Editorial Board Member - JEPC

Agnieszka Alicja Karczmarczyk
Assistant professorFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Dr. Agnieszka Alicja Karczmarczyk is an Assistant professor at the Department of Environmental Improvement, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland. She authored or co-authored 53 scientific papers published in journals, 11 book chapters or conference proceedings and 8 popularizing articles. Scientific papers were published in international journals. She acts a reviewer for various international journals.
Dr. Agnieszka Alicja Kaczmarczyk's research interests are in
- Upgrading of constructed wetlands and other on-site wastewater treatment systems for phosphorus removal from wastewater
- The use of reactive materials for phosphorus removal from point and non-point sources
- Phosphorus harvesting from surface water by reactive materials
- Development of low P emission substrates and reactive drainage to limit P runoff from green roofs
- Phosphorus control in swimming ponds, backyard ponds, and urban retention ponds
Other Editorial Board Members - JEPC

E Işil Arslan Topal
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Engineering
Firat University
Department of Environmental Engineering
Firat University

Adriana Estokova
Head of Department of Material Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Institute of Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Institute of Environmental Engineering

Antoine Trzcinski
Lecturer in Water and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Southern Queensland
Faculty of Engineering
University of Southern Queensland