Editorial Board Member - JEPC

S. Vasudevan
Principal Scientist & ProfessorElectroinorganic Chemicals Division
Central Electrochemical Research Institute
Dr. S. Vasudevan is a Principal Scientist & Professor (AcSIR) in Electroinorganic Chemicals Division at CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, India. He obtained his Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry –
Electrochemistry from Alagappa University Karaikudi, India. He received Award for Excellence in Research by EET CRS 2nd Academic Brand Awards, Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award by Global Society for Health & Educational Growth (2016), and many more. He was involved in several national projects. He is serving as an Editor for the highly reputable journals.
Dr. S. Vasudevan is working in diverse areas of electrochemistry for the past 20 years. His research primarily focused on the areas of chemical and electrochemical water treatment, electrochemical and photo-electrochemical generation of hydrogen, synthesis of electroinorganic chemicals, electrochemical waste management, electrocatalysis, magnesium batteries.
Other Editorial Board Members - JEPC

Adolfo Antonio Gutiérrez
National University of Tucumán
School of Natural Sciences and IML

Mariusz Cycon
School of Pharmacy with the Division of Laboratory Medicine
Medical University of Silesia

Adriana Estokova
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Institute of Environmental Engineering

Xujie Lu
School of tropical eco-environment protection
Hainan tropical Ocean University

E Işil Arslan Topal
Department of Environmental Engineering
Firat University

Mohamed M. El Alfy
Prince Sultan Institute For Environment
Water and Desert Research
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia