Editorial Board Member - JPMRS

Irmo Marini
Department of RehabilitationUniversity of Texas-Pan American
Dr. Irmo Marini is a Professor in the School of Rehabilitation at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley. He earned his master’s in clinical psychology from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Canada, and his Ph.D. in Rehabilitation from Auburn University in Alabama. Dr. Marini earned two outstanding faculty research awards at Arkansas State, three more faculty research awards at Pan-American, two outstanding teaching awards at Pan-American, and one service award. On a national level, Dr. Marini was the recipient of the 2009 Distinguished Career in Rehabilitation Education award by the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, and a year later received the 2010 James F. Garrett Distinguished Career award in rehabilitation research by the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association. He was also voted the National Council on Rehabilitation Education’s 2013 recipient of the Rehabilitation Educator of the year award. He also received the Patricia McCollom distinguished career award in life care planning research in 2015. To date, he has published over 85 peer-reviewed journal publications, 40 book chapters, and co-authored and co-edited 7 books on counseling and rehabilitation counseling psychology related topics. Dr. Marini is former President of the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association and former Chair of the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification. Dr. Marini has maintained a forensic life care planning and vocational expert private practice since 1994.
Clinical Psychology
Other Editorial Board Members - JPMRS

Khalil N Hamed Al Abbad
University of Belgrade

Abdoulaye Diallo
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Catherine Ortega
University of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio