Clinical and Experimental Research in Cardiology

Editorial Board Member - JCERC

Saadeh Suleiman

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
University of Bristol
United Kingdom

Professor Suleiman currently holds the Chair of Cardiac Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Bristol. Professor Suleiman is a founding member of the Bristol Heart Institute which has become one of the top cardiovascular research institutes in the UK. In 2003, the University of Bristol awarded him the higher degree of DSc in recognition of the distinction of his research. Other distinctions include being a member of the team that was awarded the UK Hospital Doctor Award for Team of the Year in Surgery and runners up for Cardiovascular Medicine, election to the executive committee of the British Society for Cardiovascular Research, elected as Fellow of both the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences and the Society of Biology. 


The aims of Professor Suleiman’s research have been to investigate the cellular mechanisms underlying the damaging effects of cardiac insults and to formulate cardioprotective strategies based on interventions that oppose metabolic and ionic disturbances. 

Other Editorial Board Members - JCERC

Jodi L. Tinkel

Asssistant Professor
Cardiovascular Medicine
University of Toledo
United States

Lufang Zhou

Lufang Zhou
Assistant Professor
The University of Alabama
United Kingdom

Masoor Kamalesh

Associate Professor
Cardiology Division
Indiana University
United States

Bruno Cotter

Associate Professor
Division of Cardiology
University of California
United States

Emmanuel Simantirakis

Associate Professor
Department of Cardiology
Heraklion University Hospital

Afshan B. Hameed

Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
University of California
United States

Joseph Alpert

Department of Medicine
University of Arizona
United States

Massimo Caputo

Congenital Cardiac Surgery
Bristol Heart Institute
United Kingdom

Marion A Hofmann Bowman

Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Section of Cardiology
University of Chicago
United States


Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States
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