Journal of Biostatistics and Biometric Applications

ISSN: 2455-765X

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The Psychosocial Analysis of a Suicide in Azerbaijan

Received Date: April 9, 2018 Accepted Date: July 6, 2018 Published Date: July 9, 2018

Copyright: © Velimedova O. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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In this paper the main aim to study analyze data on variability in firearm restrictions and suicide rates in the Azerbaijan Republic, for this reason was evaluated two research questions: firstly, investigate the quantity of perfect suicides and attempts to them with gender indicators: secondly, indicators of means of suicide in percentage terms with the suicide age categories. In this cases compared all age categories. Additionally, the questions: of fulfillment of a suicide, attempts of fulfillment of a suicide which surpass suicide cases are investigated. By means of statistical method on the data categories with aid “Z scores”, “coefficient of variation”, “median” and “mode” simple mean established comparison between men and women suicide cases.

Keywords: Problem; Suicide; Society; Attempt; The Man; The Woman; Youth; Distribution


During the last years the suicide problem has got strong scope and a special urgency all over the world. Suicide (lat. sui caederekill itself) - deliberate deprivation of life, as a rule, independent and voluntary. The suicide is the aggression directed on. The suicide, as a matter of fact, is murder inside out, should not be justified and can be prevented [1]. The real tendency to increase in this dangerous socially-psychological phenomenon, both at youth, and at people of more adult age is now observed. The thought to commit suicide visited each person at least time in life. The suicide problem mentions all without an exception society social strata, and does depend neither on a national-ethnic accessory, nor from religion. Researches have shown that in certain groups frequency of suicides is raised. For example, among men it three times above, than among women, though frequency of suicide attempts considerably above at women. These distinctions can be explained that men usually commit suicide by means of such killing means as a shot from a gun, hanging, cut of veins while women resort to reception of the big doses of medicines is more often, to a poisoning with carbonic oxide that with smaller probability leads to death. In spite of the fact that on suicides look as at people mentally sick, weak-willed, problem and subject to negative influence, among suicides there are also quite healthy, highly moral, not having the problems, not subject to bad habits, strong-willed people [2]. As a rule, the reason of a suicide among such people is the inability to generate the way of life owing to occurring changes in personal and social life, to reconcile with inconsistent events of reality. But, in this work we attempt to investigate the suicide problem in Azerbaijan is socially life of people. For this reason proceeding by outcomes of the author works can be applied methods suicide problem [3-5].


The world Psychiatric Association named the XXI-st century «a century of depression and a suicide». According to statistics of World Health Organization (CART), annually in the world approximately 60 million persons makes suicide attempt. For each national these problems have same results and history of these problems may be considered many authors [6-8].


The world Psychiatric Association named the XXI-st century «a century of depression and a suicide». According to statistics of World Health Organization (CART), annually in the world approximately 60 million persons makes suicide attempt. As a result of a suicide more than 1 100 000 persons lose the lives. And by 2020 the increase in this indicator to one and a half millions facts a year is predicted. Among them of 63% make men, 37% of the woman. Among attempting upon the life 31 thousand Americans, 30 thousand Japanese, 12 thousand Ukrainians and 10 thousand Frenchmen is 350 thousand Chineses, 110 thousand Hindus, 55 thousand Russian. The CART has divided the world countries by quantity of the facts of a suicide into three groups [3-5].The countries with low level of a suicide (on everyone 100 thousand persons of 10 suicides). These are such countries, as Italy (7), England (7), Israel (6), Greece (3), Dominican republic (2.1), Georgia (2), Armenia (2), Albania (1.4), Azerbaijan (1), Guatemala (0.5), Philippines (0.5) [3-5]. The countries with the suicide average level (on everyone 100 thousand persons of 10-20 suicides). It is France (18), Moldova (17), China (14), Germany (13), Canada (12), Australia (11.5), the USA (11); The countries with high level of a suicide (on everyone 100 thousand persons over 20 cases of suicides). These are such countries, as Lithuania (42), Latvia (42), Estonia (38.2), Belarus (37), Russia (36), Hungary (36), Ukraine (25), Japan (24) [9-12]. As a whole, the statistics specifies in increase in cases of a suicide in the world on 60%, as to only cases of fulfilment of a suicide. And besides it, exists also attempts of fulfilment of a suicide which surpass suicide cases on 13%. The CART also the suicide reasons also are revealed. Remains to unknown persons of 41% of the reasons of suicides. From them of 19% - from fear of punishment, 18% - is sincere-mental diseases, 18% - because of household violence, 6% - because of jealousy and unrequited love, 3% - bankruptcies, 1.5% - are observed at the people provided in life, 1.2% - at people with physical diseases. According to statistics, the majority committing suicides are aged people of 35-55 years. Among them of 63% make men, 37% - women. According to the data of world statistics the quantity of suicides in Azerbaijan is made by 1 person on 100 thousand populations.

