Editorial Board Member - JPMRS

Giuseppe Sorrentino
Professor of neurologyUniversity of Naples Parthenope
Giuseppe Sorrentino is Full Professor of Neurology at the University of Naples “Parthenope”. He obtained the MD degree in 1980 and in 1984 the board of Neurology. In 1999 he got a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular biology (Neurochemistry) at the University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg in France. Through the financial support of national and international Institutions (MPI, CNR, European Science Foundation, NATO) he attended qualified Italian and foreign research Institutes such as “Mario Negri” Institute in Milan, the Center of Neurochemistry of CNRS-INSERM of Strasburg (Francia) and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg (Canada). He is the principal investigator of research programs about Alzheimer disease granted by national and international institutions (MIUR, CNR, Ministero della Salute, NATO, Regione Campania, Regione Lazio, Provincia di Salerno). His research fields are the cellular biology of dementia, the cholinergic and phospholipids metabolism and the clinical research. About this topics, he published more than 40 publications on international impacted journals and 70 communications at national and international meetings.
Cellular biology of Amyloid beta Protein.
Neurochemistry of phosphorlipids.
Motion and gait analysis in Neurodegenerative diseases.
Magnetoencepaholography and connectivity
Other Editorial Board Members - JPMRS

Ratko Pavlovic
University East Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Catherine Ortega
University of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio

Abdoulaye Diallo
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley