Editorial Board Member - JPSCP

Faheem Ahmad
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Botany
Aligarh Muslim University
Dr. Faheem Ahmad is an Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology/Nematology, Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, India. He worked as Assistant Professor in Applied Biotechnology Department, CAS-SUR, Ministry of Higher Education, Oman during 2015-2017.
Dr. Faheem Ahmad research interests are in
Plant defence mechanisms, Pathogenicity mechanisms in plants, Disease control, Single living cell approach, Metabolomics of single cell, Water & Osmotic Potential measurement of soil, root, stem, leaves, fruits as well as Turgor Pressure measurement using Isopiestic Psychrometer, Plant-microbe interaction and their identification, Nematode & Bacterial protein isolation and their enrichment using analytical approach, Nanoparticles synthesis and their bio-functionality with organic moieties, Internal Ectectrode Pressure probe technique to isolate cell sap of single living cell and cell sap analysis to obtain the metabolites profiling, MALDI-TOF MS/MS, ESI-MS/MS, DNA Finger printing of Plants, GC-MS analysis of oil content of seeds, Single Drop Microbe Extraction Technique.
Other Editorial Board Members - JPSCP

Itsanun Wiwatanaratanabutr
Department of Plant Production Technology
Faculty of Agricultural Technology

Vingiani Simona
Department of Agricultural Sciences
University of Naples Federico II

Panagiotis A. Eliopoulos
School of Agriculture
Department of Agricultural Technologists

Ehsan Borzouei
Department of Plant Protection
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

Kaveh Ostad-Ali-Askari
Department of Civil Engineering
Islamic Azad University

Gamal Abdel Nasser Khalil
Department of Soil and Agricultural Chemistry
Faculty of Agriculture
Alexandria University

Hani Mansour
Department of Water Relations & Field /irrigation
National Research Center