Main Results

Visually to reveal rates of increase and suicide developments in Azerbaijan, it is enough to show the data of the official statistics, published on various the Internet sites for last nine years. By means of statistical method on the data categories with aid “Z scores”, “coefficient of variation”, “median” and “mode” simple mean established comparison between men and women suicide cases [5,13,14]. Quantity of perfect suicides and attempts problems are obtained the results in view Table 1,2, and 3.

Only for January, 2018 28 cases of a suicide are registered. By the end of March of this year the quantity of suicides together with attempts to them has reached 43 (Figure 1).

As it is told in the message of the State Committee of Azerbaijan on the statistic, for January, 1st, 2018 population of Azerbaijan has reached 9 898 085 persons. Azerbaijan is a part of world system and consequently, inevitably faces all problems which are taking place in the modern world. In Azerbaijan, it agree to the data the CART, the suicide makes 1%, that is the country costs on the latest place. In Azerbaijan the increase in quantity of suicides is annually observed. It would seem, at first sight, that for such country as Azerbaijan, should not is peculiar, such factor, as distribution of a suicide because of adherence to religious values of Islam which categorically blames it.

Methods and the reasons of realization of suicide have age distinctions which depend on I.Q.

In young years the suicide reason are the emotional problems connected with one-way love, intersexual, interfamily relations. It is considered as the original protest and a call to a society. These reasons do not concern to older persons. The reasons of suicides among older persons are: loneliness, heavy physical and mental illnesses, material problems [3,4,6,15].

According to the spent researches, the reasons of distribution and suicide growth in Azerbaijan it is connected, first of all, with social problems of the population which, in most cases, amplify economic and psychological factors [4]. The cases which have become frequent recently of unemployment and reduction on work, presence of monetary credits in banks at the population and impossibility of their returning, absence of the medical insurance (it 5% of the population have only), growing inflation against reduction of incomes of the population inevitably provoke growth of suicide moods in the Azerbaijan society. The problem is aggravated with absence of preventive measures on prevention of this dangerous phenomenon up to the mark. In Azerbaijan is available over 12 psychological centers, but references there carry incidental, or casual character and suicide preventive maintenance is organized in them at very low level, low readiness of the personnel rendering service and expensive cost of services is observed. People because of shyness, and also a lack of financial assets do not visit these institutions. In general, the Azerbaijan people from time immemorial conducted a communal way of life; each member of a family shared the sorrows and problems with seniors, found support and an exit from the created position. Certainly, the fact of is very unpleasant that growing, European and world integration affects negatively this party of a way of life of people which have appeared unprepared to changes in a way of life, habitual way and customs. In other countries of the world people, in the presence of any vital problems address at once to the psychologist [2,5,6,16]. Today in the world exists and the International association on prevention of suicides under which recommendation in many cities of the world services of the prevention of suicides have been created is popular. It is the new form of the organization of the anonymous medical and socially-psychological help to the people needing qualified council or medicine treatment. In services telephone unpleasant that growing, European and world integration affects negatively this party of a way of life of people which have appeared unprepared to changes in a way of life, habitual way and customs. In other countries of the world people, in the presence of any vital problems address at once to the psychologist [10,17-19].

