Editorial Board Member - JVSAH

David E. Gerrard
ProfessorDepartment of Animal & Poultry Sciences
Virginia Tech
United States
The overall goal of Dr. Gerrard’s laboratory is to maximize the production of high quality meat. Three distinct yet related approaches have been utilized to attain this goal. Ongoing studies range from understanding the basic biochemistry involved in the transformation of muscle into meat, to applied studies involving technology transfer for monitoring fresh meat quality. In addition, Dr. Gerrard’s research includes fundamental studies focused on understanding muscle growth and development, which directly affects ultimate meat quality. This multidisciplinary approach to meat science spans several domestic and international laboratories.
Other Editorial Board Members - JVSAH

Monique Mancuso
Coastal Marine Environment Institute (IAMC)
National Research Council (CNR)
Coastal Marine Environment Institute (IAMC)
National Research Council (CNR)

Robert Kinobe
Senior Lecturer
Physiology and Pharmacology
School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Physiology and Pharmacology
School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Margaret L. Khaitsa
Associate Professor
Department of Veterinary and Microbiological Sciences
North Dakota State University
United States
Department of Veterinary and Microbiological Sciences
North Dakota State University
United States

Jing Yang
Associate Professor
Department of Comparative Biosciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
United States
Department of Comparative Biosciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
United States

Abdelfattah Y. M. Nour
Department of Basic Medical Sciences
Purdue University
United States
Department of Basic Medical Sciences
Purdue University
United States

Mohammad Obaidat
Assistant Professor
Food Safety and Zoonotic Diseases
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Food Safety and Zoonotic Diseases
Jordan University of Science and Technology

Younes Chorfi
Associate Professor
Department of Veterinary Biomedicine
University of Montreal
Department of Veterinary Biomedicine
University of Montreal