Editorial Board Member - JEMC

Muzzafar Zaman
Assistant professorDepartment of Surgery
Maharishi Markandeshwer Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Dr. Muzzafar zaman is currently working as assistant professor in Maharishi Markandeshwer Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (MMIMSR), Mullana, India. He has worked as assistant professor in Department of surgery, MMU, Solan. He achieved his bachelor degree in medicine and surgery in 2004 from Jammu University. Dr. Muzzafar zaman received his master degree in surgery and general surgery (2006) from Jammu University, Jammu and Kashmir, India. He did his specialization under supervision, new sanaiya clinic, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He has 3 year of teaching experience for post graduates, undergraduates and Para medical staff in S.K.I.M.S Srinagar, 1 year in MMU solan and 3 years in MMIMSR, Ambala. He achieved certificate for program FMAS, DMAS, World Laparoscopy Hospital, New Delhi. He attended 9 Conferences and Published 18 Publications. He is a skilled as general and Laparoscopic Surgeon. He servers a Editorial board member for many International Journals.
Dr. Muzzafar zaman research interests: Osteoporosis, Inflammation, nephrectomies, skin grafting, soft tissue tumours like hemipelvectomy, liposuction, gastrectomies, Laparoscopic procedures, abcesses, appendectomies, cystotomies, amputations.
Other Editorial Board Members - JEMC

Ahed J Alkhatib
Department of Forensic science and Toxicology
Jordan University of Science and Technology

Mohd Shahbaaz khan
King Salman Heart Centre
King Fahad Medical City
Riyadh, kindom of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

Joseph Prandota
Department of Pediatrics & Clinical Pharmacology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Wroclaw Medical University

Rajajeyakumar Manivel
Department of Physiology
Chennai Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (SRM Group)
Irungalur, Trichy, Tamilnadu