Editorial Board Member - JPSCP

Claude Bakoume
Senior Research OfficerHigh Institute of Medical Technology
Dr. Claude Bakoumé, started writing scientific articles one year after the completion of Engineering in Agronomy. Back from an attachment with a Breeding Unit at Montpellier, He wrote more than 10 planting reports and protocols of progeny trials. He has attended two courses on the scientific writing in 1998 and 2011. From 2008 to date, he has benefited from the advice of a professional editor who is also the editor of all the papers he has contributed published by Journals or presented at different Conferences.
He is the author or co-author of 25 articles in International Journals, 23 in Proceedings. He has contributed to two books, co-authored and co-edited one book, and authored a book chapter. He has closely assisting MSc candidates and Ph.D. candidates he has co-supervised in the writing of their dissertations and theses. He developed editorial skill because of reviewing articles in 19 International Journals. He is also Editorial Board Member and Academic Editor of International Journals.
He has developed editorial skills and implemented editorial standards for both style and quality that make him fit for contributing considerably and significantly to your editorial team thrive.
Dr. Claude Bakoume research interests are in Agronomy, Genetics, Molecular Biology, and Plant Breeding.
Other Editorial Board Members - JPSCP

Mehdi Rahimi
Department of Biotechnology
Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences

Kaveh Ostad-Ali-Askari
Department of Civil Engineering
Islamic Azad University

Ehsan Borzouei
Department of Plant Protection
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

Aly Soliman Hamed Derbalah
Pesticides Chemistry and Toxicology Department
Faculty of Agriculture
Kafr-El-Shiekh University

Gamal Abdel Nasser Khalil
Department of Soil and Agricultural Chemistry
Faculty of Agriculture
Alexandria University

Mehmood Ali Noor
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology

Vingiani Simona
Department of Agricultural Sciences
University of Naples Federico II

Itsanun Wiwatanaratanabutr
Department of Plant Production Technology
Faculty of Agricultural Technology