Editorial Board Member - JCRS

Richard W. Bianco
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Surgery
University of Minnesota
United States
Richard W. Bianco is Director of Experimental Surgery and Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Minnesota. He has 30+ years of experience in the management of Experimental Surgical projects and has authored numerous refereed journal articles and book chapters on the topics of animal model development and the assessment of new or modified medical devices with a major emphasis in the area of cardiovascular prostheses. His particular research interest is in the development of accurate and humane animal models that predict safe clinical performance and efficacy. Experimental Surgery at the University of Minnesota is the premier GLP facility in the world and is recognized both domestically and internationally as the leading facility conducting pre-clinical safety evaluations.
Professor Bianco has served on various committees of the International Standards Organization (ISO) and is currently is expert member of several working groups and sub-committees including Animal Welfare, Cardiac Valves, and Vascular Grafts (Co-Chair).
Finally , Professor Bianco has been a national leader in promoting the humane use of animals in medical research and has served on the Boards of both the National Organization for Biomedical Research (NABR, Americans for Medical Progress (AMP), and the National Marine Mammal Advisory Board)
Other Editorial Board Members - JCRS

Nallasivam Palanisamy
Michigan Center for Translational Pathology
University of Michigan
United States

Alemany Immaculate Arrebola
Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education
University of Granada

Department of Anatomy
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki