Editorial Board Member - JFSC

Lisa M Dadio
LecturerDepartment of Forensic science
University of New Haven
Prof. Dadio is a retired Police Lieutenant from the New Haven Police Department in Connecticut where she spent approximately 16 years in the detective division, in the capacity of a Detective, Sergeant and then Lieutenant. Prof. Dadio spent approximately 4 years in the NHPD's crime scene unit, processing a few hundred crime scenes ranging from vandalism to homicides. In addition, Prof. Dadio was a certified law enforcement instructor for the state of Connecticut, certified to teach both recruits and sworn officers in the areas of criminal investigation, crime scene investigation, forensic photography, sexual assault and bias crimes, child abuse investigations, domestic violence investigations, homicide investigations.
Since retiring from the police department in 2012, she has taught in higher education and three years ago returned to the University of New Haven as a lecturer from the University where she was once an undergraduate and then graduate student. At the University, she teaches Crime Scene Investigation and Introduction to Forensic Science to undergraduate students and Principles of Forensic Science, Survey of Forensic Science and Death Investigations to graduate students. Additionally, Prof. Dadio is the graduate program coordinator for our Forensic Technology degree.
Criminal investigation, Crime scene investigation, Forensic photography, Sexual assault and Bias crimes, Child abuse investigations, Domestic violence investigations, Homicide investigations
Other Editorial Board Members - JFSC

Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences
Tuskegee University
United States

Antonina Argo
Department of Medical Biotechnology and Forensic Medicine
University of Palermo