Editorial Board Member - JDOC

Ziad N. AL-Dwairi
ProfessorFixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Dr. Ziad N. Al-Dwairi works as Vice Dean and Director of Dental Teaching Clinics at Faculty of Dentistry/ Jordan University of Science and technology. He is Professor of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry at Jordan University of Science and Technology, holds PhD in Prosthodontics, Queens University/Belfast, UK. He is the President of Jordanian Section of International Association for Dental Research. He is Jordan Representative at OSAP (Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures). He is member of many associations and he holds several International prizes and honors. He has more than 45 publications in high impact international journals. In addition he works as a reviewer for 35 International Peer reviewed Journals and on editorial board of 21 International Journals.
Dr. Ziad N. Al-Dwairi’s research includes Oral Infections related to removable prostheses, Infection Control, Esthetics Dentistry, Implant Dentistry, Restoration of Endodontically treated teeth, Periodontics-Restorative Dentistry Interface, Shortened Dental arch.
Other Editorial Board Members - JDOC

Gregory K. Spackman
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Texas Health Science Center
United States

Lawrence Gettleman
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials
University of Texas
United States

Department of Preventive & Pediatric Dentistry
College of Dentistry
Gulf Medical University
United Arab Emirates

Department of Periodontology & Oral Implantolog
Temple University
United States

Steven I. Present
Department of Restorative Dentistry
Temple University
United States

Mohammad Mohammad Al-Sehimy
Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine
Cairo University

Zeinab Abd Elsalam Abd Ellatif
Department of Oral &Maxillofacial Radiology
Faculty Dentistry
King Abdulaziz University
Saudi Arabia

Department of Periodontology
School of Dental Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
United States