536 14954 319626 307270 12356 469116 441806 27310 163017 147827 15190 310981 298912 12069 473998 446739 27259 149273 133671 15602 325037 313661 11376 474310 447332 26978 145910 130313 15597 331077 319198 11879 476987 449511 27476 152071 137170 14901 347106 336204 10902 499177 473374 25803 141618 127151 14467 351477 340403 11074 493095 467554 25541 190653 169450 21203 392151 376352 15799 582804 545802 37002 569896 507891 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 277744 261669 16075 243289 210342 626308 592717 33591 606923 525759 634444 606544 27900 585693 463452 400821 379831 20990 362311 290051 416769 394079 22690 382983 314685 431426 406803 24623 402581 340443 445506 420606 24900 422971 358837 476105 449284 26821 456180 390360 388716 368566 20150 345089 277042 437896 413347 24549 417453 354747 442304 417305 24999 416533 350710 493628 465054 28574 479799 417880 403938 382242 21696 374938 306887 372756 353562 19194 333433 268157 475672 448590 27082 455223 388363 419086 396604 22482 394950 328436 530829 502762 28067 506901 418944 593678 561000 32678 578500 494421 489823 464542 25281 462593 374330 531648 504609 27039 500757 411845 652102 623714 28388 584805 472827 630149 602284 27865 565589 456264 664133 621514 42619 651494 587181
Total 2474912402 3491471 2874474 616997 3563462 3224878 338584 7054933 6099352 955581 3414505 2807605 606900 3682215 3332102 350113 7096720 6139707 957013 2995412 2492561 502851 3855398 3600999 254399 6850810 6093560 757250 3187187 2647816 539371 3739471 3463962 275509 6926658 6111778 814880 3439729 2887589 552140 3167507 2938516 228991 6607236 5826105 781131 3238684 2720367 518317 3380170 3172441 207729 6618854 5892808 726046 3262075 2739082 522993 3369272 3155192 214080 6631347 5894274 737073 3019804 2549742 470062 3835602 3622414 213188 6855406 6172156 683250 2979570 2518006 461564 3798618 3587631 210987 6778188 6105637 672551 3383748 2778871 604877 3771586 3413713 357873 7155334 6192584 962750 7028687 6888527 6185923 5816706 369217 4671401 4243939 5977722 5638719 339003 4616543 4381633 5729779 5355286 374493 4882826 4621023 3474944 3054411 420533 3261363 3139966 7685664 6826863 858801 7283159 7091554 7457167 6745906 711261 7124501 6857385 7158459 6560085 598374 6771187 6105443 6799997 6119862 680135 6317799 6031118 7067693 6303887 763806 6768277 6562068 6975826 6226018 749808 6711518 6503423 7237734 6451587 786147 7019686 6825175 6463439 5886962 576477 5437016 5082971 7079451 6312395 767056 6854815 6657098 6932514 6195436 737078 6623461 6396692 7265729 6443064 822665 7093308 6936176 6724876 6093855 631021 6252496 5907793 6565808 5980476 585332 5756779 5386800 7336964 6517373 819591 7124500 6941595 6782745 6117561 665184 6412037 6135117 7373738 6606936 766802 7165236 6847212 7373360 6533699 839661 7053501 6869413 6912110 6226685 685425 6390546 6013540 6996856 6277682 719174 6511855 6209297 7319615 6594037 725578 6956750 6720115 7579190 6840736 738454 7236959 6979128 7850195 6793558 1056637 7707777 7571597
* Note: FM = Franches-Montagnes
Table S5: Number of variant calls by type per individual
Sample ID Gender Sick/Control Reference Legnth (bp) Total Variant Rate SNV Rate Indel Rate Heterozygosity
Arabian1 M Case 2474912402 0.00285 0.00246 0.00039 0.00144
Arabian2 M Case 0.00287 0.00248 0.00039 0.00149
Arabian3 F Case 0.00277 0.00246 0.00031 0.00156
Arabian4 F Case 0.00280 0.00247 0.00033 0.00151
Arabian5 M Case 0.00267 0.00235 0.00032 0.00128
Arabian6 F Case 0.00267 0.00238 0.00029 0.00137
Arabian7 F Case 0.00268 0.00238 0.00030 0.00136
Arabian8 F Case 0.00277 0.00249 0.00028 0.00155
Arabian9 F Case 0.00274 0.00247 0.00027 0.00153
ArabianControl M Control 0.00289 0.00250 0.00039 0.00152
Rates were caluclated as (Total No. of variants)/(Reference Length)
Heterozygosity was calculated as (Total Hets)/(Reference Length)
* All rates were calculated prior to filtering for depth >= 5 and QUAL >= 30
Table S6: Variant rates per studied individuals
# Chromosome Position (bp) Reference Change Change_Type Ensembl Gene_ID Gene_Symbol Effect
1 34400916 C T SNP ENSECAG00000005643 CYP2C19-like NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING
1 56403753 A G SNP ENSECAG00000003808 ENSECAG00000003808 EXON: exon_1_56403341_56404438
1 79865091 * +GATCCCTTGTAT INS ENSECAG00000005158 ENSECAG00000005158 EXON: exon_1_79864899_79866290
1 109551701 A G SNP ENSECAG00000012043 ENSECAG00000012043 EXON: exon_1_109551428_109551934
1 118571617 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024605 SIN3A DOWNSTREAM: 3097 bases
1 118571617 G A SNP ENSECAG00000021864 MAN2C1 UPSTREAM: 20 bases
1 168593272 A G SNP ENSECAG00000023505 HECTD1 UPSTREAM: 2158 bases
3 40639338 T C SNP ENSECAG00000014022 TSPAN5 UTR_5_PRIME: 95 bases from TSS
3 40639347 A C SNP ENSECAG00000014022 TSPAN5 UTR_5_PRIME: 86 bases from TSS
3 40639351 A C SNP ENSECAG00000014022 TSPAN5 UTR_5_PRIME: 82 bases from TSS
3 114465332 C A SNP ENSECAG00000019297 MAN2B2 INTRON
4 92721408 T C SNP ENSECAG00000024679 LUC7L2 INTRON
4 92754841 G A SNP ENSECAG00000008910 KLRG2 DOWNSTREAM: 1949 bases
5 42106731 A G SNP ENSECAG00000009993 UBQLN4 UPSTREAM: 2087 bases
5 42106731 A G SNP ENSECAG00000009193 LAMTOR2 UPSTREAM: 660 bases
5 42106731 A G SNP ENSECAG00000023191 RAB25 UPSTREAM: 4854 bases
5 44459997 G C SNP ENSECAG00000015749 ENSECAG00000015749 EXON: exon_5_44459964_44460491
5 63143162 T C SNP ENSECAG00000021148 RNPC3 UTR_3_PRIME: 5655 bases from CDS
7 17134861 C A SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 UPSTREAM: 2517 bases
7 17135537 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 UPSTREAM: 1841 bases
7 17135698 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 UPSTREAM: 1680 bases
7 17145039 C G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17145039 C G SNP ENSECAG00000003394 ENSECAG00000003394 DOWNSTREAM: 4239 bases
7 17145688 T C SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17145688 T C SNP ENSECAG00000005621 ENSECAG00000005621 DOWNSTREAM: 4725 bases
7 17145688 T C SNP ENSECAG00000003394 ENSECAG00000003394 DOWNSTREAM: 3590 bases
7 17154841 T G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17154841 T G SNP ENSECAG00000003394 ENSECAG00000003394 UPSTREAM: 4937 bases
7 17154841 T G SNP ENSECAG00000005621 ENSECAG00000005621 UPSTREAM: 3775 bases
