Editorial Board Member - JFSC

Maria Ioannou
Senior LecturerUniversity of Huddersfield
United Kingdom
Dr Maria Ioannou, a Chartered Forensic Psychologist, is a Senior Lecturer and the Course Director for the MSc Investigative Psychology at the University of Huddersfield. She has been involved in the assessment of intervention programmes for reducing/preventing crime for a range of different forms of criminality and groups of offenders. Typically these evaluations have required assessments of change/impact/influence of the interventions on individuals and their criminal behaviour as well as assessments of the overall programme itself. She has also contributed to consultancy reports and been involved in consultancy work with a range of police forces and other agencies such as the Safer Merseyside Partnership, Merseyside Police, Liverpool City Council, Lancashire Constabulary, the Ministry of Defence as well as in a number of legal cases that involved among others preparation of background material and investigative advice on Forensic Psycholinguistics/ Questioned Authorship Attribution, interpretation of psychological measures on a case of offender profiling with personality and other psychometric assessment and analysis of the psychological features indicated within personal documents. Her work has been presented nationally and internationally.
Dr Maria Ioannou's research interests include Forensic Psychology, Investigative Psychology, Emotional experience of offending, Offender profiling, Criminal narratives, Relationship between personality and crime, Mental disorder and crime, Stalking behaviour, Sexual offences, Homicide and School shootings.
Other Editorial Board Members - JFSC

Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam
Computing and Security
School of Science
Edith Cowan University

Ronn Johnson
Department of Psychiatry
Creighton University Medical School
United States

Lee M Wade
Criminal Justice Administration
Middle Tennessee State University

Jill Slay
Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment
University of South Australia

Paisarn Muneesawang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Naresuan University

School of Forensic Sciences
Oklahoma State University
United States