Editorial Board Member - JMBAR

Gethin Thomas
Senior LecturerDepartment of Zoology and Marine Biology
Swansea University
United Kingdom
Gethin Thomas is a senior lecturer in zoology with a broad interest in how hosts and parasites interact. His research is focused on host behavioral and physiological changes following parasite infestation, and he is also experienced in a broad range of sampling methods, including marine and freshwater techniques, with an emphasis on parasitology and whole animal physiology. Currently he teaches on a range of zoological and marine biology modules, is a member of several university and national committees, and is the coordinator for the Biosciences Second Year at Swansea University. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and runs a freshwater mussel surveying consultancy in his spare time. He is a member of British Society of Parasitology, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Freshwater Biological Association (FBA), and the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI).
Marine and Freshwater Techniques, Parasites Interactions.
Other Editorial Board Members - JMBAR

Chrétien Lontsi Djimeli
Department of Physiology and Animal Biology
University of Yaoundé I

Neama Ahmed Sobhy Ahmed Reiad
Department of Chemical Engineering
Cairo University

Rathnayake Mudiyanselage Dharmadasa
Industrial Technology Institute
Sriparakum Mawatha
Sri Lanka

Emmanouil Malandrakis
University of Thessaly

Giacomo Zaccone
Department of Biomedical Sciences Dentistry, Morphological and Functional Images
University of Messina

Ercument Genc
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture
Ankara University

Alan Feest
Department of Faculty in Civil Engineering
University of Bristol
United Kingdom