7 17157722 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17158015 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17158239 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17162062 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17163314 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17168493 T G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17170673 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17173825 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17175095 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17177165 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17177400 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17177943 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17185206 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17185761 T C SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17186641 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17187738 * -AT DEL ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17190480 G C SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17193865 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17195251 T G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17195573 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17200107 C G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17206096 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17222709 G T SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17224595 A C SNP ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 INTRON
7 17324744 G A SNP ENSECAG00000008226 NPAT INTRON
7 17326760 * +A INS ENSECAG00000008226 NPAT INTRON
7 48401093 T C SNP ENSECAG00000020829 ENSECAG00000020829 DOWNSTREAM: 1679 bases
10 10255207 A G SNP ENSECAG00000007731 DLL3 INTRON
10 10255207 A G SNP ENSECAG00000018277 MED29 DOWNSTREAM: 4350 bases
10 10255219 G C SNP ENSECAG00000007731 DLL3 INTRON
10 10255219 G C SNP ENSECAG00000018277 MED29 DOWNSTREAM: 4362 bases
10 10255222 A G SNP ENSECAG00000007731 DLL3 INTRON
10 10255222 A G SNP ENSECAG00000018277 MED29 DOWNSTREAM: 4365 bases
10 10255231 A C SNP ENSECAG00000007731 DLL3 INTRON
10 10255231 A C SNP ENSECAG00000018277 MED29 DOWNSTREAM: 4374 bases
11 8365211 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024813 CPSF4L DOWNSTREAM: 1755 bases
11 8377990 G A SNP ENSECAG00000005101 FAM104A UPSTREAM: 4870 bases
11 8379716 T C SNP ENSECAG00000005101 FAM104A UPSTREAM: 3144 bases
11 8379825 G A SNP ENSECAG00000005101 FAM104A UPSTREAM: 3035 bases
11 8381173 T C SNP ENSECAG00000024819 C17orf80 UPSTREAM: 1221 bases
11 8381173 T C SNP ENSECAG00000005101 FAM104A UPSTREAM: 1687 bases
11 8381348 T G SNP ENSECAG00000024819 C17orf80 UPSTREAM: 1396 bases
11 8381348 T G SNP ENSECAG00000005101 FAM104A UPSTREAM: 1512 bases
11 8381772 T C SNP ENSECAG00000024819 C17orf80 UPSTREAM: 1820 bases
11 8381772 T C SNP ENSECAG00000005101 FAM104A UPSTREAM: 1088 bases
11 20453367 T C SNP ENSECAG00000023980 MLX UPSTREAM: 345 bases
11 20453367 T C SNP ENSECAG00000008468 COASY DOWNSTREAM: 733 bases
11 20453368 G C SNP ENSECAG00000023980 MLX UPSTREAM: 346 bases
11 20453368 G C SNP ENSECAG00000008468 COASY DOWNSTREAM: 732 bases
11 20453369 A C SNP ENSECAG00000023980 MLX UPSTREAM: 347 bases
11 20453369 A C SNP ENSECAG00000008468 COASY DOWNSTREAM: 731 bases
11 20453370 G A SNP ENSECAG00000023980 MLX UPSTREAM: 348 bases
11 20453370 G A SNP ENSECAG00000008468 COASY DOWNSTREAM: 730 bases
11 20453371 G C SNP ENSECAG00000023980 MLX UPSTREAM: 349 bases
11 20453371 G C SNP ENSECAG00000008468 COASY DOWNSTREAM: 729 bases
11 20453372 T C SNP ENSECAG00000023980 MLX UPSTREAM: 350 bases
11 20453372 T C SNP ENSECAG00000008468 COASY DOWNSTREAM: 728 bases
11 25874612 C T SNP ENSECAG00000011107 PPP1R9B UTR_5_PRIME: 6911 bases from TSS
11 26069005 C G SNP ENSECAG00000016779 MRPL27 UTR_5_PRIME: 2085 bases from TSS
11 34712031 T G SNP ENSECAG00000024480 TBX2 UPSTREAM: 1172 bases
11 51801163 A C SNP ENSECAG00000026819 NTN1 SPLICE_SITE_REGION
12 13904089 G C SNP ENSECAG00000006360 OR5D13-like NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING
13 18990472 G A SNP ENSECAG00000010801 RNF40 SPLICE_SITE_REGION
13 19142124 C T SNP ENSECAG00000006415 ENSECAG00000006415 EXON: exon_13_19142119_19142409
14 77065328 G T SNP ENSECAG00000021057 GPR98 INTRON
14 77066812 C T SNP ENSECAG00000021057 GPR98 INTRON
14 77074065 T C SNP ENSECAG00000021057 GPR98 INTRON
14 77078556 G A SNP ENSECAG00000021057 GPR98 INTRON
15 16141784 G A SNP ENSECAG00000009244 PAX8 SPLICE_SITE_REGION
15 31601771 C A SNP ENSECAG00000013331 NAGK UPSTREAM: 581 bases
15 31601785 A G SNP ENSECAG00000013331 NAGK UPSTREAM: 595 bases
15 31601786 G C SNP ENSECAG00000013331 NAGK UPSTREAM: 596 bases
15 31601788 T G SNP ENSECAG00000013331 NAGK UPSTREAM: 598 bases
16 26528763 C T SNP ENSECAG00000014486 CADPS INTRON
16 26537854 A G SNP ENSECAG00000014486 CADPS INTRON
16 26548718 G A SNP ENSECAG00000014486 CADPS INTRON
16 39192620 A G SNP ENSECAG00000007760 SMARCC1 INTRON
16 39192620 A G SNP ENSECAG00000023214 ENSECAG00000023214 DOWNSTREAM: 1898 bases
17 7708430 C T SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7708701 C G SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7708729 C T SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7710095 C T SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7710450 A C SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7713021 G A SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7714594 G A SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7717528 C T SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7718785 C T SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7723991 A T SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
17 7738293 A T SNP ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 INTRON
20 29542417 C A SNP ENSECAG00000015974 TRIM39-RPP21 INTRON
20 29542422 T A SNP ENSECAG00000015974 TRIM39-RPP21 INTRON
23 28933011 C T SNP ENSECAG00000025212 7SK EXON: exon_23_28932992_28933318
24 22175780 A G SNP ENSECAG00000020372 ENSECAG00000020372 EXON: exon_24_22175709_22176149
25 10493204 G T SNP ENSECAG00000005877 ENSECAG00000005877 UPSTREAM: 1425 bases