The basic link in business of prevention of suicides is the anonymous telephone service ("telephone hotline") which has been based in 1953 in London by the priest Chad Vara and began to extend quickly in all states of Europe and America. The purpose of telephone service - aspiration to offer any person being in a crisis situation and thinking of suicide, telephone contact to the employee, ready to listen to it as the friend, capable to help the subscriber to overcome a crisis situation which it has faced. Among service principles the special place is occupied with trust, absolute privacy, will lock to demand compensation for services and an interdiction of rendering of any pressure. Principles of workers of services - "not to judge, not to criticize and not to be surprised at all", and to help the subscriber to come independently to the correct decision. The population is widely informed on presence of "telephone hotlines", but suicides thus is not mentioned, informed only that there is "a help in a trouble, hopelessness and depression". In Azerbaijan while there is no such association, but employees of not numerous crisis centres should face on a work course similar calls. All of them very much hope that sometime this association will appear and in our country. In each crisis centre there is "telephone hotline", but nevertheless there are no experts and means for expansion of a field of activity of psychologists and introduction of those or other programs, there are no volunteers. For today the countries - "leaders" on suicide - Sweden and Hungary. Last researches have shown that the following picture is observed: the people living in one of the happiest and safe countries of the world - including the USA, Switzerland and Canada - settle scores with life much more often, than in unhappy and less safe. The disturbing paradox was found out by researchers from the British University Uorvik and College of Hamilton in New York. They have noticed that a number of the countries, including Canada, the USA, Iceland, Ireland and Switzerland, having rather high levels of happiness, differ also a great number of suicides. According to scientists, it can be connected with how people perceive a situation when many from living near to them prosper. "Human beings are comparison creations, - professor Andrew Osvald from University of Uorvik speaks, - If you feel that your life is bad, it is very dangerous to be in an environment of happy people" [20]. High level of suicides is observed and in such safe countries, as the Netherlands, Germany, Finland. The paradoxical phenomenon is observed: in the countries enduring an economic crisis, suicide level considerably decreases [21].


In respect of preventive maintenance and suicide prevention it is necessary to give special attention for following moments:

1. The hereditary factor; 2. Presence of heavy physical diseases; 3. Long depression and mental frustration; 4. Teenage age with instability of mentality peculiar to it, sharp change of mood and not adequacy of behavior; 5. Absence of dialogue and excessive absorption in a virtual reality (the Internet, social networks); 6. Peculiar to children's and teenage-youthful age not healthy hobby for computer games, especially games «The Dark blue whale», «Run or die», «The Red owl», «Pink ponies», etc.


Thus, the suicide problem in Azerbaijan is socially significant, as suicides though and in small quantity, but occur daily. News sites daily publish messages on suicide or, about attempt to it. The gender analysis shows that men, more often than women make a suicide, this parity is defined 3:1. The suicide problem has got the high importance lately in view of prompt development of information-communication technologies, the Internet, the social networks bearing a huge stream of the information which absorbs all free time, replaces live dialogue between people, dulls emotions, generates alienation of the person from the relatives and a habitual environment. First of all, measures on decrease in risk of suicides should be spent among teenagers and youth. In view of that at children's and teenage age insufficient formation of cogitative activity and the basic mental processes, any is observed; even the slightest misunderstanding and complexities are capable to lead to their irreversible consequences.

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Journal of Biostatistics and Biometric Applications

Tables at a glance
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Figures at a glance
Figure 1
Figure 1: The image of gender features of a suicide


Quantity of suicides

Quantity of attempts to a suicide

Quantity of men from them

Quantity of women from them

Quantity of teena-gers and young from them





























































Table 1: Quantity of perfect suicides and attempts to them with gender indicators


Means of made of suicide



Suicide through hanging



Throwing of from height



Drawing to itself of heavy physical injuries






Suicide by itself to sink in water






Uncertain means of suicide


Table 2: Indicators of means of suicide in percentage terms



 Till 10







 11. 28







Over 70 years




Table 3: Suicide age categories

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