Editorial Board Member - JEPC

R Manivanan
ScientistCentral Water and Power Research Station
Dr. R Manivanan is a Scientist 'B', Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune, India. He has twenty-six years of experience in working various organizations, which includes research and academic positions in India. Having a wide experience in mathematical modeling and simulation of riverine, estuarine and reservoir flow dynamics (hydrodynamics), salinity intrusion, sediment transport, morphological changes and other transport process pertaining to coastal and environmental engineering problems. Also having experience in a field visit, data collection, analysis of the problem, development of software and carrying out collaborative work.
Dr. R Manivanan's research interests include Modelling of Water Resource Problems. Mathematical Modelling of Engineering problems, Water Quality Modelling, Scientific Computation, Recycling of
Industrial Effluents.
Other Editorial Board Members - JEPC

Adolfo Antonio Gutiérrez
National University of Tucumán
School of Natural Sciences and IML

Mohamed M. El Alfy
Prince Sultan Institute For Environment
Water and Desert Research
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia

Sanjay Kumar Shukla
Discipline of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Edith Cowan University

Xujie Lu
School of tropical eco-environment protection
Hainan tropical Ocean University