25 18953131 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18955309 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18957466 G T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18958600 G T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18966344 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18966344 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 UPSTREAM: 3210 bases
25 18967227 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18967227 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 UPSTREAM: 2327 bases
25 18972172 C G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18975076 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18977716 G T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18978403 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18985663 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18987059 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18990327 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18990774 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18991878 C G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18994293 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18994662 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18995455 C A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 18997806 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19002172 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19002364 G C SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19002443 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19002856 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19003138 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19009291 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19009291 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 1210 bases
25 19009621 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19009621 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 1540 bases
25 19010414 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19010414 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 2333 bases
25 19020036 C G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19020669 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19022404 T C SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19022409 G T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19028823 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19029137 A G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19034116 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19034453 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19035221 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19039055 C G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19040359 G T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19040419 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19041425 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19044064 T C SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19045651 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19050545 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19053028 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19053343 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19053902 C G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19055222 A C SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19055537 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19057278 C A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19061006 G T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19061489 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19061530 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19062609 C G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19062644 T C SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19064001 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19067204 * -AGATGGTGG DEL ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19067204 * -AGATGGTGG DEL ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 UPSTREAM: 3001 bases
25 19069534 T G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19069534 T G SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 UPSTREAM: 671 bases
25 19073981 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19074736 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19075008 G T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19082147 A T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19090136 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19090136 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 2621 bases
25 19092927 T C SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19094185 A T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19095685 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19097361 G C SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 INTRON
25 19102757 G T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 1471 bases
25 19103540 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 2254 bases
25 19104100 C A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 2814 bases
25 19104318 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 3032 bases
25 19104599 G A SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 3313 bases
25 19105413 C T SNP ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 DOWNSTREAM: 4127 bases
25 30566722 T C SNP ENSECAG00000013574 RALGPS1 INTRON
25 30567300 A T SNP ENSECAG00000013574 RALGPS1 INTRON
25 30615922 C T SNP ENSECAG00000013574 RALGPS1 INTRON
25 30615922 C T SNP ENSECAG00000016234 ANGPTL2 INTRON
25 30624805 C T SNP ENSECAG00000013574 RALGPS1 INTRON
25 30624805 C T SNP ENSECAG00000016234 ANGPTL2 INTRON
26 8247567 G A SNP ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 INTRON
26 8284273 C T SNP ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 INTRON
26 8285039 A G SNP ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 INTRON
26 8293637 A G SNP ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 INTRON
26 8294820 A G SNP ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 INTRON
26 8297348 G A SNP ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 INTRON
26 8302326 G A SNP ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 INTRON
26 8302673 C T SNP ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 INTRON
