Editorial Board Member - JMSN

Salerno Marco
Department of NanophysicsItalian Institute of Technology
Marco Salerno received a MSc in experimental Physics of matter from the University Pisa in 1993, on the nanoscale measurement of friction with AFM. In 1997-1999 he worked at the National Bioelectronic Center in Elba Island (Leghorn) on the development of artificial neural-network driven AFM. In 2002 he obtained a PhD in nano-optics from the Karl Franzens University of Graz in 2002, on the SNOM measurement of localized surface plasmons in gold nanoparticles. In 2003 MS worked at National Research Council in Modena, on EC-STM of metallo-proteins for the development of wet bio-transistors. In 2004-2006 he was fabricating patterned substrates of Si and SiO2 for WOLEDs and DFB lasers in the clean-room of the National Nanotechnology Laboratory in Lecce. Since 2007 he is with IIT Genova.
Development of novel nanocomposites for dental materials applications.
Applications of nano-porous alumina in chemical sensors and bio-sensors.
Fundamental and applicative research in Scanning Probe Microscopy and
nanofabrication, with focus on the nanoscale mechanical properties.
Other Editorial Board Members - JMSN

Emil Bulatov
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Biology Group
Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
Kazan Federal University
Department of Chemical Biology Group
Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
Kazan Federal University

Jiye Fang
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
New York State University,Binghamton United States
Department of Chemistry
New York State University,Binghamton United States

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Maryland
United States
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Maryland
United States

Hao Yi
Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chongqing University
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chongqing University

Hong Ma
Associate Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Washington
United States
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Washington
United States

Phuoc Xuan Tran
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science
University of Pittsburgh
United States
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science
University of Pittsburgh
United States

Professor of Global Health
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
University of Washington
United States
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
University of Washington
United States

Associate Professor
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
The University of Tulsa
United States
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
The University of Tulsa
United States