Editorial Board Member - JNPHC

Minoo Asadzandi
Assistant ProfessorFaculty member of spiritual health of the Academy of Medical Sciences
Dr. Minoo Asadzandi is working as an Assistant Professor at Faculty member of spiritual health of the Academy of Medical Sciences, iran. She is Faculty member of Anesthesiology department. She is a founding member of Spiritual Health Research Center, Qom University of Medical Sciences.
Dr. Minoo Asadzandi's research interests include
- Design and validation of spiritual nursing care model
- Investigate the intellectual (spiritual) reactions of patient to disease
- Religious evidence-based guidelines for spiritual care
- Health Counselling Model from the perspective of Islam (for clients &patients)
- Design and implementation of empowerment program of Spiritual health care counseling for health care personnel
Other Editorial Board Members - JNPHC

Belal Mahmoud Hamad Hijji
Assistant Professor
Department of Nursing
Alghad International Colleges for Applied Medical Sciences
Kingdom of Saudia Arabia
Department of Nursing
Alghad International Colleges for Applied Medical Sciences
Kingdom of Saudia Arabia

Zaid Mohammad Issa Al-Hamdan
Associate Professor
Faculty of Nursing, Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Nursing, Jordan University of Science and Technology

Huda Faleh Gharaibeh
Associate Professor
Maternal Child Health Department
Faculty of Nursing
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Maternal Child Health Department
Faculty of Nursing
Jordan University of Science and Technology

Mandie Jane Foster
Research Scholar
Edith Cowan University
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Edith Cowan University
School of Nursing and Midwifery

Özüm Erkin
Research Assistant
Public Health Nursing Department
Ege University Faculty of Nursing
Public Health Nursing Department
Ege University Faculty of Nursing

Filiz Ozel
Assistant professor
Department of Internal Diseases Nursing
Kastamonu University Faculty of Health Science
Department of Internal Diseases Nursing
Kastamonu University Faculty of Health Science