26 8317102 C T SNP ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 INTRON
27 21809695 T C SNP ENSECAG00000011850 ENSECAG00000011850 UPSTREAM: 2691 bases
28 37758701 C A SNP ENSECAG00000010476 L3MBTL2 INTRON
28 40848443 * -AGGACAGGTCTCCTCAC DEL ENSECAG00000017155 ENSECAG00000017155 INTRON
30 28954714 C T SNP ENSECAG00000014608 ELF3 INTRON
X 21510767 G A SNP ENSECAG00000015989 ENSECAG00000015989 UPSTREAM: 2575 bases
X 21510767 G A SNP ENSECAG00000015432 ENSECAG00000015432 UPSTREAM: 1831 bases
X 29461956 G A SNP ENSECAG00000004954 ENSECAG00000004954 UPSTREAM: 1533 bases
Un0002 747527 A G SNP ENSECAG00000020718 SEPT5 DOWNSTREAM: 2153 bases
Un0048 98505 G C SNP ENSECAG00000026885 GFM1 DOWNSTREAM: 4925 bases
Un0048 120118 T C SNP ENSECAG00000026885 GFM1 INTRON
* Note that the list comprises comprises more than 213 rows, since each variant may have more than one effect.
Table S7: The Unique-Cases dataset containing 213 variants uniquely shared across all sick individuals within non-intergenic regions and their predicted functional effects
Number of Variants Ensembl Gene ID Associated Gene Name Gene type Description Ensembl Gene ID Associated Gene Name Gene type Description
72 ENSECAG00000024297 COL27A1 protein_coding collagen, type XXVII, alpha 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:22986] ENSG00000196739 COL27A1 protein_coding collagen, type XXVII, alpha 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:22986]
31 ENSECAG00000024437 CUL5 protein_coding cullin 5 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:2556] ENSG00000166266 CUL5 protein_coding cullin 5 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:2556]
11 ENSECAG00000002171 FLT3 protein_coding fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3765] ENSG00000122025 FLT3 protein_coding fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3765]
9 ENSECAG00000014096 GBE1 protein_coding Equus caballus glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 1 (GBE1), mRNA. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_001081940] ENSG00000114480 GBE1 protein_coding glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:4180]
6 ENSECAG00000008468 COASY protein_coding CoA synthase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:29932] ENSG00000068120 COASY protein_coding CoA synthase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:29932]
6 ENSECAG00000005101 FAM104A protein_coding family with sequence similarity 104, member A [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:25918] ENSG00000133193 FAM104A protein_coding family with sequence similarity 104, member A [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:25918]
6 ENSECAG00000023980 MLX protein_coding MLX, MAX dimerization protein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11645] ENSG00000108788 MLX protein_coding MLX, MAX dimerization protein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11645]
4 ENSECAG00000021057 ADGRV1 (GPR98) protein_coding adhesion G protein-coupled receptor V1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17416] ENSG00000164199 ADGRV1 protein_coding adhesion G protein-coupled receptor V1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17416]
4 ENSECAG00000007731 DLL3 protein_coding delta-like 3 (Drosophila) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:2909] ENSG00000090932 DLL3 protein_coding delta-like 3 (Drosophila) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:2909]
4 ENSECAG00000018277 MED29 protein_coding mediator complex subunit 29 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23074] ENSG00000063322 MED29 protein_coding mediator complex subunit 29 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23074]
4 ENSECAG00000013331 NAGK protein_coding N-acetylglucosamine kinase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17174] ENSG00000124357 NAGK protein_coding N-acetylglucosamine kinase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17174]
4 ENSECAG00000013574 RALGPS1 protein_coding Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:16851] ENSG00000136828 RALGPS1 protein_coding Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:16851]
3 ENSECAG00000003394 processed_pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
3 ENSECAG00000001014 ABCC3 protein_coding ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:54] ENSG00000108846 ABCC3 protein_coding ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:54]
3 ENSECAG00000024819 C17orf80 protein_coding chromosome 17 open reading frame 80 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:29601] ENSG00000141219 C17orf80 protein_coding chromosome 17 open reading frame 80 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:29601]
3 ENSECAG00000014486 CADPS protein_coding Ca++-dependent secretion activator [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:1426] ENSG00000163618 CADPS protein_coding Ca++-dependent secretion activator [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:1426]
3 ENSECAG00000014022 TSPAN5 protein_coding tetraspanin 5 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17753] ENSG00000168785 TSPAN5 protein_coding tetraspanin 5 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17753]
3 ENSECAG00000015974 TRIM39-RPP21 protein_coding TRIM39-RPP21 readthrough [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:38845] ENSG00000248167 TRIM39-RPP21 protein_coding TRIM39-RPP21 readthrough [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:38845]
2 ENSECAG00000005621 protein_coding Uncharacterized protein  [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F7CIA6] No Human Ortholog Found
2 ENSECAG00000016234 ANGPTL2 protein_coding angiopoietin-like 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:490] ENSG00000136859 ANGPTL2 protein_coding angiopoietin-like 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:490]
2 ENSECAG00000026885 GFM1 protein_coding G elongation factor, mitochondrial 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:13780] ENSG00000168827 GFM1 protein_coding G elongation factor, mitochondrial 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:13780]
2 ENSECAG00000008226 NPAT protein_coding nuclear protein, ataxia-telangiectasia locus [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7896] ENSG00000149308 NPAT protein_coding nuclear protein, ataxia-telangiectasia locus [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7896]
