Editorial Board Member - JMSN
ProfessorDepartment of Materials
Loughborough University
United Kingdom
Mo Song attained his BSc and MSc in China. He attained his PhD at LancasterUniversityfrom the Schoolof Physicsand Chemistry. He worked at Guangzhou Institute of Chemistry, ChineseAcademyof Sciences as an Assistant Professor and then at CaseWestern ReserveUniversityin the USAas a Research Assistant. Mo spent two and half years as a Research Associate/Research Fellow, and then Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader and Professor at Loughborough University. He is also a Visiting Professor, Sichuan University, China; Guest Professor, Guangzhou Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College; Regular referee for the Singapore National Medical Research Council; Member of the advisory committee of International Conference on Modelling & Simulation: Asia Modelling Symposium 2007-2010, Member of the advisory committee of International Conference on Nanostructured Materials and Nanocomposites, Member of the advisory committee of International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization; Editorial board membership of Cellulose, Science and Technology, Nanomaterials, Nanomaterials and Energy.
Polymer/nanoclay/carbon nanotube/graphene nanocomposites
Conductive polymer materials for thermal management and electronics
Functionalized mesoporous materials
Physics and chemistry of carbon nanotube and graphene
Chitosan-based biopolymers
Polyurethane and coatings
High temperature polymers and their nanocomposites
Polyolefin nanocomposites for packaging
Polymer degradation and stability
Other Editorial Board Members - JMSN
Ji Ho Youk
Department of Advanced Fiber Engineering
Inha University
Rafael Luque
Department of Organic Chemistry
University of Cordoba
J. J. Mecholsky
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
University of Florida
United States
Peter L. Bordi
School of Hospitality Management
Pennsylvania State University
United States
Martin Kroger
Department of Materials
ETH Zurich
Wei Min Huang
Nanyang Technological University
Tony Jun Huang
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Pennsylvania State University
United States
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
University of California, Irvine
United States
Salerno Marco
Italian Institute of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials and Industrial Production
University of Naples Federico II