Journal of Forensic Science & Criminology

Editorial Board Member - JFSC

Syed W. Shah

Associate Professor
School of Health Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia

Dr. Syed W. Shah is Associate Professor of Forensic Science at the School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. His research interests are in the development of high surface area functionalized materials capable of remediating contaminated environments by selective removal of trace inorganics and trace organics. The functionalized materials are developed by insertion of small organic molecules into the polymeric chain, for example, Amberlite XAD-2, XAD-4, XAD-7 and XAD-16. The organo-functionalized XADs are characterized by spectroscopic and thermal methods, and their sorption potential is investigated in batch and column equilibrium conditions. Various isotherm and kinetic models are applied to evaluate the nature of sorption and sorption capacity of the sorbents. Thermodynamics of sorption is also investigated.

Dr. Shah was born on October 19, 1959 in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. He was raised in village Amin Lakho and graduated from University of Sindh with a B.Sc. in chemistry in 1980. He received his M.Sc. in biochemistry in 1980 from the University of Sindh. After M. Sc., he spent two summers as a Biochemist at the Department of Fisheries, Sukkur, Sindh. In May 1986, he joined National Center of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (NCEAC), Jamshoro, as a Junior Research Associate, where he earned Ph. D. degree in analytical chemistry from University of Sindh in 1992. Dr. Shah was promoted to Assistant Professor in 1996, and to Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry in 2000. During his time at NCEAC, he has served as member of Postgraduate Research Committee, Editor of Pakistan Journal of Analytical Chemistry, In charge of the Elemental Microanalysis, Thermal Analysis, Spectroscopy and Thermal Analysis laboratories. For several years he has been a research advisor to M. Phil and Ph. D. students. He taught postgraduate courses in Biochemistry, Medical Physics, and Analytical Chemistry.

Dr. Shah joined Universiti Sains Malaysia in April 2002 as an Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry. As a founder faculty member of the forensic program, he established analytical and forensic laboratories, developed curriculum for the B. Sc. and M. Sc degrees, trained scientific officers on laboratory techniques, and directed over 60 Ph. D., M. Phil, M. Sc. and B. Sc. students. He has taught 18 courses to the undergraduates of forensic science, biomedicine, and environmental and occupational health. He has published and presented over 100 papers in journals and conferences. Dr. Shah has been a member of the American Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, Society for Chemistry and Industry, Chemical Society of Pakistan, Green Chemistry Network, Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia, Asian Analytical Chemistry Network, and European Network on Lateritic Weathering and Global Environment.

Dr. Shah has served as a member of editorial board or reviewer of high impact journals in chemistry, food and agriculture, environment, and chemical education.


• Chromatographic (GC, HPLC, GC-MS), spectroscopic (FTIR, UV-Vis, AAS), thermal (TG, DTA, DSC), thermomechanical (DMA, TMA), and elemental analysis (CHN/S) methods
• Nanotechnology and Bioconjugation
• Molecular Techniques and Cytogenetics
• Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Natural Products Using Spectroscopic Techniques
• Expertise in sampling, sample preparation and trace analysis of agricultural, biological, environmental, food, geological and industrial samples
• Managerial experience of analytical, biomedicine, environmental, forensic, water and soil laboratories
• Wide experience in analytical method development and validation, QC and QA

Other Editorial Board Members - JFSC

Dilek Battal

Associate Professor
Department of Toxicology
Mersin University

Peter R. Valentin

Department of Forensic Science
University of New Haven
United States

Maria Ioannou

Senior Lecturer
University of Huddersfield
United Kingdom

Paraj V. Mandrekar

Research Scientist
Genetic Identity team
Promega Corporation
United States


Portuguese National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences
University of Coimbra

Clemente Maia S. Fernandes

Sao Paulo State University
Araraquara, Sau Paulo

Sarah Hall

Senior Lecturer
Department of Life Sciences
Anglia Ruskin University
United Kingdom

Bill Durham

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Arkansas
United States


Department of Dentistry
Sao Paulo State University

Hongxia Hao

Department of Chemistry
University of Toronto
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