2 ENSECAG00000022956 RASGRP2 protein_coding RAS guanyl releasing protein 2 (calcium and DAG-regulated) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:9879] ENSG00000068831 RASGRP2 protein_coding RAS guanyl releasing protein 2 (calcium and DAG-regulated) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:9879]
1 ENSECAG00000000721 MYCBPAP protein_coding MYCBP associated protein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19677] ENSG00000136449 MYCBPAP protein_coding MYCBP associated protein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19677]
1 ENSECAG00000003808 processed_pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000004484 EPN3 protein_coding epsin 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18235] ENSG00000049283 EPN3 protein_coding epsin 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18235]
1 ENSECAG00000004954 processed_pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000005158 processed_pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000005643 CYP2C19-like protein_coding EntrezGene record with a description of cytochrome P450 2C19-like [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F7CQZ6] ENSG00000138109 CYP2C9 protein_coding cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 9 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:2623]
ENSECAG00000005643 CYP2C19-like protein_coding EntrezGene record with a description of cytochrome P450 2C19-like [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F7CQZ6] ENSG00000165841 CYP2C19 protein_coding cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 19 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:2621]
ENSECAG00000005643 CYP2C19-like protein_coding EntrezGene record with a description of cytochrome P450 2C19-like [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F7CQZ6] ENSG00000276490 RP11-400G3.5 protein_coding  
ENSECAG00000005643 CYP2C19-like protein_coding EntrezGene record with a description of cytochrome P450 2C19-like [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F7CQZ6] ENSG00000108242 CYP2C18 protein_coding cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 18 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:2620]
ENSECAG00000005643 CYP2C19-like protein_coding EntrezGene record with a description of cytochrome P450 2C19-like [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F7CQZ6] ENSG00000138115 CYP2C8 protein_coding cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 8 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:2622]
1 ENSECAG00000005877 processed_pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000006360 OR5D13-like protein_coding Olfactory receptor  [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F7A4H6] ENSG00000198877 OR5D13 protein_coding Olfactory Receptor, Family 5, Subfamily D, Member 13 (Gene/Pseudogene)
1 ENSECAG00000006415 pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000007760 SMARCC1 protein_coding SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily c, member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11104] ENSG00000173473 SMARCC1 protein_coding SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily c, member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11104]
1 ENSECAG00000008485 ITGAL protein_coding integrin, alpha L (antigen CD11A (p180), lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1; alpha polypeptide) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:6148] ENSG00000005844 ITGAL protein_coding integrin, alpha L (antigen CD11A (p180), lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1; alpha polypeptide) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:6148]
1 ENSECAG00000008910 KLRG2 protein_coding killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G, member 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:24778] ENSG00000188883 KLRG2 protein_coding killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G, member 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:24778]
1 ENSECAG00000009193 LAMTOR2 protein_coding late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:29796] ENSG00000116586 LAMTOR2 protein_coding late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:29796]
1 ENSECAG00000009244 PAX8 protein_coding paired box 8 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:8622] ENSG00000125618 PAX8 protein_coding paired box 8 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:8622]
1 ENSECAG00000009835 BTBD11 protein_coding BTB (POZ) domain containing 11 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23844] ENSG00000151136 BTBD11 protein_coding BTB (POZ) domain containing 11 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23844]
1 ENSECAG00000009993 UBQLN4 protein_coding ubiquilin 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:1237] ENSG00000160803 UBQLN4 protein_coding ubiquilin 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:1237]
1 ENSECAG00000010476 L3MBTL2 protein_coding l(3)mbt-like 2 (Drosophila) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18594] ENSG00000100395 L3MBTL2 protein_coding l(3)mbt-like 2 (Drosophila) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18594]
1 ENSECAG00000010801 RNF40 protein_coding ring finger protein 40, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:16867] ENSG00000103549 RNF40 protein_coding ring finger protein 40, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:16867]
1 ENSECAG00000011107 PPP1R9B protein_coding protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 9B [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:9298] ENSG00000108819 PPP1R9B protein_coding protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 9B [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:9298]
1 ENSECAG00000011850 pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000012043 pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000014608 ELF3 protein_coding E74-like factor 3 (ets domain transcription factor, epithelial-specific ) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3318] ENSG00000163435 ELF3 protein_coding E74-like factor 3 (ets domain transcription factor, epithelial-specific ) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3318]
