Editorial Board Member - JAFT
Ayman Abdel-Aziz Swelum
Department of Animal ProductionCollege of Food and Agriculture Sciences
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia
Dr. Swelum graduated in 2002 with a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine from the faculty of veterinary medicine, Zagazig University in Egypt. He earned his MS (2006) and Ph.D. (2010) in Theriogenology (Reproductive Medicine and surgery) from Zagazig University.
Dr. Swelum started his career in Egypt and maintains an ongoing affiliation with the university there, teaching and doing research on large animal Theriogenology. Dr. Swelum worked as Assistant Professor of Theriogenology at Zagazig University until 2010. He then accepted a position Assistant Professor of Theriogenology at King Saud University. He is now an associated professor and head of the Theriogenology research team that providing clinical service and conducting research in animal reproduction.
Dr. Swelum devoted most of his career to teaching Theriogenology and conducting applied research on animal reproduction. He served as the resident veterinarian and veterinary consultant to King Abdul-Aziz Arabian Horse Center and Germplasm Bank and Artificial Insemination center in Saudi Arabia. He received several awards recognizing his excellence in teaching, research quality and clinical practice including International Publication award from Zagazig University. Dr. Swelum provided large animal reproductive medicine continuing education programs for veterinarians around the world. He is the author of over 60 scientific research articles. Dr. Swelum is the author of one book and several book chapters on animal reproductive medicine. He is an active member of many societies and association as the International Embryo Transfer Society.
Other Editorial Board Members - JAFT
Pasquale Russo
Food and Environment
University of Foggia
Yong He
College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science
Zhejiang University
M. Sukumar
Centre for Food Technology
Anna University
Seyed Fakhreddin
Faculty of Marine Sciences
Tarbiat Modares University
Mohamed Maarouf Ali Zeinhom
Food Hygiene Department
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Beni-Suef University
Soleiman Abbasi
Department of Food Science and Technology
Tarbiat Modares Univerity
Şebnem Ozturkoglu Budak
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Ankara
Department of Food Engineering
Selcuk University
Naim Deniz Ayaz
Department of Food Hygiene & Technology
Kirikkale University
Olcay Kaplan
Department of Food Engineering
Munzur University