Editorial Board Member - JVSAH
Sherman Wessel Jack
ProfessorDepartment of Pathobiology
Mississippi State University
United States
S. W. Jack was born and raised in Maryland, USA (suburban Washington, D.C.), educated at University of Maryland (B.S. Dairy Science & M.S. Veterinary Science: Environmental Physiology), Ohio State University (D.V.M.) and Purdue University (Ph.D. Veterinary Pathology). He joined the faculty of Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine (Starkville, MS) in 1989, having achieved the rank of full professor. He is married and the father of two grown children. He is heavily involved in teaching veterinary students (histology, fish medicine, and preventive medicine), graduate students (zoonotic and wildlife diseases, emergency preparedness) and is adjunct faculty at Agricultural University of Mongolia (UlanBataar) where he teaches the general pathology portion of a graduate level veterinary pathology course via distance education. For several years, his teaching involved outreach to wildlife professionals concerning immobilization, euthanasia, diagnostic medicine and zoonotic diseases. His research interests include wildlife diseases, preventive medicine, international development, transboundary diseases, and veterinary medical education.
Histology, fish medicine, preventive medicine, zoonotic & wildlife diseases and emergency preparedness
Other Editorial Board Members - JVSAH
Andrzej Wernicki
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Life Sciences
Robert Kinobe
Physiology and Pharmacology
School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Korinn Saker
College of Veterinary Medicine
North Carolina State University
United States
Department of Animal & Poultry Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
United States
Veterinary Pathologist
South Dakota State University
United States
Adolfo Godoy Pinto
Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science
University of Chile
Margaret L. Khaitsa
Department of Veterinary and Microbiological Sciences
North Dakota State University
United States
Marianne Oropeza
Department of Production Animal Medicine
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
Monique Mancuso
Coastal Marine Environment Institute (IAMC)
National Research Council (CNR)
Jing Yang
Department of Comparative Biosciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
United States