1 ENSECAG00000015432 pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000015749 pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000015760 ITGA3 protein_coding integrin, alpha 3 (antigen CD49C, alpha 3 subunit of VLA-3 receptor) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:6139] ENSG00000005884 ITGA3 protein_coding integrin, alpha 3 (antigen CD49C, alpha 3 subunit of VLA-3 receptor) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:6139]
1 ENSECAG00000015989 pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000016779 MRPL27 protein_coding mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:14483] ENSG00000108826 MRPL27 protein_coding mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:14483]
1 ENSECAG00000017155   protein_coding Uncharacterized protein  [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F6SWE2] ENSG00000241484 ARHGAP8 protein_coding Rho GTPase activating protein 8 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:677]
ENSECAG00000017155   protein_coding Uncharacterized protein  [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F6SWE2] ENSG00000248405 PRR5-ARHGAP8 protein_coding PRR5-ARHGAP8 readthrough [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:34512]
1 ENSECAG00000019297 MAN2B2 protein_coding mannosidase, alpha, class 2B, member 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:29623] ENSG00000013288 MAN2B2 protein_coding mannosidase, alpha, class 2B, member 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:29623]
1 ENSECAG00000020372 pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000020718 SEPT5 protein_coding septin 5 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:9164] ENSG00000184702 SEPT5 protein_coding septin 5 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:9164]
1 ENSECAG00000020829 protein_coding Uncharacterized protein  [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F6T4Q3] No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000021042 VASH1 protein_coding vasohibin 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19964] ENSG00000071246 VASH1 protein_coding vasohibin 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19964]
1 ENSECAG00000021148 RNPC3 protein_coding RNA-binding region (RNP1, RRM) containing 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18666] ENSG00000185946 RNPC3 protein_coding RNA-binding region (RNP1, RRM) containing 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18666]
1 ENSECAG00000021422 DNAJC13 protein_coding DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 13 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:30343] ENSG00000138246 DNAJC13 protein_coding DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 13 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:30343]
1 ENSECAG00000021864 MAN2C1 protein_coding mannosidase, alpha, class 2C, member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:6827] ENSG00000140400 MAN2C1 protein_coding mannosidase, alpha, class 2C, member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:6827]
1 ENSECAG00000022300 STOX1 protein_coding storkhead box 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23508] ENSG00000165730 STOX1 protein_coding storkhead box 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23508]
1 ENSECAG00000022660 PSD4 protein_coding pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19096] ENSG00000125637 PSD4 protein_coding pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19096]
1 ENSECAG00000023191 RAB25 protein_coding RAB25, member RAS oncogene family [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18238] ENSG00000132698 RAB25 protein_coding RAB25, member RAS oncogene family [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18238]
1 ENSECAG00000023214 pseudogene No Human Ortholog Found
1 ENSECAG00000023505 HECTD1 protein_coding HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:20157] ENSG00000092148 HECTD1 protein_coding HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:20157]
1 ENSECAG00000024480 TBX2 protein_coding T-box 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11597] ENSG00000121068 TBX2 protein_coding T-box 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11597]
1 ENSECAG00000024605 SIN3A protein_coding SIN3 transcription regulator family member A [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19353] ENSG00000169375 SIN3A protein_coding SIN3 transcription regulator family member A [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19353]
1 ENSECAG00000024679 LUC7L2 protein_coding EntrezGene record with a description of LUC7-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F6SR70] ENSG00000146963 LUC7L2 protein_coding LUC7-like 2 pre-mRNA splicing factor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:21608]
ENSECAG00000024679 LUC7L2 protein_coding EntrezGene record with a description of LUC7-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:F6SR70] ENSG00000269955 C7orf55-LUC7L2 protein_coding C7orf55-LUC7L2 readthrough [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:44671]
1 ENSECAG00000024813 CPSF4L protein_coding cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 4-like [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:33632] ENSG00000187959 CPSF4L protein_coding cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 4-like [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:33632]
1 ENSECAG00000024831 DCTPP1 protein_coding dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:28777] ENSG00000179958 DCTPP1 protein_coding dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:28777]
1 ENSECAG00000025212 7SK misc_RNA 7SK RNA [Source:RFAM;Acc:RF00100] ENSG00000222574 RN7SKP61 misc_RNA RNA, 7SK small nuclear pseudogene 61 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:45785]
1 ENSECAG00000026819 NTN1 protein_coding netrin 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:8029] ENSG00000065320 NTN1 protein_coding netrin 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:8029]
* Note that the total number of variants exceed 213, since there are cases where a certain variant may correspond to more than one gene.
* Pink highlights correspond to more than one human ortholog
Table S8: Genes consequent with the 213 variants uniquely shared across all case individuals within non-intergenic regions and their corresponding human orthologues
Reference Chromosome Position (bp) Gene Symbol Mode of Inheritance Phenotype Affected Breed Associated Genotype Arabian1 Arabian2 Arabian3 Arabian4 Arabian5 Arabian6 Arabian7 Arabian8 Arabian9 ArabianControl
Ducro et al. 2015 1 75907505 B3GALNT2 Autosomal recessive Hydrocephalus Multiple C>A
Eberth, 2013 1 94346102-94346122 ACAN Autosomal Incompletely Dominant Dwarfism, aggrecan type Miniature Horse 20bp Del Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Eberth, 2013 1 94372649 ACAN Autosomal Incompletely Dominant Dwarfism, aggrecan type Miniature Horse 1bp (G) Del Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Eberth, 2013 1 94372649 ACAN Autosomal Incompletely Dominant Dwarfism, aggrecan type Miniature Horse C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Eberth, 2013 1 94379389 ACAN Autosomal Incompletely Dominant Dwarfism, aggrecan type Miniature Horse 1bp (T) Del Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Bellone et al. 2010 1 108249293 TRPM1 Autosomal recessive Leopard complex spotting associated congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) Multiple C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Tryon et al. 2007 1 128056148 PPIB Autosomal recessive Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia (HERDA) Quarter Horse G>A G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Brooks et al. 2010 1 138235715 MYO5A Autosomal recessive Lavender foal syndrome (LFS) Arabian 1bp (C) Del Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Positive (Het) 2bp upstream Negative
Winland, 2011 2 39711930 PLOD1 Autosomal recessive Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS) Warmblood C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Brault et al. 2011 2 13074277 TOE1/MUTYH Autosomal recessive Cerebellar abiotrophy (CA) Arabian C>A C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Wijnberg et al. 2012 4 96375588 CLCN1 Autosomal recessive Myotonia New Forest Pony A>C A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A
Spirito et al. 2002 5 20256789 LAMC2 Autosomal recessive Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) Drafts Ins C Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Brunberg et al. 2006 6 73665304 PMEL17 Autosomal semi-dominant Silver coat color-associated ocular anomalies Multiple G>A G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Graves et al. 2009 8 45603643- 45610231 LAMA3 Autosomal recessive Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) American Saddlebred 6589bp Del Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Finno et al. 2015 8 80111598 SERPINB11 Autosomal Recessive Hoof Wall Separation Disease (HWSD) Connemara pony Ins C Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Shin et al. 1997 9 35528429 PRKDC (DNAPK) Autosomal recessive Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCID) Arabian 5bp Del Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Aleman et al. 2004 10 9554699 RYR1 Autosomal dominant Malignant hyperthermia (MH) Quarter Horse C>G Synonymous (Het) C/T 2bp downstream C/C Synonymous (Het) C/T 2bp downstream C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
McCue et al. 2008 10 18940324 GYS1 Autosomal dominant Polysaccharide storage myopathy type 1 (PSSM-I) Multiple C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Cannon et al. 1995 11 15500439 SCN4A Autosomal semi-dominant Equine hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) Quarter Horse C>G C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Christopherson et al. 2006 11 19182362 ITGA2B Autosomal recessive Glanzmann thrombasthenia (GT) Multiple G>C G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Orr et al. 2010 14 3761254* PROP1 Autosomal recessive Dwarfism Friesian G>C G/G C/C C/C G/G G/G G/G G/G G/C G/C G/C
Orr et al. 2010 14 3761355* PROP1 Autosomal recessive Dwarfism Friesian T>C T/T C/C T/C T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T
Orr et al. 2010 14 5418619* PROP1 Autosomal recessive Dwarfism Friesian G>A G/G A/A 1bp upstream G/G G/G G/G G/A 1bp upstream G/G G/G G/G G/G
Hansen et al. 2007 14 27991841 SCL26A2 Autosomal recessive Inherited chondrodysplasia Multiple G>A* (Twilight has an A) G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Metallinos et al. 1998 17 50624658 EDNRB Autosomal semi-dominant Overo lethal white foal syndrome (OLWFS) Paint GA>CT GA/GA GA/GA GA/GA GA/GA GA/GA GA/GA GA/GA GA/GA GA/GA GA/GA
Andersson et al. 2012 23 22999655 DMRT3 Multifactorial Gaitedness Multiple C>A C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Rosengren et al. 2008 25 6574013-6581600 STX17 Autosomal dominant Grey color associated melanoma Multiple 4.6-kbp Duplication Positive Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive Negative Negative Negative Positive
Fox-Clipsham et al. 2011 26 30660224 SLC5A3 Autosomal recessive Foal immunodeficiency syndrome (Immunodefiency of Fell Ponies) Fell & Dales Ponies C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Ward et al. 2004 26 Absent from EquCab2 GBE1 Autosomal recessive Glycogen branching enzyme deficiency (GBED) Quarter Horse ?
Towers et al. 2013 X 122833887 IKBKG X-linked dominant Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) Presumed Multiple C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Révay et al. 2012 X 49635250 AR X-linked recessive Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) Multiple A>G A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A
Révay et al. 2012 X 49635571 AR X-linked recessive Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) Multiple T>C* (Twilight has a C) T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T
Raudsepp et al. 2010 Y Absent from EquCab2 SRY Y-linked XY sex reversal (Ovotesticular disorder of sexual deveopment) Multiple ?
