Editorial Board Member - JFSC

Altayeb Ahmed
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Basic Medical Sciences
King Saudi Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
Saudi Arabia
Dr. Altayeb Abdalla Ahmed is an Associate Professor of Anatomy in the College of Medicine, Riyadh, King Saudi Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Ahmed research interest is primarily focused on the variations in skeletal morphology; multi-disciplinary analysis of skeleton and body parts, metrically and morphologically. His work aims to validate and explore alternative approaches for the quantification of human skeleton and to advocate its potential applications in the forensic and biological anthropology, including traits, adaptation, body proportions, ethnicity determination, sexual dimorphism, and stature estimation, and functional anatomy of limbs. Other research areas connected to the above; include forensic anthropology, skeletal biology, archeology, forensic medicine, forensic dentistry and orthopedics. Furthermore, He is interested in establishing population-specific anatomical variations.
Dr. Ahmed received his MBBS for University of Gezira – Sudan (1995), and then did his MSc degree (2005) and PhD degree (2010), both in Human Morphology from University of Khartoum- Sudan. He has worked as Lecturer and Assistant Professor in Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum and different Sudanese universities. He has also been a Visiting Fellow in Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies (LCHES), Cambridge University, UK (2007-2008). Currently; He is committed as Academic (teaching/ research) staff working as Assistant Professor then Associate Professor of Anatomy, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Riyadh, King Saudi Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He has been a research advisor to MSc students. Dr. Ahmed has several peer-reviewed national and international published articles. He has been a member of American Association of Physical Anthropology, American Journal of Clinical Anatomists, and American Journal of Anatomists. He has served as a member of editorial board or reviewer of several journals.
Human Osteology; Anthropometry; Biological Anthropometry; Forensic Anthropology; Forensic Dentistry
Other Editorial Board Members - JFSC

Portuguese National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences
University of Coimbra

Ronn Johnson
Department of Psychiatry
Creighton University Medical School
United States