Journal of Environmental Pollution and Control

Editorial Board Member - JEPC

Miklas Scholz

Water Resources Engineering
Lund University

Dr. Miklas Scholz, cand ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng, FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, is Prof. in Water Resources Engineering at Lund University, Sweden. He also holds the Chair in Civil Engineering at The University of Salford, UK. He is the Head of the Civil Engineering Research Group in Salford. Prof. Scholz has shown individual excellence evidenced by world-leading publications, postgraduate supervision and research impact. His main research areas in terms of publication output are as follow: treatment wetlands, integrated constructed wetlands (ICW), sustainable flood retention basins (SFRB), permeable pavement systems, decision support systems, ponds and capillary suction time. About 48% and 46% of his research is in wastewater treatment and water resources management, respectively. The remaining 6% are in capillary processes and water treatment. He has published three books and 209 journal articles. Prof. Scholz’s full journal article publications in recent years are as follows: 2009 (13), 2010 (19), 2011 (13), 2012 (21), 2013 (17), 2014 (15), 2015 (17), 2016 (14) and 2017 (16). Prof. Scholz has total citations of more than 4311 (above 2895 citations since 2012), resulting in an h-index of 32 and an i10-Index of 101 (22 August 2017).

Other Editorial Board Members - JEPC

Adriana Estokova

Head of Department of Material Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Institute of Environmental Engineering

Perihan Akan

Department of Environmental Engineering
Hacettepe University

Bhanu Prakash Mishra

Environmental Science
Mizoram University

Prashant Kumar

Chair of Air Quality and Health
University of Surrey

Juan Jose Alava

Research Associate
Faculty of Science
The University of British Columbia

Hu Li

Post doctor
Department of Geoscience
Southwest Petroleum University

S. Vasudevan

Principal Scientist & Professor
Electroinorganic Chemicals Division
Central Electrochemical Research Institute

Sajjad Pourmozaffar

Assistant professor
Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute

Mohamed M. El Alfy

Associate Professor of Hydrogeology
Prince Sultan Institute For Environment
Water and Desert Research
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia

E Işil Arslan Topal

Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Engineering
Firat University
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