Rafati et al. 2016 X/Y pseudoautosomal region (PAR) SHOX / CRLF2 X/Y-linked Skeletal Atavism Shetland Pony 160-180 kb and 60-80 kb Dels
* Not validated yet
Racing Performance:
Reference Chromosome Position Gene Symbol Mode of Inheritance Phenotype Affected Breed Associated Genotype Arabian1 Arabian2 Arabian3 Arabian4 Arabian5 Arabian6 Arabian7 Arabian8 Arabian9 ArabianControl
Hill et al. 2010 1 74842283 ACTN2 Racing Performance Multiple A>G A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A
Hill et al. 2010 3 32772871 COX4I1 Racing performance Multiple C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/T C/C
Hill et al. 2010 4 40279726 ACN9 Racing performance Multiple C>T C/C C/C C/T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Gu et al. 2010 10 15884567 CKM Racing performance Multiple G>A G/G G/G G/A G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G A/A G/G
Hill et al. 2010 18 66493737 MSTN SNP quantitative trait Optimum racing performance Multiple T>C T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T
Gu et al. 2010 22 22684390 COX4I2 Racing performance Multiple C>T C/C C/C T/T T/T C/T C/C C/T C/T C/T C/C
Body Size:
Reference Chromosome Position Gene Symbol Mode of Inheritance Phenotype Affected Breed Associated Genotype Arabian1 Arabian2 Arabian3 Arabian4 Arabian5 Arabian6 Arabian7 Arabian8 Arabian9 ArabianControl
Makvandi-Nejad et al. 2012; Signer-Hasler et al. 2012 3 105547002 LCORL, NCAPG Large body size Multiple T>C T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T
Makvandi-Nejad et al. 2012 6 81481065 HMGA2 Large body size Multiple C>T T/T T/T C/T T/T T/T C/T T/T T/T T/T T/T
Signer-Hasler et al. 2012 9 74795013 ZFAT Withers height Multiple C>T C/T C/T C/T C/C C/C C/C C/T C/T C/C C/T
Makvandi-Nejad et al. 2012 9 75550059 ZFAT Large body size Multiple T>C T/C C/C T/C C/C T/C C/C T/C C/C T/C T/C
Makvandi-Nejad S et al. 2012; Or et al. 2010 11 23259732 LASP1 Large body size Multiple G>A G/G G/A G/A A/A G/G A/A G/G G/A G/G G/G
Coat Colors with known gemetic mutation:
Reference Chromosome Position Gene Symbol Mode of Inheritance Phenotype Affected Breed Associated Genotype Arabian1 Arabian2 Arabian3 Arabian4 Arabian5 Arabian6 Arabian7 Arabian8 Arabian9 ArabianControl
Marklund et al. 1996 3 36259552 MC1R Autosomal dominant Chestnut coat color Multiple C>T T/T T/T T/T C/T T/T C/T C/T C/T C/T C/T
Wagner et al. 2000 3 36259554 MC1R Autosomal dominant Chestnut coat color Multiple G>A G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Brooks et al. 2005 3 77735520 KIT Autosomal semi-dominant Sabino spotting Multiple A>T A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A
Brook et al. 2007 3 77740163 KIT Autosomal semi-dominant Tobiano spotting Multiple G>A G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Haase at al. 2009 3 77773890 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W7) Thoroughbred C>G C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Haase at al. 2009 3 77769840 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W3) Arabian T>A T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T
Haase at al. 2009 3 77765059 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W6) Thoroughbred C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Haase at al. 2009 3 77758237-77758240 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W10) Quarter Horse 4bp Del (GTTC) Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Haase at al. 2009 3 77741111 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W9) Warmblood C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Haase at al. 2009 3 77741095 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W4) Camarillo White Horse G>A G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Haase at al. 2009 3 77740854 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W2) Thoroughbred C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Haase at al. 2009 3 77737256 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W1) Franches-Montagnes G>C G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Haase at al. 2009 3 77737214 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W5) Thoroughbred 1bp Del (C)  Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Haase at al. 2009 3 77737185 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W8) Icelandic C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Haase at al. 2009 3 77736558 KIT Autosomal semi-dominant White / Spotted phenotype (SB1) Multiple A>T A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A A/A
Haase at al. 2009 3 77731743 KIT Autosomal dominant White / Spotted phenotype (W11) Draft C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Hauswirth et al. 2012 6 11429753 PAX3 Autosomal dominant Splashed White (SW2) Multiple C>T C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C
Cook et al. 2008 14 26701092 SLC36A1 Autosomal semi-dominant Champagne dilution Multiple G>C G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Hauswirth et al. 2012 16 20103081 MITF Autosomal dominant Macchiato Franches-Montagnes T>C T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T T/T
Hauswirth et al. 2012 16 20105346-20105350 MITF Autosomal dominant Splashed White (SW3) Mutiple 5bp Del (GACAC) Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Hauswirth et al. 2012 16 20117302 MITF Autosomal dominant Splashed White (SW1) Multiple 11bp Ins Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Mariat et al. 2003 21 30666626 SLC45A2 Autosomal semi-dominant Cream dilution Multiple G>A G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G G/G
Rieder et al. 2001 22 25168567 ASIP Autosomal recessive Black and Bay Multiple 11bp Del Negative Positive (Het) Positive (Het) Positive (Homo) Positive (Homo) Negative Positive (Het) Positive (Het) Negative Negative
* Pink shadings represent individuals carrying the variant allele.
Table S9: Prevalence of genetic variants within the EquCab2.0 reference assembly of known traits and diseases across individuals of the Screening Cohort
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