Editorial Board Member - JMCS
Raghu Vannam
ScientistOlon Ricerca Bioscience LLC
United States
Dr. Raghu Vannam is working as a scientist at Olon Ricerca Bioscience LLC, Ohio. He received a Ph.D. degree from University of Connecticut (UCONN) and his doctoral research, under the supervision of Prof. Mark W. Peczuh, involves the synthesis of new septanoses and their utilization as surrogates of natural pyranoses. Before joining Ricerca, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Prof. Joseph M. Fox lab at the University of Delaware (UDEL) and his research mainly involves the synthesis of new probes for radiochemical imaging applications. During his graduate training, he did an internship at Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) where he worked on the large-scale synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients. His research work published in international journals like Chemical Science, Organic Letters, Org. Biomol. Chem, chem-bio. Chem. etc. He is currently serving as a reviewer for Tetrahedron Letters, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Bio-Organic, and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, and Synthetic Communications journal publications.
Other Editorial Board Members - JMCS
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Lloyd Institue of management and Tech
Erhan Suleymanoglu
Faculty of Pharmacy
Gazi University
Sobhy Mohamed Gomaa
Faculty of Science
Cairo University
Ashraf Youssef Nasr
Department of Anatomy & Embryology
Zagazig University
Madhuresh Kumar Sethi
Research and Development
Mylan Laboratories Limited
Meric Koksal Akkoc
Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Yeditepe University
A. F. M. Motiur Rahman
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
College of Pharmacy, King Saud University
Saudi Arabia
Loai Aljerf
Department of Basic Sciences
Faculty of Dental Medicine
Damascus University
Guohui Li
Department of chemistry
University of Florida