Editorial Board Member - JERC

Fatemeh Baghbani
Faculty of Biomedical EngineeringAmirkabir University of Technology
Dr. Fatemeh Baghbani received her BSc, MSc and Ph.D. degrees in Biomedical Engineering-Biomaterials from the Amirkabir University of Technology-Iran in 2010, 2012 and 2017. Fatemeh has the expertise in “Controlled Drug Delivery” and “Tissue Engineering”, which helped her to gain valuable experiences in the field of nanoscience (Self-assembled nanoparticles, Polymeric nanoparticles, Lipic nanoparticles, Liposomes, Niosomes), Biopolymers, Hydrogel, Composites, stimuliresponsive drug carriers, smart polymers, bioceramics, cancer-therapy and regenerative medicine. In 2014 and 2015, Fatemeh received the Nanotechnology Prize from Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative council and Ph.D. research Grant Award from Iranian Science, Research, and Technology organization for her exceptional works on ultrasound-responsive nanodroplets for image-guided nanotherapy of breast cancer. Fatemeh has great publication track records in engineering and biological science with 15 ISI papers,
six international conference papers (h-index four with 40 citations).
Other Editorial Board Members - JERC

Kun Luo
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization
Department of Energy Engineering
Zhejiang University

Zafar Said
Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering (SREE) Department
University of Sharjah

Boxun Hu
Center for Clean Energy Engineering
University of Connecticut

Gang Quan
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Florida International University

Shuhui Li
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Alabama