Clinical and Experimental Research in Cardiology

Editorial Board Member - JCERC

Yi Qian

Australian School of Advanced Medicine
Macquarie University

Prof. Qian has 30 years continuous experience in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) research. He has worked in the field of circulatory assist and was instrumental in the development of the artificial heart program. He primarily developed the CFD technique which was employed for blood pump design. Dr. Qian has developed CFD techniques for application to research in studies of haemodynamics and mechanisms of rupture of cerebral aneurysms. He has developed novel methodologies for improvement cardiovascular and cerebrovascular surgical method. These have begun to be applied in pilot studies to assess the clinical applicability. The haemodynamic system has been applied to over 300 patients, and has been introduced into daily clinical diagnosis. He has over 10 years international industry R&D and management experience. Since Qian moved back to academic research from industry in 2004, he has successfully obtained over $4 million research support from government research funding. Since then, he published over 100 high quality research papers.


Blood flow biomechanics in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Cardiovascular and Neurovascular blood flow, Cardiovascular surgery support and training device, neurovascular and cardiovascular surgical and endovascular devices R&D, Computational fluid dynamics (haemodynamics), Blood flow visualization, and in-vitro, in-vivo validation and calibration tests, and Artificial organs etc.

Other Editorial Board Members - JCERC

Gordon L Fung

School of Medicine
University of California
United States

Sotiris C. Stamou

Assistant Professor
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
United States

Ali Nsair

Assistant Professor
Division of Cardiology
David Geffen School of Medicine
United States

Mansoor C Abdulla

Department of Internal Medicine
MES Medical College

Liang Zhong

Assistant Professor
Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disorders Program
National Heart Centre

Annapaola Zito

Cardiovascular Diseases Section
University of Bari

Michael C. Giudici

Department of Internal Medicine
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
United States

Syed Aitizaz Uddin

Deputy Chief Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon
Madinah Cardiac Center
Saudi Arabia

Lufang Zhou

Lufang Zhou
Assistant Professor
The University of Alabama
United Kingdom

Jodi L. Tinkel

Asssistant Professor
Cardiovascular Medicine
University of Toledo
United States
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