Editorial Board Member - JATES

Alessia Giannetto
ResearcherDepartment of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences
University of Messina
Dr. Alessia Giannetto, is a researcher at the Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, University of Messina, Italy. She graduated in 2004 with full marks in Biology at University of Messina. She has started her career with a Ph.D. (2005-08) in Biology and Cellular Biotechnologies studying the gene expression of health and stress biomarkers in aquatic organisms. On 2009-10 she is the principal investigator of a research project on epigenetic regulation of sexual maturation and growth in Atlantic cod, funded by Council of Norway and she performs her research activity at the Nord University (Norway), where she engages active collaborations with research groups from several European Universities. From 2011 to November 2016 she continues her research activity as fellow at University of Messina, receiving academic grants, participating to several European research project and producing 25 Peer-Reviewed scientific publications, 18 International conferences, and 32 national conferences.
Other Editorial Board Members - JATES

CAIS Lab. for Environmental Analysis
Center for Applied Isotope Studies
The University of Georgia

Zeljko Jaksic
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Center for marine Research Rovinj

Xiaoqing Guo
National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR)

Yasemin Bakircioglu Kurtulus
Chemistry Department
Faculty of Science
Trakya University

Massoud Kaykhaii
Faculty of Sciences
University of Sistan and Baluchestan