Editorial Board Member - JPMRS

Sayed Abdel Moniem Tantawy Mosa
Department of PhysiotherapyUniversity of Ahlia
Dr.Sayed currently working as Associate Professor of Physiotherapy, College of Medical &Health Sciences, Ahlia University, Bahrain.He is the Award winner of the distinguish scientist for the contribution and achievement of in the field of physiotherapy from Venus International Foundation (Center for Advanced Research& Design 2015).He attended the different confrences. He serving as Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner CKTP Elite CKT Association), Secretary General of Egyptian Association of Physical Therapy & Medical Rehabilitation and he is member of The Mediterranean Society of Pelvic Floor Disorders and Egyptian Physical Therapy Syndicate.
Dr Tantawy is a reviewer in many international journals. Dr Sayed is also member in the Editorial Board of many international journals.
Physical Therapy
Sports Medicine
Other Editorial Board Members - JPMRS

Catherine Ortega
University of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio

Khalil N Hamed Al Abbad
University of Belgrade

Ratko Pavlovic
University East Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina