Journal of Nursing and Patient Health Care

Editorial Board Member - JNPHC

Mandie Jane Foster

Research Scholar
Edith Cowan University
School of Nursing and Midwifery

Dr. Mandie Jane Foster has integrated a clinical role for over the past twenty seven years, academic position and higher degree (PhD) including innovative translational research into my nursing career. Her area of expertise is paediatric clinical nursing, education and research. She has coordinated and designed interactive blended paediatric undergraduate and postgraduate curricula and have presented at international, national and local conferences, tutored and mentored postgraduate, graduate and undergraduate students within various universities and hospital settings within developed and developing countries. She has contributed to research committees, clinical governance meetings, research planning, monitoring and evaluation, undertaken consultancy activities, promoted nursing research internally and externally and developed strategic research relationships within the universities and hospitals. 

Other Editorial Board Members - JNPHC

Sara Shishehgar

Faculty of Health
University of Technology Sydney

Abdul-Monim Batiha

Associate Professor
Faculty of Nursing
Philadelphia University

Tingzhong Yang

Professor and Director of Social Medicine
Zhejiang University

Mohammad Khayatzadeh Mahani

Assistant Professor
`Occupational Therapy department
Ahvaz Jundishapoor University of Medical Sciences

Gülnaz Karatay

Associate Professor
Public Health Nursing
Munzur University

Majeda Al-Farajat

Quality and Patient Safety
Prince Sultan Cardiac Center
Saudi Arabia

Muntaha K Gharaibeh RN

Professor of Nursing
Jordan University of Science and Technology

Maged A. Tanios

Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine
David Geffen School of Medicine

Huda Faleh Gharaibeh

Associate Professor
Maternal Child Health Department
Faculty of Nursing
Jordan University of Science and Technology

Belal Mahmoud Hamad Hijji

Assistant Professor
Department of Nursing
Alghad International Colleges for Applied Medical Sciences
Kingdom of Saudia Arabia
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