Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology

Editorial Board Member - JMSN

Moinuddin Sarker

Natural State Research Inc.
Stamford, Connecticut
United States

Moinuddin Sarker, PhD, MCIC, FICER, MInstP, has been working as the Vice President (VP) of Research and Development and Head of Science Team (VP and CTO), at the Natural State Research (NSR), Inc at Stamford, CT and the inventor of NSR’s award winning technology to convert municipal waste plastics into liquid hydrocarbon fuel. He has a M. Sc (1992) and Ph. D. degree in Chemistry from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, UK (1996). He has more than 23 years of professional research experience in different universities and research organizations all over the world including the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Taiwan, Bangladesh and the UK. During his research work, he carried out research in four different synchrotron radiation sources around the world: CRCL lab. Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, UK (1991-1996), Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (SRRC), Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C (1996-1999), Berlin Electron Storage Ring Company for Synchrotron Radiation (BESSY II) (2000) and Advance Photon Sources (APS), Chicago, USA (2001-2004). He has three patent pending and 100 research publications to his credit in pier reviewed journals and conferences. Dr. Sarker is a distinguished member of 30 professional organizations such as American Association of Naval Engineer (ASNE), Association of Consumer Growth (ACG), Society of Automobile International (SAE), American Chemical Society (ACS), American Physical Society (APS), American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE), International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC), Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), Canada and many more. Dr. Sarker has been invited speaker various conferences in around the USA and World. Dr. Sarker is the inventor of the technology and product entitles: “Method for converting waste plastics to lower – molecular weight hydrocarbons, particularly hydrocarbon fuel materials and the hydrocarbon material produced thereby” (US and International Patent Pending). In 2010, Dr. Sarker has received, the International Renewable Energy Innovator of the year Awards 2010 at Washington DC and presented by Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), USA.

Currently Dr. Sarker serve as a President of AEE-CT Chapter (Association of Energy Engineers, CT Chapter) since 2012.


  • Waste Plastics to Fuels Technology
  • Waste to Energy
  • Electricity Storage and backup
  • Electricity Production
  • UHV and Surface Sciences
  • Synchrotron Radiation
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Inorganic and Solid State Chemistry
  • Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
  • Single and Poly Crystal
  • X-ray Diffraction
  • Thin Films
  • Bio-Diesel and Bio-Fuel
  • High Temperature Superconducting Oxides
  • Semiconductors
  • Renewable Energy
  • Alternative Energy
  • Alternating Fuels / Low Sulfur Diesel
  • Nano-technology and Quantum Dots / Nano Tube / Carbon Nano-Tube
  • Internal Combustion Engines
  • Physical Chemistry and Condensed Matter Physics
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Regulatory Agencies
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Flammable Materials

Other Editorial Board Members - JMSN

Luisa Amelia Dempere

Major Analytical Instrumentation Center
United States


Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Maryland
United States

Hui-Ru Shih

Department of Technology
Jackson State University
United States

Shin-ichi Yusa

Associate Professor
Department of Materials Science and Chemistry
University of Hyogo

Mohamed Khayet

Department of Applied Physics
Complutense University of Madrid

Chandra M Valmikinathan

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
United States

Changle Chen

Department of Polymer Science
University of Science and Technology of China

Joseph J. BelBruno

Department of Chemistry
Dartmouth College
United States

Hak-Joon Sung

Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Vanderbilt University
United States


Associate Professor
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
The University of Tulsa
United States
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