Journal of Immunology and Infectious Diseases

Editorial Board Member - JIID

Subash Sad

Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
University of Ottawa

Prof. Subhash Sad started his research career developing antibody responses to hormones. They showed that tolerance to self-molecules can be easily broken by conjugating them to immunogenic proteins.  They showed that induction of antibody response against Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) resulted in atrophy of the prostate, and hence was used successfully as a therapy in androgen-dependent prostate cancer patients. During his post-doctoral studies, he showed that cytokine-secreting subsets of T cells are derived from a common precursor cell that secretes mainly IL-2. My studies further demonstrated CD8+ T cells, similar to CD4+ T cells, can secrete distinct cytokine patterns which can influence their function. He also showed that cytokines can induce a state of “anergy” in T cells, providing novel mechanistic insights into how cytokines might regulate T cell responses in vivo.


Prof. Subhash Sad have been a principal investigator since 1997, and have been evaluating the mechanisms of T cell memory development against acute and chronic intracellular pathogens. His lab has demonstrated that the kinetics, differentiation, maintenance and attrition of T cell responses is highly pathogen-specific and does not follow a universal paradigm. He has revealed novel mechanisms of memory differentiation, erosion, and shown that mutation in key virulence genes, and the intracellular location of pathogen are important determinants of acquired immunity. He is currently deciphering how T cell responses can be modulated to control chronic pathogens. He is also evaluating how the death of macrophages, an important cell type of the innate immune system, influences host outcome during various virulent infections.  

Other Editorial Board Members - JIID

Dayanand Bagdure

Assistant Professor
Pediatric Critical Care
University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore
United States

Esma S. Yolcu

Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Louisville
United States

Hyung C Woo

Assistant Professor
School of medicine
University of Maryland
United States


Assistant Professor
Alpert Medical School
Brown University
United States

Li Yao

Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Wichita State University
United States

Jana Barlic-Dicen

Assistant Professor
Department of Cell Biology
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
United States

Jeffrey E. Lee

Assistant Professor
Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology
University of Toronto


Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
University of Louisville
United States

Mohammad Ayoub Mir

Assistant Professor
School of Medicine
University of Kansas
United States

Paul H. Wooley

Orthopaedic Research Institute
Wichita State University
United States
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