Editorial Board Member - JMSN

Alamgir Hossain
ProfessorDepartment of Chemistry
Jackson State University
United States
Dr. Md. Alamgir Hossain is a professor in the Department of Chemistry at Jackson State University, USA. He received his Ph. D in Chemistry from the University of Hokkaido, Japan in 1996. He is the recipient several prestigious awards including 'Outstanding Scientific Award' for outstanding contribution to Science from Mississippi Academy of Science (2017). 'Mississippi Chemist of the Year' from the American Chemical Society (2012), 'Outstanding Divisional Chair' from Mississippi Academy of Science (2012), 'NSF CAREER Award' from National Science Foundation (2011), 'HEADWAE Award' from the Mississippi State (2011), and 'JSU Faculty of the Year' from Jackson State University (2011).
His research was highlighted in Chemical and Engineering News, featured in ACS’s home page and selected as cover pages of several top scientific journals including 'Inorganic Chemistry', 'Dalton Transactions' and 'Chemical Communications'. His current research is supported by the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation. He published over 100 research articles in the peer-reviewed journals, three book chapters, and contributed over 200 presentations at different national and international scientific conferences and symposia.
- Supramolecular Chemistry
- Anion Recognition
- Molecular Sensors
- Binding Studies
- Organic Synthesis
- Hosts-guest Chemistry
- Non-covalent interactions
- Molecular Recognition
- Coordination Chemistry
- Self-assembly
Other Editorial Board Members - JMSN

Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Louisiana State University
United States

Carlo Monaco
Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences
University of Bologna

Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
The University of Tulsa
United States

Emil Bulatov
Department of Chemical Biology Group
Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
Kazan Federal University

Hong Ma
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Washington
United States

Patrick Ilg
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Reading
United Kingdom

Jiye Fang
Department of Chemistry
New York State University,Binghamton United States